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First baby born without a gender in Canada

Not being facetious, but sincerely asking. Kids start talking about gender at about 20 - 22 months old. I'm curious how you talk about other children at that age. Do you just not teach them that there are boys and girls and refer to all other children in a genderless sense? Or do you look at a kid dressed as a boy and assume they are a boy, but not talk to your own kid about it until they are older?

Let kids be kids to be honest. If it comes up when they are older like five just explain things in simple terms. It isn't as complex as grown adults make it seems to be.


You're making things up. They are not forcing anything on the child. They're doing the exact opposite of forcing things on the child.

The crux of that is it depends on how you look at it. A doctor assigns biological sex based on genitals, not on feelings or wanting to force their belief/social constructs on a baby. It's done via observation and our understandings on biology/primates. The parent(s) here have decided they want the baby to be undetermined. Your argument is in saying to go with undetermined it means no choice has been made, but ultimately, when a child is born some sort of choice is going to be made because ethically, socially and legally we do things such as assign sex, give a name, have a certificate and register a baby as a new citizen of the country. There is no complete blank slate for any baby. A lot of things from the second you are conceived and began to grow as a fetus get decided for you. On birth it can be argued what we do is observe, take note and then life truly begins.

As I said above, when things aren't what they seem is when we have to diagnose, treat and offer support.
It's not 'dictating' anything. It's a classification based on external features and occasional karyotyping.

It dictates just as much the time of birth or birth weight. It's a descriptor.
The parents can go whatever way they feel with their child and they don't have to assign a gender to the sex at birth at all. But that's not erasing the fact that people are born with different external genitalia and genetic factors that, among our species, dictate the male or female sex.

How is it dictating to not assign a child a gender but not when you do?

Weight is a physical characteristic. Gender is not.


What a strange thing to do. I hope the kid is in a healthy environment. Just because the parents are a certain way doesn't mean it should be forced on a child. The priority must be on the child's well-being and opportunity, not the parents pronoun or gender identity.

When will technology and government allow both genders in one body? Waiting for the first family where the parents are the same person and are neither male or female.


This works assuming gender is and only is a social construct, which I don't think it always is. Not everyone "chooses" its gender, right? I mean, there has to be a strong biological backbone overriding any social interaction.


Even were it 99.7% that is 22,500,000 people who bsp and the like are cool with dismissing in order to serve the status quo. Opposed to the alternative of doing harm to 0 people in not dictating a gender at birth.

Gender isn't a physical characteristic.

Whatever is on the birth certificate is literally only a physical characteristic


How does having U on a birth certificate help anti-trans people's bathroom law agenda? It hurts it. If someone isn't legally defined as a man or a woman, you can't legally force them to use a man or woman bathroom.

So this U on the birth certificate does everything it is intended to do, and your argument is that it's bad because stupid/ignorant people will get confused and have to ask about the difference between sex and gender? Seems like a pretty fucking dumb argument IMO.

Sorry for the late reply but, essentially, by allowing sex and gender to be interchangeable on legal documents (i.e. birth certificates and the like) they will, in the eyes of the law, be the same entity. This will help anti-trans asswipes trying to push through their shitty laws as it will allow them, with legal precedence, to make the argument that one's sex and one's gender are the exact same thing.

Ever heard the argument "If it's got a penis..."? The difference between sex and gender is still a thing many, many people are yet to learn; and now ignorant people have a heavily publicised example of that difference not mattering at all. Why even have a difference at all when you can just choose to put "undefined" on a legal birth certificate/medical card under "sex" for someone who isn't medically so? As I've said, the motives behind it are great, but the alt-right don't see it that way and they love a good bit of definition breaking from the left to throw into their propaganda.

Essentially; putting the U in the sex column is both wrong and goes against the definitions social science has tried to hammer in for so long.


But the thing is, there are so many ambiguous aspects to sex beyond just the chromosomes that it starts to break down when you look deeper into it.

At some point we have to recognize that the binary is a mistake, not for medical reasons mind you, but because of what it means for non-binary individuals and transgender individuals and how society views them. The fact that I have to deal with "There are only two genders!" being spouted in my face on a regular basis says well enough.

The article you posted is very strange. At no point does it ever contradict this passage it contains:

In this context, sex chromosomes made perfect sense – a matching pair to go with the hormones that determine maleness and femaleness. By the end of the 1930s, the metabolic theory had been discarded in favour of this new model, where the genetic sex (XX/XY) causes the developments of either testes or ovaries, which in turn create the sex hormones that take care of the rest. This two-stage process was ”a powerful mutually self-reinforcing framework for the biology of sex", and the foundation upon which later work – like the idea that sex is biological and fixed, and gender social and malleable - was built.

In fact, it goes on to state that in the 1990s:

The last gasp of the sex chromosome theory came in the 1990s, with the discovery of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome – without it, the development of male gonads is impossible. It's the only genetic tag found only in those who present as male, and is the best candidate to underpin the classic sex chromosome theory. But, as Richardson writes: ”Today the SRY gene is understood as one among the many essential mammalian sex-determining factors that are involved in the genetic pathways of both testicular and ovarian determination. Mammals require cascades of gene product in proper dosages and at precise times to produce functioning male and female gonads, and researchers recognize a variety of healthy sexual phenotypes and sex determination pathways in humans."

The fact that it's just one of many genes necessary for maleness is obvious - the genetic code is full of important information that interlinks to build a human. But the important point here is that without the Y chromosone the development of male gonads is impossible. And from male gonads comes the extra testosterone in puberty that causes male secondary sex characteristic development and so on... So the Y chromosome is essential, and thus the binary is real.

And yet this is 'the last gasp of the sex chromosome theory'? Bizarre.

The rest of the article is just looking at cultural reaction to these scientific discoveries and how they affected societal gender practices rather than establishing if they're inaccurate, if the binary is wrong. When it does tackle science it's rather poor - the comparison to the genetic code of a bloody platypus is rather irrelevant to what we actually know about human genetics. We don't have to guess how human genes work based on other mammals - we have a decent knowledge base of the human genetic code, such as that SRY gene mentioned above.

So nothing here contradicts the binary at all...
Did you stop reading mid sentence? The birth certificate documents whats observable, if younignore thay it's entirely pointless. Shoukd parents also be allowed to choose the birthday as "undetermined"?

Because I've already made plenty of posts in this thread about how sex isn't just sex and people treat sex and gender in a very intertwined way. The parents wanted to avoid that, so they are going to a rather extreme way in order to ensure that.

So yes, they are doing something based on their beliefs, that is going to effect their kid. However, that argument strikes me as a "being intolerant of my intolerance" logical fallacy.

If we want to talk about how they can just go around the topic and raise their kid to be genderless, we need to talk about why they are going around the topic. They are going around the topic because doing such a thing is viewed as "wrong" and "going to fuck up the kid".

Someone has to take the plunge and attempt to alter social norms, and in a situation like this case law is important if other families have similar view points and want to follow similar action.


Fail out bailed
Let kids be kids to be honest. If it comes up when they are older like five just explain things in simple terms. It isn't as complex as grown adults make it seems to be.

I'm not sure what that means in the context of actually raising a child though. They start differentiating sex waaaaay before 5.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
The health card has been issued with a "U" in the space for "sex", which could be for "undetermined" or "unassigned".

Isn't this straight up incorrect?


The amount of posts using Medium as a source for how we hand the use of the word "sex" is astounding. As someone who has studied biology this thread gives me a fucking headache.
The fact that the article refers to Ancient Egypt as "Mesopotamia" in its opening words says it all.


Very good. Where did I say anything about sex?

Explore the comment string. It began with a statement on gender. Not Sex.

So you're not opposed to physicians determining the sex at birth? I figured you felt as if it's somehow an outdated thing that we should just abandon altogether.

Sex is a physical characteristic that is documented at birth. Gender is never dictated unless the parents do so.
So you're not opposed to physicians determining the sex at birth?

From my first post in the thread:

The lawyer may be a bit eccentric but she is a figure in LGBT rights and advocacy, notably because she was locked up in a psych ward for being gay while studying to become a lawyer and decided to use the law to help others who are persecuted for such things. As for the child, medicine still relies on being privy to a person's sex for some treatment/diagnosis. So I don't think it should be listed as 'undetermined'. I would find it an acceptable choice were it gender though.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You can be sensitive to the signs, and the parent in this case would be acutely aware of those without having to go completely neutral.

Our eldest (coming up on 3) enjoys occasionally playing with dolls and loves pushing a little pink pram around with a doll in it, which I'm absolutely fine with. But he has a penis and we raise him as a boy, and buy him cool boy toys which he also loves - the "social norms". Does that mean we are terrible parents who risk screwing him up because we didn't put a blank on his birth certificate?

No. No one is saying you are terrible parents who risk screwing up your child.

What they're saying is that NOT doing what you are doing (raising your child as a boy, vs raising them as gender-neutral) is also not an inherently terribly damaging thing that will screw them up for life, unlike what many are claiming in this thread. Without evidence, too.
And sex is
So let’s take a look at some true facts courtesy of Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling who is a biologist and geneticist with a PhD, you know, a doctorate, in science, that thing you seem to be so obsessed with, that thing you seem to think is absolutely “objective” and always right all the time. There are 5 specific measures of biological sex according to modern medical science.
Chromosomes (men = XY, women = XX)
Genitalia (men = penis, women = vulva and vagina)
Gonads (men = testes, women = ovaries)
Hormones (men = high testosterone, low estrogen, low progesterone; women = high estrogen, high progesterone, low testosterone)
Secondary Sex Characteristics (men = large amounts of dark, thick, coarse body hair, noticeable facial hair, low waist:hip ratio, no noticeable breast development, rough skin; women = fine, light colored body hair, no noticeable facial hair, high waist:hip ratio, noticeable breast development, smooth skin)

The thing is, in real life, very few people actually match up with all five categories.
There are, of course, genetic differences that account for a decent percentage of human births like XXY, XXX, XO, and XYY (apx 1:500 births though it could easily be more than that since we don’t do genetic testing for all people and even at that ratio if there are over 6 billion people in the world 1:500 means there are a whole lot of genetically intersex people out there) but it goes far beyond that. There are people out there who have XX chromosomes, a vulva and vagina, ovaries, male secondary sex characteristics and male hormones patterns. There are people out there who have XY chromosomes, a penis, testes, female secondary sex characteristics and female hormone patterns. There are even people out there with XY chromosomes, testes, a vulva, a vagina, female secondary sex characteristics, and male hormone patterns and there are even people with BOTH male and female secondary sex characteristics at the same time and people with BOTH male and female hormone patterns at the same time regardless of their genes, gonads, and genitalia

And the thing is those people, the people with the “opposite” and/or “blended” secondary sex characteristics and “opposite” and/or “blended” hormone patterns are technically intersex assuming that the two sex system is absolutely true all the time. If there are only two sexes and there can only ever be two sexes and that’s it then all those hairy women and all those men with breasts and all those men with no noticeable body or facial hair and all those women with massive muscles and all that testosterone don’t actually count as “real” women/men and they are treated by the medical industrial complex and society alike as freaks, as anomalies, or as though they don’t actually exist because their existence breaks up the binary. In order for the binary to exist, to be real, all people everywhere must necessarily match up on all 5 markers of sex all the time. That’s not what happens in real life. In real life literally millions of people have bodies that are in some way contrary to the biological concept of the two sex system. Millions.

And in fact, a lot of the theoretical stuff doesn’t jibe well with sexual dimorphism at all.
In humans there are four zones of sexual “dimorphism”
Physical trait based
Hormonal based
Chromosomal based
Gametes based

Physical trait based is the most absolutely flawed and arbitrary of the set and also happens to be the main one that terfs, conservative non feminists and general all around ignorant cis people depend on for their claims.

Physical traits vary so severely among humans that anyone who clinches onto breast development, body shape, hair presence or lack as a sign of female or male really shouldn’t even bother talking. So we’ll settle on talking about genitalia and reproductive systems, since those are the least absurd of the set of flawed bases for sexual dimorphism.

Reproductive systems also are prone to a lot of variation (enlarged clitorises, micropenises, internalized testicles, vaginal agensis, partial formation of a vulva, even full on mixture of aspects) and generally the cis people who cling to this type of sex dimorphic theory end up shitting all over intersex people and boosting the oppression they face (nonconsensual surgery, mistreatment, body policing, forced assignment based on arbitrary bullshit analysis of physical traits) by referring to these variations as “defects” and “deviations” from a “norm” (it’s actually not super normal to fully fit all the arbitrary markers of being purely male or female, variation in the reproductive system is pretty common, it’s just glossed over if no surgery is required to try to fit you into the boxes)

But there’s more flaws. Reproductive systems get modified. Human surgical knowledge has led to a lot of things being taken out of a reproductive system, often for things like cancers or injuries or functionality problem.
Does someone stop being female if you take out their uterus? Ovaries? If an injury permanently damages the function of either one & causes their removal to become necessary? If someone’s just sick of periods and isn’t interested in giving birth and has a hysterectomy? Not female anymore? Technically yes. By the physical traits system, they would stop being female.
Similar situation with the loss of testicles through injury or surgery. Orchiectomies are had by cis people, does that person stop being male? Absolutely, based on the arbitrary sex dimorphic system that TERFs and conservatives favor. A scientist would say, “technically yes” but since you’re depending on technicalities in the first place, who are you to dismiss that yes?
It’s quite simply transphobia.

And as you can see not a very good description of bodies in general. It leads to a lot of medical problems based on assumptions of what male and female means and esp causes medical problems for trans people, who’s bodies often get substantially modified.
Hormon is based on hormone functuations and levels and is almost never used by the transphobes so I won’t even address it.

Gamete based is set by the size of gametes, if you don’t have gametes, you aren’t male or female and the transphobes have the sense to avoid that one too. So we’ll be moving on from there.

Up next. Chromosomes.
Chromosomes are generally the fallback for TERFs and conservatives when the physical traits system of sex fails. Got your uterus out? Well you have XX so still female.
Except it doesn’t work like that. XX and XY are triggers for developmental paths. Not to mention the fact that there’s a lot of other chromosomal setups beyond the two, the fact is, all they are is triggers and storage for various genes and may or may not express.

Hormonal exposure and a host of other environmental factors can change what genes trigger what paths (there’s actually a switch further down the genetic line that can override your XX or XY presence for your path as well, it does so flawlessly and often isn’t easily detected). We’ve already discussed how the paths don’t often fit perfectly the idea of what XX and XY start off anyways but you can get the complete opposite. cisgender XX males and cisgender XY females do exist and constructing them as defects merely adds to their persecution without meaningfully dealing with the descriptive flaws in sex dimorphism theory.
Then of course, you have people (like TERFs) attempting to treat chromosomes as being sociologically relevant even though the mass majority of people don’t actually know what their chromosomes are.


Because I've already made plenty of posts in this thread about how sex isn't just sex and people treat sex and gender in a very intertwined way. The parents wanted to avoid that, so they are going to a rather extreme way in order to ensure that.

So yes, they are doing something based on their beliefs, that is going to effect their kid. However, that argument strikes me as a "being intolerant of my intolerance" logical fallacy.

If we want to talk about how they can just go around the topic and raise their kid to be genderless, we need to talk about why they are going around the topic. They are going around the topic because doing such a thing is viewed as "wrong" and "going to fuck up the kid".

Someone has to take the plunge and attempt to alter social norms, and in a situation like this case law is important if other families have similar view points and want to follow similar action.
I really don't see the need there to go through law. Also consider that they're actual goal is to completely abolish the sex line from the birth certificate, as if it was impossible to ever observe.

Chromosomes are also a physical trait.
If someone is intersex that's also physical observable


I hate that every time I log on to neo gaf dot com, i see "first baby born with a..." and every time, I click on the link with my morbid curiosity getting me thinking it's a different thread about some new human baby missing a body part

every time i'm disappointed it's just about dumb people who don't understand the importance of medical personnel needing to know how your body works

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The birth certificate should list Chromosomes instead of sex or gender, you're either XX or XY.

There are variants too. XXY, XYY, XXX, and others...

every time i'm disappointed it's just about dumb people who don't understand the importance of medical personnel needing to know how your body works
I think the dumb people are those who refuse to understand that medical personnel can examine bodies and figure out that information in a few secs and don't need it to be on an ID...
I really don't see the need there to go through law. Also consider that they're actual goal is to completely abolish the sex line from the birth certificate, as if it was impossible to ever observe.

Considering a lot of what we know about gender studies and what people have said in the field, I don't think this is exactly a bad thing. If people didn't raise their kids under preconceived notions, and kids didn't grow up in environments that expect things out of them because of uncontrollable circumstances, then I think people would be far better off in their child hood and creating identities they are comfortable with.
I hate that every time I log on to neo gaf dot com, i see "first baby born with a..." and every time, I click on the link with my morbid curiosity getting me thinking it's a different thread about some new human baby missing a body part

every time i'm disappointed it's just about dumb people who don't understand the importance of medical personnel needing to know how your body works

I think a doctor might be able to figure it out. Somehow.


Considering a lot of what we know about gender studies and what people have said in the field, I don't think this is exactly a bad thing. If people didn't raise their kids under preconceived notions, and kids didn't grow up in environments that expect things out of them because of uncontrollable circumstances, then I think people would be far better off in their child hood and creating identities they are comfortable with.
I doubt it's the birth certificate which makes parents treat their kid with a vagina like a girl

You can achieve that kind of society while leaving the certificate just as it is



Two tumblr posts, one written by 'genderbitch'. Both struggling to post actual sources for their claims.
I appreciate any kind of 'evidence' but this certainly is stretching the definition a bit.

If there's this enormous ambiguity in the definition of the biological sex of humans, there should be some actual research on the topic.


The birth certificate should list Chromosomes instead of sex or gender, you're either XX or XY.
The vast majority of people won't have genetic testing done.

Besides, you can have a Y chromosome and be phenotypically female, as in with androgen insensitivity syndrome.


Why? Just for record keeping?

As has been pointed out many times now, your sex can have a significant impact in what medical treatment works and doesn't

Record keeping is also important, knowing how many women are in a country that can have children etc.



People are talking about the first three elements when they discuss the sexual binary (and I suppose the fifth too). And on that score the vast majority of people fall as either male or female on all three. (1 in 500 means about 99.8% of people aren't intersex).

Obviously as we grow and develop people can have differing levels of hormones, differing sex characteristics, people can have hormonal disorders etc. No different from how some people are very short, some are very tall. Outliers exist with everything, including sex characteristics. But when you're talking about how much facial hair a person has or how wide their shoulders are then you've simply broadened the criteria as to what makes a biological male to a ludicrous extent in order to ignore the basic biological framework that sex is based upon.

Yes, a man might be low test without much / any facial hair, but if he has XY chromosomes, male genitals and gonads, he's biologically male. That's how the vast majority of humanity understand things. The fact that some biological males are less typically manly than others due to whatever reasons - hormones or otherwise - does nothing to prevent the 99.8% nature of the duality of the sexes.

Two tumblr posts, one written by 'genderbitch'. Both struggling to post actual sources for their claims.
I appreciate any kind of 'evidence' but this certainly is stretching the definition a bit.

If there's this enormous ambiguity in the definition of the biological sex of humans, there should be some actual research on the topic.

And this.

I mean, the post contains this:
And since there are millions of people out there who's very existence defies the biological concept of a two sex system we have legitimate proof that the concept of biological sex is a social construct. Biological sex is a social construct. BIOLOGICAL SEX IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. Seriously, biological sex is a social construct. It's not real.

Humans created biological sex just like they invented everything else. It's a category that humans created and as such cannot be objective, can only be biased. It's a category that humans created so they could categorize and control the world around them

If you shout it enough you don't need research.


Fail out bailed
As has been pointed out many times now, your sex can have a significant impact in what medical treatment works and doesn't

Record keeping is also important, knowing how many women are in a country that can have children etc.

Ah, sorry. This thread is tough, because it has about 3 or 4 cross-conversations and a few people who also seem to be reading replies from one conversation and assuming it was directed at them and their conversation.

Honestly, it doesn't see, that realistic to me to assume that someone would be treated incorrectly based in their birth certificate. Maybe I just don't know the profession well enough, but it's not like you even HAVE a birth certificate until after you've left the hospital.


Considering a lot of what we know about gender studies and what people have said in the field, I don't think this is exactly a bad thing. If people didn't raise their kids under preconceived notions, and kids didn't grow up in environments that expect things out of them because of uncontrollable circumstances, then I think people would be far better off in their child hood and creating identities they are comfortable with.

Parents can raise their children just like that without the need to abolish sex off a birth certificate. It's an argument of low expectations for a parent to say they cannot begin their journey of nurturing and raising their child until the doctors and hospitals cannot assign sex at birth, or reassign in the future for instances where it's applicable (such as Gender dysphoria where a patient may want to undergo sex-reassignment surgery/treatment). As I said to the poster above a lot of what happens in the womb and what makes up humans as a species is by definition, NOT a clean slate, and NOT a carousel of choice. Lots of things get chosen for you through your development/creation. No one pops out and gets met with the Fallout 4 character creation screen. I know that is a bit insensitive to word it that way, but until the day way in the future, our species falls down ethically and starts producing "designer babies", randomisation/chance takes care of many things for you before you are born. Your sex being one of those things. Things can get complicated in the womb, but we know that there are thousands of things that can not end up going as expected with the development of a baby. That's what it is to be human and why we should show compassion and love to all life, no matter what. There are still realities around where our species evolved from and what makes up human beings.

Hence why many will argue the so-called social constructs these parent(s) want to avoid are done by nurturing, education and upbringing. Not by trying to murky the waters on biology/understandings of our species.


Why? Just for record keeping?

That's true. Maybe just do away with it all together. It really doesn't matter TBH. I haven't looked at my birth certificate in a while, don't know what else is on there.

But I think traditionally it was a way to ID people. You could look at someone and see if they were male or female. same as height or eye colour etc... Another hoop in proving you are who you are. But that's looking to be an obsolete way of IDing someone now. There might be other reasons why it's on there, not sure.

"Ok, it’s time for an education. It’s not entirely your fault you’re utterly ignorant since the medical industrial complex AND the hatefilled society in which we all live both actively seek to reinforce the binary at any and all costs and purposefully keep people ill-informed and misinformed about the realities of biology. But after I take valuable time out of my evening to educate you on how utterly biased and flawed the modern concept of “biological sex” is you no longer have an excuse and choosing to continue to cleave to your bullshit will officially become proof that you are nothing more than a bigotted asshole."

I struggled to read past this attitude. Education on this subject is important, but I can see this doing more harm than good.
As has been pointed out many times now, your sex can have a significant impact in what medical treatment works and doesn't

Record keeping is also important, knowing how many women are in a country that can have children etc.

That's done by a census which is not done by counting birth certificates.

There are only like two or three things a birth certificate is actually used for in terms of sex

1) Signing up for schools
2) Sports
3) Gender Identification
4) Drivers License (in some cases, which can also easily have gender changed by a form depending on your state)

Nobody is looking at your birth certificate for medical identification.


"Ok, it’s time for an education. It’s not entirely your fault you’re utterly ignorant since the medical industrial complex AND the hatefilled society in which we all live both actively seek to reinforce the binary at any and all costs and purposefully keep people ill-informed and misinformed about the realities of biology. But after I take valuable time out of my evening to educate you on how utterly biased and flawed the modern concept of “biological sex” is you no longer have an excuse and choosing to continue to cleave to your bullshit will officially become proof that you are nothing more than a bigotted asshole."

I struggled to read past this attitude. Education on this subject is important, but I can see this doing more harm than good.

Don't give it the honour of calling it 'education'. It's just a delusional rant, it's flat-earther, anti-vaxxer stuff. It's nonsense.


The news title seems politically inflammatory. Babies have been born "genderless" before as intersex babies. The mother in this case is just choosing to ignore the gender and sex for paperwork purpose, but it wasn't actually born without one. It's all rather silly, and honestly the government should stick to fact and list the sex for medical purposes.


That's done by a census which is not done by counting birth certificates.

There are only like two or three things a birth certificate is actually used for in terms of sex

1) Signing up for schools
2) Sports
3) Gender Identification

Nobody is looking at your birth certificate for medical identification.

Yes that's fair enough. But if you don't record it on you birth cert it's not really much of a leap to think it won't be recorded elsewhere.
Don't give it the honour of calling it 'education'. It's just a delusional rant, it's flat-earther, anti-vaxxer stuff. It's nonsense.

This is partly what I mean. The attitude will just surely push people new to the subject to thinking among the lines of "this person is nuts, this validates my previous beliefs of a strictly binary gender society"


I carried a decimal point wrong. Sue me. Now explain how it makes the point any different? Or can't you.

You're saying there's no harm, but you seem to have used the entire population of the world. Do you seriously think you this is a good idea in many countries?
I doubt it's the birth certificate which makes parents treat their kid with a vagina like a girl

You can achieve that kind of society while leaving the certificate just as it is

Sure, and one could easily argue that the state forcing sex assignment on birth and in turn causing gender assignment is unreasonable.

I don't really think the BC thing is that important in this case, even if the parents are fighting it and view it as a larger issue.
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