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Final Fantasy Turn based or action?

What is better?

  • turn-based

    Votes: 218 71.0%
  • action combat

    Votes: 89 29.0%

  • Total voters


Some say that FF16 is the first true next gen game, but I wanted to ask what is better, turn-based Final Fantasy or action combat? Like FF16/FF7 Remake.



Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Some say that FF16 is the first true next gen game, but I wanted to ask what is better, turn-based Final Fantasy or action combat? Like FF16/FF7 Remake.
Only 1 idiot said that.

Reality is, if Square wants FF to grow again, they need to evolve it. There are many good turn based fantasy RPGs out there - some made by Square. FF doesn't need to be turned base.
Turn based makes sense when you need time to consider strategic choices. SRPGs are great turn based. A lot of older menu based FF games don't have enough strategic complexity to justify slowing it down. Most can actually be optimized for auto-battle. In those cases action is more engaging.

Octopath Traveler has a very slick battle system with storing and burning extra turns. Turning your turns into your battle points is a great use of turn based combat.

Mister Wolf

Turn based because I like using my brain. Using invincibility frames to dodge attacks and spamming the attack button when the enemy stands there is nothing special. It's not like these action-rpgs ever reach the complexity of combat and challenging A.I like games in the actual action genre.


They can both be good, although action based is much more commercially viable these days.
Some fans want to be ideological about this stuff but that won't get them anywhere.
It's pointless to make turn based just because that's what they were over 20 years ago.
Also FF has tried something different with each installment since FFXI and that game came out in 2002...we're in 2023 :messenger_grinning_sweat:

So I can't vote because for me they can both be exactly as good in different ways.
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Turn based >>>>>>>>>>>> Battle system

But in all honesty, I stopped getting into the games after playing the shit out of X-2. And outside of some characters I have little to no actual connection with the franchise and it's lore/world so I'm also not too disappointed or frustrated about it being a battle system going forward. If they could do both then that would be amazing. Like how 343i had a game like Halo Wars being in development alongside the mainline games.

If you want good turn based combat go play Shin Megami Tensei or Divinity Original Sin 2 or FF Tactics.
Fucking love turn based despite not having played any in over 10 years maybe. So I'm going to check those out. Appreciate it.
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I think both can work for this series, turn based is slower and more tedious but feels more rpg than action and probably more true to its roots, action suits the character and boss aesthetics more and is probably more engaging for most modern gamers as well as that imo most Japanese Developers do handle action combat better than turn based, but overall both are not a bad choice.
I think this time FF action combat is going to be very good, but im still not sold on the story or the rpg mechanics.
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I've always been a giant fan of turn based combat. It takes some patience and thinking ahead but it is so rewarding. Fighting a tough enemy or boss feels so much more rewarding then action combat. I like action combat but in games where it works better and is more of the focus
  • Strength
Reactions: Fuz


I prefer turn-based when strategy is actually needed, and not just pres x to attack. Dragon Quest XI was pretty much brain dead untill the boss of the real ending.

Its hard to find jrpg with good action combat, but there are some and can be more satisfying than turn base.

So, I would prefer turn-based, but im open for an action combat system if it ends being feeling good.
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Turn based because I like using my brain. Using invincibility frames to dodge attacks and spamming the attack button when the enemy stands there is nothing special. It's not like these action-rpgs ever reach the complexity of combat and challenging A.I like games in the actual action genre.
I mean to be fair... turn based in most jrpg doesn't provide any challenge either and "using your brain" is really not a requirement either.

Most of the time turn based jrpg combat just mean spamming auto attack, and every once in a while using a fire attack on an ice ennemy and that type of thing, which is why I never really understand the "strategy" claim about these games, there's barely anything strategic, and everything you do in these, you could do in real time action just the same.

Special mention to some spells and buffs / debuffs that are useless, because it's not worth using against regular ennemies, the combat will be over before it's needed, and most of the time these won't work during boss fights, the bosses will be immune against debuffs and they will also wipe out every buff each turn, rendering such spells completely useless. This really frustrated me "recently" in Dragon Quest XI, the last turn based jrpg I played.

I agree though that most jrpg trying to do action often do some weird inbetween that satisfy neither audience. There are some exception for action rpgs though, like Kingdom Hearts in critical mode which is definitely a big challenge.


First playthrough of FF7 remake I wasnt impressed with the semi real time combat system.

I am playing it on hard now and it has grown on me.

Before I was leaning more for turn based, but it's more rudimental and have opened my eyes now. FF7 remake system >> old turn based system of yore.


It's not like these action-rpgs ever reach the complexity of combat and challenging A.I like games in the actual action genre.

True, but it's fun when you have a RPG where levels, stats, statuses and gear work in tandem with action gameplay.

That said, I hugely prefer turn-based. Applying chess move thinking to seemingly dire situations and turning it around is incredibly satisfying.


The nicest person on this forum
I can enjoy both and I dont SE mind gos with action combat with FFXVI and even later FF games as long as they make turn based combat like Octopath, Bravely Default and Dragon Quest.

Also dont bring stupid ass argument about turn based combat being "outdated", you are free not like it but thats stupid argument.
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just sucks when it gets grindy and you're fighting the same low-level enemy for the 1000000th time, and you have to go through the whole battle system intro/outro, listening to the same music again and again... wasting my time!

after i've killed an enemy 1000 times and my level is way higher, the enemy should just insta-gib when i run into it.


First playthrough of FF7 remake I wasnt impressed with the semi real time combat system.

I am playing it on hard now and it has grown on me.

Before I was leaning more for turn based, but it's more rudimental and have opened my eyes now. FF7 remake system >> old turn based system of yore.
Its a shame that in order to understand how good the combat system of FF7 Remake actually is, one has to play it in hard mode.

When i started playing the game i actually disliked the combat system, then as my characters was evolving and unlocking more fighting moves the combat started feeling better. But only once i started playing in hard mode, i trully saw how deep the combat system can go as you need to use parrys and counters and becomes also much more strategic. It whent from "i dont really like this combat system" to "This is the best ATB combat system of all time"


Its a shame that in order to understand how good the combat system of FF7 Remake actually is, one has to play it in hard mode.

When i started playing the game i actually disliked the combat system, then as my characters was evolving and unlocking more fighting moves the combat started feeling better. But only once i started playing in hard mode, i trully saw how deep the combat system can go as you need to use parrys and counters and becomes also much more strategic. It whent from "i dont really like this combat system" to "This is the best ATB combat system of all time"

Fully agree, this was my same experience with the game.

I cleared my backlog and re-started FF7 recently, then bought Hogwarts Legacy. Have put that on ice, and went back to FF7. It's that good in hard mode!


Best case scenario, strategic with movement and action points, in VR using a Moss diorama camera.


There‘s a difference between FF16‘s battle system and that of FF7r though. As long as some form of menu input like in FF7r is possible, I‘m fine with real-time action combat (which is why I‘m a bit meh on the combat in FF16).

But my dream battle system would probably be something that combines the seamless battles and gambit system of FF12, with FF13‘s combat system (especially the ability to select a bunch of actions at once). The ability to move freely during battle like in FF12 could even allow for some real-time elements, with players being able to avoid attacks by moving out of range.

I‘m still waiting for a rpg that tries to combine real-time and turn-based combat in an innovative way. FF7r was a decent compromise in that regard, even though it was a bit simplistic. Fundamentally, I don’t want to have to button mash or learn crazy combos when playing a (j)rpg. I want to be able to play these games in a relaxed manner and enjoy the visual spectacle of casting spells or summoning giant Eidolons. This isn’t really possible if I have to dash or roll around like Speedy Gonzales all the time, or have to remember various button combos to launch powerful attacks.
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The Shepard

I used to love the turn based combat and hated 12 for getting rid of the traditional combat system but FF7 remake has the best combat out of any modern jrpg, a good combination of tactical and action which will only get better in the next instalment as more slots and materia are gained.


Fully agree, this was my same experience with the game.

I cleared my backlog and re-started FF7 recently, then bought Hogwarts Legacy. Have put that on ice, and went back to FF7. It's that good in hard mode!
Do you still have to unlock hard mode or have they patched it in now?


Gold Member
I think it's fine to explore the action based stuff in side games and spinoffs, but in my (obviously wrong) option, turn based is usually a better fit for final fantasy.

Most frustratingly though, I don't know why they don't try to innovate on turn based combat. They did a pretty great job with the Octopath battle system, and there are a ton of good IPs under their belt that they could expand on. Valkyrie Profile (not Elysium), Xenogears, etc.


Do you still have to unlock hard mode or have they patched it in now?

As far as I am aware you need to finish the game on normal first, which sucks.

Then go to chapter select or something like that and select hard difficulty.

On hard it's so much better, it's no contest. Went from what the f**k did Square do to FF7 to this system is AWESOME!

And the music! Damn the bangers!
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Action. I do like having commands and the things from turn-based. I like being able to control dodging, positioning and there is just more…action.

For me FF7R has been a like a best of both worlds with things I like from both styles and not me doing auto battles for most of the game.
Depends. My perfect ff game would be a decent ff story who's Gameworld isn't completely on rails with skilled based DMC combat.

Now I know 16 has the dmc director and the combat looks action based. But I can already tell it's going to be easy and cookie cutter. Especially with the stupid evolve into summon to spam one action.

I enjoyed remakes battle system was fun and a nice mix. Game just wasn't balanced at all.
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I preferer turn based because I can eat a sandwich at the same time.

But honestly, I really like the strategizing aspect, as you can think through multiple steps ahead and weight the risk. Action is so reaction based and it's actually quite hard to memorize and internalize all the combos and combinations and apply them properly unless you play through the game multiple times. So turn based allows me to feel like I've got a good grasp on the combat in the first play though.

I do enjoy fighting game and Action RPG as well but it took me 2 play though to really feel that I had a solid command on the combat in FF7R.
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I like both, but I'll say action based because I just love action games a lot.

That said, FFVII Remake's battle system is the best battle system in the series. The best ATB battle system is FFX-2 (whether you want to believe it or not).


Rodent Whores
They're both fine. FFX has a great turn based system. FFVIIR has great action/turn hybrid system. The system in and of itself does not make or break the game, or make or break the "Final Fantasy" heart and branding. Like most gameplay implementations, it's how it's used that determines the ultimate quality of the overall game.


FF7R, although I do think 16s combat will be a big hit given the talent behind it and focus on Eikon switching.
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Reverse groomer.
action combat. it's not that turn based is inherently bad but FF's brand of turn based combat has always been decent at best and absolutely fucking mindnumbing at worst
The strategy argument makes no sense when most FF battles are about as braindead as the worst hack and slash action games... there's no true strategy to the gameplay in FF7 a lot of the time

Persona, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, Undertale, MOTHER, OMORI, FF tactics, Advance wars, Fire emblem etc they all do the turn based thing far better, maybe because they're not using that terrible active time battle system that goes against the whole strategic idea of Turn based

this new FF16's action combat looks great and high budget, we haven't had a high budget character action hack and slash since DMCV
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I enjoy turn-based more, but I don't dislike action-oriented combat either. FF7R's battle system was just the sweet spot for me.

At the end of the day, I don't care too much about the type of combat. I just need for it to feel polished and, most importantly, fun.

To be honest, I play FF mostly for the characters, the worlds and the music, so I can live with almost any combat system.

Regading FFXVI, I don't think its combat system will detract me from the experience, unless it turns out unrefined and considering the people involved in the project I highly doubt it.
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