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Digital Foundry's Alex on Project Eve's main female character: "old (2000's) and not flattering to a Modern Audience...in comparison to...Forespoken"

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Making her look like that is racist! The Unspoken black chick is beautiful.


I like looking at ‘attractive’ female video game characters, the more cleavage and ass on display the better - so fuck off Alex I suppose.
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I hate that stupid comments like this are making people pit the girls from both games against each other. I think they're both sexy in their own way, why can't we just appreciate more of that instead of trying to slander one to prop up the other? It's such a ridiculously STUPID mentality, ironically from people with insecurities doing too much projection.

Alex, my dude, please just stick to technical analysis. I appreciate those, but you're in the wrong on this one. Shaming women for having curves and not ashamed to flaunt them a bit is so weird, because it seems like you're trying to control what type of expression women can have both IRL and in media.

Which, well, that's the complete opposite of what real feminists fought for in the first place!


Simps for Amouranth
A lot of you are shouting at the wind at some imaginary boogeyman, nobody in here is calling for a ban on sexy characters in games, no one is calling for women to dress modestly ffs and those of us that aren't drooling at our screens can clearly see through the crass marketing and simply find it cringey as fuck, personally it ain't my type of game as I hate that Asian style of game which is a pity as they can build incredibly realistic world's but seem to just fill them with either questionable 12y.o anime characters or shiney sex dolls, but hey guys whatever floats yer boat...

Now where's my poster of Abby...
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I hate that stupid comments like this are making people pit the girls from both games against each other. I think they're both sexy in their own way, why can't we just appreciate more of that instead of trying to slander one to prop up the other? It's such a ridiculously STUPID mentality, ironically from people with insecurities doing too much projection.

Alex, my dude, please just stick to technical analysis. I appreciate those, but you're in the wrong on this one. Shaming women for having curves and not ashamed to flaunt them a bit is so weird, because it seems like you're trying to control what type of expression women can have both IRL and in media.

Which, well, that's the complete opposite of what real feminists fought for in the first place!
You don't get it, do you, you silly little man.

Those poor women never wanted to look sexy in the first place. It's us, the Evil Men who forced sexiness upon them in order to get a hard-on when we would gaze upon them.
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Ofcourse the Anime Avatars are already furious about his opinion.

Personally: I think he has a point. There's a clear difference between sexy and oversexualization and a lot of camera angles clearly served no purpose other than to do just that. Its even more ridiculous in the announcement trailer:

What's the issue? It's not like having that stuff is harming the world, the vast majority of people who engage with this aren't going to suddenly think this is how real-life women are.

Agent Aika and Burn-Up W/Burn-Up Excess are some of my favorite anime and there's tons of fanservice in them, but for me they're just stupid bits of fun. Somehow I can watch those from time to time and still treat women with respect and see them for things aside from (but not excluding) their attractiveness, y'know like their intelligence, personality and sense of humor.

It's almost like I learned to separate fiction from reality like a grown person aught to 👍

You don't get it, do you, you silly little man.

Those poor women never wanted to look sexy in the first place. It's us, the Evil Men who forced sexiness upon them in order to get a hard-on when we would gaze upon them.

I never knew I had the superpower of objectifying random real-life women around the world simply by looking at pixels of a fictional sexy woman on a television screen.

This superpower is incredible!!!

The design is just as weird as Bayonetta`s. The crotch-camera shots don`t really help alleviate the feeling of a lot of sexual frustation being baked into the aesthetics and kinda make you wonder how the designer on the other side looks.....

Ultimately I don`t care as long as the gameplay is good, though.

Wow, talk about making assumptions xD...

Why is it that someone who wants to throw a little friendly fanservice in their game automatically assumed to be an incel or not good with women? You got any idea how many Japanese women draw hentai in Japan (although this is a Korean game)?

But I agree insofar that ultimately it's the game quality that matters. Fanservice can't save a mediocre game, but there's no reason to think this is a mediocre game (off of what we know and have seen so far).
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What's the issue? It's not like having that stuff is harming the world, the vast majority of people who engage with this aren't going to suddenly think this is how real-life women are.

Agent Aika and Burn-Up W/Burn-Up Excess are some of my favorite anime and there's tons of fanservice in them, but for me they're just stupid bits of fun. Somehow I can watch those from time to time and still treat women with respect and see them for things aside from (but not excluding) their attractiveness, y'know like their intelligence, personality and sense of humor.

It's almost like I learned to separate fiction from reality like a grown person aught to 👍

I never knew I had the superpower of objectifying random real-life women around the world simply by looking at pixels of a fictional sexy woman on a television screen.

This superpower is incredible!!!
Don't you understand? This digital female character represents all women everywhere around the globe. You are literally harming your mother in some way by supporting this one sexy character.


The fake plastic models on social media are doing more harm to young women than some fucking video game character.

Every naturally gorgeous young women online is getting lip injections, fake shitty looking asses, botox injections they don't need and all of it before they even turn 20.

The Kim Kardashans of the world, the Cardi Bs etc. influence young girls more than any fictional character will ever do.

"But real women have the right to sexualize themselves and be role models for easy to influence girls." Weh weh weh.

Creators have the right to create whatever character they want. Don't like it, don't play the games, watch movies or tv shows and so on. Stop trying to censor it.
Couldn't fucking agree more! The actual problems, where people live lives that don't exist, and have looks that are basically impossible in real life and destroy young people's self image are running rampant. While a video game character design is deemed sexist and "problematic"...
Also it pisses me off that he states that like his fucking opinion means shit, or that this is some kind of fact on this subject matter.


Don't you understand? This digital female character represents all women everywhere around the globe. You are literally harming your mother in some way by supporting this one sexy character.
You be sarcastic, but sadly one of the things that occurred in the last decade was this push to say that "Digital/Fictional characters "objectification" harms real-world women".

What you see in the West, and the utter blandness of character design now, is IMO the full result of those efforts. And of course these kinds of opinions are also now where "that sort of design is from the stone age" (hyperbole) is being fueled from.

Again, only in the east/Asia is where those types of arguments have pretty much been shot down entirely, with most designers shrugging and going "wtf is this kind of logic?".
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Gold Member
You be sarcastic, but sadly one of the things that occurred in the last decade was this push to say that "Digital/Fictional characters "objectification" harms real-world women".

What you see in the West, and the utter blandness of character design now, is IMO the full result of those efforts. And of course also these kinds of opinions now where "that sort of design is from the stone age" (hyperbole).

Again, only in the east/Asia is where those types of arguments have pretty much been shot down entirely, with most designers shrugging and going "wtf is this kind of logic?".
Kinda make you think about their policy about violence and sexual content. Their views seems to be the exact opposite of each other where violence is more censored in the east and sexualization is censored in the west. It makes me think if this thing was brewing for a long time.
I do get you getting triggered at someone like Alex (with whom I disagree a lot), but this really feels out of an early 2000 game.

And let me be clear, I'm completely fine with sexualized characters this is a design issue.
2000 designs are way better than now, modern games usually have generic over designed characters, environments,etc


The problem with Project Eve's character design is not that the main character is sexy and attractive, but rather the game's art direction is extremely generic and uninspired.

Quiet from TPP was a very sexy female character whose design was perfectly grounded into a cohesive and visually interesting art direction.


I get his comment on being embarrassed with his wife. Your wife walks in and you are playing a fetish sex wafiu character in a videogame.
Is it less embarassing if she walks in and you’re playing a realistic game where you’re shooting people?

As you say later. Depends on the relationship. I don’t get any weird looks at home at least but in the end it’s not real, it’s polygons. We would have to close down the whole hobby if we claim it’s more than that.
2000 designs are way better than now, modern games usually have generic over designed characters, environments,etc
Except for fighting games. Well, specifically Capcom, Namco and SNK fighting games. SFV in particular has some really good character designs, better than SFIV on average and some could work for future games (Rashid, Fang, Laura, Menat, Falke, Zeku etc.).


Gold Member
Except for fighting games. Well, specifically Capcom, Namco and SNK fighting games. SFV in particular has some really good character designs, better than SFIV on average and some could work for future games (Rashid, Fang, Laura, Menat, Falke, Zeku etc.).
While I agree, they really do need to stop catering to hands and feet fetishists. They humongous. I know they’re for visual clarity but it‘s quite jarring.
Sex sells. It sold in 2000, it sells in 2021 and will keep selling. There will be always an audience to sexy characters, sexy outfits, sexualized content.

Im sure this video didnt got 4 million views because ppl was interested in knowing what is a Turnaround.

You'd think that considering I work in the very industry this video content is concerning I would have heard at least one thing she was talking about.

All I heard was Turnaround. I was too mesmerized to listen to the rest...
A lot of you are shouting at the wind at some imaginary boogeyman, nobody in here is calling for a ban on sexy characters in games, no one is calling for women to dress modestly ffs and those of us that aren't drooling at our screens can clearly see through the crass marketing and simply find it cringey as fuck, personally it ain't my type of game as I hate that Asian style of game which is a pity as they can build incredibly realistic world's but seem to just fill them with either questionable 12y.o anime characters or shiney sex dolls, but hey guys whatever floats yer boat...

Now where's my poster of Abby...

You do realize the rampant censorship of the "male gaze" in a lot of Western games started innocently enough, right? Then it just became a slippery slope with more and more "censorship" over time and now we're at the point of people trying to speak down creative decisions of games from people of other cultures because they're doing some relatively innocent that somehow doesn't assimilate with their belief system.

If the only way you can convince people to see things from your POV is to shame them for what they might see as okay, then you've already lost.

While I agree, they really do need to stop catering to hands and feet fetishists. They humongous. I know they’re for visual clarity but it‘s quite jarring.

Lol, maybe they'll just have everyone wear gloves and shoes to get around that? I can't picture Street Fighter characters having hand/feet proportions like normal people, but I'd rather them scale that down than the muscles.

Because some weird takes pop up every now and again that they should make the characters more DOA-like in muscle definition, even for the girls, and that's a hell no for me. Characters like Chun have never looked better IMO. Also long as they don't go cel-shaded ala GG Strive then cool (I like Strive's style but that doesn't fit SF IMO).


Gold Member

So weird to hear these takes when you've had character designs in recent years such as Nier Automata's 2B and of course Bayonetta. Also have to love the direct comparison to something like Forespoken here.

At least personally I'm not a big fan of Hyung-tae Kim's character design on an aesthetic level, but I'm not gonna wax poetic about something like "not fitting for a (quote), "Modern Audience", or that it comes from a "bygone era".

To me the Project Eve main character isn't even that "out there" for eastern/anime character design, compared to say the Xenoblade 2 designs of Pyra/Mythra. So I'm even more confused why so many in the "games media" industry seem so "put off" by it.




I'm getting this game day one just to stick it to this BDSM wearing concern troll.
Regardless if you disagree or not with what he said, picking random photos that are not relevant in the slightest to the topic just to humiliate him is pretty fucking childish

But what do I know, maybe you are a child and not a man acting like one

does SlimySnake SlimySnake deserve to be punished for BEING A BADDD BOY like our dear Alex from digital foundry?


Gold Member
Who fuck you think you are to define "modern audience"? Are hot girls not having a larger population of followers on all kinds of social media than the cringing wokes?

The western wokeism is so out of control. One or two more years when those shits get more unbearable I'd be super happy just sticking with Japanese and Korean games.
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Late to this, but I find that reaction from Alex and from twitter/era so strange. My immediate reaction to the trailer was that it looked gorgeous and that the character design reminded me of one of Team Ninja's DoA girls, whom I've always thought were tremendous. I was excited. And yes, I immediately noticed that this must be an Eastern game because the West just don't do those kinds of character designs any more.

But what bothers me about the reaction was that for the longest time the argument against sexy women in games was that there was nowhere for women to play as women without being sexualized. That they didn't want "to take your sexy games away", they just wanted more women leads, and for those leads to not be objectified. But in almost every other trailer in that Sony conference it was a more realistic woman, or racial minority etc at the forefront. That's been the wide industry trend for at least 5 years. And fair enough, it was absolutely overdue after the 360 generations endless plethora of generic white soldier dudes. But now that they have that diversity and that now that sexualised designs are very, very rare in the AAA space, they seem to want to eradicate sexy character designs altogether.

They've switched from "just give us some diversity with real women characters" to "the old ways no longer apply, we literally DO want to take your sexy games. They shouldn't exist". And that's what bothers me.


That doesn't change anything I said.
are you young? Bayonetta was highly criticized and bayonetta 2 was criticized by polygon, kotaku and the usual suspects. Now they don't have other option other to accept her because we are talking about a 10+ year old character.
I love the 2000s fuck millennials.

the "modern audience" arguments doesn't hold up, are we supposed to ignore that most games now try to be "retro" with pixel art or early 3d aesthetics? didn't they celebrated the quake remake and other remakes of old games?, games like cuphead dont look like "modern cartoons" and show character in cabarets and smoking, if it wasn't for modern audiences why is it popular then?, this game looks similar to the nightsade, cygirls and other games from the era but is it something bad? genshin impact is doing great and there was no problem with bayoneta, so how is a game "appropriate for modern audience" supposed to look like? it actually looks like modern audience like old games is mario still jumping in platforms and driving go karts?

game journalists are out of touch with gamers, its as if they are trying to DICTATE what others are allowed to like/develop
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Lets see how a female youtuber from the "modern audince" reacts to Project Eve.

Wait, wheres the outrage? Why u want to cosplay as this disgusting character? Oh yeah, u like to have fun and dont live in a bubble inside a purple asylum.

But she's like an exception, like a minority, and you shouldn't pander to minorities...wait..there's irony in there, somewhere...
I dont understand why he finds her distracting. Is he distracted by every attractive woman he meets in his life?

Get a life. Hot women exist among us. Learn how to deal with them without getting distracted and stop putting them on a pedestal.
Hot? Looks like a blow up doll. Stereotypical “attractive woman“ bot comment for pointless likes. He’s not talking about the sexuality of the character, she looks like a cartoon character in a hyper realistic game. Hell I would just like the environment lighting to actually work. Your games‘ whores dont have to stick out like a sore thumb.

I dont care that she’s flashing her pussy on the players view every 2 mins. Someone just fix her shaders or she needs to stop polishing her suit every morning.
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