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For those saying Metroid Dread looks bad


I think when you compare it to other beautiful games like Rayman Legends or Ori will of the wisps, it doesn't look to great, I personally wish they went with a different art style myself.
It looks no better than strider from 2013 imo.
Hopefully the game is great for those looking forward too it, I'm personally going to pass on it, unless it goes on sale for a decent price what I doubt with it being a Nintendo title sadly :(


Unconfirmed Member
the game should look like this, the game should like that,

art doesn't need to be anything.


Super Metroid is my fave game of all time, been waiting for a proper 2D Metroid on a home console since 1994.

I've seen the Dread trailer and few mins of game footage from the E3 Treehouse stream. I am not impressed thus far, I don't care for the sterile laboratory backdrop and the severe lack of enemies. The game looks uninspired and hollow thus far. Samus Returns 3DS also suffered from feeling like a very vacant world to me. Emmi looks pretty uninteresting also. I really want this game to pan out into something great but my confidence is quite low.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
We have transcended a generation recently. So it's not that the game looks bad, but the bar for graphics has been raised slightly.

It would have helped tremendously if Nintendo/MercurySteam had gone with a diffrent art style. For intance, high res sprites. That would have worked phenomenally.
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Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
I just feel like, at least from the trailer, it seems to be missing a level of detail that should be standard on current-gen systems (yes, I know it's a Switch game). Also, the hunter robot seems pretty generic sci-fi and out of place for a Metroid game. Would be cool if it sustained damage over the course of the game, giving it a little more personality.


I'd say that metroid dread looks cheap. I was just expecting something a bit more ambitious in visuals when it came to the game. We of late have seen so many beautiful and ambitious indie games and Nintendo throws out the metroid dread game. The game doesn't look bad and I'm pretty sure the visuals are good enough for the game its just I would liked more.

On the demon souls and elden ring debate. The issue I see is that the game has very different styles to it. This was part of the reason folks had issues with the remake of demon souls since it felt just a bit off. Elden ring has more of like a ps2 jrpg cutscene type look to its style for its enemies versus the more realistic almost doom style enemies of the remake demon souls.
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Its a much clearer version of the 3ds game which isnt a bad thing because that game was amazing, 2nd fav metroid imo, i honestly cant wait for dread only thing i dislike is the design for the robot enemys but other then that bring on oct


Looks like an early PS4 PSN game, which is good for Switch. It would be dumb to expect it to look like Ratchet & Clank or something like that.
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Davey Cakes

The one thing I will agree with is that Nintendo needs better hardware. I like playing my Switch here and there but ever since I upgraded my PC I’ve noticed that even indies benefit from the boost.

Seriously, Nintendo. Switch Pro. Now.
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Wasn't crazy about it at first and definitely not for $60 but since then started playing Samus Returns, a game I somehow slept on, and am enjoying the hell out of it. It makes such great use of the 3D I'm actually disappointed it won't be releasing on 3DS. Definitely changed my opinion about Dread and am now super excited for it.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Nobody said it looked bad but that if it were Metroid prime that would be spectacular.

Xaero Gravity

I agree with you that art direction is way more important, if you are not liking aesthetics, no amount of high tech going help make the game looking better.

I'm just sick of "it looks like 3DS game" posts, even when Elden Ring got announced there were posts saying that game looked early PS3 game.....WTF!!?
Dread looks more like a first gen DS game :messenger_halo:
From what I've seen, I am not impressed by the visual style of the game.
However I can't help but feel more and more excited each time I see the trailer or think of the game.


The problem for me is the game looks like it could have been randomly generated and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference (visually).


Try not to worry about other people's opinions OP, including mine, which is that it looks like a dull, unimpressive 3DS or mobile-esque game based on the models and environments shown. Also the first video you linked has horrible load times and the animations are run-of-the-mill. Sorry.

Astral Dog

It looks very good for a 2D Metroid and crafted with lots of little details and good animation.

Gamers gonna complain though, maybe they were expecting to see Prime 4,maybe they think 2D games don't deserve the standard price for Switch games.there is no way to convince them, only sales will talk but for what matters Dread looks like a high quality Metroid game(or to be more specific a super high quality Samus Returns) if that sounds appealing to you then its a good purchase

Astral Dog

Other M looks better. This looks flat and synthetic. I'm sure it will play better than it looks.
No, just no(although Other M was nice looking at points)

There IS a difference in overall artstyle compared to other Metroid games , at first i thought it was unappealing but after watching the Treehouse videos im no longer concerned about the visuals watching the different areas, animations and details, it takes awhile to get used to but it looks fine, that 'synthetic' look you speak of suits the tone of Dread just fine


Looks like that strider PS4 game on 2013 or something, i don't think it looks bad....it's just unremarkable, like, boring and sterile.
(only commenting on the visuals btw, gameplay looks pretty tight)
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Faith - Hope - Love
Just the fact that METROID DREAD is a reality at all after 19 years of rumors tearing at Metroid fans' heartstrings...I consider this game a miracle.

Sure, I would love it if this was a gorgeously animated super artistic high-res 2D sprite game running at 120 fps, but I am still THRILLED with what we have.

I think the game is beautiful, and I love the attitude that Mercury Steam has given Samus. She is tired of all the BS, and she's back to soon again invoke fear and DREAD into those who would dare come against her after everything she has overcome all this time. Even those 'indestructable' E.M.M.I. robots will eventually be crushed beneath her boots.


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Shadow Complex runs a 30fps and struggles to maintain that. Do you think the Switch is twice as powerful as an Xbox 360?
Yes it is at least twice as powerful as xbox 360 while in docked mode. In terms of gpu. In terms of usable memory it's far greater ; only its cpu is comparable to 360.

But yeah. Dread looks like xbla game. XBLA, meaning not even comparable to big budget 360 games. Dread looks bad.


The reason why people, me included, say it looks bad is because for a 2.5D game, it really looks budget. In my opinion even metroid prime 1 and 2 have more eye candy than dread while being 3D games, running on 60fps and being released nearly 20 years ago. The way that rooms are populated with props and the quality of the backgrounds, it does give off the vibe like it was meant for a 3DS and then just rushed over to switch with some tuning to the props but not a full redo pass.
I somewhere read that it runs on the same engine as Samus Returns, but I couldn't 100% confirm that. It would explain the graphics and IMHO the mobile sounding SFX. I had a talk with someone in another thread about the way the SFX sounds like it was made for a 3DS. The stream had fucked up audio so there was a upgrade when I listened to the official trailer, but IMHO it still sounds somewhat rough compared to MP etc.
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I like the style, but its like most Nintendo games for me, I wish they had access to better HW features or just better IQ but hey, its doesn't so I'm not going to complain about it because its just wasted mental energy.

I really love elevator scenes in Metroid games, they are really important to the tone and feel and sense of adventure for me, I like this new one, the getting in and out animation is excellent and the part with the light passing over her is great, the only thing that lets it down is that its stuttering heavily during the latter sequence I'm guessing due to loading assets in the background, I don't mind if a game drops to 30hz for its loading part to avoid stutters but it has like a ~250ms pause at one point and thats a bit too much imo, hopefully they can remedy that.
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Other M looks better. This looks flat and synthetic. I'm sure it will play better than it looks.
People don't understand anything about graphics. Metroid other m is absolutely the superior game in terms of every aspect of its visuals. And that includes the technical make up.

A wii game... is better than a switch game graphically. Huh?

And what's with all the BS hype Nintendo flew like "the technology wasn't there for 15 years" like what bro?

EDIT : i'm not even trying to dog the game, I hope people enjoy it. I'll pick one up for the collection at some point but i'm not really looking forward to it tbh. Just the peeps that are trying to defend when others point out it's a graphical slouch. So it's a slouch, doesn't mean it won't be good right?
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Nobody said it looked bad but that if it were Metroid prime that would be spectacular.
Read the thread, even a few posts above yours and you would see multiple posts saying that lol…

Just Ctrl+F “uninspired”, “3DS” or “indie” etc…

EDIT: And “Wii”! More posts to ignore…😂
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People saying the game looks bad are mostly the same people confused on why its called METROID 5 when prime 4 has not been released so i woud not pay much attention to those people.
Looks like what it needs to look like. Both aestetically and for continuity sake.
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Read the thread, even a few posts above yours and you would see multiple posts saying that lol…

Just Ctrl+F “uninspired”, “3DS” or “indie” etc…

EDIT: And “Wii”! More posts to ignore…😂
Wow, didn't know we're on Twitter or REEEE where you just block people because they have a different opinion than you have lol.
If you really do that, you'll have a very empty gaf in a very short time lol.

There are many people with legit reasons, even explaining them why they think this game looks bad, you can't handwave them off because you don't wanna hear it. And from the looks at it, it seems to even be the majority that is unhappy with how the game looks.


Gold Member
The game seems to be minimalistic and stylistic, which means the quite sparse environments fit. Of course, I wouldn't call it beautiful like Ori nor desolately lush like Metroid Prime, but if they are going for a high tech Apple sterile minimal style then it makes sense.
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The game seems to be minimalistic and stylistic, which means the quite sparse environments fit. Of course, I wouldn't call it beautiful like Ori nor desolately lush like Metroid Prime, but if they are going for a high tech Apple sterile minimal style then it makes sense.
I think this is what they are going for but this is also why I think it looks like shit. I love minimal graphic design, but I just don't think this looks like a $60 console Metroid game. Minimal design can be striking, but this just looks like they are using it (along with that awful bloom style lighting) to hide details that don't exist.
Or cheap, please tell me which game you're looking? I'm not even a Metroid fan, sadly I never played a Metroid game, but I love the genre and after playing all the modern Metroidvania games with stylish art styles, this level of detail is lovely for the genre.

For example:


The animations and atmosphere

They should have went for a Cell shaded / toon, high detailed graphics with a more unique style

This 3d a là Samus Returns looks like shit and boring for an home console, let's be honest, even Indie devs can do better than an upscaled 3ds game lookalike

I'm 100% sure the game will be outstanding, but graphics are way far from being good
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Firstly Youtube compression does this game dirty. Secondly, this forum truly has bizarre obsession with graphics. Thirdly, Dread looks great and Mercury Steam have some great artists.

And people want it to be cel-shaded or like an 80s cartoon. What!?
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King Snowflake
I can't believe how passionate people are about hating the way this game looks. It looks fine for a 2D game. I'd be fine if it looked like Fusion.


Firstly Youtube compression does this game dirty. Secondly, this forum truly has bizarre obsession with graphics. Thirdly, Dread looks great and Mercury Steam have some great artists.

And people want it to be cel-shaded or like an 80s cartoon. What!?

Yeah they look to be using a similar (the same?) aggressive dynamic resolution scaling from Super Mario Odyssey to maintain 60fps during camera movement (rotate camera in SMO after using cappy on a stack of 10+ goombas to see the res drop) which then has something like TAA/U applied to it which ends up producing artifacts.

Youtube really exemplifies the IQ issues and makes them even worse so it looks really "swimmy".



Da fuck are you talking about?

That trailer is a LOT better than the new switch games trailer imo.
how is this game anyway? Looks decent, might grab a copy cheap to play on my partners 3ds.

Edit: £40 on CEX D: guess I won't be giving it a blast cheap after all :p
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Gold Member
I love minimal graphic design, but I just don't think this looks like a $60 console Metroid game.

I watched through the trailer again.

I feel like most of the backgrounds are quite uninspired and too simple. Not simplistic in a positive way.


This fanart is also quite simple, but it evokes so much more emotion. It doesn't feel lazy:


Then we have this shot with a very desolate cave segment. But it just feels boring. I don't know how to explain, but it doesn't feel like much thought and inspiration went into the design:


This shot from indie game Rain World has more atmosphere than anything I saw in the Dread trailer. This image makes your imagination run and while the gameplay elements are clear and not distracted by the background, it all comes together and sucks you into the game's world.


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The images I chose are of course quite nitpicky and maybe Dread will have gorgeous vistas, but I don't feel my heart beating based on what I've seen. The gameplay looks great and tight. I also like the design of Samus and the robots, but I wish the whole world would have dripped with atmosphere and wanted you to stop and just take it all in.
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