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Drakengard 3 |OT| This Silence Is Mine


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
They're there purely for party banter/distracting enemies.

Btw in the US version is dito freakishly ashy grey at some angles for no apparent reason? Since in the JP one at times the lighting on his model would get all screwed up making his skin literally appear grey a lot of the time.


Enjoying it so far. Not really a great game but its decent. EDF made me framerate drop immune so there's that. The main reason I'm liking it is the character interaction, comedy gold.
Btw in the US version is dito freakishly ashy grey at some angles for no apparent reason? Since in the JP one at times the lighting on his model would get all screwed up making his skin literally appear grey a lot of the time.

Not sure, will look for it the next time I play tonight. I try not to look at anything in the game too hard or I get nauseous :p
Well I finished the game. People weren't kidding about that rhythm game. It's so long and the camera is just there to fuck with you as much as possible. The whole thing is a giant troll. That video linked to earlier was enough to get me through it once I managed to get the video synced up properly.

My reaction to the ending: that's it? Ugh.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Not sure, will look for it the next time I play tonight. I try not to look at anything in the game too hard or I get nauseous :p

I had thought initially it was due to where he was standing when I first noticed it, since he was close up to the camera where he was standing but then after that started noticing it a lot and it just stuck out so much since looks so damned unnatural lol Its weird too since its just his character model that it seems to effect.

Well I finished the game. People weren't kidding about that rhythm game. It's so long and the camera is just there to fuck with you as much as possible. The whole thing is a giant troll. That video linked to earlier was enough to get me through it once I managed to get the video synced up properly.

My reaction to the ending: that's it? Ugh.

lol congrats


Kinda expected.
Any news from SE Europe how to activate them?

I am in NA, but fwiw, I had to go into the outfits and music section to change the language, rather than settings. Dunno if this will help :(

Thanks for clearing that up. Do you have subtitles from the small talk the enemies give? Also, I don't know if I should laugh or be annoyed at "content not suitable for anyone" thing going on.

EDIT: the japanese dubs are 10GB? Why? Dat uncompressed audio.

Haha yeah, some seriously uncompressed audio. So far, only Zero and such have subtitles in battle, except for boss fights

So far the gore is over the top, but its not too bad lol


Disciples are fucking useless in battle. I stood there for a minute waiting for Dito to attack someone and he didn't do shit
They're there purely for party banter/distracting enemies.

I don't even think they do any legitimate damage when they attack either.

There was one enemy who was one hit away from dying and was already on the ground begging and I was trying to get my disciples to finish him off.
The few times that they even bothered to attack the enemy (even though he was right next to them) they didn't actually lower the health of the enemy.
I don't even think they do any legitimate damage when they attack either.

There was one enemy who was one hit away from dying and was already on the ground begging and I was trying to get my disciples to finish him off.
The few times that they even bothered to attack the enemy (even though he was right next to them) they didn't actually lower the health of the enemy.

You should just be thankful they aren't running into a wall somewhere.

But given how useless they are, they should probably have been taken off the screen. Maybe the frame-rate would be a bit better.


Haha yeah, some seriously uncompressed audio. So far, only Zero and such have subtitles in battle, except for boss fights

So far the gore is over the top, but its not too bad lol
Same here. The gore reminds me of Berserk PS2. So far this and that game are the only ones where the characters gets covered in blood the more they fight.

@parakeetman: Till now the game is really fun, as I am a huge fan of hack n slash games. Haven't played nier or the other drakengard games, but is this game really that bad? Also, do I need to read the novella before starting the game itself? People in this thread mentioned that this game is somewhat similar to the older games.


Same here. The gore reminds me of Berserk PS2. So far this and that game are the only ones where the characters gets covered in blood the more they fight.

@parakeetman: Till now the game is really fun, as I am a huge fan of hack n slash games. Haven't played nier or the other drakengard games, but is this game really that bad? Also, do I need to read the novella before starting the game itself? People in this thread mentioned that this game is somewhat similar to the older games.
If you're enjoying it, just keep enjoying it. The only opinion that really matters is your own.

The novella has some nice backstory. You can read it at pretty much any time. I think One's story is the only one that's kind of spoiler.


At the mission menu, hit circle to go back to the book menu and hit right to go to the requests tab.


Had my first game crash, with the Ch3(I think) level where you first control Mikhail from the ground and the air against standard troops and cannons, crashed when the hyper cannon arrived, I went Intoner mode, tackled it, slammed it, and then the game locked up and froze.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm just interested in one part of the story for those that beat the game

Drakengard 1 and 3 Spoilers
What is Zero's relationship to the Queen-Beast?
I'm just interested in one part of the story for those that beat the game

Drakengard 1 and 3 Spoilers
What is Zero's relationship to the Queen-Beast?
Well, it was the flower blooming inside Zero that turned her into the Queen Beast, and Mikhail was the only to defeat and seal it away. The Grotesqueries originate from the flower, and only dragons are capable of neutralizing it.

Now for the Queen Beast that appears in the first game, a common theory I've heard is that with Zero being sealed in another world in Ending D might have sent it to Ending D in the first game, or some void in between the timelines. Considering that Angelus and Caim fight the Queen Beast in Ending E the same way Mikhail does (mostly the same way), it's most likely the same entity.

In short,
the flower is the source of all evil eldritch horrors that want to destroy the world.


Has anybody who pre-ordered not received their DLC codes? Ordered it from Square's site back in October, no codes in the box, no emails from Digital River other than the order confirmation and shipping notification.


Well, it was the flower blooming inside Zero that turned her into the Queen Beast, and Mikhail was the only to defeat and seal it away. The Grotesqueries originate from the flower, and only dragons are capable of neutralizing it.

Now for the Queen Beast that appears in the first game, a common theory I've heard is that with Zero being sealed in another world in Ending D might have sent it to Ending D in the first game, or some void in between the timelines. Considering that Angelus and Caim fight the Queen Beast in Ending E the same way Mikhail does (mostly the same way), it's most likely the same entity.

In short,
the flower is the source of all evil eldritch horrors that want to destroy the world.

I've also seen (A through D spoilers)
ending A is the cause because brother One gets splattered with Zero's blood, and she dies resentful of Mikhail's death, failing as a "mother." The cult, in possession of Zero's body and the flower, attempt to resurrect her. Thus Drakengard 1.

I've also seen ending C being mentioned as the one that lead to Drakengard 1, as Zero goes fucking nuts due to Mikhail's deevolution and death, the mother complex being much more powerful, and eventually becoming the Grotesquery Queen, surrounding herself with babies. Dunno about that D theory. IIRC, she just outright dies in that ending.
I hated Drakengard 1 & 2 gameplay-wise and didn't even finish them, but I loved Nier (for its story and its gameplay, weird I know), will I enjoy Drakengard 3 ? I don't want a third game sitting there on my shelf gathering dust.
I've also seen (A through D spoilers)
ending A is the cause because brother One gets splattered with Zero's blood, and she dies resentful of Mikhail's death, failing as a "mother." The cult, in possession of Zero's body and the flower, attempt to resurrect her. Thus Drakengard 1.

I've also seen ending C being mentioned as the one that lead to Drakengard 1, as Zero goes fucking nuts due to Mikhail's deevolution and death, the mother complex being much more powerful, and eventually becoming the Grotesquery Queen, surrounding herself with babies. Dunno about that D theory. IIRC, she just outright dies in that ending.
I thought Accord said something in Ending D that Zero and the flower were "sealed away" or something like that. In all the instances that it has been fought, it's never truly destroyed. Even before the start of NieR, the maso from the queen just gets sent back to its point of origin.
Ending C leading into Drakengard 1 mostly makes sense except for the part where Zero would have to be sealed away somewhere by the dragons and then proceed to come back once Manah is killed. Granted there's nothing that says such thing does or doesn't happen, but for now, I find the Ending D connection more likely.
Has anybody who pre-ordered not received their DLC codes? Ordered it from Square's site back in October, no codes in the box, no emails from Digital River other than the order confirmation and shipping notification.

Try emailing them.

It was that people who ordered the game before February (when preorders were announced) weren't eligible for the DLC and they had to cancel their original order and reorder to get the bonuses. To quote the SQEX site:
- Tier One: players who place their pre-order from today through March 3 will receive a special Japanese voiceover DLC and automatically unlock the two yet-to-be-announced bonuses

Stupid, yes.

But someone in this thread confirmed that they were able to email whoever (SQEX/DR) and get DLC codes, and they preordered before February.


Try emailing them.

It was that people who ordered the game before February (when preorders were announced) weren't eligible for the DLC and they had to cancel their original order and reorder to get the bonuses. To quote the SQEX site:

Stupid, yes.

But someone in this thread confirmed that they were able to email whoever (SQEX/DR) and get DLC codes, and they preordered before February.

Thanks, I actually just saw the original post and emailed both DI and SE. So stupid.


Has there been any word on when the Sisters DLC is coming out? I'm hoping they release it all at the same time, but knowing how these things usually go, they will probably release them one by one over a period of time.


Two was still designed better than this game was thats for sure. Nothing beats the first one with how bad the attack animations were though which made the game a chore lol.

Id say two still at least kept the feeling of the world and setting, where this one totally just threw pretty much all of that out. They were targeting the wrong audience thats for sure. Since its not like bringing people into 3 is going to suddenly make them buy 1 & 2 anymore. So dont even see why they tried to change their focus away from the fans of the first 2 games. That and its not like people who know nothing about the series are really going to wander into the 3rd game just because over here in Japan, considering the stories are "supposed" to be connected.

They seriously could have done so much more with the game if they actually had put some effort into it. Such a waste of a title that folks have been waiting years for. Almost 9 years people have been waiting for another game. With how they apparently wanted to continue the franchise with media such as the mangas for example, that they make the general writing from the game so different from the mangas. Well more the one which would most def be considered mainline, the DRAG-ON DRAGOON 死ニ至ル赤 / Drag-On Dragoon Shi ni Itaru Aka. (Btw as mentioned before for others dont look this up as the cover of the first book can be considered a major spoiler).

They had a fine cast of characters, but it was pretty much all wasted due to the poor overall writing. On top of having other content locked away in the DLCs, which wasted the initial potential of the sisters with the full title itself. Such a damned shame since the cast and their voice work is great and subpar gameplay / design sure can look past that, but the writing really just pulled everything down. The producer talks about how the core is his audience yet pretty much with the design and how the writing / tone was changed shows that they were targeting a different group all together. Which was not the fans of the series.

Geez hearing you say all that makes me feel like avoiding this game completely even with a price drop. I still giving it a chance, but I know there is truth in what you said. For shame...


Finished the first 3 branches. It's a pretty dumb fun game where you just switch off and enjoy running around slaughtering many dudes.

It's no Nier, but that's not such a bad thing (despite how much I love Nier) and it's also not Drakengard so that's, that's good, well done Drakengard 3 for making that incredibly high bar.

Still not played Drakengard 2 properly but I doubt I ever will as I'm too lazy to sort it out on an emulator and don't want to set up my PS2. Plus like, 2 cutscenes of Nowe was enough for me to turn it off.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Geez hearing you say all that makes me feel like avoiding this game completely even with a price drop. I still giving it a chance, but I know there is truth in what you said. For shame...

If you want to play it just wait for a price drop truthfully. Its not a title thats so well "built" so to speak that its worth paying full. Esp if you plan on getting the DLC
Oh wow, I didn't realize that finishing Branch D unlocked the final weapon base I needed in the shop.

Now I can grind out payday missions and other old sidequests to upgrade the rest of my weapons. A good portion of them already have their full stories unlocked, no reason for me to stop now.


Just got to Chapter 3. Love, love, love the lead/build up to the Intoner fights. The Intoner chant/hymns coupled with the summoning dialogue from the disciples followed by that sweet transition from chant/prayer to boss track is just perfection. Great audio/sound design. I don't know, despite the game feeling like total trash-town at times, I'm REALLY enjoying it.


Just got to Chapter 3. Love, love, love the lead/build up to the Intoner fights. The Intoner chant/hymns coupled with the summoning dialogue from the disciples followed by that sweet transition from chant/prayer to boss track is just perfection. Great audio/sound design. I don't know, despite the game feeling like total trash-town at times, I'm REALLY enjoying it.

I agree, except a problem from a gameplay perspective:
Why can't there be both a dragon and an Intoner fight? Massive wasted opportunity. The fights are over too fast. They make her sisters look weak after their badass intro in the prologue.


I agree, except a problem from a gameplay perspective:
Why can't there be both a dragon and an Intoner fight? Massive wasted opportunity. The fights are over too fast. They make her sisters look weak after their badass intro in the prologue.

Yeah, I hear ya. I would have taken a ground/one-on-one fight with their disciples too if they didn't want the player facing the sisters in combat (although, why tease it in the intro chapter...?).


Loves Robotech S1
I agree, except a problem from a gameplay perspective:
Why can't there be both a dragon and an Intoner fight? Massive wasted opportunity. The fights are over too fast. They make her sisters look weak after their badass intro in the prologue.

Over the course of the last 2 routes, mostly in D, you do get to refight them all one-on-one.
They're probably the best fights in the game.
You know what?

This is far better than Lightning Returns. Who care about all that graphics and visuals if the story and game is terrible, right?

Drakengard 3 is just a better game overall.
So I need to get every weapon to unlock route D. What's the best stage for farming gold at this point?
Pick the payday mission in the land of sands and try to kill the golem and at least one gold soldier, maybe two. The amount of gold you get in that mission mixed with the multiplier for each enemy defeated pays out a lot.

Too bad once you do it, you have to replay 3 previous requests in that area in order to play it again. But that method is how I got the remaining weapons (and how I'm currently getting the materials to upgrade them).


You know what?

This is far better than Lightning Returns. Who care about all that graphics and visuals if the story and game is terrible, right?

Drakengard 3 is just a better game overall.

Drakengard 3 is the worse game IMO because it was built off so much hype. That reveal had everyone so ready to dig into that apeshit world.
At least LR builds off of disappointment. Expectations could not be lower so any positive thing came as a nice surprise.


Came across this so I thought I would share.



I think OP you forgot to add this review - Hardcore Gamer 3.5/5

The best review from what I read.
Lighting Returns actually has some really interesting ideas that are hurt by the obviously low budget and rushed development schedule. Drakengard 3 is a really simplistic hack n slash that runs at 15 fucking frames per second. Not sure by what measure it could possibly be better in the gameplay department.

Still enjoying the game so far in terms of the story, but I'm slow and early on.
Drakengard 3 is the worse game IMO because it was built off so much hype. That reveal had everyone so ready to dig into that apeshit world.
At least LR builds off of disappointment. Expectations could not be lower so any positive thing came as a nice surprise.
What, I was never hyped for Drakengard 3!

I went expecting cheesy graphics and broken gameplay since the first screenshots were laughable in terms of graphics. It is made by Deadly Premonition devs so I didn't expect anything more other than a enjoyable B-movie type of game.

What I got was a surprisingly better game. And I think is just more interesting and fun than LR which I think is the worst story I ever played in a Japanese game.


Pick the payday mission in the land of sands and try to kill the golem and at least one gold soldier, maybe two. The amount of gold you get in that mission mixed with the multiplier for each enemy defeated pays out a lot.

Too bad once you do it, you have to replay 3 previous requests in that area in order to play it again. But that method is how I got the remaining weapons (and how I'm currently getting the materials to upgrade them).
I see. Yeah, I kinda thought that the paydays were the best ones. It's a pain you have to redo 3 quests afterwards.

The locked chests are the fastest ones so I'll go with that one.
So the general consensus is the story is actually pretty good? Gameplay I can understand being a bit shoddy, but if the story is good enough I can let that slide a little.
So the general consensus is the story is actually pretty good? Gameplay I can understand being a bit shoddy, but if the story is good enough I can let that slide a little.
Well, it depends who you ask. I personally enjoy it, but there are problems with the story and characters that I can understand complaints for but don't have as big of an issue with. Probably makes me shallow or something, but whatever.


Drakengard 3 is the worse game IMO because it was built off so much hype. That reveal had everyone so ready to dig into that apeshit world.
At least LR builds off of disappointment. Expectations could not be lower so any positive thing came as a nice surprise.

D3 sure delivers on the apeshit quotient.
Well, all sword and spear weapons fully upgraded, as well as the first couple of combat bracers. I must say, the full story for Masochistic Joy got a good laugh out of me (didn't expect it to end the way it did).

God damn, what I would pay to have a physical tome of every weapon story that has been in this entire series.


Well, damn it. I'm missing one weapon and it's gotta be in one of the 3 quests left. I get destroyed in all of them. This will be fun.

edit: yay! got it.


Drakengard 3 is the worse game IMO because it was built off so much hype. That reveal had everyone so ready to dig into that apeshit world.
At least LR builds off of disappointment. Expectations could not be lower so any positive thing came as a nice surprise.
There might have been a lot of hype when the game was initially announced, but when screenshots started to come out a couple of days later, the hype died down considerably. I remember it well.
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