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Family Guy/Futurama quote thread

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Post your favorite quotes from these two shows here. It doesn't have to be exact, just the general idea. I'll start:


Lois: Peter, you're such a child!

Peter: Yeah, well if I'm a child, that makes you a pedophile. And I'll be damned if I'm going to live with a pervert.


(Stewie goes onstage and does a performance for his acting class)

Girl: You ARE the weakest link, goodbye!

Stewie: Wow! You're SO funny! Such original material, too! I mean, you know, it's like straight from that show, except you used it in a different context, OUTSIDE the show, referring to something different. No one has every done that before. I mean really, you're the first one to do that. Because it's SOOOOO funny! I mean, how did you do it? How did you manage to come up with something so original, becuase I mean, no one has EVER used that before. I mean, you know, this is comedy GOLD here, because that is SOOO original. While we're making jokes that are at the height of their cultural popularity, how about you throw out some Titanic jokes? Because you know you're SOOOO funny.


(Peter cuts a cake with a girl inside it, the blade hits and kills the girl)

Peter: OH GOD (while tasting cake)....coconut. (disgusted)


(courtroom, Brian is being prosecuted, Peter is called as a witness)

Lawyer: Mr. Griffin, which term describes Brian better, alcoholic or African-American haberdasher?

Peter: Well, alchoholic, but....

Lawyer: Sexual deviant, or magic picture where if you look at it long enough, you see something?

Peter: Sexual deviant, but that other one...

Lawyer: I rest my case.


Guy #1: Here, have some gum.

Guy #2: Thanks.

Guy #1: Ha! That's joke gum! Now you're addicted to heroin.

Guy #2: (shivering) It's so cold....



(universe collapses in on itself, Fry and others float around in nothingness)

Fry: Where are we?

Al Gore: I can tell you where we're not: the universe.


Professor: This is my new invention, the Deathclock. It tells you exactly how long you have to live.

Fry: Wow, does it really work?

Professor: Well, it may be off by a few seconds, what with free will and all.


(aliens have invaded, all the Earth's people are called to report for military duty, Zapf and Leela meet on the space station)

Zapf Branigan: Ah, Leela! I can tell this is going to be a very SENSUAL struggle for survival of the human race.


(Zapf gets fired and is looking for a job, he asks to work at the delivery service where Leela works)

Zapf: Do you need anything? Like for me to wash the windows, service you sexually, clean the floors, or something like that?


Glen Quagmire: Who wants to play drink the beer?
Peter: Right here.
[drinks beer]
Peter: What do I win?
Glen Quagmire: Another beer.
Peter: I'm going for the high score.
Glen Quagmire: Actually, Charlie's got the high score.
Charlie: Hey, your clock won't flush.[as he is pissing into the clock]


Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass...

Alt Dimension Bender: Bite my glorious golden ass...

Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running?
Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually.

Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.

Peter: If you could be stranded on a desert island with any woman in the world, who would it be?
Quagmire: Taylor Hanson.
Joe Swanson: Taylor Hanson is a guy.
Quagmire: [Laughs] You guys are yankin' me. "Hey, let's put one over on Quagmire."
Peter: No, he's actually a guy, Quagmire.
Quagmire: What? That's insane. That's impossible.
Quagmire: Oh god. Oh my god. I've got all these magazines. Oh god.


Peter Griffin: So what happened to the guy that stole the money?
Joe Swanson: Ironically, I severed his spine when I fell on him.
Peter Griffin: Sounds like you got some more competition at next year's Special People's Games. HehHehHehHehHeh.
Joe Swanson: Nope, he's dead.

Brian Griffin: Okay, insert rod support A into slot B.
Peter Griffin: That's what...
Brian Griffin: If you say "that's what she said" one more time, I am gonna pop you.

Peter Griffin: I tried finding my talent like you said. First, I tried art.
Peter Griffin: Am I supposed to draw the penis?
Peter Griffin: Then I tried sculpting.
Peter Griffin: Am I supposed to sculpt the penis?
Peter Griffin: Then I tried music.
Peter Griffin: Am I supposed to conduct with my penis?


peter : why are the dinosaurs extinct
museum guy : because you touch yourself at night

Peter: so doc have you found out what that growth is?
Doctor: Peter it's your penis.
Peter: what about the-
Doctor: testicles.
Peter: ...uh huh......huh...

"damn the broccoli, damn you, and damn the wright brothers!"

Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Isaac", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."

Peter: Brian, there's a message in my Alpha Bits. It says "OOOOOO".
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.

"i say, old boy, someone must have said a funny, because your mother is in stitches!"

Fry: 'Uh Bender, where is your bathroom?'
Bender: 'Bath what?'
Fry: 'Bathroom'
Bender: 'What room?'
Fry: 'Bathroom!'
Bender: 'What what?'

Zoidberg - "Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain."
(Fry opens his mouth)
Zoidberg - "No, not that mouth, the other one."
Fry - "Er.. I only have one."
Zoidberg (Facinated) - "Really?.."
Fry - "Could I see a human doctor?"
Zoidberg - "Young lady, I'm an expert on humans. Now open your mouth and say, 'Vvrrooddd-diii-dooo-ddii-dddooiih!!'"
Fry - "ahem.. 'Vrro-diii-doo-dii-diii-ddddoo!!' '"

Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine! I'll go build my own lunar lander! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack! Ah, screw the whole thing.
I can't remember this EXACTLY, maybe someone can correct any inconcistincys, it has been a while since I have seen the eppisode, but...

Woman: "Sir what is your name?"
[Peter looks around and sees a woman eating peas]
Peter: "Uh uh uh uhhh, Pea..."
[continues to look around room and sees a woman crying]
Peter: "uh uh uh ahh, Tear, uh uh uhhh..."
[looks and sees a griffin]
Peter: "uh ah, Griffin...... Aww Crap"

~Black Deatha
Peter: The car was a steal! *Peter winks*
Lois: ...Say that again.
Peter: The car was a steal! "Peter winks*
Lois: ...Say that again without winking.
Peter: *shrugs* The car was a steal.... wink.

[Peter and Lois argue as they drive home over Peter picking the Mystery Box over a boat]
Peter: You remember that time I was supposed to get that boat?
[Scene cuts to a flashback]
Peter: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat! You know how much we wanted one of those.
[Scene cuts back to the car]
Lois: Peter, that happened ten minutes ago!

Brian: Hola, me Ilamo es Brian ... Nosotros caramos ir condustedes.. uhhhh ...
Guy: Hey, that was pretty good, except when you said "me llamo es Brian," you don't need the "es," just, "Me llamo Brian."
Brian: Oh, oh you speak English!
Guy: No, just that first speech and this one explaining it.
Brian: You--you're kidding me, right?
Guy: Que?

MC Safety

We've got a friendly warning for you
the secret of Slurm's on a need-to-know basis
asking questions in school is a great way to learn
if you try that stuff here you might get your legs broke!
we once found a dead guy face-down in the Slurm
it could easily happen again to you folks
so keep your head down and keep your mouth shut


Stewie: ::in a bath of blood:: This is delightful! It's like someone stabbed Mr. Bubbles!

Lois: Peter, what did you promise me last night?
Peter: That I wouldn't drink at the stag party.
Lois: And what did you do?
Peter: Drank at the stag pa -... Whoa! I almost walked right into that one.

Stewie: No sprinkles. For every sprinkle I find, I shall KILL YOU.

Peter: ::riding an elephant:: Look Lois, the two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant, and a fat white guy who is threatened by change.

Lois: You should spend some time with our kids, Peter. And with me.
Peter: Uh, what could me and you do together?
::Lois giggles::
Peter: Lois. You've got a sick mind.
Lois: Peter, I'm talking about making love.
Peter: Oh. I thought you wanted us to murder the children and harvest their organs for beer money.

Doctor: Mr. Griffin I'm saying you're fine.
Peter: Now what? Are you coming on to me?
Lois: Peter, he's not coming on to you. He's trying to tell you you're healthy.
Doctor: ...Can't it be both?

Peter: I've been watching television so much the shows are starting to run together.
Announcer: And now, Homicide: Life on Sesame Street.
Bert: ::Answering phone:: Hello? Son of a bitch. I'm on my way. ::Gets out of bed and gets dressed::
Bert: Some poor bastard got his head blown off down at a place called Hooper's.
Ernie: Bert, I wish you wouldn't drink so much, Bert.
Bert: Well, Ernie, I wish you wouldn't eat cookies in the DAMN BED!
Ernie: Bert, you're shouting again, Bert.

Peter: I'm looking for some toilet training books.
Salesman: We have the popular 'everybody poops", or the less popular 'nobody poops but you'.
Peter: Well, you see, we're catholic...
Salesman: Ah, then you'll want 'you're a naughty, naughty boy, and that's concentrated evil coming out the back of you'.

Lois: What's going on?
Stewie: We're playing house.
Lois: The boy is all tied up.
Stewie: Roman Polanski's house.

Auctioner: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.
Auctioner: She had nine STDs.
Quagmire: Forty-five bucks.
Auctioner: And when we caught her she wet herself.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.

Peter: Gays don't vomit. They're a very clean people. And they've been that way ever since they came over to this country from France.

Quagmire: Hello there, cutie. How old are you?
Girl: Sixteen.
Quagmire: Eighteen? You're first.
Girl: MOM.
Quagmire: I like where this is going!

Amy: Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me.

Fry: What's deathrolling?
Kid tribe member: It's like skateboarding, but half the time someone dies.
Fry: Oh. So it's a little safer than skateboarding.

Fry: So you're saying these aren't the decaying ruins of New York in the year 4000?
Professor: You wish. You're in Los Angeles.
Fry: But there was this gang of ten-year-olds with guns.
Leela: Exactly. You're in L.A.
Fry: But everyone is driving around in cars shooting at each other.
Bender: That's L.A. for you.
Fry: But the air is green and there's no sign of civilization whatsoever.
Bender: He just won't stop with the social commentary.
Fry: And the people are all phonies. No one reads. Everything has cilantro on it...

Walt: And to prove that we are a thousand years in the past, here is comtemporary actress Pamela Anderson.
Pamela Anderson: Hello, Fry. Remember me in Baywatch: the Movie?
Fry: Huh?
Pamela Anderson: It was the first movie shot entirely in slow motion.
Walt: It hasn't come out yet.
Pamela Anderson: Then he doesn't know I won the Oscar?
Walt: Nope.
Pamela Anderson: Crap!

Leela: I... have to tell... must... important... something...
Fry: Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. You're going a mile a minute.
Glen Quagmire: Hi, Meg. Eighteen yet?
Meg Griffin: No.
Glen Quagmire: Hi, Chris!

[Quagmire sees a cheerleader tied up in a bathroom stall]
Quagmire: Dear diary: Jackpot.

Glen Quagmire: Hello, 911? It's Quagmire. Yeah, it's caught in the window this time.

[In a lesbian bar]
Quagmire: So, you ladies ever been penetrated?
<with a kids psychologist>
Lois: Hitting Peter is the very first violent thing he's ever done.
Stewie: Technically the first violent act I've done is that bomb I left ticking in your
uterus. Happy 50th birthday Lois.

<Quagmire in a bar, starts hitting on a transvestite>
Quagmire:" Hey how's it goin"
Transvestite: "Hey" - with a very manly voice.
quagmire:" eurghh, Pre-op or after op"
Transvestite:" Pre-op"
quagmire: "Oh my god!"
-he goes away.

Eisner:"We gotta go. I've got to ethnicly clense the small world ride"


(Huge evil alien watching TV) "This is foolish! Why does the largest friend Ross not simply eat the other friends?"


Futurama deleted scene from the dvds

Professor: (sleeping and mumbling in his sleep) What? Zombie Jesus is here for dinner. But nothings prepared.


:lol :lol @ thread

And that's actually:

Glen Quagmire: Hi, Meg. Eighteen yet?
Meg Griffin: No.
Glen Quagmire: Hi, Chris!
Chris: Hel...
Glen Quagmire: [Walks away]


(after the brain people took the intellegence from everyone on Earth)

Morbo - Me feel confused... forgot how to say the letter that looks like a man!
Girl Broadcaster - it's a t!! It makes a 'teh' sound!
Morbo - Hello little man! I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!


Zoidberg - Help!! Friends!! A guinea pig tricked me!!!!


And a few from the "What if life were more like a videogame" episode...

Fry: "Wait a second. I know that monkey! His name is 'Donkey'."
Professor: "Monkeys aren't donkeys. Quit messing with my head!"

Mario: "Mama mia! The cruel meatball of war has enrolled onto our laps, and ruined our white pants of peace."

General Packman: "Wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, let's get down to business! What can you tell us about the Nintendians?"
Fry: "Well, Sir, I spend all of ninth grade studying them, except for that day when my eyeballs started to bleed, and in my opinion…" *boom*
Everyone: *gasp*
General Packman: "Quickly! To the escape tunnels!"
Everyone: "Wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka, wacka…"

Fry: "Hey, watch out!"
Zoidberg: *chow* "Oh, oh…"
Leela: "Oh my God. He ate Fry! Fry is dead!"
Fry: "It's OK. I had another guy."

Fry: "All right… It's Saturday night. I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta and my all rush mix tape. Let's rock!"

General Packman: "My retirement tomorrow will be all the sweeter." *boom* *bang* "Aaah! I'm hit! So cold." *shutdown*
Mrs. Packman: "Noooooo!"
Fry: "Amy. Tend to the widow Packman."
Mrs. Packman: *sob* "Wacka, wacka, wacka." *sob*

Lrrr (in a Space Invaders ship): "Drop down, reverse direction, prepare for landing!"


Peter: I'll handle it, Lois. I read a book about this sort of thing once.
Brian: Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't... nothing?
Peter: Oh yeah.

Lois: I guarantee you a man made that commercial.
Peter: Of course a man made it. It's a commercial Lois, not a delicious thanksgiving dinner.
Peter: Maybe the picked me as the president because i can say all 50 states in a fraction of a second..........Mwhaaaaaaaa!


Strike East said:
Peter: Maybe the picked me as the president because i can say all 50 states in a fraction of a second..........Mwhaaaaaaaa!

That had me lol...it reminded me of an episode of Doug(classic Doug, not brand spankin' POS Doug), when Mr. Dink invented a device that compressed an entire Beethoven CD into one sound.

Mr. Dink: "Isn't it moving?"
Mrs. Dink: "Yes dear, in fact, i'm leaving"

*P.S. This is stil relevant because Billy "Futurama" West also voiced Doug :)*
OmniGamer said:
That had me lol...it reminded me of an episode of Doug(classic Doug, not brand spankin' POS Doug), when Mr. Dink invented a device that compressed an entire Beethoven CD into one sound.

Mr. Dink: "Isn't it moving?"
Mrs. Dink: "Yes dear, in fact, i'm leaving"

*P.S. This is stil relevant because Billy "Futurama" West also voiced Doug :)*

Haha, I'm glad I wasn't the only Doug fan, great show, it was too bad Disney got a hold of it and crapped it up. One of the few cartoons I could ever stand watching repeatedly so many times.


Morbo: Morbo wishes these stalward nomads peace amongst the dutch tulips.
Linda: I'm sure those windmills will keep them cool.

Professor: Perhaps it's your outlook that needs a good bend, a ninety degree bend to a place where happiness is perpendicular to wonderment.

Free Waterfall jr.: You can't own property man.
Professor: I can, but that's because I'm not a stinking hippy.

Zap: My fellow earthlings we have reached an agreement. Using the twin guns of grace and tact I blasted our worthless enemies with a fair compromise.

All the good family guy quotes I can think of have already been mentioned.


Morbo - "... and that's why the children at Trelan gradeschool are Morbo's... vermin of the week"

Heather: "Sir, it's not necessary or wise to be naked."
Farnsworth: "Pfft. You sound just like my tennis instructor."

Leela: "It does seem like Jamaica would be able to field a strong limbo team without you."
Amy: "Yeah! Isn't that basically all Jamaicans do?"
Hermes: "Jamaicans have other interests! Which is why the limbo team got detained at the airport."

Announcer: "We now join America's most popular show already in progress: Everybody Loves Hypnotoad."
Hypnotoad: *buzzes*
Fry: "This show's been going downhill since season 3."

Bender: "And so I ask you this one question. Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?"


Queen of Denmark
One quick one from each:

(Fry tries to reassure Leela that having one eye is for the better, and begins naming everyone's deficiencies)
Professor: And Fry, you've got that brain thing.
Fry: I already am!

Peter: Hahaha....doodie. Diarrhea. Hey Lois.
Lois: What?
Peter: Diarrhea.
Lois (laughing): Peter, I'm carrying iced tea here!


LakeEarth said:
Mario: "Mama mia! The cruel meatball of war has enrolled onto our laps, and ruined our white pants of peace."
Mario is playing golf
Mario is driving a kart
Mario is playing tennis
Mario is a diplomat in the UN


Morbo said:
Morbo: Morbo wishes these stalward nomads peace amongst the dutch tulips.
Linda: I'm sure those windmills will keep them cool.

I love that one.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Doctor: "Well, Rudolph, we finally figured out what makes your nose red."
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: "Is it pixy dust or Leprechaun tails?"
Doctor: "No, it's a tumor."
Rudolph: "You mean like a magical Christmas tumor?"
Doctor: "No, a malignant tumor the base of which is lodged deep within your brain."
Rudolph: "Oh...like a happy special-"
Doctor: "You're going to die."


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Cham-paggin?
Leela: I didn't realize you were such a "coin-asseur."
Captain Zapp Brannigan: Well, I have studied abroad... or two.

Leela: I'm a virgin.
Mutant: Nice try, Leela, but we've all seen Zapp Branagin's web page.

Dr. Zoidberg: How do I look?
Bender: Like whale barf.
Dr. Zoidberg: Then the illusion is complete.

Dr. Zoidberg: It's good cholesterol, but it spreads like bad cholesterol.

[After being assaulted by the sex-starved Amazons]
Captain Zapp Brannigan: We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

[The Professor is The Wizard of Oz, Zoidberg is the Cowardly Lion]
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: What do you nice kids want?
Dr. Zoidberg: Nothing. I'm leaving. But if you had extra courage I'd haul it away for you, maybe.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: Oh blithery poop, my cowardly lobster. You don't need courage. After all, who needs courage when you have a gun?

Concession Man: Get your piping hot horse burgers, horse fries, horse cakes and shakes. We got tongue, straight from the horse's mouth.
Leela: Hmmmmm.
Hermes Conrad: It all sounds good.
Concession Man: All our horses are 100% horse-fed for that double-horse "juiced-in" goodness.
Leela: I'll have the cholesterol-free omelet with horse-beaters.
Concession Man: And you, sir? How can I horse you?
Hermes Conrad: I'll have a horse Coke.
Concession Man: Horse Pepsi okay?
Hermes Conrad: Neeeiiiggghh.

Walter Koenig: When we woke up, we had these bodies.
Fry: Say it in Russian.
Walter Koenig: [groans] Ven we voke up, we had these wodies.
Fry: [delighted] Wheeee. Now say "nuclear wessels".
Walter Koenig: NO.

And so on and so on.


DrForester said:
"You Watched It, You Can't Un Watch It" - Narrator, end of video game Tales of Interest, Futurama.

lol...how could I forget that one.

Also, Hermes' random exclaimations. "Sweet Lion of Zion!" "Sweet Manatee of Galalee1", etc
This thread needs more Adam West:

Meg: Excuse me, Mayor West?
Adam West: How do you know my language?!
Meg: Uh...listen to me, my entire future is in your hands!
Adam West: Are you Sarah Connor???

Episode where the Griffins have super powers.

Adam West: That's it! To beat them we have to fight fire with fire. If toxic waste gave them super powers, it can do the same for me!

**Flahes to Adam West rolling around in toxic waste dump**
**Flashes to Adam West in hospital**

Doctor: Mayor west, you have lymphoma
Adam West: Oh my...
Doctor: Probably from rolling around in all that toxic waste
Adam West: I see...
Doctor: What in gods name were you thinking?
AdamWest: I was trying to gain superpowers
Doctor: Well thats just silly
West: Silly, yes. Idiotic....yes.


Leela "This part of 'the hustle' implores the gods to grant a favour usually a Trans-Am."

Robo Puppy "Robo Puppy commencing cheek licking, licking in progress, licking complete."

Zap "It was almost the perfect crime but you forgot one thing, rock crushes scissors... but paper covers rock... and scissors cuts paper. Kif we have a conundrum, search them for paper and bring me a rock."

My apologies, that last one is two lines and therefore ceases to be a quote, apparently.
It doesn't really feel like a monologue either, so what is it.


Stewie (To Pilot when he's ran away): You're one of them, aren't you? What are they paying you? I'll double it. I'll give you whatever you want! Money! Women! Men?


Unconfirmed Member
Lois: Oh No!
Kids: Oh No!
dog: Oh No!
*Kool-Aid-Man bursts through wall* "OOOOoooh Yeaaah!


Krungka-Lunka songs from Slurm episode.


Great thread :).

Fry: So you're saying these aren't the decaying ruins of New York in the year 4000?
Professor: You wish. You're in Los Angeles.
Fry: But there was this gang of ten-year-olds with guns.
Leela: Exactly. You're in L.A.
Fry: But everyone is driving around in cars shooting at each other.
Bender: That's L.A. for you.
Fry: But the air is green and there's no sign of civilization whatsoever.
Bender: He just won't stop with the social commentary.
Fry: And the people are all phonies. No one reads. Everything has cilantro on it...

Hah, one of my favs right there :p.


Jim Bowie said:
Oompa Loompah: *kick*
Peter: AHHHHHHHHH! *hsssssch* Ahhhhhhhh... *hsssssch* Ahhhhhh... *hssssssch* Ahhhhh...

I hated that part of that absolutely wondurous episode (the Oompa Loompah songs were quite good... unlike the hackeneyed attempt that was on Futurama... which was also a good episode).


DrForester said:
"You Watched It, You Can't Un Watch It" - Narrator, end of video game Tales of Interest, Futurama.

Actually it was "What if Bender were Human" part. :p

The end of the Video game one had... "Bravo! That'll be hard to top! I pity the next TALES OF INTEREST!"

my fav. quote:

Dr Zoidberg: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play with the Nautilus
Nautilus: Whats up Dr Z.
Dr Zoidberg: Yo Yo wuzzup give up da rock.


Hippie - "...and as the bible has said, I have made an arc with 2 of every animal on it."
Hermes - "Crazy hippie, you've filled it with two male animals!!"
Hippie - "Hey, there are parts of the bible I like and parts of the bible I don't like!"


Speaking of jerked.

Lrrr ruler of the planet Omicron Persei VIII: Mmm, this jerked chicken is good! I think I'll have Fry's lower horn jerked.


Drunky McMurder
Four quotes from the final episode of Futurama:

Bender: Aw. You know what always cheers me up? Laughing at other people's misfortunes! Ahahahaha.

Bender: Though, you may have to metaphorically make a deal with the devil. And by "devil", I mean Robot Devil. And by "metaphorically" I mean get your coat.

Robot Devil: Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

Zoidberg: Your music is bad and you should feel bad!
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