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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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I suggest getting used to Nasu's writing...

I say this, because I was doing the Fate route, made a decision, and about 60-90 minutes later, DEAD END... It took over an hour of text just to get to "Yep, wrong decision."


Are there a lot of dead ends in F/SN? I'm planning on importing it soon, and backtracking wasn't much fun in my most recent VN outings.


There are, however there is a skip to next selection option that bypasses all read text, so it isn't inconvenient when you have to redo a section, and may not have a save in a good spot.





First Duke Nukem Forever, now Katawa Shoujo.

What next, Versus XIII and The Last Guardian actually getting released?


Hell yeah, can't wait to play Katawa Shoujo. It's pretty much a must play after how much effort was put in.

I'm also playing through Steins;Gate and it's pretty awesome so far. I like Nitro+ quite a bit.

Fate/ Stay night has the most redundant prologue ever. Did I really need to be told the hierarchy of master/servant four~five times over?

I'm still halfway through Unlimited Blade Works after 2 years because of how freaking wordy it is. Not very good pacing imo but I'll get through it some day I guess.


Yeah, the minor animation in the opening cutscene was a nice surprise. I don't know if the 'splash page' scenes were in their before either.

Rin is exactly as awesome as I remember her being.


This is probably the most visual novel-ass visual novel I've played.

Really enjoying the story. I like that the paths aren't obvious. Not a flat "So who are you going to spend your festival with?" type of game.
yeah for katawa ..i really hope the team went head on against the challenge provided by such a task .
it's always a great news when a community project get completed.


Finished the Rin path (after prematurely getting a bad end and nearly bringing me to tears). Dis be some good writing. If confusing. Will analyse when I stop caring about merely enjoying the game on an intrinsic emotional level and start being a tosser.


Rolling Girl
Momoyo route in Majikoi has been released, and that's pretty important if you ask me, since Momoyo is the best.

Not going up fully until the whole game is translated. It'd be different if it was split up into multiple games but it's not.


The ending for the Fate path of F/SN was...
UBW was alright, but shirou is shirou, and
Archer being him couldn't save me from the fact that I had to play as the mushroom the whole time.


Time to ring in some VN love! While everyone is playing Katawa Shoujo, I've decided to finally dive into Kara no Shoujo after half a year since I purchased it . . . lol

And yknow what? I'm super hooked. But as Miri mentioned earlier in the thread, it's definitely a very messed up title. It seems like I've just been playing nothing but extremely morbid games in the recent times . . . Saya no Uta, Corpse Party and now this. Regardless though, the whole package is great (The art/music/writing/acting). Now the only unfortunate thing is with all my great efforts last night, I was rewarded a bad end. Eep. Haha.


Hrm fun.


I think if there's any type of piracy that really upsets me, it'd probably domestic VNs.

In that regard though, since I've gotten into Kara so much. I did more reading up on MG on their forums and whatnot. . . Apparently Kara hasn't turned them a profit yet, the only titles that have for them are Shuffle! and Koihime Musou (or was about to). But the more worrying matter is that they're still in the red and get deeper as they continue on.


Rolling Girl
Hrm fun.


I think if there's any type of piracy that really upsets me, it'd probably domestic VNs.

In that regard though, since I've gotten into Kara so much. I did more reading up on MG on their forums and whatnot. . . Apparently Kara hasn't them a profit yet, the only titles that have for them are Shuffle! and Koihime Musou (or was about to). But the more worrying matter is that they're still in the red and get deeper as they continue on.

Most of the English community is pretty pro-piracy so it's kinda a sad state of affairs. I vote with my money and I got Demonbane so I can see more N+ titles but not a lot of people who've played it have.


It's the same community in which the majority of people are used to watching anime and reading manga for free. I can't blame Japanese devs for not wanting to localize their games.


It's the same community in which the majority of people are used to watching anime and reading manga for free. I can't blame Japanese devs for not wanting to localize their games.

That same community huh. . . but anime vs vn ratio is so dramatically different . . You probably could easily list all the actual domestic vn releases out there in comparison. Shame though, it's a futile to even try to convince them otherwlse :/

I just want more Innocent Gray games . . . (Cartagra and even Kara 2 whenever that comes out)

I'm actually planning to get Kara 2 JP this time around to have a hard copy and the goodies, and then get MG's version if they do end up localizing it.


Rolling Girl
I don't know if Manga Gamer can last that long. Only "big" sellers for them I think are the ones that have anime adaptions and even those aren't that impressive.


I don't know if Manga Gamer can last that long. Only "big" sellers for them I think are the ones that have anime adaptions and even those aren't that impressive.

It's depressing that you say it as in they're not going to last at all :/ I guess the only hope if they die are eventual fan translations, but I'd really rather have an official domestic release.


Rolling Girl
It's depressing that you say it as in they're not going to last at all :/ I guess the only hope if they die are eventual fan translations, but I'd really rather have an official domestic release.

Well they're still trying but I think they need to try and get the word out a bit more or something since they've been in the red for a loooong time. Can probably try Jast USA's method and buy translations off fan teams and make profit.


It's the same community in which the majority of people are used to watching anime and reading manga for free. I can't blame Japanese devs for not wanting to localize their games.

That's the problem though, if they could offer anime with subs as in the big companies around the same time it's shown in Japan and then air it online (which wouldn't be hard as fansubbers usually finish within a day) it wouldn't be a problem. Most people want to watch anime as it's airing and waiting for a bluray or dvd that's most likely never going to exist forces people to pirate. It also doesn't help that many people don't like streaming anime.

There's literally no other choice but to pirate anime if you're a pretty hardcore fan. It's a bad thing, but it's somewhat their fault for not bothering about the community outside of Japan.

For games it's a different story as they most of the time just don't try and sub it. I buy as many Japanese VN's as I can to help my Japanese, but I know many people who would play more of them if they could. I'm sure if they would actually offer it, people would buy it.


That's the problem though, if they could offer anime with subs as in the big companies around the same time it's shown in Japan and then air it online (which wouldn't be hard as fansubbers usually finish within a day) it wouldn't be a problem. Most people want to watch anime as it's airing and waiting for a bluray or dvd that's most likely never going to exist forces people to pirate. It also doesn't help that many people don't like streaming anime.

There's literally no other choice but to pirate anime if you're a pretty hardcore fan. It's a bad thing, but it's somewhat their fault for not bothering about the community outside of Japan.

For games it's a different story as they most of the time just don't try and sub it. I buy as many Japanese VN's as I can to help my Japanese, but I know many people who would play more of them if they could. I'm sure if they would actually offer it, people would buy it.

Seeing all the doom and gloom about MG makes me think there's not enough people buying it despite :p


A Good Citizen
That's the problem though, if they could offer anime with subs as in the big companies around the same time it's shown in Japan and then air it online (which wouldn't be hard as fansubbers usually finish within a day) it wouldn't be a problem. Most people want to watch anime as it's airing and waiting for a bluray or dvd that's most likely never going to exist forces people to pirate. It also doesn't help that many people don't like streaming anime.

There's literally no other choice but to pirate anime if you're a pretty hardcore fan. It's a bad thing, but it's somewhat their fault for not bothering about the community outside of Japan.

People want anime close to the airing in Japan, yet streaming is a no go? How exactly do you propose they distribute it? Print new one-episode discs every week? Streaming is the only realistic option, and it's perfectly fine for watching shows as they air. There's no solid argument against it, tbh.

Post reeks of justification. Or maybe you're just joking around. Nobody is forced to pirate.
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