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Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |OT| You Had One Job!


Same problem as vanilla version... as soon as you get a 4 man Team, I cant help but to farm LP until everyone has 2 quickenings.


Hmm, rush the story till I get the second jobs or do some hunting and grinding now that I got Basch? Hard question. Only two major dungeons to go until I unlock the second jobs for everyone, though... Maybe I'll just rush.

I tried paying attention, but I have to admit - Balthier is fun to listen to, but everything and everyone else is kind of whatever. I just keep skipping cutscenes. Maybe I'll do a pay-attention-to-the-story main quest run at some point with lore-friendly jobs.

At least I don't have to open the battle menu at all with the current gambits I've set up (and early game is easy af anyway) so I've almost forgotten all about the input lag lol.

It's been a while since I played the original, but I THINK how it worked there is:
The game keeps track of what you sell over multiple visits.
Things unlock at specific values of certain items.
If an unlock, for example, requires 2 of X and 3 of Y, when you are notified of that unlock, the X and Y values are reset.
This only happens when you're notified though - if you meet multiple criteria at the same time for different items, you ultimately have to sell less. (for example, thing one requires 2 of X, and thing 2 requires 3 of X, if you meet thing 2's requirements before officially unlocking thing 1, you get both. But if you just meet thing 1, you need to sell 3 more of X later for thing 2)

It's REALLY been a while though, and they may have changed it, so milage may vary.

Okay okay, I think I understand it now. So it's fine to keep selling stuff even if you've only got one piece of an X and/or Y item whenever you're selling, something will eventually unlock when the total of X and Y sold reach the needed amounts. But if you've got over ten or more pieces of Z, maybe sell only 5 of it first, back out from the sell menu to see if something unlocks and if they do add something to the bazaar, you can probably safely sell the rest, too.

Though if you've got 10 or more of an item, the chances are it's pretty common anyway so whatever.

At first I thought you had to have all of the items (ingredients) of a bazaar unlock at hand and sell them all in one go. I.e. if something required 2 pieces of rare items A, B and C, you'd have to sell 2 of A, 2 of B and 2 of C at the same shop visit. That would've been ridiculous.


Walked into a store. Saw the Steelbook. Bought one for myself and one for a friend. Don't even have a PS4 yet. No regrets. ALL HAIL MATSUNO!


Lol, I seem to remember everything about every single one of the early to mid game hunts as soon as I see the name on the board. Just gotta wonder how many times I've done most of the hunts in this game.

Good thing too, cause still no eguide code in my email.
I barely spoke english when I first played this game (I'm french) but I loved the dialogs even back then. But now... Balthier's lines are so good. THIS ENTIRE GAME IS SO DAMN GOOD!!!
I'm not gonna get any work done this week, haha.
I have a piggyback guide from 2006, is this still viable or are they going to publish a new one?

There's a new guide.

A Message for Fans: This Collector’s Edition guide features a foreword written by the Game Producer, Hiroaki Kato of FINAL FANTASY XII: THE ZODIAC AGE.

Full Coverage of the Zodiac Jobs System: All 12 new License Boards are discussed with tips for making the most out of every character with each job.

Revised Walkthrough: Don’t miss a thing during your return to Ivalice! Follow the main story to completion by unlocking every side quest, finishing every hunt, and beating every mini-game along the way.

Updated Illustrated Maps: Fully updated maps with new chest locations and contents.

Trial Mode Breakdown: Learn about the threats on each floor of the Trial Mode and discover the rewards for every challenge.

Comprehensive Bestiary and Equipment Inventory: Detailed analysis and statistical data for every item and enemy in the game.

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know Prima, are they any good like Piggyback is (was?)?
I mean, Piggybacks old guide was sublime, and Prima has been slacking this last few years. The FFXV guide was not good.
But it's not like there's a choice if you want a book, the old one won't do you much good.


Geez, added a Balthier -> Decoy gambit to Fran and in just a couple of minutes she's at zero MP lol. Guess I'll be using that manually. Decoy seems to last a very short time. Wonder if there's a good way to make her cast Decoy on Balthier only if there's more than, say, 3 enemies nearby. I know there's a gambit condition like that, but I think it's going to randomly pick some ally?



first off, the game looks gorgeous. Some fonts can be fairly small, but you're close to the screen.

Unfortunately for people with a grip (like me) R2/R3/L2/L3 are bound to the corners of the front touchpad. Luckily you only use R3 (bottom right) for camera centering, and R2, (top right) for fleeing. Actually, L3 is used to toggle the superimposed map on/off. No biggie.

Can be awkward is suppose, but you can easily run away and hold the top right corner. I dont think L2 is used for anything, really? Map is acsessed directly via the middle screen touchpad simulation the ds4 touchpad.


A quick question for those that played through the game:

Are all environments this sort of desert barren type or does the game have more variety to it? Most of the videos I've seen seem to always take place in that damn desert.
A quick question for those that played through the game:

Are all environments this sort of desert barren type or does the game have more variety to it? Most of the videos I've seen seem to always take place in that damn desert.

Yeah there's quite a bit of variety in locales. Some of the areas around Rabanastre are deserts for...well, not story reasons, but even the deserts have variety amongst them. Later locations take you to more exotic places.


A quick question for those that played through the game:

Are all environments this sort of desert barren type or does the game have more variety to it? Most of the videos I've seen seem to always take place in that damn desert.

There is more variety, but expect first 20 hours to be almost exclusively desert. It's a long game.
A quick question for those that played through the game:

Are all environments this sort of desert barren type or does the game have more variety to it? Most of the videos I've seen seem to always take place in that damn desert.

Lots of desert in the early game but there is a lot of variety later on.
A quick question for those that played through the game:

Are all environments this sort of desert barren type or does the game have more variety to it? Most of the videos I've seen seem to always take place in that damn desert.

There's a lot of desert early on, as the main city in the game is located in the middle of one. But after about 10 hours in the game you'll get into more lush areas.

And then the sandsea...

And then more lush areas!
My steelbook is sitting at the game store near my work, a place where I won't be able to get to for another two days... It's not really an issue but I can just picture them giving my copy to someone else... P


Its ridiculous that I once doubted this game (though I guess the vanilla release was quite a bit worse), and prefered the anime spiky hair emo FF games. I cheered when I saw first footage of FFXIII, lol.

FFXII trounces them all. The story isn't about one apathic guy with daddy issues who alone saves the world from whatever. This is about a conflict between nations, betrayal and revenge. Its mature and rather timeless, which is what Matsuno's known for. This game holds up extremely well.

S-E shouldn't have listened to naysayers but should've built from this game. Though FFXIV I guess is reminiscent of this, and also fantastic.
how many hours is the "intro" before i dig my teeth into stuff?
Thats depends on what you consider as an intro.
You can do hunts from pretty much the get go.
Map oly unlocks like other ff games along with the story.
2nd job and summons will unlock at around 10 15 hours depending on how you play. Thats also when you can say goodbye to the deserts for good story wise.


Woo, skeleton chaining! Shame they don't seem to drop anything fun

I wish there was a way to disable the mini-map in the upper right corner. It is kind of useless now with the new options.

It's definitely a weird oversight to have it display even when you've got the overlay map on


Just playing it now and the first thing I've noticed it has large deadzones on the joysticks also the input lag on the battle menu is about half a second, its not to much of a bother I think it might have been like that before. You cant use the original fully unlocked licence board either.

The game looks great though.


First time playing. I was thoroughly confused about the first intro tutorial sequence and looked up what that ending meant. OOPS. I need to stop spoiling things in this story because it sounds real cool

To detail it further:
I was confused as hell to why Basch Killed Reks. And then why he was then resisting after. It made no sense. Then so I google "why did He kill reks" and I see that it was basch's twin brother, posing as him, who is actually a judge.

Someone who had played through the game, is this an early game or late game spoiler I accidentally found?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I would argue it takes 5 hours before the game starts to leasen of the leash from you. 10 hours in the last training wheels should fall off.

Thats depends on what you consider as an intro.
You can do hunts from pretty much the get go.
Map oly unlocks like other ff games along with the story.
2nd job and summons will unlock at around 10 15 hours depending on how you play. Thats also when you can say goodbye to the deserts for good story wise.

I wish there was a way to disable the mini-map in the upper right corner. It is kind of useless now with the new options.

The intro is rather long to be honest, but it is worth it in the end.

thanks guys, it's been a while since i played a FF but i know it takes some time to get into it
I must say, the fast forward feature makes the game 10x more pleasurable to play. I really hated how it took forever to do anything or go anywhere in the original.

I miss the HP bars in the HUD. Why did they remove it? :(

Also, is it just me or is the camera worse? The game has both auto and manual control kinda working together but I've very often zoomed way more than I wanted, and sometimes it just sticks at weird angles.

How does auto save work? I don't see it whenever I manually save.


Not Wario
Man, I missed Ivalice. It's a crying shame square hasn't given this universe more attention. Would love a new Matsuno JRPG or a switch tactics ogre/fft.


If someone wants easy LP farming then just do the first few Trial challenges repeatedly.

Wow, for real. You can almost just leave the game running on it's own for the first 5-10 trials. Looks like you can also steal stuff during the trials. Got a new light armor I haven't seen in the main game so far.

This'll probably be my main method of LP grinding. Really cool mode, wish more RPGs had something like this.
First time playing. I was thoroughly confused about the first intro tutorial sequence and looked up what that ending meant. OOPS. I need to stop spoiling things in this story because it sounds real cool

To detail it further:
I was confused as hell to why Basch Killed Reks. And then why he was then resisting after. It made no sense. Then so I google "why did He kill reks" and I see that it was basch's twin brother, posing as him, who is actually a judge.

Someone who had played through the game, is this an early game or late game spoiler I accidentally found?

That gets revealed pretty early on, don't worry.

(Like, second dungeon early.)


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Hey guys this is the best character in the game and I'm not wrong


The hero we deserved
I must say, the fast forward feature makes the game 10x more pleasurable to play. I really hated how it took forever to do anything or go anywhere in the original.

I miss the HP bars in the HUD. Why did they remove it? :(

Also, is it just me or is the camera worse? The game has both auto and manual control kinda working together but I've very often zoomed way more than I wanted, and sometimes it just sticks at weird angles.

How does auto save work? I don't see it whenever I manually save.

There is a small flashing icon in the top left corner of the screen when the game auto saves. It happens after every area transition or cut-scene. You don't see the file when you save, but it's at the top when you load a game.

I miss the Sky Pirates Den by the way, talking about removal :-(


There is a small flashing icon in the top left corner of the screen when the game auto saves. It happens after every area transition or cut-scene. You don't see the file when you save, but it's at the top when you load a game.

I miss the Sky Pirates Den by the way, talking about removal :-(

They WHAT!?

Between this and the menu idle cutscene, somebody needs to get a firm but polite slap.
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