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Even though XsX has a disc drive, Game Pass will kill the used game industry (for Xbox, at least)

Will Game Pass subscription kill used games on the Xbox series X?

  • No, it won't have an effect.

    Votes: 28 24.8%
  • No, it won't kill it, but it will definitely cut down on used game ownership

    Votes: 57 50.4%
  • Yeah, used games on Xbox are on borrowed time

    Votes: 28 24.8%

  • Total voters
Poll included for those who wish to weigh in with a vote.

Game Pass hands out digital games to subscribers, and also offers discounted digital copies to subscribers who want to own a copy. Physical, however, is left in the cold. You're paying full price.

Microsoft is aggressively changing the price structure of the industry, making it too expensive for The Other Guys to sell their games at a profitable price. But moreso than buying full-priced games, this is a move against retail games. Microsoft wants to set the price and dole out the ownership. They want you on Game Pass moreso than they want you on Xbox hardware, and they've repeated this multiple times. The unspoken desire is to get you on a digital collection instead of printing those pesky videogame discs so that you can own the game yourself. Pushing everything into GaaS format makes physical discs even less desirable.

I could be way off, but I don't foresee Xbox series S/X games holding on to a lot of shelf space after the next 2 years. Physical games won't sell because it will be the most expensive way to buy games on the Xbox. Low physical sales means publishers and retailers are less likely to put out more physical copies for future games, and used-game shops are not as likely to devote shelf space to them. Give it a few years and you'll have a lot of Xboxes sold but not a lot of physical games out in the wild to be sold back to secondhand stores.

I don't necessarily think this is a bad way to go about it, by the way. It's better to attract your customers to something else instead of cutting it out and dealing with their anger.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Gotta agree, I've spent the last few years on my Xbox One X being 100% digital only. Sure Game Pass has played a big part in that, but I also attribute it to excellent weekly digital sales and four monthly "Games with Gold" games that have helped build my library to crazy levels. Just look on places like Gamefly or eBay to see how much physical games are going for once they land on Game Pass or are given away for "free" with GwG (this also applies to PS+ free games though).

Like Vawn Vawn said, I doubt I'll ever put a single game disk into my Series X and would have been super happy to pay $100 less for a diskless version.


if you're into buying second hand games and resell ti buy next one then gamepass just make life easier for you
for in a lot of case probably cheaper and playing games sooner

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
You see it already, publishers don't print physical copies for Xbox, just Switch and PS. Microsoft has conditioned their fanbase to go 100% digital. And with Gamepass, sales numbers are dwindling fast. Imagine a future that consists of only digital storefronts and GaaS games.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Imagine a future that consists of only digital storefronts and GaaS games.
I can see it. Movies have gone the same way, there are way less people willing to shell out $20+ for a blu ray or 4K blu ray movie these days, but will happily pay $12 a month for Netflix. Amazon, Microsoft, VUDU, Fandango etc. all fill the "digital ownership" niche nicely. Are they objectively worse movies? Sure. But they are turning out massive profits especially in a world where movie theaters no longer exist.

The fact is, digital media delivery is convenient and cheap. It's the one-two punch that will absolutely get rid of physical game releases as anything other than a novelty in due time.


Gold Member
Everyone always says that they buy new consoles for new games. Maybe it was us that killed the used game industry.
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You see it already, publishers don't print physical copies for Xbox, just Switch and PS. Microsoft has conditioned their fanbase to go 100% digital. And with Gamepass, sales numbers are dwindling fast. Imagine a future that consists of only digital storefronts and GaaS games.
If you don't mind can you give examples of the bolded? I didn't realize this was already taking place.
I think it depends on what’s exactly coming to Gamepass, but yeah I think it will make a difference in the used games market somewhat. I can DEFINITELY see Microsoft first party games being affected the most by this.
I think it will greatly reduce current and next generation (the one coming in Novembers) used game market. I do not see the 360 and Xbox OG market being negatively affected.
Gamepass games are not your games though, it is like ps+! Stop paying the subscription and you have no games.
Physical media still isn't going any where.

I really hope so. I really don’t want a digital and GAAS only future. It will truly be a dark future for gaming and unfortunately it seems like most gamers don’t realize that.
Primarily being a PC gamer, I don't care much about physical games. The physical market has been dead for like 10+ years on PC now. And yet the industry is booming. I wouldn't worry too much about an all-digital future. Sucks for retailers though, but retail is a dying breed anyway.


Primarily being a PC gamer, I don't care much about physical games. The physical market has been dead for like 10+ years on PC now. And yet the industry is booming. I wouldn't worry too much about an all-digital future. Sucks for retailers though, but retail is a dying breed anyway.
17 years

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I’ll still mostly get disc games for the AAA titles I’m iffy about. I’ve sold/traded in way too many games as a way to recoup some costs for me to be on board with a digital-only library for my upcoming Series X.


Gold Member
There's no point buying a first party game, but most third party games are not on gamepass so it won't affect those used games.


Gamefly still exists, but everything else I buy digital. Even if the disc version is ultra cheap. Just easier and future proof for backwards compatible.


If it becomes very, very successful and becomes what MS hopes it to be and all games are eventually on it, then yes, of course, since not one Game pass user actually owns any games to sell to others.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
If you don't mind can you give examples of the bolded? I didn't realize this was already taking place.

Limited run has been doing it for a while, the latest example being Blade Runner that only got physical copies for PS4 and Switch. Nier Automata is another, it only got a digital release for Xbox one.
Here are a couple of comments I noticed on the Steam forums that are probably relevant here:

I work for Microsoft and the first thing to be aware of to understand this acquisition is that consumption is a KPI by which all Microsoft staff are incentivised.

The reason for this acquisition is to boost the value and appeal of Game Pass, not XBox. Microsoft long ago realised they no longer have the luxury of controlling the device choice, hence why we make the O365 experience as uniform as it can be across PC, Mac, iOS and Android. We have applied this same thinking to gaming. Instead of Microsoft accepting only having the Xbox slice of the pie, they want the whole thing, and the way to get that is by offering a good value subscription service that is accessible from as many devices as possible. If the service delivers real value and is highly accessible on many platforms, we will experience increased consumption of that service.

We no longer care specifically about selling hardware because we make a loss and only see hardware as a conduit by which customers access our paid for services. We care about what we can control and monetise: i.e. the service and the point by which a user interacts with this, so we now attempt to own the subscription and abstract this from the endpoint.

So games will be Game Pass first, not console.


Yes. Microsoft are aware that the XBox Series X/S is likely the last Xbox, because by the end of its lifecycle, cloud gaming and mobile device capability will have evolved to such a point that a dedicated console for games will be as redundant as a dedicated CD player is for music.

When Microsoft missed the mobile device paradigm it hurt them very badly to the point they became nearly irrelevant. But that wake up call invigorated them and Microsoft realise that the cloud paradigm is in fact the one worth shaping, so everything we do is about creating valuable cloud services and driving adoption. Sure, Game Pass is about more than cloud today because we still have dedicated consoles and high performance PCs, but there's no reason for that to be the case in 5 years, the same as we no longer have dedicated on-prem high performance Exchange servers.

So by making Game Pass a one-stop shop for gaming, Microsoft are ready to leverage - and to drive - the cloud gaming paradigm.

Does her really work for Microsoft? Who knows? Who cares? But it is interesting reading these words because it makes me look at things from a different perspective.


Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Honestly the reason I still buy Xbox is because of the physical games (and I often find these physical games cheaper than digital, thanks to clearances, used games, and more). I do think that there will be less used games in general for the Xbox, butI don't think that it will mean the death of physical for the system, new or used. I feel that it will become much like music and film have become - a niche market with lower print runs.

There is a clear and growing market for physical releases and trying to remove them entirely would be a painfully stupid move that Xbox learned at the start of this past gen. Options are good and that is what I believe MS will continue to offer. You want to play digitally? Physically? Want a subscription? Want to buy just this one game? Want to play on a console? On PC? On mobile? I love this mindset. There is no good reason to remove an option and cut out a good portion of customers.

And lets be honest, if film and music still release physically - there is zero chance that Gaming, a much younger medium, would cut out physical.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
If more titles are digitally distributed then supply in the aftermarket will be cut, prices (for both trade-in and resale) will stay higher for longer, its going to change things significantly.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
When I was like 12, my mom took me to the store and I rented Double Dragon on the NES and the instruction booklet reeked of cigarette smoke. Put me off used games for the rest of my life. On the rare occasion I have bought a used game out of necessity, I always imagine what disgusting person owned the game before me.
Yeah, Xbox is the one who could use a $399 discless version of the Series X, not PS5.

I'll probably never buy a game for my Series X, so I would have opted for the digital version. I want physical media for my PS5.

And I definitely don't want that Series S.
Possibly a missed opportunity by MS. I can only imagine given they were already releasing two consoles selling three was a bridge too far, even if it was just a modified SX. I reckon it might’ve been a bit redundant price wise next to SS as well; Sony are obviously not saving $100 from the removal of the disc reader and it’s as much a pricing choice. In an ideal world I guess SS doesn’t exist and both sides had a $500 main and $400 digital but hard to say how well MS chasing the casual market will go for them.


Gold Member
I don't know. Used games survived Blockbuster and every other rental store back in the day. Some people still like to own the game and not rent it regardless of it being on a service or a disk. I will admit though, the XBSX is going to be my Game Pass machine. I usually buy Xbox consoles for their first party. Now that all of those come to Game Pass and they continue to expand their studio I am not sure I will actually purchase a game for it.
Well the 2nd hand game market is basically just GameStop and they're not going to last much longer anyway so used games are basically dead outside of ebay.

With the premise in the OP I guess you could say that's going to hurt Sony a lot more than it will hurt MS since PS only players will really have no choice but to pay full price for games.

Astral Dog

Honestly the reason I still buy Xbox is because of the physical games (and I often find these physical games cheaper than digital, thanks to clearances, used games, and more). I do think that there will be less used games in general for the Xbox, butI don't think that it will mean the death of physical for the system, new or used. I feel that it will become much like music and film have become - a niche market with lower print runs.

There is a clear and growing market for physical releases and trying to remove them entirely would be a painfully stupid move that Xbox learned at the start of this past gen. Options are good and that is what I believe MS will continue to offer. You want to play digitally? Physically? Want a subscription? Want to buy just this one game? Want to play on a console? On PC? On mobile? I love this mindset. There is no good reason to remove an option and cut out a good portion of customers.

And lets be honest, if film and music still release physically - there is zero chance that Gaming, a much younger medium, would cut out physical.
It may be in danger of getting smaller and smaller more quickly if companies are constantly pushing for Digital only, like the PS5 $399 DE or the XSS that can't even play physical copies there is no longer choice of that unless you pay for the less price friendly options

Before it meant that ALL consoles could play physical media regardless of size or pfice
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They have already destroyed new game sales for their console. By doing that they've also destroyed used game sales.
I'll be honest, I'm getting a Series X with no intention of ever buying a physical disc.

GP, the ability to wait for deep sales, and the odd full-price purchase such as Cyberpunk got me through this entire gen. The only physical media I've bought in years are Switch carts.


The used game industry still exists? Could have fooled me, felt like it's been dead long ago. It's been years since I bought a physical copy and considering game stores are going the way of the dodo it's surprising to see people still think used game sales are alive.
I suppose gamepass will put the final nail in the coffin, physical just feels archaic now.
I can understand collector's editions but the lame plastic case no manual crap we get now I'm not sure I'll really miss it.


Retail game stores are on their last legs, and i'm 99% certain this is the last gen with a disk drive anyway, so may as well get used to it.


Junior Member
So media supports for the movie and music industries is basically dead, but this will be different for the game industry, right?


Gamepass games are not your games though, it is like ps+! Stop paying the subscription and you have no games.
Physical media still isn't going any where.
That's been the idea all along but to be honest I have also been chasing next shiny thing and almost never went back for more than an hour or less to get the old feeling. I don't think I need to own any games once I move onto next games to play.


Poll included for those who wish to weigh in with a vote.

Game Pass hands out digital games to subscribers, and also offers discounted digital copies to subscribers who want to own a copy. Physical, however, is left in the cold. You're paying full price.

Microsoft is aggressively changing the price structure of the industry, making it too expensive for The Other Guys to sell their games at a profitable price. But moreso than buying full-priced games, this is a move against retail games. Microsoft wants to set the price and dole out the ownership. They want you on Game Pass moreso than they want you on Xbox hardware, and they've repeated this multiple times. The unspoken desire is to get you on a digital collection instead of printing those pesky videogame discs so that you can own the game yourself. Pushing everything into GaaS format makes physical discs even less desirable.

I could be way off, but I don't foresee Xbox series S/X games holding on to a lot of shelf space after the next 2 years. Physical games won't sell because it will be the most expensive way to buy games on the Xbox. Low physical sales means publishers and retailers are less likely to put out more physical copies for future games, and used-game shops are not as likely to devote shelf space to them. Give it a few years and you'll have a lot of Xboxes sold but not a lot of physical games out in the wild to be sold back to secondhand stores.

I don't necessarily think this is a bad way to go about it, by the way. It's better to attract your customers to something else instead of cutting it out and dealing with their anger.

But surely not the only



If you are the kind of person willing to sell your game after having completed it, then just play the game on Game Pass.
Otherwise, buy it digitally.

Second hand games cannot exist in such a system, but as a consumer, it does not affect me one bit.


Like you can still buy games even tho you have gp. And like you even still own the game even if its digital. Buy it, download it, delete it, and redownload it. Dont need physical media anymore. I havent bought a disc since... black ops 2? Maybe im forgetting one idk.
Yeah, Xbox is the one who could use a $399 discless version of the Series X, not PS5.

I'll probably never buy a game for my Series X, so I would have opted for the digital version. I want physical media for my PS5.

And I definitely don't want that Series S.

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