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EA granted rights to develop LOTR games based on books



Redwood City, Calif., – July 25, 2005 – Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that it has been granted the rights to develop games based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic literary fiction, The Lord of the Rings. Since 2001, EA has developed games based exclusively on New Line’s Academy Award winning theatrical productions of The Lord of the Rings, as depicted by Peter Jackson. The expansion of the rights allows EA to introduce players to depths of the fiction never before explored in an EA game. The company also revealed today the first details of two new games in the blockbuster The Lord of the Rings series; The Lord of the Rings™, The Battle for Middle-earth™ II and The Lord of the Rings™ Tactics (working title). With the new games, fans will be able to step into a world that looks like the films, but experience characters, environments and battles that have been inspired by the books.



Did BfME sold that well?

I thought RTS fans hated it (I know I did) and bought Warcraft 3 and Rome: TW instead (I know I did).

Eitherway AoE3, Total Annihilation 2 and Civ4 will crush it.


Another license secured by Electronic Arts. I dunno why they'd want it though -- it's not like Vivendi was really competing with them, and it seems like people won't really be interested in titles that deviate from the art design of the films anyway.

Does this kill Middle Earth Online? Or was it already dead?


El_Victor said:
Let me play as Morgoth and spawn armies of Balrogs and I will reach ecstasy.

They don't have the rights to use Morgoth. They can only make games based on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings+appendencies. The Silmarillion is not covered on the Tolkien Enterprises licnese.


Rage Bait Youtuber
border said:
Another license secured by Electronic Arts. I dunno why they'd want it though -- it's not like Vivendi was really competing with them, and it seems like people won't really be interested in titles that deviate from the art design of the films anyway.

Does this kill Middle Earth Online? Or was it already dead?

Turbine bought Middle Earth Online from Vivendi and renamed it The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar


border said:
Another license secured by Electronic Arts. I dunno why they'd want it though -- it's not like Vivendi was really competing with them, and it seems like people won't really be interested in titles that deviate from the art design of the films anyway.

Does this kill Middle Earth Online? Or was it already dead?

Seperate licnese.
Borys said:
Did BfME sold that well?

I thought RTS fans hated it (I know I did) and bought Warcraft 3 and Rome: TW instead (I know I did).

Eitherway AoE3, Total Annihilation 2 and Civ4 will crush it.

You bought WC3 instead? Like 2 years late? And you call yourself a "RTS" fan?

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
flarkminator said:
I can't believe EA is goign to slam its sloppy floppy liscence dong into my god damn childhood!!!!
Whoa, I didn't know Harry Knowles posted here!
GamerShu said:
has EA created a game that doesnt used anything liscenced?

EA doesn't create games.

But one could say : BF1942, Medal of Honor, Oddworld, The Sims, Black and White, Command and Conquer, Ultima Online, Timesplitters 3, etc... etc...
Littleberu said:
EA doesn't create games.

But one could say : BF1942, Medal of Honor, Oddworld, The Sims, Black and White, Command and Conquer, Ultima Online, Timesplitters 3, etc... etc...

C&C was originally Westwood, Black and White was Molynuex and Lionhead studios.

I don't see how those could be attributed to EA unless I'm missing something.


Why do I have a feeling when I play an LOTR RPG now and stay at the Prancing Pony they'll only sell "Mountain Dew" and serve "KFC"
flarkminator said:
C&C was originally Westwood, Black and White was Molynuex and Lionhead studios.

I don't see how those could be attributed to EA unless I'm missing something.

That's why I wrote : "EA don't do any games". Their studios do.

Why do I have a feeling when I play an LOTR RPG now and stay at the Prancing Pony they'll only sell "Mountain Dew" and serve "KFC"

Because you touch yourself at night.


posting on contract only
Littleberu said:
EA doesn't create games.

But one could say : BF1942, Medal of Honor, Oddworld, The Sims, Black and White, Command and Conquer, Ultima Online, Timesplitters 3, etc... etc...
Yeah, but Oddworld, Command and Conquer, Ultima and Timesplitters were existing licenses when EA started publishing them. And, like you said, EA didn't make Battlefield 1942 or Black and White. I'm really not sure about Medal of Honor, though.


Dav2k said:
Why are we getting a sequel to the crappy BfME?


GArrerf! Beat me to it! Tiberian Twilight, Red Alert 3, Generals 2, I don't care, I want a new command & conquer game!

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
temp said:
Yeah, but Oddworld, Command and Conquer, Ultima and Timesplitters were existing licenses when EA started publishing them. And, like you said, EA didn't make Battlefield 1942 or Black and White. I'm really not sure about Medal of Honor, though.

EA didn't come up with Medal of Honor; it was a DreamWorks (back when they did games) product that EA picked.
eXxy said:
EA didn't come up with Medal of Honor; it was a DreamWorks (back when they did games) product that EA picked.

yeah and as soon as EA grabbed them the original team split off and formed their own company.

And guess what they made. Thats right. Call of Duty, which fucked all Medal of Honors in the ASS.


posting on contract only
eXxy said:
EA didn't come up with Medal of Honor; it was a DreamWorks (back when they did games) product that EA picked.
All right; I figured they didn't come up with it, but I was too lazy to look it up.
blackadde said:
Westwood doesn't exist anymore.

But the westwood team was absorbed into EALA, which is the same team that did Battle for MIddle Earth which was, MISTAKINGLY, why I thought it would be good.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Lord of the Rings Tactics
Lord of the Rings Street
Lord of the Rings vs. Capcom
Lord of the Rings Side Story
Lord of the Rings: San Andreas
World of Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings Snap!
Lord of the Rings: Code Veronica
Lord of the Rings Extreme Legends
Lord of the Rings Empires
Lord of the Rings Special Edition
Lord of the Rings International Edition
Lord of the Rings MAX
Lord of the Rings MAX2
Lord of the Rings Extreme
Lord of the Rings//INFECTION
Lord of the Rings//QUARANTINE
Lord of the Rings//OUTBREAK
Lord of the Rings//MUTATION
Lord of the Rings Dash
Lord of the Rings Card Game
Lord of the Rings Deadly Alliance
Lord of the Rings Party
Lord of the Rings Kart Racing
Lord of the Rings Superstar Baseball
Lord of the Rings Strikers
Lord of the Rings Tennis
Lord of the Rings Golf
Lord of the Rings Covenant
flarkminator said:
yeah and as soon as EA grabbed them the original team split off and formed their own company.

And guess what they made. Thats right. Call of Duty, which fucked all Medal of Honors in the ASS.

Annnnd total bullshit. They split when they got an OFFER from Activision.
Littleberu said:
Annnnd total bullshit. They split when they got an OFFER from Activision.

Wait..that doesn't make what I said bullshit. I said they split off, and made Call of Duty. Who cares if it was Activisions money that made them do it?
flarkminator said:
Wait..that doesn't make what I said bullshit. I said they split off, and made Call of Duty. Who cares if it was Activisions money that made them do it?

They did both the MOH on PSX, the one on PS2 and then Allied Assault, then left. That's not "as soon as EA grabbed them".


Rockstar about to get sent to the gas chamber, EA owning the world...o, woe to the gamer, for he is troubled with a burden
Littleberu said:
They did both the MOH on PSX, the one on PS2 and then Allied Assault, then left. That's not "as soon as EA grabbed them".

I thought they left before Allied Assault. Huh, *thumbs up*. But as for the topic at hand. I'm not happy about it

Battle for middle earth was painful.

And for some reason I bought the RPG they made. I'm not sure why.
flarkminator said:
I thought they left before Allied Assault. Huh, *thumbs up*. But as for the topic at hand. I'm not happy about it

Battle for middle earth was painful.

And for some reason I bought the RPG they made. I'm not sure why.

As someone else already said, were you happier with Fellowship of the Ring from the marvelous Vivendi?
Littleberu said:
As someone else already said, were you happier with Fellowship of the Ring from the marvelous Vivendi?

No. But, I mean. Its sort of like the adventure of the unknown. You never know if Vivendi could have turned out something good, or they could have sold the liscene to someone else ya know. But now I'm almost certain I wont' like comes from it. And trust me, I'm not saying this because its EA. I have purchased and played every LotR game they made because I was a huge LotR fan. And I'm glutten for punishmen :)
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