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Do you buy games Day 1 or do you wait a couple months/years after release?

What time do you buy games?

  • Day 1

    Votes: 44 31.7%
  • Months/years After release

    Votes: 91 65.5%
  • I don't 'buy' games

    Votes: 4 2.9%

  • Total voters
Depends on the game. If it’s something I must have or know I’ll love, typically day one. If it’s something I know I’ll like, but I don’t feel that sense of urgency, probably a little after the release date or during a decent sale. Everything else I’ll probably wait a few months for a price drop if I’m really not so sure about it.


I hang back and play games months later when they’re nice and cheap.

Or pick up games off my wishlist when they’re in bundles.
The last game I bought day one was Elden Ring and that was only because every sign pointed to it being great. Having game pass has also meant that I can play some games day one without purchasing.

Most games I tend to wait a few weeks or a month to see peoples reaction to them. I don’t suffer with FOMO as much I used to and have kids so don’t get much time to play anyway.

I will say that I made an exception for Xenoblade 3 which I bought yesterday, simply because the stores that were selling it for reasonable prices seem to have little stock and for some reason the second game increased in price over the years.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Often buy physical day 1 for big releases and then eBay them when I'm done. If it's Steam I'll buy them cheaper or make a rare exception (I would've paid anything for Elden Ring Steam but it turned out to be cheap as fuck).
Neither. I wait a week or two for all games regardless of developer, to see if they're broken or need patches via reviews and real gamers. This wasn't always the case but after Cyberpunk 2077 I won't take chances.
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Gold Member
depends on the IP

Zelda , Pokemon main games , Xenoblade series , Resident Evil 3rd person view would be a day 1 purchase for me

For Multiplatform games or PS exclusive games , i will wait for digital sale

the sad thing about multiplatform games on PSN , it will be discounted 20% after 2 to 3 months


i find myself holding off longer now when buying games. i used to buy them as soon as they came out even though i wouldn't play them straight away. i'm sick of spending money all the time and having a backlog of games. so now i'm working towards only buying a game when i have the time to play it.

soul hackers 2 is out this month and while i'm excited for it i'm not going to buy it at launch because i have other plays to play first. when i finish them and have the time for SH2 i'll buy it. it's going no where and i might get it cheaper if i wait.


I wait one or two extra days for reviews unless it's rockstar games.
i'm definitely not going to be playing GTA VI day 1 and i remember getting GTA V day 1 and playing it 20 hours straight. i'm not going to lie and say i won't play it but i'll be in no rush to get it. rockstar can go take a fuck to themselves.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Games I'm hyped about, which aren't many nowadays, got purchased day 1. SMT V, Elden Ring, Live A Live... There's no way or reason for waiting on those.

Most games tho I end up getting on sale much much later, specially PC games. Between all my consoles and PC I already have enough backlog to keep me entertained for ages, so no rush in getting most moder releases.

It also helps that I like to wait for games to leave early access.


Gold Member
Depends on the game but generally no. Buying full on 60 dollar games day one is essentially a thing of the past for me. Even franchises that once would have been instant buy like Mario, Zelda and Smash I will try to play it first. In the case of Nintendo I'm not waiting for a price drop (because it's not gonna happen) bit I do want a chance to demo the game. Glad I didn't buy Mario Strikers, I was so close and even holding it in the store.

I would have bought Shredders Revenge day one for $22, it's arcade turtles and not exactly high stakes. But I didn't have to because it's on Gamepass, the new day one game sampler.


I buy Day 1 if it is from a solid studio. Otherwise, I want for performance reviews prior to deciding. If its a mess, obviously no buy.


For most i'd say day 1 as i like to fully support indies that try hard to make some really nice games. i'm careful with what i buy so no AAA half finished alpha full priced shitfests. I certainly wouldn't risk it from the usual western AAA devs,


Gold Member
The industry has convinced me that buying a game at launch is no longer a good option.
There was a time when buying a game at launch meant I got a full game with almost no bugs and glitches.
But now, most launches have cut content to make DLC, some of it day one DLC. And a lot of games are released with a ton of bugs and performance issues.
So I prefer to wait a few months, or maybe a year. Then I get the game, at a much lower price, sometimes with more content if it's the GOTY edition, and with several of patches on.
I also have a big backlog of games, so I can afford to wait a while.


Buying a game day one is absolutely silly these days. It's very literally never going to be as good an experience as if you just waited for the patches and additional content to come out. Buy it 3 months later and get the actual complete game at 25 to 50% off, this is the intelligent call.

The real answer is just wait for it to hit Gamepass, PSplus, or Humble Bundle. That's all I do these days in any case.


Day 1 for the big must haves and months after for games that are on my radar but not something I need to immediately play.


I´m either really interested in a game and buy it day 1/Week 1 or I´m not interested at all and forget it exists the moment the launch PR fades away. The sole exception to this in 25 years of gaming has been The Witcher 3 which I rebought as "Gold Edition" to play the DLCs.
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Iirc Witcher 2 was the closest to release I actually bought a game. Must have been a couple months afterwards. Some special edition that was on sale, probably made way too many which was then kind of usual. Iirc 30€, which is the most I payed too. Have not even played it yet.

I downloaded Stray, but have also not played it yet. The closest I come to play a "fresh" game might be Shadow Warrior 3 via PS+ due to its almost immediate removal date. So also a couple of months later.

I never understood the rush of some people to play betatester for the devs and subsequently me. I appreciate the effort and sacrifice though.


Usually day one. I have fallen off though since I'm waiting for a ps5 to buy games. I have been buying indie games I was interested in the past on my Switch lately. I'll probably just leave the small indie games to switch and all AAA for the eventual ps5.

But, yeah, like for the most part if I'm pretty interested in a game and not only slightly curious about a game (which I probably will forget about and buy it when it pop ups in front of me because of a sale) then it is usually a day one purchase.
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Day 1 for most of the games.
I support the devs.
This, if i really care about an upcoming game though, because developers only seem to care about sales in the first week, the only exception is Capcom, that will gladly talk about a game selling millions years after release, every other developer acts like only the first few days count and will gladly declare a game a failure if it's not an instant success.


I still buy games i want to play day 1 physical. After i beat the game i usually trade it to gamestop for close to $40 and rebuy digitally when its on sale for $20 or lower.
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Depends on the game if we're being brutally honest. There are certain blockbuster titles that you just have to have on release day and talk with your friends about the next. There was a thread talking about this very notion, but I unfortunately never had a chance to partake, therefore I always wait for sales.


Gold Member
Most of the games I play are on GP, so I barely buy games anymore.

For the games I do buy, most are indie games that are on deal after launch. And only a few I buy day one like COD and Diablo home sharing with a friend.


Used to be big on Day 1 purchases. After moving to an all digital library and the piss poor state of some devs….343i and Dice to name a couple, I am way more cautious. Paying a premium price for games that are releasing with 1/3 the content and broken mechanics is unacceptable. They push out broken ass games and tout basic gameplay feature updates as ‘live’ content services.


If the game is multiplayer based, or has a great multiplayer component, I'm usually in immediately so I can enjoy it when it's typically the healthiest. If it's strictly single player, I can wait, unless I'm really interested.
The poll is limiting, there are games that I like and I am very interesting at them so I buy them first day ( Elden Ring )
Games that I have general interest then I buy it when they are on sale (Forbidden West)


Depends on the game. If they’re known to drop price in a month or 2 I’ll wait. Anything for EA or Ubisoft basically.

Nintendo and some Sony exclusives I’ll get day 1. Especially Nintendo cause they never drop in price.


Very picky on day one buys. These days either something i'm looking forward to very much or something to play online with friends.

Mostly i pick up games on discount, since my backlog is pretty much infinite and combining the length of the games i pick with my gaming time i don't really tend to have the need to pick something recent.


Poll is too narrow, because it is on the premise that every purchase is the same. Better setup sould be:

- Always day one
- Day one for most games, others wait for sale
- 50/50 split
- Wait for sale for most, but still get anticipated games day one
- Always wait for sale.
I am not paying more then $60 for a PS5 exclusive Game and I am not paying more then $50 for a PS5 game which is cross gen and I won't pay more then $40 for a remaster. I'll wait as long as it takes. This is absolutley the worst generation for games on a new system that I have ever seen, the amount of remasters makes me sick.


Gold Member
There is no option for "A Mix" so I did what I mostly do which I play a majority years later or on a sale.

For example I just bought Xenoblade 3, but I have just finished Assassin's Creed Valhalla as it was on PS Extra. Normally it's dictated by if the game comes with a physical collectors edition I really want, otherwise its normally digital and much later.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
99% I wait. I have a ton of good games I havent played so Im not thirsting for content. I am also a cheap bastard. Day 1 is rare for me. Last Day 1 game I bought was Doom Eternal and before that I cant even remember.


I usually buy 1 or 2 games a year Day One. Maybe fewer. If it's a franchise I love and am hyped to play it sure, but it just isn't worth it since most games release broken.

I won't even buy sports games day 1 anymore because they often have patches that impact gameplay. With sports games I'll wait for patches, roster and slider creators to do their thing and pick the games I want up late cycle or before the next release for dirt cheap.

For non-sports games it depends. I'll pick up FFVII Rebirth at launch. The next Mass Effect at launch. If Days Gone ever gets a sequel I'll pre-order to support the series.

Everything else I pick up dirt cheap. Less than $10 digital and $15 or less physical. Some of that is because I have a massive backlog. Some of it is because waiting gets me the complete, patched version of most games with DLC included. Like right now I am playing The Order: 1886 because I picked it up for like $5 on a sale and really enjoying it.
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Story-based and favorite franchises; day one.

Those that are released later in Europe (EDIT: and my platform of choice), when heavily discounted or never.
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Day one if I care at all about playing it. I appreciate gaming and I WANT to support the industry.
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There is no "it depends". Games from most Sony studios ship in very good condition, so titles from series I already know are a shoe in day one or so (Santa Monica and ND don't need much pondering as the risk is minimal on all levels)... Third party titles from AAA studios are a big no no, I'll wait a couple of weeks/months to get a proper feel of how things are and if the game actually passes the smell test once the dust settles.
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