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Digital Foundry's Alex on Project Eve's main female character: "old (2000's) and not flattering to a Modern Audience...in comparison to...Forespoken"

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I didn't think the design was 'oversexualized' I just thought the character was pretty generic, and alot of what was going on in the game was copy cat type stuff

Either way I've played some good games from indie Korean/Chinese devs over the years so I plan on buying it and giving it a go.


Sex sells. It sould in 2000 it sells in 2021 and will keep selling. There will be always an audience to sexy characters, sexy outfits, sexualized content.

Im sure this video didnt got 4 million views because ppl was interested in knowing what is a Turnaround.

I scroll down a little bit and see this:
"When she said "Heavy equipment", I felt that"
Of course and the hundreds of other comments about her assets. People definitely care about that turnaround.


As soon as the trailer started it focused on her ass, honestly this only appeals to pre-pubers, if the main focus is the waifu-anime whatever you have little confidence in your product.

To me it was an instant nope, As a grown man I can't stand that type of unnatural proportions and stereotypes... The gameplay didn't look any special neither...

As a grown degenerate coomer man I love when games like this use camera angles like that and sexualize their female characters for our entertainment.


Then on the other hand I defend games like The Last of Us Part 2 from stupid Abby is ugly etc. comments, which is my game of the generation.

Because both things can exist side by side.
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She's completely distracting in that she stands out from the background too much, that hyper shiny butt and 4m legs looks rediculous against a really well done post apocalyptic landscape, the art style is all over the place but then again it's designed to appeal to cunts with anime avatars, should add I'm not against female characters being asethically pleasing to the eye but I'd feel embarrassed as fuck playing this and the wife walked in...
Not sure whether to laugh or cry at this nonsense.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
And whatever Bayonetta have or not personality is not the point here.
But it is my point. I am not saying sexy is bad, I am saying this character seems incredibly bland from what we've seen, both in terms of personality and even just distinctive visual design. She's more Vanessa from PN03 than Bayonetta or 2B.
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I get what some people are saying about the camera angles in that trailer, they are a bit cringy, but does it really matter?.
I think this is one of my main problems with the whole woke nonsesne, does it really matter?. Are those slightly cringy camera angles really hurting anyone?, does it really need 'cancelling'?.


But it is my point. I am not saying sexy is bad, I am saying this character seems incredbily bland from what we've seen.

Your point don't make sense because you're putting the personality between a game that don't even show anything. Is just like putting my point of 'Witcher 3 have a good story' over Elden Ring thread.

Will be valid as soon as the game release.


Linux User
This is what I want to know. What is the logic and reasoning behind these arguments of:

"It's not for a 'Modern Audience'"

As you noted, has this guy scene what the Mobile/Gacha scene is all about? How much percentage of gaming audience is that? Especially the amount of money it rakes in. Here's a very recent design from the super popular Genshin Impact:

The 21st century will be Asia's century and thank God for that.
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See here's the thing. For the longest time the argument was something along the lines of: "There's nothing in the gaming industry except over-sexualized female characters!"

Ignoring the truthfulness of that, but now, I'd swear that aside from character designed in Asia, there are no absolutely zero major Western developed games with even slight sexualization. I certainly haven't seen any being promoted in the most recent Sony/Microsoft showcases (again, aside from Project Eve here being a clear outlier, but again that's not being developed in the West)
Yeah you're right. I miss it, even just having that femininity and pretty counterbalance to all the macho bravado masculinity. Its a shame too because the west really did have some spectacular art. Its a shame, the sexes compliment each other, but there has been such an long standing attack on traditional culture and "gender stereotypes" that any semblance of either tend to get immediately blasted by those in places where their voices are amplified above all others.

On a side note to that, I think it'd be interesting to see if there is any correlation to the mass influx of males seeking out Thots and gacha waifu's etc. I mean traditional femininity has almost all but disappeared from most western media and what's a red-blooded male to do but seek it out. Not saying I think that is healthy, and there is certainly predation there.

Thinking back on what you said though, its been some time since those days. I miss the days of simply saving a princess. Man we had it good back then. So much variety.


advanced basic bitch
I get what some people are saying about the camera angles in that trailer, they are a bit cringy, but does it really matter?.
I think this is one of my main problems with the whole woke nonsesne, does it really matter?. Are those slightly cringy camera angles really hurting anyone?, does it really need 'cancelling'?.
Everything matters to them. I won't be surprised if at the very least they demand trigger warnings before the main menu of the game. "warning: the main character has slapable ass and perky well-defined breasts" "if you don't like these things please call our helpline"
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Your wife has never told you that she finds other chicks attractive? if my wife walked in, she would comment on how hot this chick is and make a funny sexual innuendo. Girls like seeing attractive women. Thats why most Netflix trash has great looking actresses instead of ugly bettys.
Yeah exactly, the problem on the internet is that men (boys if you will) are insanely insecure and projecting like hell on different gender. It can be seen from incels upwards to male feminists and it's really retarded.

Really makes you thing if they ever had any partner (does not matter the gender)

It's unimaginable, that women would wrote on the internet "I would be embarrassed if my husband would come to room <etc>" it's just fucking men.

Women does other shit, but let's be real, biggest bitches in realms of this wonderful technology is men and this forum is full of it.

...and I have no problem to admit, that I sometimes too need my safe space in here. Fine I am guilty to, that's not to say that it shouldn't be discussed.


I don't know these kinds of people. If they're in a relationship (not likely), they don't want to get turned on or something? They tell their wife to throw those too tight jeans in the bin or something?

I enjoy watching sexy dressed women, be it my girlfriend or a random one. Seriously my girlfriend had this one light blue jeans that I felt showed off her butt in the best way. I always hoped she wore it when she visited. According to these guys i'm probably a sick fuck. In reality I am a sick fuck. But I can contain myself. If you can't, you have issues. But don't lash out at their clothing. Seek help.

EDIT: thinking about it. Its even sadder if its about a game character. Come the fuck on lol.
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Bayonetta has gotten plenty of criticism over the years, it doesn't necessarily "get a pass" but the character has other merits, she's actually very funny and entertaining, very empowered in her story, and kind of a something of a female power fantasy.

I'm not seeing anything about Eve that makes me think we're going to see any of that, but of course I could be wrong, we'll see.
You are allowed be sexy if you're funny?

Saving the fricking humanity and possibly the whole universe?
Get the fuck out of here you solemn thot! :lollipop_anxious_sweat:


It's funny because time and again the market has shown that nobody really cares, just a few vocal minorities either way.

Sales are more aligned to other factors in the product. For example, Witcher 3 sold really well despite all the criticisms related to racism and sexualization. The same happened with Nier. Having non sexualized strong leads like Tomb Raider didn't impact the game negatively either. Would you say Persona 5 was sexualized? I'd say mildly and it reviewed and sold well. In the latest God of War Kratos doesn't have sex with any character and the game did well. There are many examples.

I'm surprised people hasn't realized that publishers thought it could be a factor and they tried to cover their bases but as time passes and the reality sets in about nobody really caring about it either way, they stop caring as well.

In any case, both kinds of games will continue to be produced and some people will spend money on games that show their ideals despite not being good or niche, the rest of the people will just get games that they consider good regardless of the amount of T&A.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
You are allowed be sexy if you're funny?

Saving the fricking humanity and possibly the whole universe?
Get the fuck out of here you solemn thot! :lollipop_anxious_sweat:
I'm saying that thinking sexy is enough to cover up for a bland, generic character is 2004 thinking.


Just off the top of my head and only from the past couple weeks, we've already got 2 AAA black lesbian sheboss leads in Saints Row and Forespoken (with no doubt dozens of others on the horizon), this is the weeb's first (and assuredly last) AAA boobie animu in like 5 years. Let them have it in peace.
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It sounds like 50 million with the backlash but in reality it's more like 50 really loud people.
This again ties into my argument about the "modern audiences" thing. First of all, what kind of audience is that? Is that an audience that would be interested in this game to begin with?

The game is clearly targeting an audience, and wants to of course sell as much as possible to an audience.

Airbus Jr

Look at how the purple site react to Project Eve vs Bayonetta 3 news

On Project Eve

On Bayonetta 3 news

Sory i can only upload 1 ss the other failed to appear but you get the point

Both are similar in design a heavly sexualised character but the difference on treatment here is obvious

On Bayonetta almost no one complains

You can see the double standard on display
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This again ties into my argument about the "modern audiences" thing. First of all, what kind of audience is that? Is that an audience that would be interested in this game to begin with?

The game is clearly targeting an audience, and wants to of course sell as much as possible to an audience.
The ones who're making a stink out of this are those who I believe their intentions mean well but actually doing more harm than good.

I wish they would only speak for themselves instead of trying to speak for everyone.

They absolutely HATE assumptions but they assume it's ok to speak on my behalf anyways because it benefits their own agenda crusade.




Gold Member
Sex sells. It sold in 2000, it sells in 2021 and will keep selling. There will be always an audience to sexy characters, sexy outfits, sexualized content.

Im sure this video didnt got 4 million views because ppl was interested in knowing what is a Turnaround.

Turnaround? from the thumbnails it looked like a video about how airbags can save your life...

lol the comments are fucking gold :lollipop_squinting:
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I never thought I would find myself supporting slutty character designs, yet here we are.

I guess the alternative - women who look like they are taking shots of testosterone while in the process of 'transgendering' or whatever - is worse in my eyes.
Most reviewers think like the virtue-signaling flake, so you can bet the game won't score well. That is if the dev doesn't tone things down. Also the outfit in the trailer is an alternative costume. She has a school girl one too. You know what game will score well though? This Gunk. Ugliest main character I've seen in a game


I don't get how the attitudes of the Religious right of the 90's has come back in the so called progressives of now. Who cares of its a big titty bimbo wearing leather? Don't buy the game it's not for you and don't hit me with that crap of it hurting real women casue that's nonsense. Quit trying to be the Morality police of the world.


Gold Member
About more lgbtq+ characters appearing in games, I have no problem in and I encourage that they are being represented. I’m personally glad for that since I have very close friends and relatives who fall into those categories.

However, what I don’t like is how character designs of old and new that doesn’t fit in into this new wave of representative media seems to be pushed aside and frowned upon. It seems to abhor people to have them both when they can exist at the same time. This if you’re not us then you’re against us is getting tiring really and is what’s dividing us all from equally enjoying the medium.

I really hope that it will work itself out soon.
It's the "GAF Cycle", there's always some miserable that arrives late and restarts that idiotic discussion, and all the pissy wretches that had exhausted their fragile arguments on the old thread all flock to the new thread. What an amazing place 👏

For the record, more proof that many don't even watch what they are complaining about and as many others have "auditory daltonism". They talked so much about the design in general of that game, they talked a bunch how korean games have an identifiable visual identity with it's colors, and about Forspoken, what they talked about was compare it's more grounded world design with Eve's "rule of cool".
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