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does anyone else also think that RE:Village is quite idiotic?

H . R . 2

this is just my personal opinion so feel free to disagree with me.

I am criticising but I am not even talking about the forgettable music and voice acting, or the generic enemy designs, the stupid dialogues, or a plot and a setting that make zero sense. I am talking about immersion, AKA the whole point of a horror game. in my opinion, Capcom did very little to improve the game over RE7. Admittedly, the sound effects are quite good, and the graphics, although pretty much the same, are fairly pleasant to look at. but the fact that lady Dimitrescue roams the halls, haunting you everywhere you go but stops right behind the Merchant's door, pacing up and down waiting for you to come out, or getting your entire hand and forearm chopped off just to reattach it time and again, is EXTREMELY STUPID. It completely ruined the immersion. how did this game win so many awards?
in all honesty, I haven't finished the game yet simply because the game is terrible at maintaining immersion, so much that you feel intellectually offended to continue
I finished RE7 3 times and enjoyed almost every aspect of that game. but RE8 felt like an imitation, and a weak one at that, in the hope of emulating the success of its predecessor.

should I continue ?


Yeah I thought it was pretty awful. Once you get out of the first dungeon, that's what they are, it just completely falls off a cliff and ends up as another painfully dumb action game by the end of it. They couldn't even make the werewolf enemies at all compelling or interesting to fight. They're just the same thing we've been fighting since RE4 with a different look.


It's dumb alright. When she turns into that dragon thing, she can't really do much apart from landing and get shot, scream and fly around again. She was worse when she was walking around. Or that giant towards the end with the big mace, he hits you with a 10-ton mace with spikes and you are just shrugging it off. The whole Chris part at the end is too damn campy and corny.
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FPS Residents are fucking shit
It's dumb alright. When she turns into that dragon thing, she can't really do much apart from landing and get shot, scream and fly around again. She was worse when she was walking around. Or that giant towards the end with the big mace, he hits you with a 10-ton mace with spikes and you are just shrugging it off. The whole Chris part at the end is too damn campy and corny.
Did you play till completion, it's explained why

he's mold

I enjoyed the game, it was fun and paced well with some puzzle aspects.
The whole limb reattachment thing makes more sense with one of the reveals towards the end of the game.

I'm a RE fanboy but I'm not gonna blindly defend the games logic, or each and every game in the series. I think maybe lower your expectations and just have fun with the gameplay. Lady D is kind of weak in her stalking, but I think that's because Capcom toned down certain aspects cause the Japanese audience thought RE7 was too intense. Capcom admitted as such and even used it in their marketing for Village in Japan.

The OST has been lacking since RE4 and the series narrative jumped the shark as early as CVX. It's all convoluted and just dumb across the board for the most part.

I think Village is great, if people don't like it that's fine but I think you might be expecting too much from the overall narrative. RE7 & 8 are light years better than what we got in 5 & 6. The series is slowly digging itself out of the hole that was dug during the PS3/360 generation.

Maybe Village just isn't for you but the game as a whole is fantastic. Go back and check out the load times for RE7 on a base PS4. Village is insanely impressive with what Capcom was able to achieve on old hardware. It wasn't even supposed to release on PS4 and XBOX One.


In RE7, Ethan could also lose limbs and reattach but only some discovered this with unique cutscenes. It was not something that was a part of the main storyline and could be easily missed but nonetheless an important hint which is revealed in RE8 as to why that is.

I'm confused though, how in RE7 you are okay with Ethan losing his hand to Mia and then it gets reattached by Zoe and works, but Lady Dimitrescu slicing Ethan's hand off and him reattaching, and it also works is "extremely stupid", despite the same exact motif. In any case, it doesn't make sense because you have not finished the game for it to explain it to you. In most games, the answers to the questions are not at the beginning of the game. To answer your question, no I do not think RE8 is idiotic, also if you are not enjoying any game for that matter, why continue to play? You either get it or you don't...like Death Stranding, not everyone will enjoy or even understand it.


Resident Evil is a series with really great horror that occasionally has some really weird shlock thrown in. Your tolerance of the shlock will dictate how much you enjoy the games.

RE1-3 were products of their time, so they were very expressive globs of polys making hand motions with untalented Voice Actors behind them having to overcompensate all the time. Code Veronica was the first huge graphical jump but the games at this point had their reputation of being weird B movie story/characters being fuckin weird so they started leaning into this. RE4 was the point of no return and the most popular game in the series sales wise so there's no escaping RE shlock at this point if you play and enjoy the series. I personally can't stand RE4 but it's one of the greatest video games of all time so meh. RE7 & RE2/3 remake are kind of anomalies because they toned down the shlock or at least try to play it straight 90% of the game, but even those games have weird moments in them that kinda break the immersion when the characters open their mouths and start to talk or throw out one liners or whatever.


The hand part is my main problem with the game. It's so fucking stupid and impossible to believe presented that it makes to feel the game as a parody.

H . R . 2

It's dumb alright. When she turns into that dragon thing, she can't really do much apart from landing and get shot, scream and fly around again. She was worse when she was walking around. Or that giant towards the end with the big mace, he hits you with a 10-ton mace with spikes and you are just shrugging it off. The whole Chris part at the end is too damn campy and corny.
please spoiler tag that
some might still be interested in finishing the game.

H . R . 2

In RE7, Ethan could also lose limbs and reattach but only some discovered this with unique cutscenes. It was not something that was a part of the main storyline and could be easily missed but nonetheless an important hint which is revealed in RE8 as to why that is.

I'm confused though, how in RE7 you are okay with Ethan losing his hand to Mia and then it gets reattached by Zoe and works, but Lady Dimitrescu slicing Ethan's hand off and him reattaching, and it also works is "extremely stupid", despite the same exact motif. In any case, it doesn't make sense because you have not finished the game for it to explain it to you. In most games, the answers to the questions are not at the beginning of the game. To answer your question, no I do not think RE8 is idiotic, also if you are not enjoying any game for that matter, why continue to play? You either get it or you don't...like Death Stranding, not everyone will enjoy or even understand it.

I loved that bit in RE7, it was done tastefully and as a Bmovie game it was pretty loyal to the sources it got inspiration from
however Ethan gets too much damage to the hands in RE8 am I supposed to believe that a hand that was chopped and just got reattached can knife attack and fire a shotgun
there's exaggeration and then there is RE8

Well there's your problem, there are explanations.
thanks I'll keep going then
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H . R . 2

I agree OP.

As stupid as this game is, though..
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Death Stranding.... my personal pick for dumbest game of all time.
well as a teacher I work 9 hours a day So I still haven't finished the game. however the premise of the game sounded logical and interesting to me
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Fare thee well

I was kind of hoping for it to go more into real terror and horror, but the devs said as much that they wanted things to be more silly this time around. And while RE has always had some degree of absurdity and ridiculousness, I never felt terrified once playing Village. Just not my style of RE unfortunately.

H . R . 2

There is a plot explanation for the easy limb re-attachments that comes near the end of Village. It's kind of stupid, but it is explained nontheless.

Village was a wild ride, I loved it.
I experienced the same thing with Evil Within 1. I stopped playing the game multiple times before finally convincing myself to press ahead and finish it. if RE8's ending is half as plausible as that of EW1, I'll be happy

I was kind of hoping for it to go more into real terror and horror, but the devs said as much that they wanted things to be more silly this time around. And while RE has always had some degree of absurdity and ridiculousness, I never felt terrified once playing Village. Just not my style of RE unfortunately.
agreed. It was not scary in the slightest, except for the opening scene where you're stuck in the cabin with the werewolves surrounding you which was effective purely because of its sound design, there was no visual horror.

hopefully SH and Alan Wake 2 will make up for that
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Is the plot and presentation a bit silly? Yeah maybe.
Do you know it differently from the last few RE games? Nope.
Does it change the fact that the game can be fun? No
I am now on my 6th playthrough (which will probably be the second to last) and I like how the game changes.
The first playthrough is atmospheric and about getting to know the game, solving it and playing through it. It's fun to discover things and progress. You have relatively few resources and have to take care of them a bit.
Meanwhile, I run through the entire game in under 2 hours like the Demonslayer without healing and shoot everything to pieces.
From not quite serious but atmospheric action-horror-adventure to house of the dead arcade shooter. It's fun and was worth the full price for me.
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H . R . 2

Is the plot and presentation a bit silly? Yeah maybe.
Do you know it differently from the last few RE games? Nope.
Does it change the fact that the game can be fun? No
I am now on my 6th playthrough (which will probably be the second to last) and I like how the game changes.
The first playthrough is atmospheric and about getting to know the game, solving it and playing through it. It's fun to discover things and progress. You have relatively few resources and have to take care of them a bit.
Meanwhile, I run through the entire game in under 2 hours like the Demonslayer without healing and shoot everything to pieces.
From not quite serious but atmospheric action-horror-adventure to house of the dead arcade shooter. It's fun and was worth the full price for me.
for me immersion is all about realism and logic. so no I have not enjoyed the game thus far, and Lady Dimitrescue refusing to enter a room in her own mansion as if she's waiting for me to change into my pajamas is pretty stupid. the Merchant's room is right next to one of the most important puzzle pieces in the game where Lady Dimistrescue is supposed to roam around looking for you

also Lady Dimitrescue saying " at last we meet" is such a stupid f#cking line after the 10th encounter

but I am glad you enjoyed it so much
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Faith - Hope - Love
Resident Evil is best when it's crazy camp in my opinion. :)

I absolutely loved the settings, the insanity of it all, and I thought the game had several memorable characters. I might be in the minority, but Ethan's two adventures have been my favorites of the series.
for me immersion is all about realism and logic.
You're playing the wrong franchise then lol; there's nothing logical or realistic about any of the entries.
and Lady Dimitrescue refusing to enter a room in her own mansion as if she's waiting for me tochanging into my pajamas is pretty stupid.
This is a RE staple in every game and is never going to change, the save room will always be a safe room, the stalking enemy in RE7 doesn't enter them either, even though it's his own house, there is a possible meta lore reason as to why alcina doesn't enter the one next to the puzzle, but that's just theorycrafting so far and doubtful to ever be explained/explored.


for me immersion is all about realism and logic. so no I have not enjoyed the game thus far, and Lady Dimitrescue refusing to enter a room in her own mansion as if she's waiting for me to change into my pajamas is pretty stupid. the Merchant's room is right next to one of the most important puzzle pieces in the game where Lady Dimistrescue is supposed to roam around looking for you

also Lady Dimitrescue saying " at last we meet" is such a stupid f#cking line after the 10th encounter

but I am glad you enjoyed it so much
I'm with you when it comes to realism in simulations or games that claim to be realistic, Arma, Hell Let Loose, Squad for example.
But for a game that is about zombies, mutants, monsters, secret organizations, shadow worlds and so on for decades, I have a different expectation. RE is just nonsense, but high-quality produced nonsense.

H . R . 2

You're playing the wrong franchise then lol; there's nothing logical or realistic about any of the entries.

This is a RE staple in every game and is never going to change, the save room will always be a safe room, the stalking enemy in RE7 doesn't enter them either, even though it's his own house, there is a possible meta lore reason as to why alcina doesn't enter the one next to the puzzle, but that's just theorycrafting so far and doubtful to ever be explained/explored.
I agree but I am not asking for much here
REmake 2 at least tried to be more mature and believable through its overall presentation, the dialogues, and the atmosphere .
as for Merchant's room, we all heard how troubled RE8 development was so it would not surprise me if some content was cut or the level design changed last-minute


for me immersion is all about realism and logic. so no I have not enjoyed the game thus far, and Lady Dimitrescue refusing to enter a room in her own mansion as if she's waiting for me to change into my pajamas is pretty stupid. the Merchant's room is right next to one of the most important puzzle pieces in the game where Lady Dimistrescue is supposed to roam around looking for you

also Lady Dimitrescue saying " at last we meet" is such a stupid f#cking line after the 10th encounter

but I am glad you enjoyed it so much

Ah yes realism and logic in a game where impossible scenarios are going down since the very first opus

There's an entire genre dedicated to schlock and you happen to be right in it friend. If you want two of the greatest horror games which are pretty heavy on psychological horror while being "seemingly" realistic despite the settings I'd recommend I have no mouth and I must scream / System Shock 2

Bit old tho both
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REmake 2 at least tried to be more mature and believable through its overall presentation, the dialogues, and the atmosphere .
RE2make and R3make played it a bit more straight, but they have plenty of nonsense/camp as well, but also they are, well, remakes of older games before the franchise got truly wacky with CV; RE8 is essentially just RE4 in first person.
as for Merchant's room, we all heard how troubled RE8 development was so it would not surprise me if some content was cut or the level design changed last-minute
Nah, the games always have safe rooms in places like that, to offer some respite, it's pretty much true to the franchise's formula.


Gold Member
RE7 to me, just felt like a better game in the end. Though I personally loved the first half more than the second. RE8, while enjoyable enough to finish, just felt incredibly... safe? It just felt like a mash up of things we've already experienced, just with a slightly new coat of paint. Where as RE7, especially at the time, felt like a bigger risk for the series, and in a lot of spots, genuinely more terrifying. RE8 felt like a theme park ride on rails. It looked pretty a lot of the time, but it just felt so shallow.
this is just my personal opinion so feel free to disagree with me.

I am criticising but I am not even talking about the forgettable music and voice acting, or the generic enemy designs, the stupid dialogues, or a plot and a setting that make zero sense. I am talking about immersion, AKA the whole point of a horror game. in my opinion, Capcom did very little to improve the game over RE7. Admittedly, the sound effects are quite good, and the graphics, although pretty much the same, are fairly pleasant to look at. but the fact that lady Dimitrescue roams the halls, haunting you everywhere you go but stops right behind the Merchant's door, pacing up and down waiting for you to come out, or getting your entire hand and forearm chopped off just to reattach it time and again, is EXTREMELY STUPID. It completely ruined the immersion. how did this game win so many awards?
in all honesty, I haven't finished the game yet simply because the game is terrible at maintaining immersion, so much that you feel intellectually offended to continue
I finished RE7 3 times and enjoyed almost every aspect of that game. but RE8 felt like an imitation, and a weak one at that, in the hope of emulating the success of its predecessor.

should I continue ?
cus gameplay. Cant remember a modern Resident Evil that had decent story/dialogue but thats what you get from japanese companies. the Stories are always over the top unrealistic.

H . R . 2

Nah, the games always have safe rooms in places like that, to offer some respite, it's pretty much true to the franchise's formula.
I was not talking about the existence of the Safe Room, but its location. In REmake2 it was placed in areas where you don't experience many encounters and overall, it was handled slightly better

cus gameplay. Cant remember a modern Resident Evil that had decent story/dialogue but thats what you get from japanese companies. the Stories are always over the top unrealistic.
It wasn't just the quality of the dialogues, but also the way they were scripted into the game. they sound random as if they were not written with no regard to story progression
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