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does anyone else also think that RE:Village is quite idiotic?


Resident Evil is best when it's crazy camp in my opinion. :)

I absolutely loved the settings, the insanity of it all, and I thought the game had several memorable characters. I might be in the minority, but Ethan's two adventures have been my favorites of the series.
Not sure about my favorites, but there was something about 7 and 8 that kept me going to finish them, and try for 100% exploration. It’e been a while since games have done that for me.


Gold Member
this is just my personal opinion so feel free to disagree with me.

I am criticising but I am not even talking about the forgettable music and voice acting, or the generic enemy designs, the stupid dialogues, or a plot and a setting that make zero sense. I am talking about immersion, AKA the whole point of a horror game. in my opinion, Capcom did very little to improve the game over RE7. Admittedly, the sound effects are quite good, and the graphics, although pretty much the same, are fairly pleasant to look at. but the fact that lady Dimitrescue roams the halls, haunting you everywhere you go but stops right behind the Merchant's door, pacing up and down waiting for you to come out, or getting your entire hand and forearm chopped off just to reattach it time and again, is EXTREMELY STUPID. It completely ruined the immersion. how did this game win so many awards?
in all honesty, I haven't finished the game yet simply because the game is terrible at maintaining immersion, so much that you feel intellectually offended to continue
I finished RE7 3 times and enjoyed almost every aspect of that game. but RE8 felt like an imitation, and a weak one at that, in the hope of emulating the success of its predecessor.

should I continue ?
His healing powers are due to being infected with the mold, Resident Evil has always had safe rooms.


A baby split into 4 and put in jars....
Chris keeping Ethan in the dark....
That transformers boss battle....
That call of doody last bit....
Metawhatever that gives great power to the villain and can store/resurrect dead people....
The duke....

Really wanted to like Village but Capcom is too bonkers.

RE2Reamke is a skyscraper compared to this hut.
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Gold Member
Absolutely dreadful game and an embarrassment to mainline REs. The praise for this must come from the total lack of difficulty and short length. Everyone can finish it in two sittings.

Should’ve been it’s own thing instead of using the RE brand to sell it. I hope Capcom gets back on track. RE2 and 3 Remakes are really good shit.

H . R . 2

Absolutely dreadful game and an embarrassment to mainline REs. The praise for this must come from the total lack of difficulty and short length. Everyone can finish it in two sittings.

Should’ve been it’s own thing instead of using the RE brand to sell it. I hope Capcom gets back on track. RE2 and 3 Remakes are really good shit.
IMO, REmake3 was childish compared to REmake 2. everything from the visuals to level design, to Nemesis's appearance was dumbed down.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Yeah, it's goofy as hell but I loved it for it. It's just total shlock. I can see why people were disappointed if they wanted another spooky game after 7, but to me this was the right balance of horror themes and absolute nonsense that makes me love things like The Evil Dead. Me and my partner were laughing our asses off at him jamming his hand back on with some ointment.


I played all resident evils from 4 to 8, plus the first revelations IIRC.

8 is probably the best for me, perhaps on par with Res7 but with better graphics. It's not a perfect game, but it's very good most of the time. Voice acting and mocap is pretty good unlike what's suggested in the OP. The only game from 2021 that surpasses it in voice acting is Guardians of the Galaxy IMO.
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OT but Jeez if this picture perfectly resume what TLOU2 story left me after finished it.
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Have you not played RE since 5 at all? Remember Wesker in the volcano?

Its best to not take it too seriously and enjoy the ride, Village was legit one of my favorite games last year, almost GOtY level imo


great game, I actually appreciated all the different boss places but still wish the Castle would have been the main story area. story was step up in the dumb levels from RE7 though IMO, didn't like the end boss' character & background and why was
mia still alive
and I found it really stupid that after
you get all the vials and put them in the ritual container, it just opens a bridge to Heisenberg's place, like how the fuck does that guy get out of there then


I agree but even TLOU, a game about zombies [clickers] features a great story. if anything, it only adds to the entertainment value

If you are talking about the first TLOU, it has a great story, the second one is edgy stupidity mixed with sjw crap. You really have to continue playing to understand what's going on with the hand reattachments and such. There are no witches and werewolves in the game though, at least not the classic way you understand them.

The safe room can be a bit silly at times, but it's one of those things I suppose that I just let slip because hey, it's a videogame.
Uhhh it’s fucking Resident Evil.

Do you really want a list of all the camp and stupid shit in the ENTIRE series or are you being obtuse on purpose?


RE7 and RE8 are the best RE games since original RE1 and RE3.

After that all them fall below RE7 and RE8 including the recent remakes that are just a skin of the originals… REmake 1 was a good remake thought.
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RE7 and 8 were good games. I do hope Capcom goes back to a 3rd person city setting with an evil corporation storyline for RE9 though. The best RE games are 1-3. While I love RE4 it was kinda the beginning of the end of the type of story I want from RE.


Absolutely dreadful game and an embarrassment to mainline REs. The praise for this must come from the total lack of difficulty and short length. Everyone can finish it in two sittings.

Should’ve been it’s own thing instead of using the RE brand to sell it. I hope Capcom gets back on track. RE2 and 3 Remakes are really good shit.
RE 3 remake is not good... is mediocre compared to 2 remake.


RE7 and 8 were good games. I do hope Capcom goes back to a 3rd person city setting with an evil corporation storyline for RE9 though. The best RE games are 1-3. While I love RE4 it was kinda the beginning of the end of the type of story I want from RE.
RE9 is probably first person… they will make changes for RE10-12… each 3 entries in the franchise follow the same formula.

RE9 will probably be launched with day one support for PSVR2 😍
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H . R . 2

RE9 is probably first person… they will make changes for RE10-12… each 3 entries in the franchise follow the same formula.

RE9 will probably be launched with day one support for PSVR2 😍
I wouldn't mind having 2 versions of the game with one having cutting-edge next-gen graphics and the other designed exclusively for VR
if DMC 5 was any indication, I firmly believe that RE Engine has a lot more to offer
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this is just my personal opinion so feel free to disagree with me.

I am criticising but I am not even talking about the forgettable music and voice acting, or the generic enemy designs, the stupid dialogues, or a plot and a setting that make zero sense. I am talking about immersion, AKA the whole point of a horror game. in my opinion, Capcom did very little to improve the game over RE7. Admittedly, the sound effects are quite good, and the graphics, although pretty much the same, are fairly pleasant to look at. but the fact that lady Dimitrescue roams the halls, haunting you everywhere you go but stops right behind the Merchant's door, pacing up and down waiting for you to come out, or getting your entire hand and forearm chopped off just to reattach it time and again, is EXTREMELY STUPID. It completely ruined the immersion. how did this game win so many awards?
in all honesty, I haven't finished the game yet simply because the game is terrible at maintaining immersion, so much that you feel intellectually offended to continue
I finished RE7 3 times and enjoyed almost every aspect of that game. but RE8 felt like an imitation, and a weak one at that, in the hope of emulating the success of its predecessor.

should I continue ?
You complaining about a lot of things that's common in Resindet Evil games in general. I don't really know many people who are into RE music, resindet evil mosnters have always been just ugly zombies with some tougher one that are just random dismorphed with red glowy things. The lady not attacking you at the merchant door is a mechanic from Residnet Evil 2, 3 and 7. More or less 1 and 4. They are called safe rooms. These games were never really that immersive they always had a "cartoony" aspect to it. You ran around looking for color plants, playing-card shaped keys, typewritters, solving weird puzzles involving paintings, statues and torches that give you random items that you use to open other random doors to find plants, and you kill monsters who drop ammo and gems. It's fine to expect some level of "imersssion" but the games have always put gameplay > immersion/realism

The forearm thing is ridiculous but it's actually explained later.
It's daft, but RE is often at its best when it's daft.

I thought Village was the best in years and a huge improvement over 7.
Yea, I thought Village overall was brilliant with its exploration, puzzles, combat, pacing. It even got me to appreciate Chris as a character again. I was really hoping Capcom would kill him off, but I'm actually interested in him as a character again. I also thought his section of the game was a lot of fun. It's not too long and was a great way to just literally go guns blazing for a few minutes. I like 7 but thought that Village was better in almost every aspect. It was just a ton of fun to play and that's what we're here for right? To have fun with the games we're playing.
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H . R . 2

You complaining about a lot of things that's common in Resindet Evil games in general. I don't really know many people who are into RE music, resindet evil mosnters have always been just ugly zombies with some tougher one that are just random dismorphed with red glowy things. The lady not attacking you at the merchant door is a mechanic from Residnet Evil 2, 3 and 7. More or less 1 and 4. They are called safe rooms. These games were never really that immersive they always had a "cartoony" aspect to it. You ran around looking for color plants, playing-card shaped keys, typewritters, solving weird puzzles involving paintings, statues and torches that give you random items that you use to open other random doors to find plants, and you kill monsters who drop ammo and gems. It's fine to expect some level of "imersssion" but the games have always put gameplay > immersion/realism

The forearm thing is ridiculous but it's actually explained later.
I am not new to the series, nor am I unaware of the silly things the series is known for, however, the safe room in the previous entries used to be more cleverly implemented, especially in relation to boss fights and chases. but this one was downright idiotic IMO. as for the OST, RE4 and 6 had great soundtracks.
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You complaining about a lot of things that's common in Resindet Evil games in general. I don't really know many people who are into RE music, resindet evil mosnters have always been just ugly zombies with some tougher one that are just random dismorphed with red glowy things. The lady not attacking you at the merchant door is a mechanic from Residnet Evil 2, 3 and 7. More or less 1 and 4. They are called safe rooms. These games were never really that immersive they always had a "cartoony" aspect to it. You ran around looking for color plants, playing-card shaped keys, typewritters, solving weird puzzles involving paintings, statues and torches that give you random items that you use to open other random doors to find plants, and you kill monsters who drop ammo and gems. It's fine to expect some level of "imersssion" but the games have always put gameplay > immersion/realism

The forearm thing is ridiculous but it's actually explained later.
Zombies is a part of RE but if you look at them you will see it is not just that.

Let’s take the first one.

Small and Giant Spiders
Small and Giant Snakes
Giant Crocodiles
Giant Shark

Zombies are just a small part of the first game enemy diversity and follow games increase it even more.
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