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Drakengard 3 |OT| This Silence Is Mine


I think my copy finally arrived. Got a sticker on my door, I'll have to find some time to drive over to the post office. I'm still looking forward to the game, but it'll be a while before I play it I think.

Would've been nice if the game had a better budget and more time I suppose. Maybe it'd be better on the technical side then.


I think a game itself does not get better or worse depending on the level of hype it gets. Your personal perception of the game might change, yeah, but that's really subjective and has nothing to do with the game, but rather with how much you let yourself get hyped based on pre-release material.

Plus, I really do not get Parkeetman's complaints. Please let's not pretend as if the predecessors have offered great gameplay or fully realized potential. While Drakengard 1 is a very interesting experience, there are A LOT of missed opportunities. Take the odd pacing or the extremely flat characters for instance. I really don't understand what 'fans have been waiting for since 9 years' as each game of the series was unlike the other. D1, D2, Nier - all different, at least tone-wise. D3 is no exception. The only consistency in the series is the fact that you kill a lot of things and that the games look like shit.

Sorry if that doesn't make much sense. Games like Drakengard 3 always get irrational love from me simply because they are so bizarre and their existence itself is a miracle.

I think I hyped it up to near mythical levels, so I was let down. Starting out I had a pretty sore ass, but over time I warmed up to it. The only major thing I'm pretty mad about is the sister backstory being DLC. I don't have the money for that squeenix, please :[

Also, ending D. I have missed the FINAL NOTE 16 times. I can't do this. I just can't.
I forgot to cancel my original pre-dlc pre order. If anyone is interested in a new sealed standard edition copy let me know. I posted this in buy sell trade as well but I don't think anyone is going to find it who gives a shit.


Well, I got to the end of branch D. Yep, this is gonna take some time.
I dropped the controller when the screen went black, I wasn't expecting another note :(. The camera is the worst enemy, I have to close my eyes and follow the music for the best results.


Fuck those dragons battles.
Unlocked branch D and seems like there will be a lot of those, one for each sister. I attack when the guy is charging a fireball but that barely does damage. Triangle does some damage, but mikhail usually gets hit too. :/

I think I'll just watch the rest of the game on youtube or something.
I've only just finished the first ending so I'm nowhere near the note game but watching videos of the last one is making a lot of those comments hilarious. Such a dick move.


Fuck those dragons battles.
Unlocked branch D and seems like there will be a lot of those, one for each sister. I attack when the guy is charging a fireball but that barely does damage. Triangle does some damage, but mikhail usually gets hit too. :/

I think I'll just watch the rest of the game on youtube or something.

I didn't find any of the boss battles difficult...especially with the patented "strafe and spam triangle" move against the dragons.


Quick question.

The multiple endings, in Nier, you only have to play roughly the last third when you New Game +, is that the case here?

The game is really bad, and replaying all these levels is certainly not going to happen for me, but I'd like to see the endings.
Quick question.

The multiple endings, in Nier, you only have to play roughly the last third when you New Game +, is that the case here?

The game is really bad, and replaying all these levels is certainly not going to happen for me, but I'd like to see the endings.
The game has branches where the story diverges and each one unlocks after completing the previous one. It's not like how NieR handles story by expanding or changing the context of the same events.
I guess there's no harm in trying that, but it would suck to spend all that time downloading it just to find out it doesn't work. I hope we get word on it soon, though...

Well, just in case anyone's thinking of trying it, as expected it doesn't work. Definitely a problem with the game or the DLC that they've uploaded, not an issue with installation or anything.


Great to hear, looking forward to all the crazy they're sure to hold.
Keep in mind that the branches are basically the same levels in reverse with different enemies and bosses. So yeah, fortunately they are all pretty shot (except maybe for the big desert one) and it won't take more than a couple of hours to finish.
Quick question.

The multiple endings, in Nier, you only have to play roughly the last third when you New Game +, is that the case here?

The game is really bad, and replaying all these levels is certainly not going to happen for me, but I'd like to see the endings.

It's a linear game that continues after each "ending" and has one final result. The only things you have to replay are the maps the game constantly recycles.


My Collector's Edition arrived today from SE. I didn't have to pay any duties at the door [cheapest shipping to Canada], so that was a pleasant surprise. I haven't started playing it yet [too many other games in my backlog at the moment], but it feels nice having received it at least.


Got the platinum trophy a bit ago. Kind of annoying that I only have 56% trophy completion though, because of all the DLC.


Got the platinum trophy a bit ago. Kind of annoying that I only have 56% trophy completion though, because of all the DLC.

I remember checking the trophy percentage after finishing B and being confused by the amount of trophies it had. It wasn't until I scrolled to the very bottom and got hit with such a huge wall of DLC trophies that I realized that I was only a few trophies away from actually getting platinum. It's such a weird feeling.


I didn't find any of the boss battles difficult...especially with the patented "strafe and spam triangle" move against the dragons.

They aren't hard, just boring. I have to dodge attacks for a minute for a chance to do 10-15% of dmg.

I'm on the last verse now. Hope my DJMax/Guitar hero skills will be useful.

edit: failed twice at the black screen, fuck this shit. Watched the ending on youtube.
I expected more from this game, at least from the story/characters.
The 3 remixed Nier tracks that are DLC, are these the only ones there are? Or are there more on the OST, or anywhere?

I need moar Nier remixes. This new Emil version is fucking GREAT.
now to get my first Platinum (since I dont consider inFamous SS, Sly Cooper or Tearaway to be deserved Platinums :p)

And from now on, I no longer consider what happen's after the credits to be part of the real ending lol^^
-take that MGS!-

Seriously, did they get John Cleese to do the Mo-Cap?

Anyways, hope to see you again too Yoko Taro
s Game
, I had a blast playing.


I'm having a great time with the game so far. I'm on chapter five, verse 3. It's a bit janky like I thought, but a lot of fun. The story makes me want to keep going.

In other news, Square-Enix gave me my preorder bonus code that I assumed I wouldn't be getting. I've already bought the Japanese voice DLC, but at least I'll still get the costumes and stuff this way.
I'm having a great time with the game so far. I'm on chapter five, verse 3. It's a bit janky like I thought, but a lot of fun. The story makes me want to keep going.

In other news, Square-Enix gave me my preorder bonus code that I assumed I wouldn't be getting. I've already bought the Japanese voice DLC, but at least I'll still get the costumes and stuff this way.
The preorder DLC code for the Japanese voices isn't separate from the rest?
Well, my copy of the CE FINALLY came in today only took them eight days.

A few questions, as I just made it to Chapter 2.

Is it safe to read the novella before playing the game, I'd rather not have anything major spoiled for me. I know the novella itself says that one of the chapters references end game stuff, can I read up until then and be fine?

Also, I have been working on upgrading weapons as I get them, primarily because I figure I'll need them all maxed in order to get the last ending or somesuch, do I honestly need gold for anything else?

Will the starter sword always suck?

and finally, when is it safe to play the One DLC?

Edit: Sigh, looks like some of the last fight has been spoiled, or so I assume. It's not hard to figure out what people are so psyched about finally beating. Not looking forward to that.


A few questions, as I just made it to Chapter 2.

Is it safe to read the novella before playing the game, I'd rather not have anything major spoiled for me. I know the novella itself says that one of the chapters references end game stuff, can I read up until then and be fine?

and finally, when is it safe to play the One DLC?

You can safely read the novella up until Michael's chapter. Anything after that is spoilers, I guess. (I only read up to there and stopped.)

Also, seeing as One's DLC is actually Chapter Zero, then it's safe to do it now.


Edit: I'm all out.

At least I could help out two people with their missing DLC. Redeem it quick, guys!
Also, seeing as One's DLC is actually Chapter Zero, then it's safe to do it now.
Actually, it's best to save that for after Branch A, as it involves a character who is revealed at the end of Branch A and kinda ruins the surprise (this same character is also at the end of the novella which is a spoiler).
Also it ends on a note that doesn't resolve anything, at least until the remaining sister DLC is released.
Quick question, how much grinding will I have to do to unlock Branch D? Because apparently I have to unlock 100% of the weapons.

I'm in Branch B Verse 2 right now, but I got this from Gamefly and my subscription just ran out, so I have to send it back within the next day or so.
Quick question, how much grinding will I have to do to unlock Branch D? Because apparently I have to unlock 100% of the weapons.

I'm in Branch B Verse 2 right now, but I got this from Gamefly and my subscription just ran out, so I have to send it back within the next day or so.
I didn't have to grind too much for gold, but I was finding all the treasures and doing accord requests as I played, so it really depends on how thoroughly you've been playing the game. Beating D and the last boss will probably take you longer.


This is for the DLC Japanese Voice+All Phases bonuses.


At least DR finally gave me the code...too bad I don't care about it anymore.
This is for the DLC Japanese Voice+All Phases bonuses.


At least DR finally gave me the code...too bad I don't care about it anymore.

Oh my gosh, I got it. Thank you so much!

I always end up profiting from Digital River's fuckups. Got 400 dollars for my Ni No Kuni Wizard's Edition :D
I should have kept it ;-;
I didn't have to grind too much for gold, but I was finding all the treasures and doing accord requests as I played, so it really depends on how thoroughly you've been playing the game. Beating D and the last boss will probably take you longer.
Hmm I just found out that some of the weapons will require me to go back to previous levels and perform mini objectives.
Yeah, screw that. If someone wants to give me their save file if they've already collected all the weapons, I'll beat this.

Otherwise, I think I'm going to have to call it quits. This Branch D isn't worth the trouble.
Just beat
Branch A
...very confused but my interest to continue is inflamed! Tell me are the multiple endings going to be DOD 1 anguish level?

And for general thoughts on the game...

Rife with technical issues (input lag, texture popping, lazy character animations, and most abhorrent frame-rate dives/tears) I still ultimately enjoyed my first playthru thus far. The dub is fantastic beyond my expectations (Based 8-4 is based) and the comedy caught me by surprise! I haven't laughed from a game like this in a long time. All in all, flaws unforgiven, just like Drakengard 1, 2, and Nier, Drakengard 3 has successfully captured my interest in it's narrative and has some fun if not series staple, shallow combat (when its not shuttering to a halt), hopefully this..."quality" will continue as I move to the next
Some guy made a pretty amusing and informative video on this game. Pretty light on spoilers as well, so it's probably worth watching if you plan on getting the game.

Personally, I'm in no hurry to get the game. Maybe will in the summer but who knows. Looks like it's a real chore to play with nearly the only incentive to not look up a cutscenes video on youtube being that there's dialogue during gameplay. And I loved the small-talk in Nier, so it's probably worth not skipping out on it here as well.
Just beat
Branch A
...very confused but my interest to continue is inflamed! Tell me are the multiple endings going to be DOD 1 anguish level?

And for general thoughts on the game...

Rife with technical issues (input lag, texture popping, lazy character animations, and most abhorrent frame-rate dives/tears) I still ultimately enjoyed my first playthru thus far. The dub is fantastic beyond my expectations (Based 8-4 is based) and the comedy caught me by surprise! I haven't laughed from a game like this in a long time. All in all, flaws unforgiven, just like Drakengard 1, 2, and Nier, Drakengard 3 has successfully captured my interest in it's narrative and has some fun if not series staple, shallow combat (when its not shuttering to a halt), hopefully this..."quality" will continue as I move to the next
Branch A is the best part of the game. B and C are mostly just treading water and that's where the game fell apart for me.
How long are B, C, and D compared to the first part of the game?

B and C are probably around the length of one chapter from A. D is a bit longer than that. Branch A is maybe half the game? It's tough to tell since the game gives you no hour count and you have to grind a bit to unlock things later on.
Thanks! Will run through B and C today then. Been spacing it out so I'm still enjoying it. Doesn't seem quite as repetitive when you do a chapter or do a day.

Is there any way to check which treasure chests you missed?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Thanks! Will run through B and C today then. Been spacing it out so I'm still enjoying it. Doesn't seem quite as repetitive when you do a chapter or do a day.

Is there any way to check which treasure chests you missed?

B and C should be about 2 hours each.

D should be about 3-4 or something.

Isnt there some sort of icon showing how many chests you picked up on a stage? Dont remember have not turned the game on in a while as its loaded up on my other PS3 thats boxed up at the moment.


How did you guys beat
One on her dragon in the cathedral

The performance during that fight is terrible. The frame rate slows to a crawl
and there's just no room to properly move or strafe around. I'm also doing so very little damage, even when attacking during Gabriel's power up attack.
Thanks! Will run through B and C today then. Been spacing it out so I'm still enjoying it. Doesn't seem quite as repetitive when you do a chapter or do a day.

Is there any way to check which treasure chests you missed?

On the chapter select screen it will show you how many chests you have. There will be three treasure chest icons, the ones lit up you have gotten on that level. It's worth noting that the order of those icons aren't necessarily the order they appear in the level. I was confused a bit trying to find a chest I missed because of that.
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