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EVERWILD - X019 - Announce Trailer (new IP from Rare)


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Looks like Sea of Thieves: Forest edition. Probably another 'game as a service' launched bare-bones on Game Pass and updated over the next 2 years to barely passable.
So true, also fuck Nintendo for only doing indie games like Zelda and Mario with their cartoony kiddy grafix!

The difference is people expect those cartoonish graphics from Nintendo since forever. Nintendo have never tried for the photo-realism of modern games. XBox can't decide anymore what the hell they're about.

Sony = AAA single player epics
Nintendo = Nintendo, nothing more to say
XBox = Halo/Gears/Forza and bad indies
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The difference is people expect those cartoonish graphics from Nintendo since forever. Nintendo have never tried for the photo-realism of modern games. XBox can't decide anymore what the hell they're about.

Sony = AAA single player epics
Nintendo = Nintendo, nothing more to say
XBox = Halo/Gears/Forza and bad indies

Oh right, a RARE game with stylized visuals, what a shocker! MS is done! Only kiddy games!
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The difference is people expect those cartoonish graphics from Nintendo since forever. Nintendo have never tried for the photo-realism of modern games. XBox can't decide anymore what the hell they're about.

Sony = AAA single player epics
Nintendo = Nintendo, nothing more to say
XBox = Halo/Gears/Forza and bad indies

Have you never seen a Rare game before? If you were expecting anything but cartoonish graphics from Rare at this point you set yourself up for disappointment,

Rare games:


Exciting times at Rare! I know you can't talk about your new IP even though you've announced it and named it. But can you talk about how it fits into the current structure of Rare, barns wise?

Craig Duncan: It is a fantastic time for the studio. To be in a position where we're announcing a brand new IP that we feel very passionate about, it's very very special. And alongside that we still have a super successful ongoing service-based IP in Sea of Thieves that still has millions of people playing it. We love the community. We love the feedback we get. We've had great coverage from you and the team at Eurogamer...

Can you talk about how Everwild came to be?

Craig Duncan: We will talk about the origin story later. Rare is a very special studio. And for us it's about finding the heart of what our special games are. I think Rare makes the kind of games the world doesn't have. Sea of Thieves was a very unique type of game, and I think Everwild is a very unique type of game.

We always incubate ideas and we always incubate things we think have potential and are special and very unlike other games. And when we find something that gets us excited and passionate, then that forms into a real thing.

Rare has always made unique games, historically.

Craig Duncan: That's the essence of Rare. Are we back, or did that go away? I don't know. Rare makes the kind of games the world doesn't have. That's what the essence of Rare is, and I feel proud. I think we're doing a good job there, and I think we'll continue to do a better job as the years go on

So, Sea of Thieves is doing the business for Rare?

Craig Duncan: Yep.

Would you say it's secured the studio's future? Or was it never in doubt in your opinion?

Craig Duncan: The studio's future was never in doubt in my opinion, but I manage the studio so I probably have a somewhat vested, bullish interest in that!

There's no game like Sea of Thieves. We built a game to bring people together, with actually quite noble goals for what we set out to do with Sea of Thieves. I feel really proud we've achieved those things, but we now have a massive franchise we can go and do more with. I feel really good about Rare's future. I am incredibly excited about Everwild. And then there's more to come and more to talk about in the future.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
So, this is the first announced game(and new IP) for next gen before Hellblade 2 and Godfall.
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is an ambitious third-person adventure title with god game elements, is set in a “natural and magical world,” according to its developer.

It was officially announced at Microsoft’s X019 event in November, when it was confirmed that the title is still in pre-production.

“While Everwild is still early in development, we are very excited about the unique potential of the game we are creating,” studio head Craig Duncan said in a prepared statement.

“The Everwild team is focused on building an experience that allows for new ways to play in a natural and magical world,” he added.

“Everwild will give you memorable, engaging and meaningful experiences for players everywhere to share. We cannot wait to share more with you in the future.”

The Everwild team will get “everything they need” to build the game, Duncan added, while emphasising that the studio is still “fully committed” to shared world game Sea of Thieves.

The lead designer behind Rare’s Everwildis former Lionhead designer James Blackham.

He joined Rare from Square Enix last year specifically to work on the game, which is a “truly original” new IP, according to the studio.

From what I understand gameplay wise it's a game that's similar to Sea of Thieves in the sense of a shared world experience. Where you can meet and interact with other players and share experiences together and tell stories to your friends. However, this will probably play a bit differently at its core mechanics themselves.

It is a multiplayer game indeed I do not believe its single player in any shape or form other than being able to play solo like in Sea of Thieves.
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The difference is people expect those cartoonish graphics from Nintendo since forever. Nintendo have never tried for the photo-realism of modern games. XBox can't decide anymore what the hell they're about.

Sony = AAA single player epics
Nintendo = Nintendo, nothing more to say
XBox = Halo/Gears/Forza and bad indies

lol for sony you could also same, "generic movie-game, where you just have to press X to "play"!" I can have the same experience just watching lets plays on youtube lol


The difference is people expect those cartoonish graphics from Nintendo since forever. Nintendo have never tried for the photo-realism of modern games. XBox can't decide anymore what the hell they're about.

Sony = AAA single player epics
Nintendo = Nintendo, nothing more to say
XBox = Halo/Gears/Forza and bad indies
Lol...i think every devs have their own vision...and freedom...a cartoonish style Is the Rare style imho...in fact they have made games for Nintendo
Banjo kazooie Is from 1998 the same year of metal Gear solid on PlayStation
From what I understand gameplay wise it's a game that's similar to Sea of Thieves in the sense of a shared world experience. Where you can meet and interact with other players and share experiences together and tell stories to your friends. However, this will probably play a bit differently at its core mechanics themselves.

It is a multiplayer game indeed I do not believe its single player in any shape or form other than being able to play solo like in Sea of Thieves.
Hope it isn't like sea of thieves. I want to have a story behind this


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
From what I understand gameplay wise it's a game that's similar to Sea of Thieves in the sense of a shared world experience. Where you can meet and interact with other players and share experiences together and tell stories to your friends. However, this will probably play a bit differently at its core mechanics themselves.

It is a multiplayer game indeed I do not believe its single player in any shape or form other than being able to play solo like in Sea of Thieves.
It seems to be single player, but has co-op.
Do you know what 'indie game' means ? Infact Witcher 3 and Destiny 2(currently) are actually indie games. But by your definition, almost everything that Nintendo does is an indie game.
He was being sarcastic I'm sure, but Nintendo developers aren't independent, they answer to higher ups at the company and their budgets are roughly the same as a lot of Sony/Microsoft games that are out there.

Breath of the Wild was a $20 million+ budget game alone.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!

Dale Murchie(Lead Designer)

They also hired many new people for Everwild
Lead World Designer
Gameplay Programmer(previously Lead AI Programmer at Ubisoft
Senior Narrative Designer
Lead Designer(previously from Square Enix and Lionhead Studios)
Studio Creative Director(previously at Sega)
Senior AI Programmer
Lead Gameplay Programmer(from Creative Assembly)

He is from SIE London Studio
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Dale Murchie(Lead Designer)

They also hired many new people for Everwild
Lead World Designer
Gameplay Programmer(previously Lead AI Programmer at Ubisoft
Senior Narrative Designer
Lead Designer(previously from Square Enix and Lionhead Studios)
Studio Creative Director(previously at Sega)
Senior AI Programmer
Lead Gameplay Programmer(from Creative Assembly)

He is from SIE London Studio

Very nice.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Definitely interested In Everwild as it looks gorgeous but at the same time, it has to be third person which I believe it will be and that I can play the game fully solo. If it's like Sea of Thieves where it's a co-op online based game, it will be an automatic pass from me.

My biggest issue though is that Spencer decided to show off the game while it's still in pre-production which I don't understand the thinking behind doing that especially after Crackdown 3, Scalebound and others. Why not wait until the game is 12-18 months away and then show it?

Development wise, way too many things can happen between now and years from now so hopefully, this doesn't backfire in Spencer's face.
It's a gamepass title, so looks smaller budget, more indie-like. Not the AAA-SP experience Xbox needs (I know it'll be PC too) a bit like Sea of Thieves.


It's a gamepass title, so looks smaller budget, more indie-like. Not the AAA-SP experience Xbox needs (I know it'll be PC too) a bit like Sea of Thieves.

Gamepass does not equal indie title, you know that right?

Plenty of AAA studios have their games on Game Pass. Some even on day 1. Granted, most of them are MS first party titles.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

That video explained more about Everwild than I've learned in a year. It does look super impressive honestly.

I still don't know what to make of the gameplay. Seems like this is all very in depth, 2-3 second animation "shorts" more than actual gameplay. I still have no idea how a lot of this would play outside of cutscenes. I'm a lot more interested than I was previously though.

Didn't expect to sit and watch the whole thing but that was actually pretty well done and informative and the people actually looked normal and relatable for once. They actually felt genuine, like it's something that they actually love working on and they weren't just using PR speak.

If they can keep the same graphics we've seen so far, and they do look doable IMO, then this will be a sight to behold. It's what I've always wanted an open world style Pokemon to look like.

More of this style of dev blogs please.
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