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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P


omg, FINALLY! I finally got a dagger that has crit dmg + crit rate + def pen. I have not gotten those three on one dagger since the level 80 raid. Must've gone through hundreds of daggers, using all my tickets on them in the raid shops, spending millions combining them. Fucking finally.


Hero ticket as reward for pre-registration for Dark Souls


This will be last one I need for Sasha and then I have everything for Dark Souls I want (Tyr, Shiva, Sasha, Askr)

Awesome, thanks for the heads up on this. I can now safely use my Tiel to make a Kymeal, and then I'll just need enough SSS fodder (and surprisingly gold) to make my 3rd buster (Omega). After that, I think I'm done on busters.

I spent some time looking at the wiki and future released units, and I don't know, I'm sure some of the Dark Souls and Giants are super powerful in practice, but the skills just seem "okay" on paper. I like the fact that we get allies that can remove shields though. I'm really getting sick of PVP in the current meta. Invincibility was a mistake to hand out, other than Blackaria's, imo.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Even though I'd love to use the hero select ticket to finally snag a paladin and make Falcon, I'm better off grabbing Fulson. I already have Lucienne awoken and ulted, and Loki is ready to be awakened. Tyr will be a huge boon for pretty much my entire Dragon Blaze experience.


Busters/DS are super resource intensive so this recommendation is assuming minimum effort on your behalf. Set aside Turq and Lilith and get Eirden for your hero selection so that you can claim mage DS when the time comes. For short term goal I'd say start working on a unit that's still in use in Kr meta. Those units are Omega and to a lesser degree, Iota. Getting Omega would mean sacrificing Tiel but it's worth it. Her awakened form is months out anyways and you might stop playing the game again by then. The negative part about getting omega will be that he is a buffer unit and won't help you much with rankings by itself. But he is still worth going for because a: You don't need to max him out to get use out of him and b: making him will give you some sense of your farming pace. From there on go for a dps unit. Make Sasha if she is out; go for Tyr/Stigma/Gaia if you were too quick; or continue working towards Mage DS if you felt making Omega alone was too much.

Appreciate the advice. Right now, I can't even beat the latest dungeon. First thing I did was get all my relevant units to 90. Only my Priest is 90.

I figure since I'm struggling hard with 90 content, I'll auto-raid for Frozen equipment. I know it's not the greatest, but it's still significantly better than 80 gear. In the meantime, I'll try making SSS and hope I luck out with some units. If not, there's always the selector.

I checked again, and my Pluto is only +2. Is he worth maxing? I don't even bother with Lab anymore, it's just such a drag.

Even though I'd love to use the hero select ticket to finally snag a paladin and make Falcon, I'm better off grabbing Fulson. I already have Lucienne awoken and ulted, and Loki is ready to be awakened. Tyr will be a huge boon for pretty much my entire Dragon Blaze experience.

I read Awakened Loki was trash, so I wound up keeping my max'd Un and fed Loki to one of my main roster. Very much regretting that, since I'd be that much closer to Tyr. Oh well, such is life.
Rough choice now...
Paladin tier for omega or belle snow for sasha ;_;
That hero select is brutal

Well if you don't get one in those free 7 SSS I'd go for Paladin - it's better to have stuff which boosts your score now than stuff that will work 2 months from now.

Plus there's always hero select hidden as reward at floor 50 of buster tower which should be doable by the time Sasha releases.

I checked again, and my Pluto is only +2. Is he worth maxing? I don't even bother with Lab anymore, it's just such a drag.

I read Awakened Loki was trash, so I wound up keeping my max'd Un and fed Loki to one of my main roster. Very much regretting that, since I'd be that much closer to Tyr. Oh well, such is life.

I have Pluto Maxed and I don't regret doing it since I got months of usage from him but I wouldn't do it now with Dark Souls releasing in two weeks.

Tyr is similar to Pluto - great if it can be made shortly after release but it will fall behind other DS when we hit chapter 4 (when they unlock +ult for busters/DS with new ult skills).
Well if you don't get one in those free 7 SSS I'd go for Paladin - it's better to have stuff which boosts your score now than stuff that will work 2 months from now.

Plus there's always hero select hidden as reward at floor 50 of buster tower which should be doable by the time Sasha releases.

Still the "point" where i'm lacking the most is wb..
and while i have both ravenale ult, marg ult and iota (+0), i'd like more wb score ;_;

I have Pluto Maxed and I don't regret doing it since I got months of usage from him but I wouldn't do it now with Dark Souls releasing in two weeks.

Tyr is similar to Pluto - great if it can be made shortly after release but it will fall behind other DS when we hit chapter 4 (when they unlock +ult for busters/DS with new ult skills).

so i should max tyr asap as adviced in the last page as well?


+1 to maxing out Tyr asap.

I spent 500 tix today trying to beat floor 50 of hero tower. Tried all the recommended combos I could find. I just can't seem to survive the second burst wave. Best I have done is bringing DC's health to half. That dragon breath is ohko, still. My sheer firepower strategy failed. Dual CDR on falcon seems to be the only way to tackle him, which I don't have atm.


Tried so many times with sheep mage. Running with incredible concentration to increase accuracy. In some runs had foxy in the team too for double the sheep/foxy transmutation. Still all that DC needed to do was just one dragon breath when the shield is not up. Instant team wipe.


Hey quick question guys, which currently or in the near future is the best mage from a dps/utility aspect? I looked at my roster and it's almost all Rogues, Paladins, Healers, and Warriors.


Hey quick question guys, which currently or in the near future is the best mage from a dps/utility aspect? I looked at my roster and it's almost all Rogues, Paladins, Healers, and Warriors.

Draco Brightspark should be getting her buffs in a few weeks. She will be at the top for few months until awakened Turq and Eirden come along.
@Pejo - with busters/dark souls it's better to concentrate on few classes

Ehh I'm down to 5 SS after this week :)

If they don't give 1+1 soon I'll have to start combining S allies :(

At least I now have Fulson and Luciene ulted and Loki at M+2 so only 3 more to get Tyr.
@Pejo - with busters/dark souls it's better to concentrate on few classes

Ehh I'm down to 5 SS after this week :)

If they don't give 1+1 soon I'll have to start combining S allies :(

At least I now have Fulson and Luciene ulted and Loki at M+2 so only 3 more to get Tyr.

ehh ;_;
ulted awakened fulson, got ult loki (have to awaken him) and have to do the full round on lucienne..
i need 15 more sss ;_;


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Lordy lord, the skies parted and a beam of light done shone down 'pon me this morning.

Finally got a fucking SSS paladin from today's free ally. Falcon is in my near future, and it guarantees that I'll be grabbing Fulsom with the hero select for Tyr.


Finally. For the first time. Not bad for never having a tank deity.

belle snow get!!
i now have all the pieces :p
all the warrior for war ds..
all the paladin for pala ds..
all the rogue for rogue ds..
all the mage for mage ds..
all the priest for priest ds..
all the summoner for summoner ds...
2/3 of the pieces for archer ds.. but then again who cares?? i don't even have a single fully ulted archer deity :L

i'm sitting on ult awakened fulson, practically ult awakened loki (i have the fodder, just need the money), maxed lucienne..
soo 10 sss away from tyr.. i guess i can safely make all those 9 between login and daily sss :)

on the plus side... given that i got belle snow, i can now practically use the hero redemption ticket to get a second tiel to deity into kymael for omega...


belle snow get!!
i now have all the pieces :p
all the warrior for war ds..
all the paladin for pala ds..
all the rogue for rogue ds..
all the mage for mage ds..
all the priest for priest ds..
all the summoner for summoner ds...
2/3 of the pieces for archer ds.. but then again who cares?? i don't even have a single fully ulted archer deity :L

i'm sitting on ult awakened fulson, practically ult awakened loki (i have the fodder, just need the money), maxed lucienne..
soo 10 sss away from tyr.. i guess i can safely make all those 9 between login and daily sss :)

on the plus side... given that i got belle snow, i can now practically use the hero redemption ticket to get a second tiel to deity into kymael for omega...

That's some mighty powerful luck there. I'm still missing whay for summoner, loki for rogue, and windlune for archer. Not that I want to or even am able to gather enough resources to create all the DS but still, having that option on the table is nice.
lab for farming purpose i usually run:
taunt war (mc) + pluto
magr + iota
??? --> usually blackaria
support : bear, gaela, ravengale, shabelle

if i instead want to climb for score, my assumption is to go for mc paladin..
if i go with mc paladin, should i give omega (when i have it, at the end of this week) to mc paladin or to falcon?
Go with Falcon + Kymael/Paladin MC with Omega than you have two shields

I got so bored with lab that I left it to autorun since i can get to floor 111 occassionally :)
is there some undo system?
i was playing on my phone during cam-meeting on work and..
i used yvante as fodder..
any way to get it back? ticket? or i'm just sol?


is there some undo system?
i was playing on my phone during cam-meeting on work and..
i used yvante as fodder..
any way to get it back? ticket? or i'm just sol?

Always, always, always protect. I'd rather be annoyed I have to turn off that dumb shield icon than lose my mind because of accidental fodder-ing.

Speaking of Yvante, I pulled him as one of my free SSS. Now i'm all set for incanter and have no idea what to use my hero select on. I'm thinking either Mercedes or Calgar, since I have Shabelle already, and basically none of the other hero allies outside of Tiel.


belle snow get!!
i now have all the pieces :p
all the warrior for war ds..
all the paladin for pala ds..
all the rogue for rogue ds..
all the mage for mage ds..
all the priest for priest ds..
all the summoner for summoner ds...
2/3 of the pieces for archer ds.. but then again who cares?? i don't even have a single fully ulted archer deity :L

i'm sitting on ult awakened fulson, practically ult awakened loki (i have the fodder, just need the money), maxed lucienne..
soo 10 sss away from tyr.. i guess i can safely make all those 9 between login and daily sss :)

on the plus side... given that i got belle snow, i can now practically use the hero redemption ticket to get a second tiel to deity into kymael for omega...

I have almost all the same stuff, and it's stressing me out. I need more SSS fodder to actually make some stuff, but the game has been giving me all the SSS that are capable of ascension. I got a Fulson, followed by a Loki, followed by a Gram, followed by a Patta, followed by a damn Tinuvian.

C'mon game, pretend like it was year 1 and just stock me up on the generic archer SSS's.

I think I might aim for the Healer Dark Soul next. I already have ascended Shabelle, got a Mercedes on hold, and two Calgars. After that, every member in my "main" party will have a key.

Question: How's the Paladin Dark Soul in practice? It seems pretty strong, but I need to plan out what I want my 5th slot to be. It's either going to be the Paladin Dark Soul or the Mage Dragon Buster.
I have almost all the same stuff, and it's stressing me out. I need more SSS fodder to actually make some stuff, but the game has been giving me all the SSS that are capable of ascension. I got a Fulson, followed by a Loki, followed by a Gram, followed by a Patta, followed by a damn Tinuvian.

C'mon game, pretend like it was year 1 and just stock me up on the generic archer SSS's.

I think I might aim for the Healer Dark Soul next. I already have ascended Shabelle, got a Mercedes on hold, and two Calgars. After that, every member in my "main" party will have a key.

Question: How's the Paladin Dark Soul in practice? It seems pretty strong, but I need to plan out what I want my 5th slot to be. It's either going to be the Paladin Dark Soul or the Mage Dragon Buster.
weeeell, according to this one
askr is the 6th best key in kr..
but then again take that with a grain of salt, because for they have ult skill on keys...
and for example without taking ult skilll in consideration, rogue ds > robue db... but rogue ds ult skill is terribly useless, so sigma becomes better :X


Question: How's the Paladin Dark Soul in practice? It seems pretty strong, but I need to plan out what I want my 5th slot to be. It's either going to be the Paladin Dark Soul or the Mage Dragon Buster.

I have Askr in the Korean version and he's pretty great. His buffs and defenses allow my team to survive longer than they probably should. If you have a group of DPS or a DPS buster/souls, he definitely helps out a lot.

weeeell, according to this one
askr is the 6th best key in kr..
but then again take that with a grain of salt, because for they have ult skill on keys...
and for example without taking ult skilll in consideration, rogue ds > robue db... but rogue ds ult skill is terribly useless, so sigma becomes better :X

also as you said, that spread is way ahead with Ultimate keys and Giants. Here's what the spreadsheet showed a little after all the Souls came out. A lot has changed:

on that topic if we have someone willing, either in the next ot OR in the current one, we should write some "efficient" guide..
e.g. most efficient ss to sss strategy..
e.g most "practical" advice about starting direction.. wb give a decent payout even just for partecipation, whereas the best early investment is a decent labyrinth party, as weekly labyrinth reward are top notch when compared to the other alternatives..
e.g. priority in keys//buster//deity based on "mc", or even simply linking to some reputable tier list like the one from amarntine (or whatever the guy is called)..
e.g. typical "parties" for each event, as in best party for validation tower, best party for each wb

that would add a lot of value to the ot, especially for newcomer :)


I swear this game is messing with me in my search for a Loki. Eight summons I get four rogues... none of them Loki.
I swear the game is trolling me..
Afferma i burned my yvante, today via sss ticket i get a summoner..
Dupe whay..
Thanks game, REALLY thanks...
Heh meanwhille I've got Karang, Lilith, Eirdeen, Belle Snow, Loki and Tinuvian in last 10 SSS pulls.

Probably because I don't need them anymore.

Also I'm completly out of SS fodder. 1+1 can't come fast enough
Heh meanwhille I've got Karang, Lilith, Eirdeen, Belle Snow, Loki and Tinuvian in last 10 SSS pulls.

Probably because I don't need them anymore.

Also I'm completly out of SS fodder. 1+1 can't come fast enough
I've got 30 more Ss fodder and 30-40 more ss fodder in the letterbox..
I think it would be wise to skip the next 1+1, but i'm weak..
Don't those things have a 7-day expiry?
Not all of them..
Some have unlimited.
I consume the timed stuff first and pile up the unlimited..

Question: i have some vague memory of dark soul event featuring a choice between a deity choice ticket or 5x sss... Was i drunk?


Not all of them..
Some have unlimited.
I consume the timed stuff first and pile up the unlimited..

Question: i have some vague memory of dark soul event featuring a choice between a deity choice ticket or 5x sss... Was i drunk?

you're thinking about the revamped attendance calendar for the KR version. We only got a pre-registration for the hero ally selection ticket.
Impressive resource management then.
thanks :X but i mainly play those games exactly for that..
I currently "manage"
1) fantasy war tactics
2) soccer spirits
3) dragon blaze
I suppose that this comes as a freebie ability thanks to my job..

Ones from rubies summon don't have an expiration.
That's why i welcome 1+1 events.. I basically spend 2-3k rubies every time, and then just stash resource and burn through them slowly..
Based on the "trash feed" situation i might go with
Swimming in C (> 35 C)
3x B --> chain C
1xA --> chain C
Decent Stash of C (< 35C and > 15C)
4xB --> chain C
1xA + 1xB --> chain C
Less than 15C?
If i have enough space, and I should, else my "stash" is too unbalanced, farm C..

I burn 80 rubies (200 shoes) on odd days..
on even days, i try to go into ticket spree since I usually have more tickets than shoes..

I'm currently well off in cards too (stashed quite some varying dmg SSS and various useful U cards), but my gems reserve is REALLY poor.. :/ I have less than 10 ss gem per type.. so sss gem is a pipe dream.. I have only two chars full decked in ss gems (fulson full dex and blackaria full stamina)...
gems in this game are really a slog.....
you're thinking about the revamped attendance calendar for the KR version. We only got a pre-registration for the hero ally selection ticket.
and there i was dreaming about a new deity for free..
oh well...
I'm 5 sss from tyr..
I'm just waiting for gold again, as I need
1.4m for +4 and +5 of "base" lucienne (already have the sss feed)
1m for awakening
and then spam s to get her to max..
then I have to fetch some sss..
luckily tomorrow we get the new free sss for 20th day of login..
after that I simply need 4 more sss, but I'm quite confident I can get those by end of the week...
and then it's tyr's time...


weeeell, according to this one
askr is the 6th best key in kr..
but then again take that with a grain of salt, because for they have ult skill on keys...
and for example without taking ult skilll in consideration, rogue ds > robue db... but rogue ds ult skill is terribly useless, so sigma becomes better :X

I have Askr in the Korean version and he's pretty great. His buffs and defenses allow my team to survive longer than they probably should. If you have a group of DPS or a DPS buster/souls, he definitely helps out a lot.

A little late, but thanks guys. I really need to focus on more DPS, I feel, so I'll probably go for mage dragon buster instead of Askr. Maybe I'll look up the rest of the Dark Souls and see which one is supposedly best DPS and do that instead, I just like the design of the Mage Buster. Also, I will continue to ignore every Archer class character, as I've always done (not even ascended a single one yet).
I've got my Tyr to +8 so I'm just waiting for that login SSS bonus and it will be finished

Next one in line Shiva but I think I'll only Ult my +max Aw. Shabelle and concentrate on enhancing Omega and Iota since they are still at +0 and that makes them weak links due to dying first in WB or Arena instead

Also we have new event :)


Total Rewards:
Platinum Ally Summon x 21
600,000 Gold
SS~SSS Ally Summon x 3
SSS Ally Summon x 2

And much nicer bonuses for weekends

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