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Digital Foundry's Alex on Project Eve's main female character: "old (2000's) and not flattering to a Modern Audience...in comparison to...Forespoken"

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Gold Member
Is this the same guy who got roasted by Resetera so badly he had an episode of depression and crawled back to the forum on his knees repenting for not being woke enough?
Don't forget him calling all gamers terrible people or some shit like that to score points in the purple cesspool, the same gamers who pay his bills most probably...

The guy is a woke idiot without a spine, and he deserves all the mockery he gets.


It goes further than that, like I said in my previous post, the model doesn't look far off from a real Korean woman wearing make up. He's basically saying any current day Korean woman wearing make up looks like an outdated concept.
Again I'm just utterly baffled why this is even such a thing to begin with. Compared to so many other "objectified" character designs of the past that these neo-puritans have gotten up in arms over, this particular girl is far more tame than most. Nor do I get the "unrealistic" complaints aside from the overall glossiness/shinyness of the in-game model (which does make her doll-like or robot-like, which might be the point)

I mean, has anyone even bothered looking at Korean women lately from their pop culture?



I'm also perplexed by the complaints about her breast size. She's absolutely no way anywhere near some of the more larger or exaggerated proportions that have been much more frequently seen before.


It's a fictional digital character.

This is what has come from the last 10 years of the antics of the woke intersectionalists.

Nah it's because they copy pasted a toddlers head on it..

Hard to know if sarcastic anymore. But if not, then this here, is an idiot.
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Reseterror Resettler
Don't forget him calling all gamers terrible people or some shit like that to score points in the purple cesspool, the same gamers who pay his bills most probably...

The guy is a woke idiot without a spine, and he deserves all the mockery he gets.

I'll never get it. This stuff doesn't happen with Hollywood, or literature, or music. Gaming in the only sphere I can think of where "insiders," and "influencers," who make their living off of a group of creators and consumers just ceaselessly spits vitriol at both. Clown world, as always.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I actually find this thread strangely educational, in that I'm being asked to deconstruct a position that I hold that's just so obvious to me that I probably haven't thought about it much for a while.
What did you expect?
It's kind of disconcerting to see so many people question how such imagery could be sexist when it just seems self-evident.
Any chance you may be… wrong? It does not seem you enter the argument entertaining that possibility.
To me it's demeaning in the same way that a woman dancing nude for men in a strip club is demeaning, ie *obviously*. It's objectification: the treatment of a person as valuable only in their ability to titillate.

I'd thought that civilised people had accepted that a woman presented in a non-sexual context like this - a videogame character whose sex is irrelevant to her role in the game - should be depicted as much as possible as a rounded human being. Instead presenting her as something to be leered at just seems inherently disrespectful to women.

To me it's weird that anyone would question this.

Do you all, for example, reject the idea that the original Lara Croft character model, with her hot pants and gigantic pointy tits, is sexist? Isn't it just *obviously* so?
I think you are projecting here though. It seems
Like this character is in a worse context than the stripper you are quoting and yeah, that is how civil discourse goes. You argue your ideas as other argue theirs.

Things might seem self evident to you that are not to others. I see the fictional character of Lara Croft as a sexualised character that was also defined by a whole lot of other things: when I think about Tomb Raider I think explorations, narrow death, puzzles, isolation and eery ambient sounds… you focus on T&A. You say it was defined as purely T&A. What do you say to women that are open about their body and sexuality and put it on display? That they hate themselves, are selling out, have internalised misogyny? Isn’t you that have an idea of how women should look like and how they should behave and is trying to pass it as “should do it for society’s and their own good” ?

Also, these are not humans forced to slave labor and videogame characters and it is a bit disingenuous to resurrect the age old “they are corrupting society” / think of the children angle too, but that is a can of worm in and of itself.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
This might come as shock to you, but I can find someone sexually appealing AND acknowledge them as a whole person.
Whenever I hear people say things like this it always makes me wonder if they look at their real life partners in the same way.

Do you no longer respect your partner because you've seen them naked and had sex?
Or other family members that you've seen naked?
Why does seeing someone naked dehumanize them in your eyes? It's a totally arbitrary and self-imposed mindset to have you're really only exposing how you view things.

I can think that 2B's design is sexy ( and cool ) while at the same time finding her a compelling character beyond that too.
If you're incapable of this the problem isn't 2B the problem is you.

The one thing I'd agree with here is that the camera slowmo's were a bit silly but people are mostly bitching about her attire and proportions not the camera. And even then it's still a you problem if you can't take the game and character seriously just because of that it's seriously the most shallow view of it imaginable.
This whole idea that sex and sexuality is demeaning is such a sad mentality to have, and it's definitely not just you even a lot of people on the Conservative side who only defend this game because of the culture war still have that mindset too ( see the extreme hate towards women with Onlyfans or women who do literally anything sexual ).
We're human beings not animals we're supposed to be capable of having more nuanced views and feelings on things like this.
Even characters like Bayonetta actually has more going for her than to ONLY be sexual, even if it's one of her core traits just like dudes being beefy and angry or whatever is it doesn't change that and negate everything else beyond that.

You say what you say, but you're doing exactly what you're complaining about. You're treating the character as only valuable in terms of titillation simply because you found her titillating.
That is actual objectification 101.
Very very well said!


Gold Member
Again I'm just utterly baffled why this is even such a thing to begin with. Compared to so many other "objectified" character designs of the past that these neo-puritans have gotten up in arms over, this particular girl is far more tame than most. Nor do I get the "unrealistic" complaints aside from the overall glossiness/shinyness of the in-game model (which does make her doll-like or robot-like, which might be the point)

I mean, has anyone even bothered looking at Korean women lately from their pop culture?



I'm also perplexed by the complaints about her breast size. She's absolutely no way anywhere near some of the more larger or exaggerated proportions that have been much more frequently seen before.


This is what has come from the last 10 years of the antics of the woke intersectionalists.

Hard to know if sarcastic anymore. But if not, then this here, is an idiot.
I don't know how much plasticky fake dolly they are but fuck me the first 3 koreans chick are gorgeous, holy cow.
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She didn't kick off nothing. That kind of hair style existed in Africa for centuries. It's just another thing that the white man / woman stole and is trying to take credit for it.

Did she invent it? No. But she made it a fashion trend most recently. Started to see it a lot in games and in public at times after that.


Again I'm just utterly baffled why this is even such a thing to begin with. Compared to so many other "objectified" character designs of the past that these neo-puritans have gotten up in arms over, this particular girl is far more tame than most. Nor do I get the "unrealistic" complaints aside from the overall glossiness/shinyness of the in-game model (which does make her doll-like or robot-like, which might be the point)

I mean, has anyone even bothered looking at Korean women lately from their pop culture?



I'm also perplexed by the complaints about her breast size. She's absolutely no way anywhere near some of the more larger or exaggerated proportions that have been much more frequently seen before.


This is what has come from the last 10 years of the antics of the woke intersectionalists.

Hard to know if sarcastic anymore. But if not, then this here, is an idiot.
That's what I'm saying. The comparison they used is Forspoken, in which the man character looks closer to that of a woman who would be in groups of introverts who rarely go out, and only tend to be around people they know or have interest in.


The model isn't wearing makeup, hair looks untouched besides a comb, complexion looks like she rarely goes outside (nearly sickly), just all around like an introvert who mostly stays inside.

While Project Eve's model looks like a young Korean woman with make up on in the way that's popularly done in South Korea.

This Alex guy needs to realize that just because some western developers are introverts who like to make that reflection in their character design, doesn't mean all people look like that. It's not up to him or his circle what look is for today's audience or what isn't. The most he could say is that for today's introverted hipster audience who might play video games, the Korean make up look is unappealing.


always chasing the next thrill
Again I'm just utterly baffled why this is even such a thing to begin with. Compared to so many other "objectified" character designs of the past that these neo-puritans have gotten up in arms over, this particular girl is far more tame than most. Nor do I get the "unrealistic" complaints aside from the overall glossiness/shinyness of the in-game model (which does make her doll-like or robot-like, which might be the point)

I mean, has anyone even bothered looking at Korean women lately from their pop culture?



I'm also perplexed by the complaints about her breast size. She's absolutely no way anywhere near some of the more larger or exaggerated proportions that have been much more frequently seen before.


This is what has come from the last 10 years of the antics of the woke intersectionalists.

Hard to know if sarcastic anymore. But if not, then this here, is an idiot.

Animated GIF

sexy as f m8
This might come as shock to you, but I can find someone sexually appealing AND acknowledge them as a whole person.

This says it all really.
Unfortunately, according to H Hunnybun you can only have meaningful relationships with people that you find ugly because he cannot fathom that humans are multi-layered beings.

Is like trashing Era for it's cancel culture, while advocating for cancelling someone. You shoud go to Era. Not me.

Who the f*ck is trying to cancel anybody here? People are making light of some public figure's pathetic opinion. That other forum would not be contempt with mere biting satire, you know that full well.
Close this thread.

It was okay earlier but it had gotten very toxic.

Alex comment was uncalled for yes giving his platform and the counter argument by using Bayonetta is valid but we start to loose and even start to prove a point for non gaf audience by slowly sound sexist when we try to compare this to FORESPOKEN character.

We even started to argue if sexy characters like Bayonetta and project eve within these monster is intentionally distracting, which is a completely separate discussion.

Lets also not direct any name calling n to Alex's.



So weird to hear these takes when you've had character designs in recent years such as Nier Automata's 2B and of course Bayonetta. Also have to love the direct comparison to something like Forespoken here.

At least personally I'm not a big fan of Hyung-tae Kim's character design on an aesthetic level, but I'm not gonna wax poetic about something like "not fitting for a (quote), "Modern Audience", or that it comes from a "bygone era".

To me the Project Eve main character isn't even that "out there" for eastern/anime character design, compared to say the Xenoblade 2 designs of Pyra/Mythra. So I'm even more confused why so many in the "games media" industry seem so "put off" by it.




Do these gents not get out much or something?

You can see more revealing outfits at any concert, beach, festival or just at a nightclub pretty much anywhere in the world. Outfits worn by actual real women.

The character design is fine. Is it designed to be nice to look at? Probably.

How did we arrive at this place where men seem to get really, really, uppity when they see a woman in entertainment who looks "sexy" or "attractive" or whatever?

Is it some kind of fear like "oh my god lads if my partner sees me playing this game she's gonna flip" so they'd rather game devs just keep it tasteful. What about single blokes then? They get nothing?

I thought all these dudes nowadays are really into financially supporting only fans models and twitch gamer girls? Surely this is a win for them?


DEV: What? we are not being overly sexualized... Its Common to dress like that here..

Now moving on... Here is a new monster we call the P@#$Y RIPPER!!

It's hilarious to look at that enemy design, see the actual gameplay in action, and then start moaning that the main characters outfit is a bit too unrealistic. :)

The Ideal Game.
Enemy designs wild and elaborate.
Environments spectacular and epic.
Action over the top and ridiculous.
Female protagonist in hoody and jeans.
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Do these gents not get out much or something?

You can see more revealing outfits at any concert, beach, festival or just at a nightclub pretty much anywhere in the world. Outfits worn by actual real women.

The character design is fine. Is it designed to be nice to look at? Probably.

How did we arrive at this place where men seem to get really, really, uppity when they see a woman in entertainment who looks "sexy" or "attractive" or whatever?

Is it some kind of fear like "oh my god lads if my partner sees me playing this game she's gonna flip" so they'd rather game devs just keep it tasteful. What about single blokes then? They get nothing?

I thought all these dudes nowadays are really into financially supporting only fans models and twitch gamer girls? Surely this is a win for them?

It's not about sexy women IRL, or even about sexy women in entertainment or movies. They only care to comment about it if it's in games.

Because devs started entertaining these weirdos way back in the Anita S days they know making comments about it actually causes some impact on game design, so they'll keep doing it.


Don't forget Danger Hair side-shaved cut. Extra Bonus points for ugly tattoos and piercings.
What a bizarre world we live in, eh?
Young ones on Twitter and Tik Tok constantly banging on about sex and gender and sexuality.
Put a sexy character in a videogame and they freak the hell out.
Do a sexy cosplay of a videogame character though and they're falling over themselves to pay 10 bucks for the "premium" pictures.



It's not about sexy women IRL, or even about sexy women in entertainment or movies. They only care to comment about it if it's in games.

Because devs started entertaining these weirdos way back in the Anita S days they know making comments about it actually causes some impact on game design, so they'll keep doing it.

Maybe there is a desperation for games to be taken seriously?

At my work there are younger women in their early 20s who would still hold the opinion that videogames are basically for kids.

Of course they all watch absolutely dreadful reality TV and have shockingly bad taste in movies but still would see games as toys for boys at the end of the day.

I think maybe some of these lads feel like if you can insist that The Last of Us 2 is super deep and made you cry that the hobby will be more respected. Then you have these developers coming along and ruining it with "come see the Sexy Woman Destroys Giant Alien Monsters With A Sword Game".

Probably gaming is the only medium held to this standard. You like music? Books? Movies? Art? Let's not try and pretend that there is some absolute tripe produced in those mediums.

Netflix is full to bursting with absolute rancid garbage. Yet nobody really comes out trying to desperately convince people that their 3 to 5 hours and night and 20 hours on weekends Netflix habit is totally valid.

I also blame AS for some of this. She did this awesome job of essentially ridiculing the gaming industry and the medium to a point that you have these guys who are weirdly ashamed of their hobby.

This clown in the video is crying about a sexy woman in a game while his wife is in the next room rubbing herself raw over 50 Shades of Grey.


Maybe there is a desperation for games to be taken seriously?

At my work there are younger women in their early 20s who would still hold the opinion that videogames are basically for kids.

Of course they all watch absolutely dreadful reality TV and have shockingly bad taste in movies but still would see games as toys for boys at the end of the day.

I think maybe some of these lads feel like if you can insist that The Last of Us 2 is super deep and made you cry that the hobby will be more respected. Then you have these developers coming along and ruining it with "come see the Sexy Woman Destroys Giant Alien Monsters With A Sword Game".

Probably gaming is the only medium held to this standard. You like music? Books? Movies? Art? Let's not try and pretend that there is some absolute tripe produced in those mediums.

Netflix is full to bursting with absolute rancid garbage. Yet nobody really comes out trying to desperately convince people that their 3 to 5 hours and night and 20 hours on weekends Netflix habit is totally valid.

I also blame AS for some of this. She did this awesome job of essentially ridiculing the gaming industry and the medium to a point that you have these guys who are weirdly ashamed of their hobby.

This clown in the video is crying about a sexy woman in a game while his wife is in the next room rubbing herself raw over 50 Shades of Grey.
People thought Last of Us was deep? Did it really make people cry? Damn ...bunch of softies in this world.


meanwhile young women will be showing up at every nerd related convention in existence dressed up as this character and people like this dude will "yas queen" them till the cows come home. Everyone's getting real tired of all the double standards surrounding the expression of women's sexuality, like how it can be either empowering or oppressive depending on the narrative preference of these whiners on any given day. There are enough gender bending badass sidepart half-shaved hairdo girl boss character designs in modern videogames to the point where its now essentially a parody and at best generic. devs would be wise to realize that any efforts made to appease these weirdos will NEVER be enough.
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Maybe there is a desperation for games to be taken seriously?

At my work there are younger women in their early 20s who would still hold the opinion that videogames are basically for kids.

Of course they all watch absolutely dreadful reality TV and have shockingly bad taste in movies but still would see games as toys for boys at the end of the day.

I think maybe some of these lads feel like if you can insist that The Last of Us 2 is super deep and made you cry that the hobby will be more respected. Then you have these developers coming along and ruining it with "come see the Sexy Woman Destroys Giant Alien Monsters With A Sword Game".

Probably gaming is the only medium held to this standard. You like music? Books? Movies? Art? Let's not try and pretend that there is some absolute tripe produced in those mediums.

Netflix is full to bursting with absolute rancid garbage. Yet nobody really comes out trying to desperately convince people that their 3 to 5 hours and night and 20 hours on weekends Netflix habit is totally valid.

I also blame AS for some of this. She did this awesome job of essentially ridiculing the gaming industry and the medium to a point that you have these guys who are weirdly ashamed of their hobby.

This clown in the video is crying about a sexy woman in a game while his wife is in the next room rubbing herself raw over 50 Shades of Grey.

Nothing about woke ideologies makes sense. Once you realize one of the core tenets for these types of people is hypocrisy then you won't bother wasting time trying to figure out what's going on in their minds.

Oversexualization is certainly a societal issue, but I don't think gaming is even close to being a top offender.
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Yup. Really respect to all Gaf's member who opposed for this "racist" or maybe "xenophobia" against East Asian men and woman who still actively chasing this kind of beauty traits (perfect doll like beauty) and as a Asian I assure you this kind of beauty still popular among East Asian's (for both men or women).
- Whitening skin care treatment still high on demand
- Our beauty and fashion industry mostly still using women with this kind of beauty traits to market their product so does our entertainment industry (movie/tv/books/ etc)
- JAV as a one of the biggest east asian porn industry in the world also still adopt this kind of beauty

By stated this as an outdated, they really mock our culture especially on regards of beauty.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Pathetic. If Alex finds attractive women in games too distracting then he should seek professional help. Might even be too late for him. From the sounds of it, he's already at Francis Dolarhyde from Red Dragon stage.

This is why I stopped visiting Eurogamer. They try and be so progressive that it's embarrassing.

Anybody remember when they tried to get some "history expert" to point out how there COULD have been the odd nonwhite person in 15th century Bohemia, so there isn't any reason why all characters in Kingdom Come should be white.
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His just mad he can't get any real hot pussy because he believes that hot and sexy women should not be allowed in video games. I never will understand this mentality. Hot women exist and they should also exist in the media. Sex sells. Fucking pussy.


Does anyone know where this "Sidecut DangerHair" thing started? because for real it's like become so prevalent that I've seen it far far more in games than any other media (some films sure), and I've never seen that hairstyle in real life at all. What exactly is it supposed to represent? Aside from making the female character look more male?
Goes back to Skrillex.


Man... sometimes I really wish that the world had ended back in the predictions of Nostradamus.

Too much soy milk nowadays.

Honestly, I'm more into oat these days, but soy will do in a pinch. Still better than dairy - don't know how we ever wound up doing that, but you can be damn sure the guy who first decided to try it probably did a lot of other really weird shit :D
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I actually find this thread strangely educational, in that I'm being asked to deconstruct a position that I hold that's just so obvious to me that I probably haven't thought about it much for a while. It's kind of disconcerting to see so many people question how such imagery could be sexist when it just seems self-evident.

The literal definition of sexism is discrimination against women on the basis of sex alone. Or it could also be defined as the generalisation of one or more traits or temperamental factors across the entire population of individuals who subscribe to that category (i.e. female), either positive or negative -- stereotyping fits within this definition.

In which case, it's not clear at all that overtly sexualized imagery is inherently sexist.

If the imagery in question was intended to represent all women, and thus was in itself presenting a stereotypical view of women, then yeah I could see the sexism argument having merit. But in this case, we have a singular fictional character who is ostensibly intended by the author to represent only this fictional character. How then can it be sexist?

To me it's demeaning in the same way that a woman dancing nude for men in a strip club is demeaning, ie *obviously*. It's objectification: the treatment of a person as valuable only in their ability to titillate.

This raises a much more interesting point to me about the objectification of people in a broader context.

I must ask the question. Is objectification inherently bad?

If you consider a sports star, for example. Michael Jordan is known and valued in the minds of people exclusively for his ability to play basketball. That follows logically the definition of objectification.

It's therefore not clear to me at all, why it's ok for people to objectify Michael Jordan, and not so for someone working in the sex or erotica industries.

Realistically, we objectify people in plenty of different contexts and applications, i.e. we value them only for what they can deliver/do rather than who they are. But that's simply an artefact of societal limitations.

We can't know everyone on a personal level, only those within our personal relational circles. Thus everyone outside of those circles are objectified by us to some extent.

Likewise, considering the subject of sexual objectification, if the parties involved are so consensually, e.g. many women involved in the sex industries are driven by voyeuristic fantasies that provide themselves with heightened sexual arousal at the thought of being desired by the men who partake in the spectatorship of the sexual act. How are we to argue for them on their behalf that they are being demeaned when not only do their consent to being sexually objectified, they even enjoy it?

To conclude that sexual objectification is universally demeaning to the people being objectified is to project your own personal subjective biases and views on sexual conduct onto others. The fact is, some women may feel demeaned by being sexually objectified, but clearly not all women do, and therefore concluding the practice is demeaning is simply siding with one group over the other.

In the case, however, like we're discussing here where the subject of any sexual objectification is a fictional character, any argument about the imagery being demeaning or objectifying appears entirely moot. Who is being objectified? Who is it demeaning to? A fictional character that doesn't exist? That would be absurd an argument to make.

Therefore, you must be therefore arguing that the objectification of a fictional character is demeaning to real women, or will result in the objectification of real women.

To the former point, context is everything. Unless the fictional character is intended to depict a particular real-world group or individual, the argument holds no weight. Equally, to the latter point, you'd need to provide real-world data showing a clear correlation in human behavioural studies to even begin to be taken seriously with an argument like this, and to my knowledge, no such studies have been conducted (because it would be notoriously difficult to construct in a way that gives meaningful results).

I'd thought that civilised people had accepted that a woman presented in a non-sexual context like this - a videogame character whose sex is irrelevant to her role in the game - should be depicted as much as possible as a rounded human being. Instead presenting her as something to be leered at just seems inherently disrespectful to women.

This appeal to "civilised people" is a bit of a poor taste attempt at gas-lighting.

Social commentators in the post-modern era have said a lot of things about female representation in gaming. Not much of it has been actually backed up by any sort of quantitative analysis.

Therefore, simply accepting qualitative opinion on female representation among the fictional characters of a media art form, without seeing any empirical evidence to support the broadly speculated conclusions, is actually the complete opposite of what a sceptical civilised society should be doing in the modern era.

If someone posits that seeing overtly sexualised imagery in games might be mal-affecting the ability of boys in society to properly relate with girls in real-world society, that amounts to merely a hypothesis, that MUST be substantiated by quantitative study and analysis in order to determine the veracity of the claim. This hasn't happened.

So in the absence of any evidence to support the broad sweeping conclusions of social commentators, we're now trying to enforce artificial rules governing the representation of fictional male and female characters in games on their developers....? That doesn't seem at all rational nor civilised to me.

Games are an art form, more similar to visual art and books than even TV and film. The characters are purely fictional, even down to their visual design. Thus the idea that the representation of a fictional female form would have any impact at all on the way in which real-world humans view other real-world humans seems like a reach. Thus, I see no reason to try to force artists to try to make their artistic designs conform to a set of artificial rules based on real-world issues when these designs do not exist in the real-world and never will. Why should we force an artist to draw a character who conforms to realistic norms?

It's censorship of artistic expression. In a civilised society, why would we want to do that?

To me it's weird that anyone would question this.

Only because, as you admit in the first part of your post, you're probably imbibed a lot of the discussion from social commentators and activists in this area, never really thought deeply about or scrutinised their reasoning, and thus never considered that there can be a very rational and well reasoned opposing viewpoint... and there are.... there are many.

Do you all, for example, reject the idea that the original Lara Croft character model, with her hot pants and gigantic pointy tits, is sexist?

Of course!... Her design isn't sexist at all. How can you possibly define sexism in a way that encompasses her design? Unless you so expand your definition such that it becomes so all encompassing as to be meaningless.

Isn't it just *obviously* so?

Nope, and I hope that by now after all I've written above you can see why that is.


I don't fully disagree with Alex but I wouldn't call here design distracting or outdated. Woke gamers just have to realise that as long there are horny males out there, there are guarantee sales for such female designs - its a fact of live 🤷‍♂️


I'm not understanding logic behind this post, you cant like beautiful designs unless you are "horny"? People say this and yet in west more games has unnecessary sex scenes like you see TLOU2.

A arousing or sexy design can also be beautiful and this why such designs are also so elaborate/busy. Also I don't understand why neogaf likes to always mention TLOU2, do you folks have some kind of trauma with that game?


The nicest person on this forum
A arousing or sexy design can also be beautiful and this why such designs are also so elaborate/busy. Also I don't understand why neogaf likes to always mention TLOU2, do you folks have some kind of trauma with that game?
Because people who play that game who also shit other games that its made for “horny” people and yet TLOU2 has full on nudity and sex scenes.
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I don't fully disagree with Alex but I wouldn't call here design distracting or outdated. Woke gamers just have to realise that as long there are horny males out there, there are guarantee sales for such female designs - its a fact of live 🤷‍♂️
IRL as a male, I don't deny that I had like my partner more if she can as physically attractive (though what you find attractive may vary by culture/environment etc) as I want and thus I will chase the one who closest to it.

And I of course old enough to know that not all my desire above can be archieved thus in the end I and so does as we all as a male must to choose.

So what's wrong if I want my entertainment product has this kind of ideal women? is it because I horny? is it because I am incel?
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The nicest person on this forum
What I’m getting at here is they claim they want diversity and equality but in actuality thats complete BS, what they really want is push western view in to other cultures because that’s only one considered acceptable in their eyes.

That awfully reminds me of how Angels in SMT view the world.


This modern design stuff is bullshit.

Thousands of women are sexualizing themselves across social media, but somehow a "sexualized" female character in a video game is going too far? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Something something "they (real women) have agency" and "game characters have no agency", so that makes it ok in the case of the former example. Yet if all game characters don't have any agency, why is this a big deal to begin with? And how does this even compare and connect to real world women in the first place?

Don't expect either logic or consistency from the people who advocate such things.
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What I’m getting at here is they claim they want diversity and equality but in actuality thats complete BS, what they really want is push western view in to other cultures because that’s only one considered acceptable in their eyes.

That awfully reminds me of how Angels in SMT view the world.

Totally agree. This feeling represents well this new generatiom...any culture other than the western way of thinking is deemed as harmfull or disgusting. This plus the fact that any concept of pretty women in game means that "you just like because you want a wank material".

Quite ironic their prejudice against others cultures as if they were their savior.
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The Skull

This modern design stuff is bullshit.

Thousands of women are sexualizing themselves across social media, but somehow a "sexualized" female character in a video game is going too far? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Shove something up your ass and sell it on OnlyFans - "YASSSS QUEEN SLAY!". Have a video game character adhere to fashion and beauty standards of where she was designed - "DiS iS NoT fOr A mOdErN AuDiEnCe"

Seriously I just think Alex is more mad that this game got more attention than his pics.


A lot of you are shouting at the wind at some imaginary boogeyman, nobody in here is calling for a ban on sexy characters in games, no one is calling for women to dress modestly ffs and those of us that aren't drooling at our screens can clearly see through the crass marketing and simply find it cringey as fuck, personally it ain't my type of game as I hate that Asian style of game which is a pity as they can build incredibly realistic world's but seem to just fill them with either questionable 12y.o anime characters or shiney sex dolls, but hey guys whatever floats yer boat...

Now where's my poster of Abby...
Makes me laugh when people mention the word "sexist". The world is sexist. Dynamics between men and women has always been sexist and always will be. The are plenty of sexist privileges women benefit from in society and they arent going to give up any of that shit. As always its "remove the sexism that I dont benefit from".
Since I can't like this post twice, I'll quote it instead.


Even though it's not for me I think there's market and space for this kind of design. Can't see it doing harm to society as some people think it is.
Just don't be surprised if it puts a lot of people off and be more of a niche thing.
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I always find it funny that most of the people who complain about these designs are Male gamers. There is this idea that women in general have issues with such designs, but the fact is most do not give a crap. Not once in my life in the real world have I ever heard a woman whine about sexy character designs in video games. Its always this small section of whiners on the internet who are complaining.
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