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Fighting Games Weekly | July 21-27 | EMPty



Unconfirmed Member
Marvel is 4 buttons now

but I didn't know about skullgirls and forgot about KI

edit: forgot about assist buttons in marvel(I guess those count)

El Sloth

Marvel is 4 buttons now

but I didn't know about skullgirls and forgot about KI

edit: forgot about assist buttons in marvel(I guess those count)
Calling assists in Skullgirls is weird because of it. Well, not if you use the macros I guess. Then it's a eight button fighter lol

Assist #1 = lp+mk or lk+mp

Assist #2 = mp+hk or mk+hp

Tagging out to the second character is mp+mk (hold) and tagging to the third is hp+hk (hold).

It's strange at first, but you quickly get used to it.
Even though I never got into competitive smash, there really isn't any long range spam from what I've seen. Sure there are the short hop lasers but that is just to get a few licks in before rushing down because even landing solid 1 hit does more than like 4 lasers. Putting someone into knockout range with lasers alone will seem like it takes way too long compared to the time you have to meet them in close range. Also the fact that the lasers can't knock out anyone, let alone put them in hitstun, the range game doesn't even seem close to prominent at all.


Slayer of Combofiends
Q too cool to hang out with the Marvel crowd while I would be freaking out meeting Yipes or JWong.

Yipes is cool people man. Practically everyone in the East Coast is real chill. Just walk up to them and show some HESPECT.

*throws controller at screen*

I read some of that guy's other comics. They're just as bad as this one.

Good, don't have to waste my time looking at them then.


Calling assists in Skullgirls is weird because of it. Well, not if you use the macros I guess. Then it's a eight button fighter lol

Assist #1 = lp+mk or lk+mp

Assist #2 = mp+hk or mk+hp

Tagging out to the second character is mp+mk (hold) and tagging to the third is hp+hk (hold).

It's strange at first, but you quickly get used to it.
That's how you tagged in Vs Series games, right?

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