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| DOOM Eternal OT | : Dragged Ripping & Tearing Into The New Decade!


And lastly, I was playing and I got an important phone call so I scrambled to my phone and I hit pause but I guess my finger missed it or whatever, because when I came back to the screen I was dead. So anyway I reloaded from the checkpoint and all the extra lives I had built up(like 3) didn't replenish with the checkpoint? How lame is that? If it's gonna restart me at the checkpoint, then I should retain everything I had when that checkpoint originally saved. It felt kinda cheap to me, and games that feel cheap for the sake of it are games I sour on quickly.

Checkpoints don't work like you may think. For example, collectables or challenge counts persist after death, so in some ways it works like a respawn and not a save point. It's weird, in a Zelda-esque way. In any case, one you lose an extra life, it's lost forever. I lost all my 7 extra lifes in an instant after I felt in a lava pool with no apparent exit, as the game would just keep respawning me in the lava.

They are not as important as they seem, though. In easy mode you'll hoard them and they will essentially act like cheat mode, while in the hardest modes you'll lose them so often they will be mostly inconsequential. Your skill level needs to be in a very specific goldilocks zone in order to make them useful.


This game seems to be way, way harder than Doom 2016 the story was also quite disappointing. last boss is a chore and everything about narration is pure embarrassment. Lastly, the graphics are some of the best I have seen in a game.
I'm in the same boat. I think Doom 2016 was awesome and I loved the battles. I'm on level 6 or 7 with Doom Eternal but I feel like a lot of the battles are a chore. Weapon upgrades don't feel that awesome and rewarding. I think I will play this game once but Doom 2016 I've play a ton. I also feel like the gun takes up more screen than it should, almost like it's "Zoomed in".


They're largely the same as 2016's, with some cool new additions, what were you expecting exactly? The meathook is awesome.

The Super Shotgun with the grapple is awesome but I never seem to have enough ammo for it. Every time I want to upgrade I go for more ammo each time. I felt like Doom 2016, you had more and could upgrade, I guess faster. The Super Shotgun is my jam but I always have the least amount of ammo for that. Never felt that way in Doom 2016.


The Super Shotgun with the grapple is awesome but I never seem to have enough ammo for it.

Meathook to fodder + chainsaw = all your ammo topped up. The saw pip regenerates in like less than 30 seconds, I haven't timed it, but the cooldown basically allows you to refill you ammo as soon as you're nearing empty. There's no way people are running out of all ammo types before getting a saw pip back, you have to learn how to use the resources here.

Every time I want to upgrade I go for more ammo each time.

I did that on my first playthrough as well because initially I was having trouble with ammo, but it's a playstyle thing. I'm going through on Ultra-Violence now, and have discovered I don't even need to prioritize ammo upgrades because of how lenient the saw pip system is. Whenever I'm out of ammo, I can get it right back with an invincible move, far better to prioritize health and armour maximums.

The Super Shotgun is my jam but I always have the least amount of ammo for that. Never felt that way in Doom 2016.

That's funny, as I was saying earlier in the thread, in 2016 I almost never used it because I found it ate up ammo too fast and I didn't have a core invincible ability to get it back. I just stuck with the regular one because I liked the sticky bombs. But in DE I'm all about the SSG because ammo is free, and the utility of the upgraded meathook is godly.
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Meathook to fodder + chainsaw = all your ammo topped up. The saw pip regenerates in like less than 30 seconds, I haven't timed it, but the cooldown basically allows you to refill you ammo as soon as you're nearing empty. There's no way people are running out of all ammo types before getting a saw pip back, you have to learn how to use the resources here.

I did that on my first playthrough as well because initially I was having trouble with ammo, but it's a playstyle thing. I'm going through on Ultra-Violence now, and have discovered I don't even need to prioritize ammo upgrades because of how lenient the saw pip system is. Whenever I'm out of ammo, I can get it right back with an invincible move, far better to prioritize health and armour maximums.

That's funny, as I was saying earlier in the thread, in 2016 I almost never used it because I found it ate up ammo too fast and I didn't have a core invincible ability to get it back. I just stuck with the regular one because I liked the sticky bombs. But in DE I'm all about the SSG because ammo is free, and the utility of the upgraded meathook is godly.
Thanks for taking the time to write all of this, This is one of my big issues, I'm not using the combos enough to regain supplies. I know for the past couple of levels I haven't remembered to use the meathook at all. Same goes for the overhead rocket, flamethrower or freeze gun. I'll try all of this out tonight. Thanks again.


Gold Member
The patch that dropped earlier this week finally fixed my issue where I couldn't play BattleMode on PC! So, I got a few matches in this morning, and I'm honestly kind of surprised that they felt like this would have more "weight" and longevity than 2016's multiplayer.

That being said, I know 2016's multiplayer wasn't for everyone, and it also suffered from a personality disorder IMO. But that's why I had hoped they were going to take that multiplayer and refine it as it was being made internally.

Then you could at least get other modes like FFA, TDM, CTF, and maybe some unique modes. BattleMode is literally just that, and that's it. It adds some more gameplay and replay value for sure, but I don't think it's gonna stick around for too long, though I hope I'm wrong.

I know single player DLC is planned, but I'm really looking forward to a road map or something to give us an idea as to what's coming down the road.


Thanks for taking the time to write all of this, This is one of my big issues, I'm not using the combos enough to regain supplies. I know for the past couple of levels I haven't remembered to use the meathook at all. Same goes for the overhead rocket, flamethrower or freeze gun. I'll try all of this out tonight. Thanks again.

No problem! Keep at it, eventually it'll all become second nature.

I didn't really use the meathook very much on my first playthrough because of my aforementioned 2016 habits, but I should have upgraded it early since the fully upgraded Meathook sets enemies on fire, giving you armour for approaching that way.

I too didn't really mess with the grenade/ice/fire for most of my first play through, I just kept forgetting because I was too busy managing other stuff, but once you get the combat flow, you'll slowly start to add these moves into your repertoire. I still tend to forget about them a lot actually, and then I'll bust out an ice bomb>fire>2 grenades combo on a swarm all at once for huge damage and resource refills. I fucking love this game lol.


Gold Member
I too didn't really mess with the grenade/ice/fire for most of my first play through, I just kept forgetting because I was too busy managing other stuff, but once you get the combat flow, you'll slowly start to add these moves into your repertoire. I still tend to forget about them a lot actually, and then I'll bust out an ice bomb>fire>2 grenades combo on a swarm all at once for huge damage and resource refills. I fucking love this game lol.
Honestly I generally save frags for Cacos as a back-up to GK them and get the health. Lord knows they're needed from time to time, lol. If I know there aren't gonna be any Cacos soon, I use them in crowded mobs, but only if I'm doing fine on ammo, health, and armor. I was honestly so bad about using the ice bombs, I still am. I see their purpose, especially when you're trying to slow mobs down and get room to breathe and dash away.

When I'm not using the flame belch on fodder, I use it on larger enemies when they're staggered for a GK, so I can GK them and get some health and armor from it.

I absolutely adore the combat flow in this. It just feels SO damn good, and honestly kind of addicting. I think it's another reason why the replayability is so high. I honestly can't remember the last time I replayed so many parts of a campaign just to get all of the collectibles. I'm nowhere near done playing either as I wanna do my best to 100% this, haha.


I’m coming up on the end. All the Slayer Gates are finished, I have Unmaykr and Im close to completing all collectibles and Secret Encounters. Doubt I’ll go for those challenges requiring “left side” glory kills. Too much of a pain in the ass. Probably won’t master each weapon either.

That said, it’s been a highly enjoyable experience even though I do feel it’s a bit too overloaded with shit like the crystal skill tree and ice grenades. I haven’t given a shit about the narrative. I was way more glued to the “Fuck a story” story and tone that was in 2016. I think the music overall was better in 2016 too. Maybe because nothing else sounded like it at the time? The maps in the previous game also felt more intricate with better hidden items and secrets.

And yet, when this game is firing on all cylinders and you get into that rhythm or “dance” as it’s been put, there is just nothing else like it out there. This game is a pure, white knuckled, adrenaline rush dialed to 11 and anyone that considers themselves good at FPS’s and even character action games like DMC or Ninja Gaiden NEED to play it.


And yet, when this game is firing on all cylinders and you get into that rhythm or “dance” as it’s been put, there is just nothing else like it out there. This game is a pure, white knuckled, adrenaline rush dialed to 11 and anyone that considers themselves good at FPS’s and even character action games like DMC or Ninja Gaiden NEED to play it.

Totally agree with all of what you wrote, but yes the bottom line is the core gameplay is fucking unreal. It's been quite some time since I've played a game where, literally once every big encounter is finished, I feel my body unclench, and I'm racing off to the next battle. It's crack.

Does the Battlemode thing do traditional multiplayer stuff? I thought I heard people complaining about something to do with deathmatch. How do these mechanics not get used for standard online multiplayer, I haven't felt like this since playing UT.


Gold Member
Does the Battlemode thing do traditional multiplayer stuff? I thought I heard people complaining about something to do with deathmatch. How do these mechanics not get used for standard online multiplayer, I haven't felt like this since playing UT.
Nah, not really.

A lot of people are upset because they wanted traditional multiplayer stuff. You know, the standard Arena Shooter deathmatch and other modes that they thought id could've refined and made better since 2016's iteration.

It's a 2 demon vs 1 maxed out Slayer scenario. Rounds are best of three. After each round, each player gets to select an ability/buff from a small selection. When the Slayer dies, demons win. When BOTH demons die, the Slayer wins. If one demon dies and the other can stay alive for long enough, the dead demon can respawn. It's an interesting balance act going on which I don't think is perfected, but feels pretty good at times. Each demon has their own unique abilities, also the ability to spawn in some heavier demons that works on a cool down. So if you work together and plan accordingly, then the Slayer won't stand a chance.

But that's really it. Personally I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's all that either. I think it would've been much better to have seen id take 2016's core multiplayer and load it with improvements and refining.


But that's really it. Personally I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's all that either. I think it would've been much better to have seen id take 2016's core multiplayer and load it with improvements and refining.

That's a damn shame, I might try it out but it's kind of odd they didn't just put in the standard stuff, DM would be so fun.


Gold Member
That's a damn shame, I might try it out but it's kind of odd they didn't just put in the standard stuff, DM would be so fun.
Right?! I loved 2016's multiplayer quite a bit to be quite honest. It definitely had its issues, but it was so cool to play a modern take on the arena shooter genre. Especially in a AAA game. I played it for quite some time.

Originally it felt like a smaller portion of the community was wishing we got a better 2016 multiplayer over BattleMode, but it appears the roles are reversed. Which is pretty cool to see.

I'd like to think id will take note and include it in the next DOOM title. Hell, it'd be awesome if it was something they secretly announced and included in Eternal later. But I don't think that would happen.

I'll admit, seeing interviews and stuff where they've said that kind of multiplayer is "dated" or something along the lines of that, is pretty damn upsetting. Or trying to plug Quake Champions, when that game feels like its on its last leg.

I'd beg to differ and strongly say I think that form of multiplayer is all but dead. It just needs to evolve in some way, shape, or form. But if you can get great gameplay, modes, maps, levels, weapons, and pick-ups, you can't tell me it won't be a fun experience.


I'll admit, seeing interviews and stuff where they've said that kind of multiplayer is "dated" or something along the lines of that, is pretty damn upsetting. Or trying to plug Quake Champions, when that game feels like its on its last leg.

I'd beg to differ and strongly say I think that form of multiplayer is all but dead. It just needs to evolve in some way, shape, or form. But if you can get great gameplay, modes, maps, levels, weapons, and pick-ups, you can't tell me it won't be a fun experience.

Yeah it would be fun as hell, I don't enjoy playing stuff on my PC much these days for various reasons, so I haven't really gotten into Quake Champions, I was hearing about a F2P Unreal Tournament as well that I'm not sure ever surfaced? It's sad to think that this genre has no place anymore, but people buy CoD yearly for a decade.

Man I wish ID would make a new UT game, Epic is all about that Fortnite I guess.


Gold Member
Yeah it would be fun as hell, I don't enjoy playing stuff on my PC much these days for various reasons, so I haven't really gotten into Quake Champions, I was hearing about a F2P Unreal Tournament as well that I'm not sure ever surfaced? It's sad to think that this genre has no place anymore, but people buy CoD yearly for a decade.

Man I wish ID would make a new UT game, Epic is all about that Fortnite I guess.
Dude, I was WAITING for that new UT REAL hard. They had reached open alphas and I think even hit beta, but then Fortnite happened, and because of its momentum they essentially just shelved UT and halted work on it. I don't know if they'll ever pick it back up. Hell, I don't even think they properly address the fact that they did, they just stopped working on it and it's incredibly disappointing.

I never cared for Fortnite, but I'll gladly admit that my hate for it was fueled by that whole scenario, lmao.


I'm currently up to what I believe is near the end of the game. I consider Doom 2016 to be one of my fav games this gen, so Eternal had a lot to live up to. I'm currently conflicted on whether I believe it is a better game than 2016... I enjoy the platforming sections. I hate the fact weapons have such little ammo (or more to the point, the super shotgun is so low on ammo). I realize the chainsaw helps out with that but it just adds another layer in an already hectic and extremely tough game. I love the challenge but those fucking enemies with the shield (can't remember their name) are not well balanced at all. Seems like for everything I love, there is something that balances it out in the opposite direction. I need to let it sit with me for a while, but my initial impressions are that it might be a better game than 2016 BUT, for the fact it's come out after it, means therefore it isn't as "fresh",and it loses points for that. The gunplay is FAR more hectic due to having the ice bomb, the flame thrower and the spear on the super shotgun. When it all works, the game is unlike anything I've ever played...
So Im finally getting a bit challenged by this game and it feels like its just all a bit much to juggle at once. Plus it feels like movement is possibly slower than 2016? Might just be me.

Also I feel like Im getting cornered quite a bit. Im moving around but as soon as I slow down to line up a shot to hit a weak point Im getting stuck by enemies and all my extra lives just get completely fucked. Getting cornered can easily cost you two lives since you instantly spawn where you were.


So Im finally getting a bit challenged by this game and it feels like its just all a bit much to juggle at once. Plus it feels like movement is possibly slower than 2016? Might just be me.

Also I feel like Im getting cornered quite a bit. Im moving around but as soon as I slow down to line up a shot to hit a weak point Im getting stuck by enemies and all my extra lives just get completely fucked. Getting cornered can easily cost you two lives since you instantly spawn where you were.

It feels faster to me than 2016 thanks to the added mobility of the double dash. Going back to 2016 with no dashing is gonna be rough.

The gangbangs in the corners are the weakest part of the combat, but I feel like that’s on me and my lack of environmental awareness in the seconds preceding.
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Gold Member
So Im finally getting a bit challenged by this game and it feels like its just all a bit much to juggle at once. Plus it feels like movement is possibly slower than 2016? Might just be me.

Also I feel like Im getting cornered quite a bit. Im moving around but as soon as I slow down to line up a shot to hit a weak point Im getting stuck by enemies and all my extra lives just get completely fucked. Getting cornered can easily cost you two lives since you instantly spawn where you were.
Yeah, the game throws quite a bit at you at once, but you get the hang of it soon enough. The movement speed is actually on par with 2016.

Dash is your best friend, as well as ice bombs, especially when dealing with mobs. Hell, so is circle strafing of course. Backing into corners is something you never want to do,

My only incredibly SMALL complaint is that some of the maps bottleneck at points that make it hard to avoid getting gangbanged. But it's not a frequent thing.

It feels faster to me than 2016 thanks to the added mobility of the double dash. Going back to 2016 with no dashing is gonna be rough.

The gangbangs in the corners are the weakest part of the combat, but I feel like that’s on me and my lack of environmental awareness in the seconds preceding.

Man, it's ROUGH for me. When I played the demo at Quakecon and went back to 2016, 2016 felt slow as hell, and that was just after a demo. I can't imagine how it'd feel now, lmao.
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I love the challenge but those fucking enemies with the shield (can't remember their name) are not well balanced at all.

They seem to be designed to stop you from getting Glory Kills, I can't count the number of times I've been going for a GK and the shield randomly pops up in front of me from across the fucking arena, stopping me dead. They go down pretty easy though, and the shields are also a tool you can use.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
That next to last boss kills the fun. No ammo, but the boss is a bullet sponge. You're stuck running around in circles waiting for ammo to spawn, then you have to headshot the mini-mes running around and even then you're not getting enough to remove the shield. AND when you run out of ammo before the shield breaks it'll regenerate thus making all the ammo you'd spent to that point wasted.


Final level


One thing this game nails out of the park is visual diversity between levels.

What a fucking mix.

Like a Mario game.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I have to say this game is the first meaty addition to the enemy roster since Doom 2.

In the same way that game gave us Pain Elementals, Mancubus, Arachnatrons, and Archvilles...I really think we will be seeing Doom Hunters, Marauders, and Whiplashes in future Doom games. Instant classics.


yeah i agree with that, worst case we now have a litany of enemies to play with in future updates and expansions

still say no arena pvp is a mistake, their reasoning is bullshit

put a skeleton crew on 1 map and let the community go wild


'we didn't think we could do it right so we didn't try at all'

along those lines, along with wanting to make sp best that's possible

all bs since the skeleton crew could handle all this on their own

Bummer, seems like it would be fucking rad. Maybe in a future update?


What rune combos are you guys liking so far?

My mainstay is always the slow-mo on death, really gives you a good chance to make an escape and come back. Other than that I've been experimenting. I really wish that increased air mobility wasn't a fucking rune, that should be a suit upgrade thing instead to free up the rune slot for experimentation and maybe some new ideas, that's a holdover from 2016. I don't like that faster ledge grabbing/swinging is something I still have to spend resources for as well.

My other two right now are the long range Glory Kills and health drops after a Blood Punch, both pretty good life savers and the long range glory kill gives you nice increased mobility. I haven't toyed around much with the one that reduces equipment cooldowns if you kill with them, but that sounds pretty nice.
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I finally had enough and enabled unlimited ammo using cheat engine. I also maxed out difficultly to help balance that, and I think so far it's a lot more enjoyable. I still die because of stupid mistakes, but at least now it's not because I forgot to spin the right plate.


Been avoiding this thread until I finished it.

Just completed Ultra Violence, amazing game. Impossible to return to 2016 with the new movement options and overall gameplay loop.

Beat all the slayer gates, basically unlocked everything except 1 or 2 collectables midway through which I will be going back for.

Only disappointment is the ending, really wish it setup the next game or had something like the amazing Sam Hayden ending in 2016.

Some other thoughts:

I was totally expecting these 2 things to happen:

You would get a wolf power at some point, like the Marauders have. You even get a wolf companion in Exultia for a moment so I'm surprised this didn't happen.

I totally expected the Icon of Sin fight to be in the giant Mech Suit hanging in the Fortres. They honestly tease those mech throughout the whole game so I'm suprised that wasn't a thing either.

Other than that, it exceeded my expectations. Great experience.


I totally expected the Icon of Sin fight to be in the giant Mech Suit hanging in the Fortres. They honestly tease those mech throughout the whole game so I'm suprised that wasn't a thing either.

Yes, I thought of the same thing. Definitely, a missed opportunity.
Still not sure how I feel about this one yet, I also feel overwhelmed by all the new mechanics and the lack of ammo makes some of the encounters very jarring. Dropped it down to normal difficulty for now.


The Icon of Sin fight should have taken at least partially place in a huge Hell environment IMO... Isn't the fucker just in a stasis now like the Titan in Taras Nabad? They can't be killed but the Crucible blade keeps them in dead-like state.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Not a fan of the game's multiplayer. I'm a broken record but I still say they shoulda packed in Quake Champions.

I can't complain tho. The campaign is so good and we got Doom 64. Based.


Gold Member
Just finished the game on my first playthrough on Ultra Violence. The game really clicked once you're fully upgraded. Felt like there was an element of luck towards the end when you get thrown huge waves of enemies.
The Marauders were definitely a pain in the ass but manageable once you learn their patterns.


Well this afternoon I went ahead and completed every campaign milestone (except for Ultra Nightmare playthrough and Extra Lives playthrough).

I've now completed basically everything minus Battlemode which I will look into when I get PS Plus again.

It was great fun activating some cheats while I was finishing up those final milestones. Unlimited Ammo BFG with super speed, heaps of fun.

Can't wait for the DLC now, bring it on!
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Probably my favorite FPS of all time. I love the combat and how crazy the game is. It will be really hard to go back to some old FPS's I hadn't completed yet and games in the future have a lot to live up to.

My favorite things:
+ combat - amazing gunplay and every gun has it's purpose for the most part
+ violence and gore - an option to have demons / blood / gore to stick around a while would be very welcome
+ level diversity - who expected this sort of variety in a doom game? definitely not me. Also, torn down cities/post apocalyptic cities usually suck in games, but Doom might have had my favorite (Super Gore Nest ).
+ mobility - although I wish the game was maybe a bit faster. If the game was as fast as the rune where you gain a speed boost after glory kills that would be sick af.
+ slow mo - the rune where you can slow down time with right click is great but I kind of wish you could do it with a different key as this means usually only weapon mods can be used in slow motion. Keep in mind you can activate this rune, not only in the air but right after a dash! But slow motion SSG hooking is godlike. I wish there was a cheat that allowed you to use the slow mo rune infinitely.

My least favorite things:
- platforming - just didn't care for most of it, mainly the parts where you have to double jump and dash to the next parts to grapple a wall. It's w/e, but it does break up the flow a bit.
- story - didn't care. A couple of decent scenes in there though. Luckily can skip any time.
- the doom fortress / hub - since there was really not that much stuff to even collect I felt like this hub area was just too damn big and it was annoying to traverse. I'm kind of just grasping straws at this point though.

Amazing ass game. The learning curve was pretty high for me at first, but once I got the flow of things, it really started to click. I will say I didn't use the flamethrower as much as I should. Especially after I upgraded the SSG (which I cheesed very quickly, everyone cheeses the masteries for the guns they really want the mastery for, right?).

I think I should go play it now.
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Finally finished the game.

A couple of things I would like:
1) Be able to play the unlocked tracks in the game, not just in the fortress. I am not a big fan of the "farting music" that both 4 and 5 have and it is a real shame I can't blast Quad Machine during the campaign or any of the other good tracks which are there.
2) Chainsaw to replenish all ammo. The fact that you need to chainsaw one guy, wait 30 seconds and chainsaw another to get back to full ammo (which is still incredibly low) is just annoying.
3) Mech gameplay, for obvious reasons (Titanfall).
4) More powerups through out the game, I found only one berserker pack in the whole game, there might have been more but I never found them and I did run through the entire arenas most of the time. 3 quad damages I think, 2 speed boosts. Mega Spheres, however, did start appearing quite regularly during the later levels.
5) Monster infighting would be great.
6) Fists to do damage.

Things I liked:
1) Damage masks on enemies.
2) Higher mobility (movement speed is still low though and I don't think there is bunny hopping in the game, I could never trigger it).
3) More "video game" oriented map design makes encounters and exploration much more fun.
4) The option to look like the OG DOOMguy :) (took it the first moment I could and never even entertained the idea of taking any other suit).
5) Combat flow is, for the most part, fun.

Things I didn't like:
1) The first two missions are just meh, just like the last two. The game should have ended in the Tower of Babel, that was a very nice location.
2) We missed all the fun of the initial Hell invasion.
3) The story telling. The antagonists are all the same in most video games today it seems, constantly shouting "but you are the baddie, we are the victims here boo hoo, why are you so mean, waaaah" SHUT UP! Vega and Hayden are both castrated like nothing balls "you can't shoot at Mars, waaaah!" just shut up! Just terrible. I actually enjoyed the story in 4 a TON more than here, it is probably the only thing I did enjoy about 4. Story here is just trash, nothing more to add to that really.
4) Marauder is the biggest combat flow killer of all times. Whenever he appeared in any fight the whole encounter just ground to a halt with his insta-shield and green eyes nonsense, good grief, what a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE enemy design. Good thing there are only a few fights he appears in. The other bosses are about a million times less annoying, only the Marauder is a complete buzz kill.
5) Unmaker is pure trash though, can only inflict a fraction of the damage in 30 shots what the BFG can do in 1, literally a USELESS GUN!

The difficulty itself was pretty ok, I played on Hurt me Plenty and I think it was about right, the enemies still killed me in like two hits the few times when I got him, luckily the dash and double jump with the air control rune allowed me to dodge about 95% of all attacks so I ended up with over 30 extra lives at the end. I'm not sure what the higher difficulties add beside enemy HP because the damage the enemies inflict is extreme even on Hurt me Plenty, the moment I stopped for any reason all my armor was instantly gone and HP dropped to around 20. I have this feeling, and I had it in 4 too, that the more HP you have the more damage the enemies inflict. I got full armor and HP (150/200) and took a hit or two and all of a sudden I am down to like 20 HP and the next hit I take drops me to 11 HP, the next to 6 and then the next kills me, it is really weird. The slayer gates were pretty easy, there were plenty of normal encounters which were much more difficult. The game is pretty decent, definitely better than 4 but I wouldn't put it above 3, maybe on the same level as 3, both have things the other does better. 3 has better story, atmosphere, environments, Hell and overall feel, 5 has better gunplay, gore and movement.


Finally finished the game.

A couple of things I would like:
1) Be able to play the unlocked tracks in the game, not just in the fortress. I am not a big fan of the "farting music" that both 4 and 5 have and it is a real shame I can't blast Quad Machine during the campaign or any of the other good tracks which are there.
2) Chainsaw to replenish all ammo. The fact that you need to chainsaw one guy, wait 30 seconds and chainsaw another to get back to full ammo (which is still incredibly low) is just annoying.
3) Mech gameplay, for obvious reasons (Titanfall).
4) More powerups through out the game, I found only one berserker pack in the whole game, there might have been more but I never found them and I did run through the entire arenas most of the time. 3 quad damages I think, 2 speed boosts. Mega Spheres, however, did start appearing quite regularly during the later levels.
5) Monster infighting would be great.
6) Fists to do damage.

Things I liked:
1) Damage masks on enemies.
2) Higher mobility (movement speed is still low though and I don't think there is bunny hopping in the game, I could never trigger it).
3) More "video game" oriented map design makes encounters and exploration much more fun.
4) The option to look like the OG DOOMguy :) (took it the first moment I could and never even entertained the idea of taking any other suit).
5) Combat flow is, for the most part, fun.

Things I didn't like:
1) The first two missions are just meh, just like the last two. The game should have ended in the Tower of Babel, that was a very nice location.
2) We missed all the fun of the initial Hell invasion.
3) The story telling. The antagonists are all the same in most video games today it seems, constantly shouting "but you are the baddie, we are the victims here boo hoo, why are you so mean, waaaah" SHUT UP! Vega and Hayden are both castrated like nothing balls "you can't shoot at Mars, waaaah!" just shut up! Just terrible. I actually enjoyed the story in 4 a TON more than here, it is probably the only thing I did enjoy about 4. Story here is just trash, nothing more to add to that really.
4) Marauder is the biggest combat flow killer of all times. Whenever he appeared in any fight the whole encounter just ground to a halt with his insta-shield and green eyes nonsense, good grief, what a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE enemy design. Good thing there are only a few fights he appears in. The other bosses are about a million times less annoying, only the Marauder is a complete buzz kill.
5) Unmaker is pure trash though, can only inflict a fraction of the damage in 30 shots what the BFG can do in 1, literally a USELESS GUN!

The difficulty itself was pretty ok, I played on Hurt me Plenty and I think it was about right, the enemies still killed me in like two hits the few times when I got him, luckily the dash and double jump with the air control rune allowed me to dodge about 95% of all attacks so I ended up with over 30 extra lives at the end. I'm not sure what the higher difficulties add beside enemy HP because the damage the enemies inflict is extreme even on Hurt me Plenty, the moment I stopped for any reason all my armor was instantly gone and HP dropped to around 20. I have this feeling, and I had it in 4 too, that the more HP you have the more damage the enemies inflict. I got full armor and HP (150/200) and took a hit or two and all of a sudden I am down to like 20 HP and the next hit I take drops me to 11 HP, the next to 6 and then the next kills me, it is really weird. The slayer gates were pretty easy, there were plenty of normal encounters which were much more difficult. The game is pretty decent, definitely better than 4 but I wouldn't put it above 3, maybe on the same level as 3, both have things the other does better. 3 has better story, atmosphere, environments, Hell and overall feel, 5 has better gunplay, gore and movement.

I think I have to disagree with 2 points here:

1. I think the Marauder fights were awesome, they did slow things down considerably but man I loved fighting those guys, the Super Shotgun dance of death was extremely satisfying to me.

There is an optional encounter in the 4th last mission were you need to take one down in 30secs, it was one of my favorite challenges of the entire game. I'm actually kinda bummed that id didn't have the balls to make us fight 2 at once, that would have been great.

2. The story on the surface is lackluster if you don't engage in the codex's. I don't necessarily like the idea of hiding so much juicy stuff in optional text collectables but it fleshed out so much of the world that I was totally hooked by the end. It even implies some pretty crazy shit about the nature of 1 particular character that is rather fascinating as well, it also adds an air of mystery regarding the nature of who the Makyrs are, like why that thing was floating in the pool in Arduk and who "The Father" is. The lore of this universe is actually pretty awesome.
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