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Digital Foundry's Alex on Project Eve's main female character: "old (2000's) and not flattering to a Modern Audience...in comparison to...Forespoken"

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I do get you getting triggered at someone like Alex (with whom I disagree a lot), but this really feels out of an early 2000 game.

And let me be clear, I'm completely fine with sexualized characters this is a design issue.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
The more people chip away at this character design the more I’m expecting a ‘we’re sorry we didn’t hear you and we are listening’ message to come out from the devs and the character to be drastically changed.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Why doesn’t Eve get the benefit of the doubt though? It’s not like we know the story or measured her character with a single trailer.

If Bayo 1 released today, will it still be acceptable or is it excused now because it released quite some time ago? Double standards either way.
Bayonetta has gotten plenty of criticism over the years, it doesn't necessarily "get a pass" but the character has other merits, she's actually very funny and entertaining, very empowered in her story, and kind of a something of a female power fantasy.

I'm not seeing anything about Eve that makes me think we're going to see any of that, but of course I could be wrong, we'll see.


Moderated wildly
According to the cucks she's not allowed to dress like that though.

These guys should move to Afghanistan, I hear the taliban are enforcing stricter rules regarding women's clothing and appearances.

Well forget those cucks they can watch me with her haha.
Ofcourse the Anime Avatars are already furious about his opinion.

Personally: I think he has a point. There's a clear difference between sexy and oversexualization and a lot of camera angles clearly served no purpose to do just that. Its even more ridiculous in the announcement trailer:

Over-sexualization is not inherently problematic, though.

Ubiquitous over-sexualization can be problematic, however, any argument that female representation in gaming consists of ubiquitous over-sexualization is just rooted in intellectual dishonesty.

One or even a handful of games going in that direction is perfectly fine. It's not juvenile, it's not childish. It's a valid product that's specifically designed for titillation, for an adult audience that enjoys that (being an adult means you get to enjoy adult media---this shit isn't made for children).

It's no different from the way Mills & Boon books are designed for titillation to serve their own audiences (which incidentally is mostly women, and yet I don't ever hear anyone trying to make an argument about the sexualization in these erotica books being problematic).

If this game is not for you, no problem. Don't buy it. There are plenty of games wherein the female form isn't being overtly sexualized.

This idea, however, that all forms of sexualization in games is a puerile blight on society and needs to be rigorously rooted out and expunged is censoriously puritanical, as well as being a horrific double-standard when the same sentiment isn't nearly being levelled at any other form of entertainment media.

Sexy, half-naked girls are something many men like, and therefore if there is a market for those things there should be products supplied to service that market. If you don't like sexy, half-naked women, or you think it's childish, don't buy those products because they're not for you. But campaigning to censor them is the same as placing censorial limits on the freedom of expression of videogames as an art form.


Gold Member
Sure, we'll see how the game comes out, but it doesn't appear to be something they wanted to highlight, in contrast with other assets.

Point is, Bayonetta has sexuality and so this game at a certain level as well.
Gotta no problem with not liking this game. Different takes, different tastes.

But what bothers me is this crayon type of reason. Is so stupid that aglomerates alot of games just because of this level of commentary. Its like saying you don't like Mario games because Mario has a mustache or Sonic because he is blue. Girl having a butt is now a problem? Having a dollface, like in FF series?Not to mention the moronic commentary about 2000.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The more people chip away at this character design the more I’m expecting a ‘we’re sorry we didn’t hear you and we are listening’ message to come out from the devs and the character to be drastically changed.
Not gonna happen. This is Korea, the home of Black Desert. This is from the artist responsible for Magna Carte games.


Gold Member
Why doesn’t Eve get the benefit of the doubt though? It’s not like we know the story or measured her character with a single trailer.

If Bayo 1 released today, will it still be acceptable or is it excused now because it released quite some time ago? Double standards either way.
Bayonetta has gotten plenty of criticism over the years, it doesn't necessarily "get a pass" but the character has other merits, she's actually very funny and entertaining, very empowered in her story, and kind of a something of a female power fantasy.

I'm not seeing anything about Eve that makes me think we're going to see any of that, but of course I could be wrong, we'll see.
Because Eve isnt an American made game. Asian studios have more balls than the US teams to stand up to their artwork.


It was hilarious watching the chat of some streams during this trailer reveal. People love their waifus and it's gonna sell.
Again I wonder just how ignorant these people are of Gacha games. Do they not see the art of the big sellers in games like Fate, Granblue, Arkknights, Genshin, etc.?
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How do you define not fitting for a modern audience? Because I sure as hell saw a ton of people reacting positively to the MC as soon as she was on display. Also, what is wrong with an old 2000 feel? In my case, it is Forespoken that is unattractive and outright boring looking.

More than that, stop focusing on her ass so much. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't be feeling anything from it unless you're scared of your boner or whatever. Thankfully, Korea is not going to change a thing about it.
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Gold Member
Bayonetta has gotten plenty of criticism over the years, it doesn't necessarily "get a pass" but the character has other merits, she's actually very funny and entertaining, very empowered in her story, and kind of a something of a female power fantasy.

I'm not seeing anything about Eve that makes me think we're going to see any of that, but of course I could be wrong, we'll see.
We wouldn’t really know all of that without playing now would we? Just some bit of patience is all I’m asking and I’m glad you have that.

A bit of an example would be NieR Automata I guess. So many people have mentioned, Came for the ass, stayed for the story. Now whether you liked the game or not, it at least makes the character a lot more complex than what the initial trailer would suggest.


Some of the responses in this thread are straight up disgusting, dude shares HIS opinion and people is bashing him.

Mostly anime avatar users, grow up people, grow up......

Hope he is not reading this thread and if you are, just ignore them, I more often than not I no agree with your opinions, but I respect them as I would like others to do with mines....
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I respect his opinion and would fight to the death for him to say it. But I don't agree with it at all. Its beyond rare that in this day and age a major platform holder would showcase a sexy feminine character, so that's the one thing I'll grant him. But I think that its not right. I'd prefer true diversity in ideas and styles, but instead the industry seems pressured to move into a homogenized bland "safe space" direction.

Her design is certainly provoking, and that has to good for the game's awareness. I think it looks alright, not my favorite style but cool. Some definite Nier Automata elements being directly lifted though. I love the gigantic statues all over the world. Also in such a small trailer I thought there was a decent amount of personality teased. The religious references, her "I was toying with it". I'd say she is going to have some confidence. Funnily enough my girl and I watched the 4k trailer together yesterday and its the first character in a long time she immediately clicked with. She too is apart of the yoga pants crowd and I couldn't be happier, plus hella long black hair. If anything I'd say Sony showcasing this game so early in the show was throwing us old fans a bone. Despite my overall opinion of the show, it was my favorite game shown and the one I'm most hyped for.


advanced basic bitch
It's always the same demo of people that hate sexy women. I wonder why that is? Hmmm

John Cena Reaction GIF by WWE


Gold Member

So weird to hear these takes when you've had character designs in recent years such as Nier Automata's 2B and of course Bayonetta. Also have to love the direct comparison to something like Forespoken here.

At least personally I'm not a big fan of Hyung-tae Kim's character design on an aesthetic level, but I'm not gonna wax poetic about something like "not fitting for a (quote), "Modern Audience", or that it comes from a "bygone era".

To me the Project Eve main character isn't even that "out there" for eastern/anime character design, compared to say the Xenoblade 2 designs of Pyra/Mythra. So I'm even more confused why so many in the "games media" industry seem so "put off" by it.




Doesn't look anatomically impossible enough to be a Hyung-te Kim character ;)


Gold Member
Yet another argument about whether a sexy woman in a game is a bad thing or not... all conducted by whiny fucking men :messenger_tears_of_joy: Do any of them think for one second it might be worth actually asking women what they think?

Course not.

You want your fucking misogyny? It's right there, folks!
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Gold Member
I don't see the big deal, most anime character designs are nuts. This caters to certain demographic and thats just business. 🤷‍♂️ Overall this isn't too over the top in the scheme of things.I usually have a beef about designs that have no context, or stupid context like (mgs quiet)

Personally, yeah I think in the context of the game she looks dumb. I get his comment on being embarrassed with his wife. Your wife walks in and you are playing a fetish sex wafiu character in a videogame. Should you be embarrassed? I don't know depends on your relationship. But I think its disingenuous for anyone saying they don't understand why shit like this looks embarrassing. I wouldn't be embarrassed by my wife. My daughter yeah.. that just doesn't feel right. Different for everyone.
Personal opinion but i would never marry a woman that laugh at my hobbies or even worse a wife that i have to lie about my hobbies or keep em away from her because she feels morally superior or whatever shit they think.

Especially when a fuckload of female hobbies are more stupid than any fucking anime.
Italians woman watch a lot of maria de filippi shows and this stuff is the ultimate trash, i'm not gonna take any lesson from people who watch that shit or the american counteroart that would be the fucking kardashians.

But that's just me.
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Gold Member
Man 10 years ago probably 50% of asian games had characters like this, with little backlash.
It blows me away how quick the world has changed in such a short time, and not for the better imo.
On the plus side, the people who complain about all this are typically losers with click bait careers. Anything for attention. Without viewership (which they got to fight for across 1000s of other click baiters), their career is literally zero. A guy picking up tin cans off the street technically has more meaning in life.


I've been playing games for over 20 years now, never have I had a discussion on why a character is designed a certain way. Everyone has a different take on their game and characters, it either appeals to you or not. Buy it or don't. It's like me complaining how a Call of Duty character design is the same from Call of Duty of 2007, well that's the type of game what do you expect? We talk about giving creators freedom to express themselves and then when they do we try to shit on them.

Characters aside, I'm typically not into these type of games but to be honest Project Eve and Forsaken looked good to me and I might actually consider trying them out.


I respect his opinion and would fight to the death for him to say it. But I don't agree with it at all. Its beyond rare that in this day and age a major platform holder would showcase a sexy feminine character, so that's the one thing I'll grant him. But I think that its not right. I'd prefer true diversity in ideas and styles, but instead the industry seems pressured to move into a homogenized bland "safe space" direction.

Her design is certainly provoking, and that has to good for the game's awareness. I think it looks alright, not my favorite style but cool. Some definite Nier Automata elements being directly lifted though. I love the gigantic statues all over the world. Also in such a small trailer I thought there was a decent amount of personality teased. The religious references, her "I was toying with it". I'd say she is going to have some confidence. Funnily enough my girl and I watched the 4k trailer together yesterday and its the first character in a long time she immediately clicked with. She too is apart of the yoga pants crowd and I couldn't be happier, plus hella long black hair. If anything I'd say Sony showcasing this game so early in the show was throwing us old fans a bone. Despite my overall opinion of the show, it was my favorite game shown and the one I'm most hyped for.
See here's the thing. For the longest time the argument was something along the lines of: "There's nothing in the gaming industry except over-sexualized female characters!"

Ignoring the truthfulness of that, but now, I'd swear that aside from character designed in Asia, there are no absolutely zero major Western developed games with even slight sexualization. I certainly haven't seen any being promoted in the most recent Sony/Microsoft showcases (again, aside from Project Eve here being a clear outlier, but again that's not being developed in the West)


Bayonetta's sexuality is absolutely part of her character. But it is not the ONLY part of her character. She actually has a personality.

Are you from future to tell EVE don't have one? And whatever Bayonetta have or not personality is not the point here.

Unless you're blind, Bayonetta is a sexy char and make even sexy sounds when she beat her enemy. Just go on youtube and see her last games.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I' really tired of these dumb ass arguments. It's one thing when it comes from transgendered people who make no attempt to actually transition - you know, the kinds of people who say a penis is a female sex organ. It's just sad when typical dudes run with it.

Oh my god. A woman who looks like a woman. Burn it all down. Meanwhile he probably has no issue, in private, with Scarlett Johansen, who is built like a brick shithouse, parading around in tight leather while the camera lingers on her big tight ass in the Marvel movies. As an example.

Damn I kind of want to watch Winter Soldier again now.


Sex sells. It sold in 2000, it sells in 2021 and will keep selling. There will be always an audience to sexy characters, sexy outfits, sexualized content.

Im sure this video didnt got 4 million views because ppl was interested in knowing what is a Turnaround.

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