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DOTA2 |OT14| i give up like your pubs do


Dude, shit is awesome as hell. Let me know when you decide to play
going to find a physical copy tomorrow on lunch break

yo what weapon you maining?

no idea dude im going in blind
To be fair you were matched up with Gootecks, not Joe. :p
Nope, just checked the youtube vid that was definitely Joe. However he was playing one-handed wtf.

Ok I am ashamed
I suppose if I said my stick has been a little faulty recently it'd just sound like salt now huh.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Ugh, enemy slarks have been near single-handedly turning games in my wagers.

Jungle lifestealers and squishy CMs who keep going out solo to farm despite having ample warning that shadowblade slark is hunting them...


Ugh, enemy slarks have been near single-handedly turning games in my wagers.

Jungle lifestealers and squishy CMs who keep going out solo to farm despite having ample warning that shadowblade slark is hunting them...

My teams mid ember died 14 times with only 2 kills. You cannot win with this garbage happening.

Still praying for that concede button that will never come.


Long story but shit didn't work out and I have 2 Midweek and 2 Finals tickets on me and I don't think I'm going. :(
Anyone want to take these off me? PM me


People called Romanes they go the house?
My teams mid ember died 14 times with only 2 kills. You cannot win with this garbage happening.

Still praying for that concede button that will never come.

Lol, my lifetealer was 3/16.

16 Assists, to be fair, but I still don't know exactly how they just kept dying....and then going out solo into jungle again.

We were relatively ahead, too - Tinker was farming well and killing the storm repeatedly, I was doing decent as jugg vs a abba/husk off....but then we never capitalized.\

I don't know if a concede button is needed, per se, but some people really don't get the essence of a 'win-con' clock, and that if you let the game go to 50 minutes vs a lategame carry team, your odds of winning go waaaay down, lol.


Lol, my lifetealer was 3/16.

16 Assists, to be fair, but I still don't know exactly how they just kept dying....and then going out solo into jungle again.

We were relatively ahead, too - Tinker was farming well and killing the storm repeatedly, I was doing decent as jugg vs a abba/husk off....but then we never capitalized.

I don't know if a concede button is needed, per se, but some people really don't get the essence of a 'win-con' clock, and that if you let the game go to 50 minutes vs a lategame carry team, your odds of winning go waaaay down, lol.

16 assists don't mean anything when your carry is farming tons of gold then giving it away by dying all the time.

But I've learned to just roll with it if I'm on a bad team. Ain't shit you can do, unless they're fucking around and deserve a report. Just ride out the shit storm..


Is there a way to get better wifi in a place without having to make permanent changes to an apartment? Current place I'm looking at has wifi but it's comcast and I'm not sure if it'll be up to the task, but the guy said no changes to the structure.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
going to find a physical copy tomorrow on lunch break

no idea dude im going in blind

Ignore gunner weapons while you're a noob unless you're really passionate about wanting to try them.

You start the game with a basic weapon of each type. Play like 3-5 quests with each one and narrow down the ones you like until you get to 1-3 and stick to them. I didn't discover my fav until like 30 hours in because I was stubbornly trying to force myself to use ones I thought looked cool instead of ones I liked using.

I wouldn't dismiss any of them outright tho, even after trying them a couple times. A lot of weapons that I thought were sluggish and shitty at first just required more understanding of how they work.
Is there a way to get better wifi in a place without having to make permanent changes to an apartment? Current place I'm looking at has wifi but it's comcast and I'm not sure if it'll be up to the task, but the guy said no changes to the structure.
Powerline adapters possibly depending on how modern the wiring in the apartment is.


Main Insect Glaive today


Pff nothing beats the simplicity and elegance of a load of mass at the end of a stick


There is nothing like golfswinging a fool and watching it sail into the horizon.

I prefer to bludgeon monsters to death with a big hammer. There's something so satisfyingly primal about the whole thing.

This guy gets it.

And what liquid said is true, some weapons only truly feel great once you get the know hows of the game. Hamemr and GS feeel seveeral times better once you know monster patterns and bheavious, and manage to land those big hits by predicting the monster position a ew secodns in advance.

Or just pick Longsword, mash R, and infuriate everyone around you.

Chris R

Looking at the Team Secret Instagram, looks like the monitor of choice this year is the Asus ROG PG279q.

Good enough for me, good enough for TI :)


Looking at the Team Secret Instagram, looks like the monitor of choice this year is the Asus ROG PG279q.

Good enough for me, good enough for TI :)

QC issues aside, very good monitors.

Was going to eventually get one, but they have had their fair share of issues.

Chris R

QC issues aside, very good monitors.

Was going to eventually get one, but they have had their fair share of issues.

Mine has been perfect.

Wonder if Valve talked with ASUS and set aside 60+ monitors or whatever they need. Playing at 1440p 144hz with GSync is buttah though
Is there a way to get better wifi in a place without having to make permanent changes to an apartment? Current place I'm looking at has wifi but it's comcast and I'm not sure if it'll be up to the task, but the guy said no changes to the structure.

Moved into a different apartment and had to get a new dual band router from Comcast. One of the wifi signals is stronger so it holds a better connection with less interference.

Not sure if that's what you are referring to though? No wiring/structure changes or fees were required.

Edit-Just read your post again and don't think my response is your issue.


When I first started out w/ Monster Hunter (which on Tri on the Wii) I used lances for like 900 out of the 1k hours I played. After that it was Bowgun and then GS.

I started trying out the bow in MHG the last few days and it's super fun. Make the teo bow, it's the best

so ya, you should try lances.
Could one of you guys give me a rundown on what the weapons actually do? I know that the Sword and Shield is the weakest (by damage output) weapon and the Insect Glaive is fucking weird.


but ever so delicious
Do we have a google cal for the times and dates of the tournament?

Was always good setting it up for an alarm so I get woken up at 2AM/Whatever-AM on each day.
Wow you can see if you ever played with pro players with the latest YASP feature.

Apparently, I queued into Handsken 2 years ago and I totally didn't realize. Sadly, I don't remember the game at all (I'm the Bat).


When I first started out w/ Monster Hunter (which on Tri on the Wii) I used lances for like 900 out of the 1k hours I played. After that it was Bowgun and then GS.

I started trying out the bow in MHG the last few days and it's super fun. Make the teo bow, it's the best

so ya, you should try lances.

TBF, Lances were beyond broken in Tri with the counter and whatnot. The only thing keeping Lances in check was the huge ammount of Longsword users tripping them left and right.

Still loved Tri though, Tri and TriG had by far the best monster selection in the series.


TBF, Lances were beyond broken in Tri with the counter and whatnot. The only thing keeping Lances in check was the huge ammount of Longsword users tripping them left and right.

Still loved Tri though, Tri and TriG had by far the best monster selection in the series.

I never played TriG :(

but goddamn Tri..








Doesn't seem to catch everything as I've played recently against jerax and it's not in the list.

Zfreek, Korok, shredder and hota are on it though...

Could one of you guys give me a rundown on what the weapons actually do? I know that the Sword and Shield is the weakest (by damage output) weapon and the Insect Glaive is fucking weird.

> Insect glaive is pretty straighforward, you can steal essences from enemy monsters by sending your bug at different parts of their body, there are four essences, each increases either attack, defense, speed or restores your health. grabbing two of them gives you extra bonuses, and all three of them together give crazy buffs to your dps.

The main appeal of IG is that you can vault whenever you want, so going for mounts is easy. Grab 3 essences > Jump attack twice generally leads into a mount. It's very high mobility, especially with the speed essence and the aerial style.

> Dual swords is low attack damage crazy attack speed high mobility in your face melee weapons. You fill up a special gauge (at a hefty price) by wailing on your opponents and then you wail up on them some more once it's full for free. This weapon is all about stamina management and knowing monster patterns, even more so than other weapons, as you have to be in melee range for a long period of time to dish out the damage.


Wow you can see if you ever played with pro players with the latest YASP feature.

Apparently, I queued into Handsken 2 years ago and I totally didn't realize. Sadly, I don't remember the game at all (I'm the Bat).


My first game recorded on dotabuff was with IceIceIce, some Mith and OK guys, and Lyte (of Riot games, previously at Valve), though I played some games before that with Eul and Gaben, I guess it just never recorded those.


Powerline adapters possibly depending on how modern the wiring in the apartment is.

Thanks! I'll look into it.

Moved into a different apartment and had to get a new dual band router from Comcast. One of the wifi signals is stronger so it holds a better connection with less interference.

Not sure if that's what you are referring to though? No wiring/structure changes or fees were required.

Edit-Just read your post again and don't think my response is your issue.

Thanks anyway!


Could one of you guys give me a rundown on what the weapons actually do? I know that the Sword and Shield is the weakest (by damage output) weapon and the Insect Glaive is fucking weird.

Okay let me give it a shot.

SnS are usually pretty bad raw damage wise but there is a big selection of status effects they can inflict, and they can use items without sheathing the weapons, making them probably the best support weapon out there. Tehy can also use Blade coatings in Cross

Dual Blades are fast hitting, all offence weapons that specialise in elemental damage. They have zero defence, but a pretty nice dash. You can go in an alternate stance called Demonization where you have a new selection of moves, and charge aup a bar that, when full, lets you turn off demonization and go into Arch Demon mode without draining stamina. They have zero reach though, and require you to be constantly in the monster's grill. They eat through sharpness.

Greatswords are probably the best Weapon. They have unparalelled power and mobility, due to how one of your strongest attacks is the unseathe charge move. Should things get hairy, you can sacrifice sharpness to block a move. Raw pwoer above all else. Great sinergy with many skills like Critical Draw, quick sheathe and Punishing draw. Good reach, but you want to hit with the middle of the sword.

Longswords are the most annoying weapon. They are very combo heavy, and rquire constant agression. As you hit mosnters you charge a bar that when full can allow for a auto combo that, if finished, icnreases the power of your weapon. This can be done up to 3 times, after which you must start from zero. Usually elemental heavy, but they also need a hefty raw. Great reach, but due to how wide it's attacks are you0'll end up tripping your team mates, specially if they are lance users.

Hammer is one of the toughest weapons to use. Since they are blunt weapons, they usually have very little sharpness, especially in the early game. You NEED to be targetting the head, which boosts your damage output massivly and allows you to stun monsters, which nets you and your team like 8 secs of free damage wherever you want. If you hit the body instead you'll build up fatigue, which will slow down the monster. You'll be bouncing a lot, which coupled with the playstyle of always being in the line of fire means you must know the monster's behaviour or you'll eat a lot of damage. Evasion skills are needed unless you play adept style in cross. Best move is the Golfswing which has 6 seconds of setup time. Super Pound is a fine, easier alternative which is both faster and more leaning on the recovery, but you need to chage it before hand and can't combo after. Medium reach and low sharpness consumption.

Hunting Horn is a weaker Hammer in terms of damage but you can buff your team mates. Everyone likes a horn on their team. Infinite Stamina and damage boosts are the best songs, followed by Wind Resistence and Earplugs. Very wierd move set, attacks go in all sorts of directions. Should focus the head. Good reach.

Lance is unrelenting agression coupled with the best defence. One of the most satisfying weapons to learn. Amazing reach, needs good raw and elemental. Tripple stabing, dodging, stabbing again, countering constantly to keep yourself moving forward. Evasion skills are great with this. Eats through sharpness. Good starting weapon. Slow walk speed, backstepping is a better way to mvoe around unless you want to sheathe.

Gunlance has been massively reworked so what I say may not be applicable to Cross. Odd version of the lance. Good defence, nice offence. Blast damage is fixed so tis not reduced by hardness and whatnot, but it eats your sharpness. 3 styles of lance in Normal, Wide and Long. Long boosts Dragonfire, Normal normal shots and Wide charged shots. Also known to knock team mates around.

Switchaxe has two modes, axe mode and longsword mode, both with different walk speed, moveset and transitional combos. Good evasion options, zero defence. Power phials are pretty much the best. Axe mode is a slow weapon with nice flowing combos, Sword mode unleashes the phials for damage/elemental boost and constant aggression. Can unleash a Phial blast for decent damage, but it takes a while to finish. Medium sharpness useage. Best Reach in the game in axe mode, stubbier in sword mdoe. Sword mode doesn't bounce off monsters hard parts, but it still takes a damage and sharpness penalty.

Insect Glaive is a Longsword-style weapon with great, constant combos, but coupled with the mounting ability and the benefit of not tripping your team mates. You need to shoot a bug into the monster to get buffs, otherwise you're very weak. Head and claws usually give red buff, an offensive buff that extends your combos and damage. Back and torso usually gives orange, a defensive buff that gives earplugs and def up. Legs and Wings give White buff, which buffs your movespeed and extends the other buffs. If you have all 3 you enter a special mode where everything is buffed even further. Tails give an optional green buff that heals you a bit. Hard weapon to upgrade. Uses a lot of sharpness, decent reach. Was better in 4 where mounting was OP.

Charge blade has 2 modes, SnS and Axe. SnS mode has the decent offence and lets your charge phials to use in Axe mode. Blocking costs sharpness like the GS. Axe mode has as much reach as SwitchAxe's axe mode, and you can use the phials you stored up to unleash specials mvoes thatd eal stunning or elemental damage. If you have all phials stored up, you can do a super burst to deal even more damage or you can cancel it into a buff that boosts your damage, which is reccomended. This weapon has th best defence in the game known as guard points. If during an attack animation the shield is raised, you will automaticly block the monster move, unless a small burst, and gives you the option to cancel into a superburst. Beyond OP in 4G, it's quite bad now aparently.

LightBowGun focuses on Rapid Firing elemental, status and explosive shots. Real fun to use, even if the aiming is clunky. You need to be eithe rapid firing or shooting status shots, preferably both. You need to make your own ammo if you want the best dps. Boomstick is always fun. Note that gunner armour is very frail and has half the armour value of the blademaster's counterpart.

HeavyBowGun Is all about the raw. Slow weapon, massive dps if you have decent lockdown in Hammers, Mounting, Traps or Status. Pierce are usually the best ammo, but never discount the power of normal shots. Never use pellet. Evasion and Evade extender and grat skills to have to help with the mobility.

Bow is a more unrestrainged ranged weapon. You can coat your arrow with status or damage buffs, but element is bound to the bow itself. Load up and Focus are almost essential skills. Evaision helps too. There's usually only 1 bow worth using in every game. In 4G it was Seregios. In Cross it's Teostra. Never the ebst weapon, but it's fun to use.

Additionally, in Cross you have 4 styles that change how you play the game on top of special hunter arts (basicly super moves)

Guild is standart style.

Aerial sacrifices your roll dodge but gives you a springboard jump siilar to insect glaive, but you need a monster, team mates or a barrel to jump from.

Adept is beyond OP and gives your roll a lot more invincibility frames, puts you in a run state, and allows you to use a few new moves.

Striker makes you charge the super moves way quicker.

Note that all styles apart from guild remove certain moves from your weapon (example, you can't uppercut with the hammer or do a guard point discharge with a charge blade)

Hope that helped
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