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Dreams |OT| A World Of Pure Imagination


Anyone else think it was a mistake to make Dreams a new IP instead of continuing the LittleBigPlanet franchise? LBP as a franchise had huge potential, it still baffles me how little Sony did with it. With Sackboy they had an iconic figure they could’ve carried through future generations. If Dreams was part of the LBP franchise, and the story mode actually contained Sackboy, then no one would be confused about what Dreams actually is.

LBP’s aesthetics are very unique, and should have been continued (at least in story mode). They should’ve just called it LittleBigWorld, which is what people have been hoping for ever since the first LBP came out. The marketing would have written itself: It’s LBP, but now in a fully traversable 3d world! It could’ve been Sony’s answer to both Mario and Minecraft.

Instead we got this bizarre reveal at E3 2013 (I believe) which left everyone confused. And instead of playing with Sackboy in a cool 3d world with iconic LBP aesthetics, we get these three weird, disconnected campaigns (at least that’s what I remember from the interviews and footage I’ve seen over the years). Overall I think it’s a huge missed opportunity.


It isn't a game though. It IS a development tool. If it gets labelled a game then I'll have to keep typing 'people still don't get it' forever! LOL. They've got to sell it for what it is. The thing that will kill Dreams dead is the search function and ease of access. THAT is the only thing that I feel will ruin any chances of it being huge, although I think it will sell very well anyway. It's the thing I'm least impressed with and hate with a vengeance.

It's actually both.


It's actually both.
Most definitely primarily the latter, but they need the game aspect to sell it to the masses.

Part of Early Access was to build the community so there would already be one with lots of content the moment Dreams gets it official release.

The story aspect also got rebooted many times afaik because every time they expanded on Dreams, they needed to basically start over with their levels.
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Congrats to all the Impy Award winners, remember there is a lot of cool creations Media Molecule aren’t officially allowed to talk about such as this Crash Bandicoot Creation:

Some creators was robbed in my opinion

There were too many repeat winners for the first years out in my opinion and a lot of my favourite didn’t even a nomination. What were some you thought were overlooked?

We’ve also uploaded the final part of our Crash Bandicoot play through, and have a special video series starting tonight:

We have decided to learn the creation tools ourselves and one day make our own level.

This series is perfect for anyone starting from scratch or advanced creators who want to feel better about themselves:

It’s been many years since I played a Ridge a Racer but the nostalgia hit me like a bag of bricks playing this level with all the sound effects and everything, I might be misremembering but it actually seems (almost) perfect



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

*proceeds to post cringe videos from his channel alone always and forever like that was the thread's sole objective*

What a way to ruin an OT about a thing as cool as Dreams. No wonder it's just 15 pages (and 7.5 are your own posts).
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Dreams in Digital
What are YOU going to make in Dreams when you get it? Are you going to build something from the ground up or borrow assets from the community?

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