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FFVII Rebirth May have some kind of FFXII Gambit System for AI party members.



What sorts of challenges would you like to tackle in your next work?
Satoru Koyama:
This time around, we had it so AI teammates could only perform the Attack command in order to allow players to switch between characters as they fight. However, next time, I’d like to create an AI that can juggle a variety of techniques and magic. My goal is to surpass Final Fantasy XII’s Gambit system. I’d also like to focus more energy into aspects that support player control, such as Classic Mode, where characters fight automatically. I think it’s a shame when people can’t play a game they’re interested in just because they aren’t skilled with action-oriented mechanics.

I thought FFVII Remakes battle system was the most fun and engaging system in the series. I know they are going to add team link attacks from the Yuffie episode into Rebirth and improve the aerial combat too.

This sounds like an interesting addition assuming it goes ahead.
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Gold Member
I did not like FF7R's combat system, and I feel like gambits are just a way to make sense of what was a big mess. Just make the damn thing turn-based again, it works fine.
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I had hoped FF16 would use something like that too but companions in that game seem completely automated. Loved setting up gambits. Very rewarding seeing your "code" become this unbreakable tactic that overcome different scenarios.


I'm honestly shocked, it seems a massive aspect of FF7R is effectively switching between characters and issuing commands yourself. This seems to go against that philosophy.

However while I love what we got, even I got annoyed with AI characters NOT EVEN USING THEIR TRIANGLE ATTACK on their own. Hopefully this will smooth all of that out.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
If they intend to cap it at 3 games, the second game is going to need to cover a *LOT* of track.

Not surprising that they're looking into automating the combat with goals like that.
If that's the direction they are going for the next FF7R game then that gives me hope that this one will be more open with larger areas to explore.

I'm honestly shocked, it seems a massive aspect of FF7R is effectively switching between characters and issuing commands yourself. This seems to go against that philosophy.

However while I love what we got, even I got annoyed with AI characters NOT EVEN USING THEIR TRIANGLE ATTACK on their own. Hopefully this will smooth all of that out.

You could still have the gambit system to articulate the AI behavior when you are not in control of them. It can still retain the same battle system as the first FF7R when switching between characters.
This way you can also set conditions for the AI controlled characters to use their triangle attack.

I think this is really good news if true and will only add better depth and "RPG" mechanics to the actual battle system.


If that's the direction they are going for the next FF7R game then that gives me hope that this one will be more open with larger areas to explore.

You could still have the gambit system to articulate the AI behavior when you are not in control of them. It can still retain the same battle system as the first FF7R when switching between characters.
This way you can also set conditions for the AI controlled characters to use their triangle attack.

I think this is really good news if true and will only add better depth and "RPG" mechanics to the actual battle system.
Yeah if it's anything like 12, i'll just set basic rules if possible, like having them attack more aggressively, use triangle attacks, and auto heal at critical HP. I still want to manually use MOST offensive abilities. It's so satisfying coordinating a huge stagger attack on your own!


They aren't going to get rid of character switching. They will likely make it so the two AI party member can do more than just attack and defend, like in part 1. I would expect a few simplified FFXII gambits, such as "using healing spells/items when HP drops below x%".

Kev Kev

I'd be okay with that, but what I don't want is for the combat to be an overwhelming, button mashing fest with particle effects clogging up the screen. FF7 Remake was guilty of this at times and it was incredibly frustrating. Whatever they wind up doing, just keep it simple and strategic. Flashy and chaotic isn't fun.


I'd be okay with that, but what I don't want is for the combat to be an overwhelming, button mashing fest with particle effects clogging up the screen. FF7 Remake was guilty of this at times and it was incredibly frustrating. Whatever they wind up doing, just keep it simple and strategic. Flashy and chaotic isn't fun.
If they include hard mode from the get go it would make the game less button mashing and more tactile.


I'm interested in seeing it. I was quite impressed with ff7's battle system. Of course you have to consider it's not exactly a style that has been refined by tons of games. There are games that have tried to have both the real time feel and the turn-based strategy and control at the same time, but nothing compared to the hundreds that have been based on more standard systems like basic arpg or turn based. So allowing for that kind of roughness around the edges and the freshness of something different, I liked it a lot. There is room for improvement and I think gambits may solve some of my complaints. I didn't love being forced to cycle characters as often as I had to.


Great. In 20 years, I have not managed to grind my way through 12's first 12 hours.. let alone the first TWO. Looking forward to getting stuck due to poorly balanced/paced tuturial. I'm sure I have nothing to worry about with Rebirth team though 💀

At least the dungeons can't be uglier than those in 12.
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However while I love what we got, even I got annoyed with AI characters NOT EVEN USING THEIR TRIANGLE ATTACK on their own. Hopefully this will smooth all of that out.
I felt like that should stay keeping track of when to payout tifa and barrets charge up attack makes it easy to know when you wanna switch,

All I really wanted was to be able to tell team mates "go here" "stay here" and for Cloud to stay in the mode I put him in unless he actually need to block projectiles
FF7 Remake had a fun combat system, but I often saw myself taking a “break” from combos just to switch around briefly to issue a command to the two characters and circle back to Cloud or Tifa and keep combo going.

I can see a “gambit” system helping out keeping the characters “busy” and leave big attacks for manual execution. I think they can strike a balance, where you are still required to think as a team in a pseudo-tactics way, but still make combat more deep. I honestly hope they let teams become bigger in Rebirth. Imagine having all 6 characters exploring together and fighting together. With so many characters to juggle, it makes sense to let AI handle a few actions.

My favorite moment in Remake was right near the end before Jenova, for a room or two, you had Cloud, Red, Barret, Tifa and Aerith all together walking around. I kind of want a full game like that to be honest.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Loved 12 and loved the Gambit system. There's a thin line between optimum setup and complete automation. Replaying it on the Switch I would grind levels and License Points while I slept, just set up the right gambits and let the game go wild.


Gold Member
FFVII Remake combat isn't varied enough for each character. They NEED a dedicated jump button to vary the melee a bit more. And combat needs to feel like it isn't so automated.

Cloud has 4 different combos. Holding down square for punisher mode and operator mode has two different combos, and pressing square has another different combo for each.

Sometimes Cloud will perform aerial combos, but it's hit or miss.

It's not awful, but it's pretty simplistic. Fortunately magic breaks it up, but that should have been split out separately form the other ATB commands as it makes no sense since you already have only so much MP you can expend. And linking items to the ATB gauge is stupid too, since they could have made potions/etc. mor expensive or harder to find or limit the number you can carry so you're not cheesing your way through each battle.
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March Climber

Gold Member
It’s going to greatly irritate me in replays how different the games will play as they add in these mechanics.
Thankfully another popular series already prepared me for this.



I get it, it’s like a sequel in a big trilogy. I think where I’m irritated is that this is a multipart remake. I feel like gameplay should be consistent across all three games.

I'd absolutely hate if they didn't evolve the combat for each installment when there are years between them for them to learn and grow.


The final installment should be out by the end of this generation or launch cross-gen early into PS6 gen.

I'd then love to see all 3 games remastered to UE5 for PS6 with Lumen/Nanite/RT and other upgrades released in one package, as well as seamless transition betewen each part and other tweaks.

I think it's a safe bet that they at least release it as one package down the line so would be a good opportunity to do something like that.
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I did not like FF7R's combat system, and I feel like gambits are just a way to make sense of what was a big mess. Just make the damn thing turn-based again, it works fine.

Go all in.FF7R's combat was amazing especially when you're playing hard mode.

Everytime I see that I hope everyone always knows that their opinion is not the absolute truth and that there are always people that are of a different mind. And that we can all accept that.

Personally I like the FF7R combat style. Next time around they should just flesh it out with more materia options and some streamlining, etc.
Turn based would not lend to the style of game they are going for and honestly I dont think turn based would make it anymore tactical. Most FF are dead easy and you are mostly just spamming the attack button because you want to preserve resources for boss fights. Nothing fun about that. I dont think earlier FF's have made a good argument for turn based combat, since it was mostly just boring, except for the boss fights.

In FF7R you are making largely the same decisions as in any of the turn based games, except timing, positioning (and in hard mode resource management) play a much bigger role and therefore make the game more engaging to play.
I'd actually like to hear a good argument for when original FF7 had a deeper, more tactical gameplay style compared to remake (keeping in mind the limited materia options in remake), considering there is actually much less to manage in the OG.
The OG battle system only becomes good when you add in mods like new Threat mod which makes your equipment and materia setup sooo much more important and forces you to really think about battle preparations and in battle tactics.
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My biggest complaint about the battle system would be the lack of manual jumping. I miss manual aerial attacks, like you get in KH games. ;(


Do I hear Gambit System???

Pbs Nature Hair Flip GIF by Nature on PBS

Well that's certainly a positive thing to hear. It had a ton of unexplored potential.


I keep hearing good things about this battle system in FF12...guess I should finally check the game out 🤔
It's decidedly not high impact or thrilling to watch, but it allows team micromanagement on a level that hadn't been seen up to that point in a FF game while also allowing you play in real time. If you ever used macros in MMOs, it's kinda like that. You're programming the AI to do what you want when a variety of situations arise. It can be basic, but it could also be very detailed.
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