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Fighting Games Weekly | July 21-27 | EMPty


Is this from Toys R Us? I feel like a little kid all over again seeing this is still how they deal with buying games. Bringing the paper to the counter and they have the warehouse in the back with all the games. It's been like that since the NES days if so

If you haven't already seen it, via gaffer Nibel on twitter, potential Smash Wii U release date of Nov 21:

Is this from Toys R Us? I feel like a little kid all over again seeing this is still how they deal with buying games. Bringing the paper to the counter and they have the warehouse in the back with all the games. It's been like that since the NES days if so

Yeah that looks like TRU. I believe Best Buy does preorder slips too but that font is really nostalgic TRU.


So are any international players going to TFC? There is a spot in Capcom Cup for the winner so I could see someone like Xian go to win a spot.


So this is horrible of me, but I remember meeting someone from FGW at Evo whom I don't remember the screen name (I remember your real name though) and you were with your GF who also had an appreciation for the stats.

Canadian, Toronto most likely. We talked up by the production pit.

Someone remind me please? Thanks.


Is the TI4 thing always in Seattle? You Dota2 guys might as well come on of these year so I can buy you a beer or something. Or come to PAX or something.
Yeah it's usually in Seattle. I actually do want to come to Seattle for The International just for the experience. But EVO is higher up on the list.

I can't get hype watching DotA myself.
If it's a close match then it's super hype for me. One sided games in any game bore me a ton which was the GF this year unfortunately.

The Navi vs Alliance GF last year was one of the hypest matches in competitive games that I have ever seen.
LOL I was too focused on the Marvel top 16 in the second pic

Damn, where did you get that fly wheelchair/scooter in the second pic. Looks way better than the first. Was that your friend taking the pics?

Well EVO was better than both the World Cup and TI4 this year.

I went downstairs to put laundry in right when vici and eg started the last game. I come back up ten minutes later and my roommate was like
vici won
. Damn push is super strong again in dotes


tagged by Blackace
So this is horrible of me, but I remember meeting someone from FGW at Evo whom I don't remember the screen name (I remember your real name though) and you were with your GF who also had an appreciation for the stats.

Canadian, Toronto most likely. We talked up by the production pit.

Someone remind me please? Thanks.
Sounds like vulva.


Damn, where did you get that fly wheelchair/scooter in the second pic. Looks way better than the first. Was that your friend taking the pics?

It's the same as the first one haha. It's one they rent out at the hotel. I was zipping around, best part was that it had a "hazards!" buttons that made it beep nonstop with flashing lights :lol

My friend hung out with Seth and I for a bit that night before going out that night with his GF that came to Vegas that weekend too, he ended up getting stranded on the strip due to the fight being that weekend too. He had to walk for about 40 mins just to get a cab for them. I believe it was Seth's cam for those pictures :p


I went downstairs to put laundry in right when vici and eg started the last game. I come back up ten minutes later and my roommate was like vici won. Damn push is super strong again in dotes
It's not that push was too strong it's that one team bodied the other super free.

They were getting kills after kills. It was bad defense, bad positioning and bad decision making. Three of those games were lost at the drafting phase.

A push strong meta would involve a bunch of towers dieing really early without a lot of kills on the board (as the focus would just be on demolishing buildings). The focus in the GF was more aggression and team killing which is how it should be only it was just one sided (one team thrashing the other 28-12 within 15 minutes).
Yeah I watched a the newbie stream a bit and a little in the morning. Even the mid-field play, the neutral, wasn't interesting to me. I guess those games aren't for me.


So this is horrible of me, but I remember meeting someone from FGW at Evo whom I don't remember the screen name (I remember your real name though) and you were with your GF who also had an appreciation for the stats.

Canadian, Toronto most likely. We talked up by the production pit.

Someone remind me please? Thanks.
I'm 99% sure that was vulva. He, his gf and I hung out at Evo and he told me about the discussion he had with you about the stats and whatnot.
It's not that push was too strong it's that one team bodied the other super free.

They were getting kills after kills. It was bad defense, bad positioning and bad decision making. Three of those games were lost at the drafting phase.

A push strong meta would involve a bunch of towers dieing really early without a lot of kills on the board (as the focus would just be on demolishing buildings). The focus in the GF was more aggression and team killing which is how it should be only it was just one sided (one team thrashing the other 28-12 within 15 minutes).

Ah I didn't realize the finals were already played. I knew they were today though, I'll have to watch them if I can.
It's not that push was too strong it's that one team bodied the other super free.

They were getting kills after kills. It was bad defense, bad positioning and bad decision making. Three of those games were lost at the drafting phase.

A push strong meta would involve a bunch of towers dieing really early without a lot of kills on the board (as the focus would just be on demolishing buildings). The focus in the GF was more aggression and team killing which is how it should be only it was just one sided (one team thrashing the other 28-12 within 15 minutes).

It's not really worth watching, to be honest. It wasn't even the good kind of domination, one team just played really badly.

well that's a bust then lol.
I missed having a kind of mid tier stream for DotA. It's like the main stream is for the folks who are up to speed and know the jargon and stuff. Okay, too much. How's the noob stream, then? "Ok, this thing is an AOE".



Can I have a mid tier stream next year? I have played games for ages competitively and read up on a lot of stuff. I understand strategy, I just don't understand the specifics of DotA and how those universal things about strategy make themselves evident in the game.


Mrs. Harvey
Keep your fantasies in check.

You already know this is impossible. My latest and greatest. :)

FGC GAF > Esports GAF

EVO threads, event lasting three days = 27k+ posts, 1.1 million views

DOTA2 thread, event lasting two weeks = 15k+ posts, 537k views

Once again. FGC GAF > Esports GAF
You already know this is impossible. My latest and greatest. :)

FGC GAF > Esports GAF

EVO threads, event lasting three days = 27k+ posts, 1.1 million views

DOTA2 thread, event lasting two weeks = 15k+ posts, 537k views

Once again. FGC GAF > Esports GAF

It's not post size that counts it's... you know size.
Actually TI4 grand finals reminded me a lot of the Aquasilk vs Sanford exhibition.

It became brutally clear that one person didn't actually know the matchup and you're forced to watch someone not only get bodied but get bodied for trying the same failed strat over and over again.
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