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Game Boy Club - Currently Playing: #5 Bomberman Quest


Yes, dunno if the NA version is different but KKK nazis are a bit extreme for a first boss.

Wow didn't see the Japanese version before this. Probably were just some Buddhist monk ghosts in that version, but the swastika was removed and the hood got rounded out for NA.

Huh. I'm playing the US version, and now the designs of that Stage 1 boss make a bit more sense, lol.

On the subject of differences between region releases, will we be focusing on specific region releases? For something like this where it's just a sprite swap I'm sure it's no big deal if you're playing the US or JP release, but are there other games where there's major changes to gameplay that could impact discussion and whatnot?
Played most of the first level and then my Micro died. Graphics are really clean and the game is well animated. I think my only issue thus far is how slow the kid feels.
Played most of the first level and then my Micro died. Graphics are really clean and the game is well animated. I think my only issue thus far is how slow the kid feels.

That's a thing in pretty much every GameBoy action game. Any fast scrolling would make the original GameBoy screen smear really bad.
I'm upset because my Gameboy SP has gone tits up. Actually it still works if you play it with the AC charger plugged in, but the battery won't hold a charge. Damn. Now I have to find another SP + somewhere. (Or can you change the batteries..?)
That's a thing in pretty much every GameBoy action game. Any fast scrolling would make the original GameBoy screen smear really bad.

this is true, but I'm still not a big fan. Daydream told me the other GB CV games move at the same pace, though, so I guess I can't complain.

Sidenote: Anyone interested in a CIB Japanese copy of the game should check out this auction: http://www.ebay.com/itm/400933262198

Was going to bid but I've spent too much this month on Sagaia and Parodius.
I'm upset because my Gameboy SP has gone tits up. Actually it still works if you play it with the AC charger plugged in, but the battery won't hold a charge. Damn. Now I have to find another SP + somewhere. (Or can you change the batteries..?)
Changing the battery is pretty trivial. Google around a bit.
Okay, wow, this little game is kinda tough. I need to be a bit slower.

Also decided to play via Retroarch, after Rich! had shown so much love for the Game Boy shaders it has. Oh my~


Oh wow! Is that just run through a standard emulator or did you have to do some fiddling to achieve that?
Okay, wow, this little game is kinda tough. I need to be a bit slower.

Also decided to play via Retroarch, after Rich! had shown so much love for the Game Boy shaders it has. Oh my~


The best way to play besides on original hardware imo, it looks so good.

So glad there's a GB Pocket shader now, I only tried the green OG GB shader before.
I really like the bat/boy mechanic thus far. It's a really fun game. :)

I still can't beat the first boss though.

edit: Finally beat them. I'm dumb for not noticing there was a more powerful attack. Second world with 12 lives now!


Those fish jumping out of the waterfall are my nightmare.

Also I'd like to nominate James Bond 007 for the future. Hidden gem I think.


Those fish jumping out of the waterfall are my nightmare.

Also I'd like to nominate James Bond 007 for the future. Hidden gem I think.

Good to have you on board, man. James Bond is a very solid suggestion, noted!

And yeah, those fish are annoying but not as much as the falling logs which did a real number on me before I finally stopped rushing.


I'm ready to go!

I'd rather not post a picture of my Colour which I did a horrible thing to as a kid. My one and only act of vandalism as a child.

Oh man, I feel you on that one. Did the same thing with mine. Stickers got all grimy over time too. Blegh.

I think I'm gonna get in on this. This is pretty neat. :)

Probably gonna mostly play on Snes with SGB, I think.


I love these types of things (community play-alongs), so I will definitely be participating, I'll try and start tonight, just have to pull myself away from The Witcher 3.

I was 7 when the GameBoy first came out and I got one that year for Xmas, and I also owned all the subsequent models as they were released, so it's a system that is very near and dear to my heart.
Alright. Just finished the 2nd level. Here are my thoughts.

First level is a pretty brilliant introduction to the game. I remember a thread on here about how Shovel Knight expertly introduces the player to each mechanic, and Kid Dracula does similarly. Platforming sections are well measured and enemies are neither overbearing or overly sparse. As this thread can testify, the lack of explanation of spells is a little bit unappreciated, though this would likely be remedied by access to a manual. As best as I can tell, there's no way to cheese past the long gap without bat so you have to figure it out. Not to mention the Frankenstein mobs are somewhat difficult to manage without a charged fireball, and the bats teach the player about firing vertically.

Additionally, the boss' 2nd phase forces the player to use appropriate jumps (long jump -> short hop x2 seemed to be the way to go). The boss is unexpectedly hilarious.

My complaints about this level are minor. The lack of explanation of spells is really the only major issue. The 'censorship' in the boss is a bit disappointing, but given the knowledge of what was removed, it's not too egregious. The platforms in the roof section that rotate could be less 'loud' visually or perhaps have a look that informs the player about what they do (say, make them more evocative of scales. That seems appropriately gothic).

On to the 2nd level...

This one I am pretty 50/50 on. On one hand, there are some really cool mechanics, and the environment is fantastic. The trees are not only visually appealing but have a very interesting -- if relatively nonthreatening -- suction attack which I like. The 2nd section (with the plants beetles, and owls) is absolutely fantastic. Creative mechanically and aesthetically in-sync with the first section of the level. I appreciate the multitude of mechanics at play and choice of playing very quickly (you can basically just hold right and throw fire and have 0 issues) or slow it down depending on what the player prefers.

The latter section I'm not sold on. The fish are a cool enemy that offers an obvious use of your new spell -- something previously not really needed in the level -- but the game doesn't seem consistent in its integration of this spell in to the gameplay. The falling bridges are another interesting mechanic that I enjoy, but the long bridge in the first screen is needlessly tight. Additionally, as best as I can tell, using your new spell -- which was rewarded against the fish previously due to the perfectly shaped hit box -- is suicide. For the life of me, I couldn't find a way to get past that section while using that spell. Apparently Daydream managed it with the fireball, but the execution on that seemed pretty tight. I got past using the bat (which is also somewhat tight). Overall this section feels like something of a brick wall. Rather soured me on an otherwise artfully crafted level.

Boss is cool. Kind of unfortunate I beat it on my first try. First phase was cool, but a bit too long given the lack of mechanics. 2nd phase is better, but unfortunately a bit too predictable, as I was able to go through it unscathed (stand in corner -> move forward a bit for the first shot -> hop the 2nd). Think this boss would've been much improved by another mechanic or less predictable bullet patterns.

Other small complaints for this level include the ninja enemies having far too slow rate of fire, trees being a total non-factor, and the falling logs not having a tell.

Game on the whole is enjoyable, even if I'm not 100% sold. I feel the game is somewhat hampered by the limitations of the Game Boy, much as any other Game Boy game. Text is tedious and the movement speed feels pretty slow (though this is remedied by more vertical levels).
Damn kid dracula , i don't have this game anymore but i played it for weeks and months during my elementary schools days.

It felt fresh and enjoyable. but i never finished it , that last level is Very hard with those ladders you have to switch off to beat the scrolling ..i really wish i could have finished this game.
Alright, finished the 3rd level. Can't beat the 4th while groggy so I'm writing my thoughts for the single level.

This level basically takes the things that I enjoy from the 2nd level and executes them in a different but potentially better way. The first section is comprised of the typical right-to-left flying enemies in the form of vultures, witches who drop weird pokeball things on your head, and moving cloud platforms. Nothing terribly intense but it's a nice section and -- as usual -- the sprite work is impeccable and everything is very clear. My only complaint is that it's only one screen long.

The 2nd section is a bit more interesting. A literal roller coaster of enemies of different mechanics, this section consists of jetpack turtles -- intent on knocking you off your moving platform, more vultures, wobbly UFOs, and some creature riding on a similar moving platform (who I couldn't manage to identify as a cat or overgrown baby).

This level is pretty good as far as platformer autoscrollers go. Only real issue I had was with the weird creature. I initially thought it was the level's boss, so I was chucking fire at it to the detriment of my health. Managed to die 3 times trying that. Once I figured out that I could simply dodge the lightning bolts it throws and not worry about shooting anything, the section became substantially less rage-inducing. There's a somewhat clutch jump at the end of this section in which you jump from one moving platform to another (and are giving very little warning), but I think this sort of curveball is pretty fair in an autoscroller.

The final boss is made trivial by the player's newest spell. Simply spamming it as fast as you can makes dinner out of the flying chicken. From an artisitic perspective, however, this is one of my favourite bosses. It's weird as hell, totally out of left field, and very well drawn and animated. The 2nd phase is even more trivial, but I was so confused by what the hell was going on I enjoyed it.

I think this is my 2nd favourite level thus far. In retrospect, the 2nd level takes the cake.

The 4th level is a bitch. Holy shit.
I never played the GB one, but as a kid I had one of those Famicom clones, and my favorite game was Kid Dracula. If the GB game is anything like that, it's probably fantastic.


Knew of Kid Dracula's connection to the Castlevania series, but having never played it before I didn't realise until now how similar it plays to Mega Man so that was a pleasant surprise.


The game arrived yesterday and I managed to play it for a bit. So far the third boss was my first roadblock. But I got the pattern down now and will surely beat it next time. Having loads of fun.
The game arrived yesterday and I managed to play it for a bit. So far the third boss was my first roadblock. But I got the pattern down now and will surely beat it next time. Having loads of fun.
You mean the boss of the 3rd level? I'm surprised that gave you a hard time. Are you using the newest spell? The multishot thing?


You mean the boss of the 3rd level? I'm surprised that gave you a hard time. Are you using the newest spell? The multishot thing?
I'm not, I stuck to the standard shot... now that you mention it, I should have used that. But it seemed so ineffective in dealing damage. I actually shot both birds in quick succession with the standard charge shot and then attacked the hen. Small time windows and good positioning required, I tell ya.
I'll use the multi shot this time


It's just Retroarch with a standard shader enabled. Check out this thread.

I really wish it was that easy. I spent more time than I care to trying to get Retroarch to work than I ever will again. That looks fantastic, but I swear you have to be a member of MENSA to get that freaking emulator to work the way you want it. LOL It is so unintuitive and obtuse, and I like to think I am not THAT stupid either but as someone who has played with emulators for over 20 years it is a chore and a half.

After hours of wading through that thread and various other sites to getting working and even attempting to get that shader working, I finally gave up the race. :(


I'll be jumping in soon enough. My roommate got a Raspberry Pi 2 so I'll use that for emulation. Also ordered an SNES30 last night. I'll check in back here once I have everything set up!


Batman is currently in the lead as game #2. Lots of people voted which is cool!

Will power through more of Kid D on the weekend and (hopefully) finally get around to writing up some detailed impressions!


Unconfirmed Member
Kid Dracula is one of the cutest characters ever.
All I know looking at this thread is that it was a mistake to stick my gba sp and gba, gbc and gb games in the loft last Saturday.

Darn it all.


Last weekend to play Kid Drac! We're moving on to Batman starting Monday!

I'll be posting my impressions/summary later today or tomorrow.


Alright, here are my impressions I've assembled during my playthrough and a verdict at the end:

Starting the game

I'm playing in classic B/W mode on my trusty purple GBC. Right away I'm reminded of better days (for Konami, anyway) after seeing the dev logo pop up. I like how the seemingly gloomy intro transitions into the cheery music and pose of Kid Drac's big sprite. It sets the tone quite nicely. So does the music and Kid's goofy (anime) visages during the first cutscene. The story is obviously geared towards people who didn't play the NES one (as it's just the same thing happening again, only with Garamoth being "stronger"). I suppose that's why this game is considered a remake of the Famicom original.

Level 1 - The Castle

First of all, man, this game really wants you to keep playing. The 8-bit snoring sound Kid makes when you pause the game is, uh, quite persistent. Thankfully, no time limit means that you don't really have to pause if you wanna look away for a second. Anyway, the game starts off with some jaunty music and some light obstacles. I like the episodic nature of the levels, so to speak. Every screen transition holds news ideas that are iterated upon in various ways. A lot of the locales are obviously reminiscent of Castlevania levels and so is your progression through them which seems to have the same logicality to it, albeit in a slightly "looser" way than CV's castle structures. Kid's animations (dat hair) are really neat to look at without getting in the way of mobility. Shooting up and down is always fun. Furthermore, the size of the sprites is just about perfect for the level architecture they've created.

I quickly figure out how to turn into bat. Applying the same logic to my fireball, I also discover the charge ability which should prove essential. Moving on, I get my first coin drop. Right away I'm faced with the question if I should farm these in an easy spot since there's bound to be a shop at some point but I decide to press ahead.

Moving past the clock tower area, I notice the pictures of Dracula Sr. (Alucard? or would that be me) hanging on the wall.

You leave the castle pretty early and some jazzy tunes welcome you to the starry night. I recognise those tipping platforms from Castlevania 3, although I find them to be less of a challenge here. Time to fight the first boss while the moon is asleep! And.. the boss design sure is a surprise. I already love the humorous element to it. The ending to the fight got a good laugh out of me already.

One cannot easily forgive a traitor, bat! And with that..

Level 2 - The Woods

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Cute witch lady let me try for "another Kid Dracula" (clones?) for the low, low price of 10 coins so I went for it. Having different bonus games is definitely appreciated. I lost my first game of 'Stick'em'. That game seems fishy! 'Grab Bat' is way better and actually skill-based so I got 3UP out of that. Nice! I played the coin game with the two coins I had left. It was basically roulette so I ain't playing that again!

I'm already getting strong Kirby vibes from this level. The horizontality of it is awesome, and speaking of Kirby, those trees sucking you in are a really creative hazard.

I don't know what the second section is about but it sure is fun! Ducking under owls to win a race between floating corn stalks? Sign me up.

I really like the juxtaposition of having to be patient in the first half of the bridge section and the adrenaline rush in the second half. The latter part seems tricky at first but jumping in advance to meet the fish with charged fireballs makes it a cake walk.

The boss design takes me by surprise and I love it. The expressiveness of the characters also goes a long way. Somehow I nail him on my first try without getting hit, woo! The new Homing Shot seems neat, we'll see if it'll prove useful.

I go for the third minigame this time, 'RPS'. I fail terribly at it.

Level 3 - The Clouds

The first section is fair enough but the real highlight here is the rollercoaster. It's not a short section which contributes to the tension of it all. I love the attention to detail with the direction of the boost flames.

The boss sure takes a lot of hits, though. On the flipside, you can farm the chicks for coins! Homing shot recommended.

Jump & Pop is without a doubt the second best 1UP game (of the two viable ones). I'll be sticking to 'Grab Bat' in the future, though!

Level 4 - The Airship

The first section has this very interesting idea of a rocking ship, influencing your field of view. The second section follows that up with the first 'switch gravity' experiments which are elaborated upon in the subsequent section.

The first form in the boss is easily caught in your homing missiles. If you spam them at the right speed, he doesn't get one attack in. I suspect this is the case with a lot of bosses in this game, certainly with the Chicken from the previous level. The second form took me by surprise but considering the gimmick of the level, it didn't take me long to figure out how to take that guy down. staying close helps!

Before taking on the fifth level, you are treated to another cutscene which grants you a new item (on top of the usual new ability which is the Bomb this time) - an umbrella! Useful for blocking projectiles and also comes with some neat spritework of Kid Drac hiding under it!

Level 5 - Space Elevator

A short one but a good one. The first section is a pretty exciting horizontally auto-scrolling jumping section, followed by a short UFO-filled interlude and.. Mecha-Garamoth. A challenging fight at first but no biggie, once you get into the rhythm of it. Figuring out how to hurt the second form is tricky, even though it's kinda obvious when you pay attention. You just get a short window and small hitbox to get your hit in.

The real highlight is me getting 7up in one round of 'Grab Bat', though. Nailed it.

Level 6 - The Volcano

Another short but intense stage. I especially like the visual design in the first section and the volcano element in the second section. It straight-up feels like you're playing through a Gradius level, only it's a platformer. Really cool. The boss requires some basic pattern recognition, I guess a second form wouldn't have hurt it. Also, it looks like a Pokemon.

Level 7 - The Mines

Definitely the level I feel most ambivalent about. While the necessity of precise bomb employment and quick timing is appreciated from a challenge standpoint, you get crushed really easily between moving blocks and digging your way back is straining (mostly on the hand).

However, the boss fight is fantastic and probably my favourite in the entire game. RIP Spark Man.

Level 8 - The Robot Factory

The final level definitely kicks things off with a rad tune. And proceeds by punching in the face repeatedly. The first two sections require some real detective work as you figure out which path leads to the exit. The first time while being faced with a level that is continually scrolling down while you have to make your way to the right (which is something you have to figure out first, mind), while the second has you going up and avoiding spikes. Quite a jump in difficulty compared to what the player has been pitted against so far. I haven't done this comparison for all the levels but the second section is definitely an instance of US/EU players getting way, WAY less hearts than the JP players. Quite an unusual case in those days to have a Western version that's less forgiving.

The third section is filled with traps. It's definitely quite devious and you have to proceed with a lot of caution (or just know about the surprises beforehand by dying to them in an earlier run). The rest of the level is fairly forgiving but the final boss requires some strong nerves. After I had the first part down pat, I tried to focus on the second part and eventually figured out the timing to hitting him without getting hit myself.

After more or less cruising through the rest of the game, the final level took me several hours to beat. Needless to say, it felt rewarding as heck (even though the ending is utterly unremarkable).

I also found out afterwards that there are heart containers that I missed. I only got the one in the final level so I only had three hearts for the rest of the game (and four for the final boss). I'm sure it would be less stressful if one approached the final stretch with a total of six hearts.

Closing thoughts

Kid Dracula is clearly one of the best platformers on the system. The game shines in pretty much every aspect. The level design is varied and creative, the soundtrack is consistently great and easily one of the most sophisticated on the system, the shop mechanic is relatively well implemented, the way new abilities are introduced is exemplary. A stand-out for me are the bosses which keep things fresh and are rather memorable and often wacky. As is the entire game, really - try putting in the Konami code, for instance! It's a shame the series pretty much died after this entry.



Level 3 is where I stopped, I'm afraid to say. Died too much on the rollercoaster section and didn't feel any need to carry on. I like what I played, though, and it's probably fair to say that if I had this back in the day I would have been very happy with it.
Nice thread, daydream! I would have liked to participate but didn't have much time to play this game these days. I did subscribe to it and liked reading through your impressions. Will definitely try to post in the next thread.
I'm glad to see the next game will be Batman; if you remember from one of Max's threads, I liked that game a lot growing up. Post about the new thread in the Nintendo Downloads thread when it goes up or I'll probably miss it xP

Quite an unusual case in those days to have a Western version that's less forgiving.
This was actually pretty common back then. Contra 3, Castlevania 3, Ninja Gaiden 3 all come to mind as being more difficult in the west than in they were in their original versions, and those are just the ones I can remember right now being half asleep (and they're all third entries, for some reason). There's a lot more examples. Basically, if it wasn't an RPG, there's a good chance it was more difficult over here. Apparently it was done to get western gamers to stop renting the games and actually buy them in order to beat them. Makes sense, when you think about it.


Unconfirmed Member
Could someone help me to get this running in retroarch? The screenshots look so good. PM me or something if you have a few minutes, don't want to put it in the thread.


I played that game over and over and over and over as a kid. I never for the love of god finished it, always stuck at the robot factory at the last boss :(


Level 3 is where I stopped, I'm afraid to say. Died too much on the rollercoaster section and didn't feel any need to carry on. I like what I played, though, and it's probably fair to say that if I had this back in the day I would have been very happy with it.

I got that whole section memorised, lol. Stand on the right platform and you'll be set for most of the course. Jump over the turtles in the beginning as they push you off, then duck and don't move for the next couple of sections until Japanese thunder god burns the left platform. Then when you fight him, just shoot him with your Homing Missiles. There's only two shots that even get near you. When he's too the far left, also move to the far left of your platform (the length of the platform is quite generous), same when he's on the right. Then he drops down and just shoot him like crazy (don't stand on the very left so that his hitbox doesn't get'cha) and you reach the final section. Jump over a turtle, duck under the condor, jump over another turtle, duck under the next condor, then be ready to jump off the falling platform onto another one (stand on the right of the platform for that). Then just keep ducking again until you're at the very top of a loop where the UFO comes towards you very slowly from the right. Fire off a shot to take care of it, and voilà!


Nice thread, daydream! I would have liked to participate but didn't have much time to play this game these days. I did subscribe to it and liked reading through your impressions. Will definitely try to post in the next thread.
I'm glad to see the next game will be Batman; if you remember from one of Max's threads, I liked that game a lot growing up. Post about the new thread in the Nintendo Downloads thread when it goes up or I'll probably miss it xP

This was actually pretty common back then. Contra 3, Castlevania 3, Ninja Gaiden 3 all come to mind as being more difficult in the west than in they were in their original versions, and those are just the ones I can remember right now being half asleep (and they're all third entries, for some reason). There's a lot more examples. Basically, if it wasn't an RPG, there's a good chance it was more difficult over here. Apparently it was done to get western gamers to stop renting the games and actually buy them in order to beat them. Makes sense, when you think about it.

I didn't know that the rule only applied to RPGs, thanks Yakuza! Discussion for Batman will continue in this thread but I'll leave a note in the Downloads thread, regardless! Thanks for reading!


Subbing! I've been playing alot of Gameboy games on my 3DS recently! In fact, just these last 2 weeks I have beaten

Super Mario Land 2
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
Kid Icarus: Myths and Monsters
Wario Land 2
Megaman V

Hoping to start working through all the Zelda GB games (haven't played either of the Oracles before) and I really want to beat Metroid 2 someday. Gameboy was such a great little system and loved my old Game Boy fat (rip)

Hmm I need to check out this Kid Dracula game, never heard of it til now and it looks kinda fun


Subbing! I've been playing alot of Gameboy games on my 3DS recently! In fact, just these last 2 weeks I have beaten

Super Mario Land 2
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
Kid Icarus: Myths and Monsters
Wario Land 2
Megaman V

Hoping to start working through all the Zelda GB games (haven't played either of the Oracles before) and I really want to beat Metroid 2 someday. Gameboy was such a great little system and loved my old Game Boy fat (rip)

Hmm I need to check out this Kid Dracula game, never heard of it til now and it looks kinda fun

Super Mario land 2 and 3 are two of my favorite games ever. I have fond memories of them from my childhood.

Also don't miss out on Zelda minish cap, pretty underrated game imo.
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