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Game Boy Club - Currently Playing: #5 Bomberman Quest




Title: Batman [EU/JP]; Batman: The Video Game [US]
Release Date: [JP] April 13,1990; [US]] June 1990; [EU] 1990
Platform: Game Boy
Developer: Sunsoft
Publisher: Sunsoft

I consider Sunsoft to be sort of like the Platinum of their time. Granted, Treasure might be the more apt point of comparison in the gameplay department, but in the way Sunsoft chose their projects - a lot of them licenced and others highly original -, I think there is something to the parallel.

Thus, our second game is Batman on the Game Boy. It released shortly after the NES version and can definitely still be considered as part of the early GB era, just about one year into the system's life cycle. You play as the titular bat trying to take down who else but The Joker.

This is the instruction booklet I found online for the game. And with that, we are off! You got till July 27 to save Gotham during their 200th anniversary! And don't forget to vote for the next game under 'Voting'!

I didn't get in on the first one, but I'm gonna pick up a copy of Batman to get in this one. eBay searching is a bit weird for it because of how simple the name is.


Picked up Batman a couple of months ago in a huge bundle of Gameboy games, only played it for a few minutes so far this thread will be a great excuse to give it a proper go.


I didn't take part in the first game but I'll join in for this game. The odd thing I remember from this game is that Batman has a gun and the instruction manual doesn't even try to justify it in any way.
I was barely conscious yesterday when I read this thread and was sure the next game was going to be the other Sunsoft Batman game for Game Boy, Return of The Joker. It actually took me a few minutes of reading your post in confusion to even remember this other game existed! I'm perfectly OK with this anyway since I've actually never played this one and I'm always up for giving a Sunsoft game a try.


This time I'll join in as player, not just lurker. Anybody an idea whether it's a less than 5 hours time commitment? Judging from youtube let's plays it is.


This time I'll join in as player, not just lurker. Anybody an idea whether it's a less than 5 hours time commitment? Judging from youtube let's plays it is.
It's pretty easy if I remember correctly. Just a bit of tricky platform jumping. I prefer Return of the Joker since it has wall jumping, which makes it play out like Batman on the NES. And the sprites are more detailed, but the first GB Batman has cool gadgets. Also, Batman has a gun. :lol


It's pretty easy if I remember correctly. Just a bit of tricky platform jumping. I prefer Return of the Joker since it has wall jumping, which makes it play out like Batman on the NES. And the sprites are more detailed, but the first GB Batman has cool gadgets. Also, Batman has a gun. :lol

Thanks for the answer, I'm curious. Never had a GB on my own a kid.
Already voted for game #3, picked the Zelda-like-like.
My (very dim) memories of Batman GB were incredibly fond, and typically went back and forth between "Why does batman have a gun?" and "Who cares, this game is great!"
I had this game back when it originally released but sold it a long time ago. I enjoyed it but I don't think I ever finished it. Time to pick up a used copy somewhere! Much less expensive than Kid Dracula was.

Ninja Dom

Batman for the Gameboy by Sunsoft is a magical game. And the soundtrack? One of the best Gameboy soundtracks and it came early on in the Gameboy's life.
Bond 007 with an early lead in the poll, I can dig it.

Oh no.

I mean I don't have anything against the people that like that game but I got that game as a kid and I remember being really lost.

EDIT: Okay I started playing. This Soundtrack is amazing, let alone this being on the original Game Boy, wow.


Oh no.

I mean I don't have anything against the people that like that game but I got that game as a kid and I remember being really lost.

I''ve never played it so I'm very curious to check it out. Seems to be unanimously accepted as hidden gem. Also caters to my interest in quality licenced games.
I''ve never played it so I'm very curious to check it out. Seems to be unanimously accepted as hidden gem. Also caters to my interest in quality licenced games.

Oh It's probably a good game, I was just a dumb kid who got lost in the first or second level.

Speaking of 2nd levels, well I guess 2nd world in this case (2-1) I am on that now on Batman and I got some jumps I am having trouble with.

That said though this game controls really damn well.


Oh It's probably a good game, I was just a dumb kid who got lost in the first or second level.

Speaking of 2nd levels, well I guess 2nd world in this case (2-1) I am on that now on Batman and I got some jumps I am having trouble with.

That said though this game controls really damn well.

Yeah, I love this very simple risk/reward mechanic about blowing up your potential platforms for points/upgrades. You end up shooting more blocks than baddies, too, so that makes the gun... justified, somewhat? :-D (that wavy pattern gun is definitely the tool I avoid most, because of its tendancy to destroy blocks I don't want...)

As for 007, it's one of my fav GB games, along with Mystic Quest, Link's Awakening and FFLegend 3, so I'm glad it's in the lead! You might probably like it more now, too, with more experience? It's a complete Zelda-like, so it could probably feel more familiar now.
Yeah, I love this very simple risk/reward mechanic about blowing up your potential platforms for points/upgrades. You end up shooting more blocks than baddies, too, so that makes the gun... justified, somewhat? :-D (that wavy pattern gun is definitely the tool I avoid most, because of its tendancy to destroy blocks I don't want...)

As for 007, it's one of my fav GB games, along with Mystic Quest, Link's Awakening and FFLegend 3, so I'm glad it's in the lead! You might probably like it more now, too, with more experience? It's a complete Zelda-like, so it could probably feel more familiar now.

Yeah the wavegun has been a nuisance so far when I get it. I do like the game so far.

I might like the 007 game more now. I haven't played it in almost 16 years so yeah.

I am on 4-1 of Batman. I got some mental notes of the game that hopefully I won't forget.


I absolutely loved Batman on the Gameboy back in the day... Might have to give this a play when I get home, though I'm currently without a backlit system that can play my original cart or a Super Gameboy...

Might have to get cozy with my original GBA and a lamp...


Maturity, bitches.
I was given Batman on GameBoy many years ago but I must admit I only played it a bit. This would be a good excuse to dig it out again (unless it has gone walk about without my knowing). On holiday but will try to remember to do so when I get back home.
Okay, I beat it. Here is a quick (kinda) summary of Batman on the Game Boy by Sunsoft

Some general information
B is shoot
A is jump
It shows a health bar but it is divided into 4 chunks. So Batman has 4 hit points.

Weapons/Powerups at your disposal (quote from Gamefaqs as my descriptions aren't good enough nor did I see all of these in my playthrough.)
- Extrashot; a gun in a white square; allows batman to shoot an extra bullet on the screen at one time

- Less Shot; a gun in a black square; takes away one from the amount of shots batman can fire at once

- Points; B in a circle; give 5,000 points

- Health; heart; restores 1/4 of Batman's health

- Batshield; the batman symbol; forms a shield around batman which can also hurt the enemy at close range.

- Shortgun; S in a square; a gun that shoots only a short distance and does not shoot through walls

- Normalgun; N in a square; the normal gun that you start with, its week and can not go through walls

- Wavegun; W is a square; a powerful gun that shoots in a wave pattern and can shoot through walls

- Powergun; P in a square; a powerful gun that goes in a straight line and goes through walls

- Batgun; R in a square; shoots batman symbols that are extremely powerful, shoots through walls, and slice and dices everything in its path as it boomerangs through the screen.

- Lazer; T in a square; powerful gun that goes through enemies to hit things past them, can shoot through walls and can hit three blocks in a row.

- Bomb; a vertical candy or firecracker; Destroys all enemies on the screen

*there is a pill looking power-up that I have no idea what does. sorry, you can still beat the game without knowing.
Looks like they didn't know what that pill thing was either...

Some tips
  • Don't underestimate Batman's jump - You can get to places that you may not be able to make with his, somewhat floaty jump that takes a bit to get used to.
  • Don't underestimate Batman's crouch - You can duck below a lot of stuff in this game. It looks like it will hit him while crouched and you will wind up not being hit. The hitbox for Batman is more at the center of his body than anything else.
  • Like all games like this abuse invincibility after you get hit to move forward or do more damage to something.

And on to the meat of this post...
1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-B

Gotham City is a fairly easy starting area in 1-1 easy to make jumps to get you accustomed to how the game is set up and shooting blocks will be of use, as you progress through the game. Darker blocks hold either points, power ups or power downs.

1-2 and 1-3, which take place in the Chemical Factory give you a bit tougher platforming sections.
The first boss will teach you how to crouch effectively other than that it's fairly easy.

2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 (no boss this time)

Back to Gotham City in 2-1, the layout being different of course. The first part of the game that I found to be a bit tricky. With things that fall on you from the ceiling onto the ground that you also can't touch or else it damages you. Reminded me of Mega Man a lot. Some tricky jumps here and there to avoid damage a long the way.

2-2 is the start of the museum and where the jumps aren't exactly harder but you have to be a bit more careful with how you jump since enemies can now shoot up.

2-3 is more or less the same as 2-2 except now there are multiple paths you can take, some being much worse than others.

3-1 and 3-2
The Batwing (Batman's plane) stages. Okay before I talk about the stages the interesting about the Batwing is that you can shoot in front (with A) or behind (with B) keep this in mind as there will be times where you need to to shoot behind you.
Probably the most frustrating part of the game for me.

3-1 is actually not that bad all things considering. Some enemies shoot at you with slow bullets that you can dodge fairly easy. The boss is kind of intimidating at first but after maybe 1 death it's easy to see what he does.

3-2 though, man they don't hold your hand anymore. Enemies come from every which way in front, top, bottom, and behind you. After you get through that gauntlet of nonsense you have to fight 2 bosses back to back which are kind of tough but it's the 2nd boss that makes you feel like you are playing some bullet hell game.
He is a pain in the ass but, once you beat him this stuff is finally over.

4-1, 4-2, and Final Boss
4-1 honestly isn't that hard, there isn't too much you haven't seen before except this one enemy that can only shoot up. So just get rid of them rather than trying to jump over them.

4-2...you know how I said 3-1 and mostly 3-2 were the worst parts of the game? Nah, I take it back, I was typing that when I got to 4-1. 4-2 is the worst part of the game. Some jackass over at Sunsoft decided to make an autoscroller the last level of the game before the final boss. It's a pain the ass, especially if you still have the Wave gun like I do because it was so handy in 4-1 overall. After you manage this mess of a level you are on to the final boss.

Final Boss - There isn't too much to say here. It's just a harder version of the first boss with more health, a faster rate of fire at times, jumps a little bit, and a spreadshot (okay maybe that is a chunk to say). Word of warning though. Try to make sure, unlike me, to not have the wave fun in the final fight. It makes it that much more annoying, get something that shoots straight.

All in all it was a fun game. Kinda wish I got this as a kid though. It was fun, not completely easy but, not totally unfair either. If you like sidescrollers, I say you make it through this game; you will have fun, I think.


I've gotten up to 4-2 and I've been enjoying this a lot so far. I've forgotten a lot of the game since I last played it so it is nice to re-experience it. The soundtrack is great with the standout song being the world 4 music and Batmans crouch walk looks great.

The one thing I don't like about the game so far is the Batwing stages. The normal ships you fight aren't interesting and while the bosses are fun with their bullet patterns, they die really quickly.

3-1 and 3-2
The Batwing (Batman's plane) stages. Okay before I talk about the stages the interesting about the Batwing is that you can shoot in front (with A) or behind (with B) keep this in mind as there will be times where you need to to shoot behind you.

I didn't even realize that B shot behind you. That would of made those two levels a lot easier if I had tried to press it.
Nice writeup, leafhopper.

Think I'll sit this one out, though if I get bored I'll look in to picking it up. This month is a bit stressful, unfortunately. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember not to vote for boring james bondage blegh


James Bond 007 is a good game for sure but one I beat back when so it's not the one that'll get me to join the club. Savvy choice though: it's not quite as good as Link's Awakening but a lot of people will have played the Zelda game but not the Bond game.

I'd consider getting in on Batman but the game's a bit expensive on eBay and I don't know if it'd arrive in time anyway.


I got through the first level earlier today. Gonna try and finish up the whole thing tonight. The first boss was a joke though goddamn lol


Maturity, bitches.
James Bond 007, despite being not the best game in the world, is a rather neat take on the franchise. In some ways it captures more about what the character does than the home consoles FPSs.

It also taught me how to gamble.


James Bond 007, despite being not the best game in the world, is a rather neat take on the franchise. In some ways it captures more about what the character does than the home consoles FPSs.

It also taught me how to gamble.

I must have spent half my time in that game playing blackjack to be honest.


Oh wow, I actually remember Sunsoft Batman very well, it was one of the few Game Boy games I actually owned growing up thanks to my brother. Game was tough, don't think I beat it though, I did get to the Batwing sequence but I was a kid and sucked at the game lol. The music was really good though for a Game Boy game, and I liked the gameplay with the platform blocks being shootable with life and other things in it. I still think it's funny though that Batman has a gun in this game and just goes downing all the mobsters.
A bit late to post impressions of Kid Dracula but here goes, it was alright for a while but it is very unforgiving and I have never been so glad to have a save state function, the checkpoint system is brutal.

Loved the character design though, especially the mini "cut scenes" after each world, I didnt finish it, made it all the way to the space world and then ran out of time.

Cant wait to try Batman.


Ah Batman on Gameboy, I have quite fond memories of this one. The third Gameboy cartridge I owned (After Tetris and Super Mario Land).

My cousin and I each owned a copy and enjoyed the hell out of this game. I remember getting stuck on that Batwing stage boss for weeks until I finally figured out how to beat it. This game is quite the classic.


In anticipation of things to come, I already put in my order for James Bond
and Mercenary Force
and Ghost Babel

Happy to see so many people in on this! Props to those who played some Kid Drac. Seems like I was the only one to finish it, and on original hardware no less. What I forgot to mention in my write-up - the weather's been brutally hot here and with the final stage being as nerve-wrecking as it is, I don't think my hands have ever sweated so much in my life! I took breaks, not only to collect myself but also to prevent water sweat damage to my GBC, lol.


In anticipation of things to come, I already put in my order for James Bond
and Mercenary Force
and Ghost Babel

Happy to see so many people in on this! Props to those who played some Kid Drac. Seems like I was the only one to finish it, and on original hardware no less. What I forgot to mention in my write-up - the weather's been brutally hot here and with the final stage being as nerve-wrecking as it is, I don't think my hands have ever sweated so much in my life! I took breaks, not only to collect myself but also to prevent water sweat damage to my GBC, lol.

You're considering GBC games as well?! Then yeah, absolutely, Ghost Babel is a must! You could always consider Resident Evil Gaiden and Perfect Dark, too, they always stood out as the improbable big IP trilogy :-D Ghost Babel's easily the best of the three, though (even though I like all of them for different reasons), skipping the other two could be perfectly understandable as well. Depends on whether or not you're up for some questionable designs and technical limitations for the sake of interesting takes/translations of 3D mechanics!

(actually, thinking more on big IPs, there was also Tomb Raider, Rainbow Six, and quite a few others unlikely transitions... GBC definitely had an interesting library!)

Might be worth putting batteries back in my old hardware to join in on the fun! I'm mostly writing off memories here :-D


You're considering GBC games as well?! Then yeah, absolutely, Ghost Babel is a must! You could always consider Resident Evil Gaiden and Perfect Dark, too, they always stood out as the improbable big IP trilogy :-D Ghost Babel's easily the best of the three, though (even though I like all of them for different reasons), skipping the other two could be perfectly understandable as well. Depends on whether or not you're up for some questionable designs and technical limitations for the sake of interesting takes/translations of 3D mechanics!

(actually, thinking more on big IPs, there was also Tomb Raider, Rainbow Six, and quite a few others unlikely transitions... GBC definitely had an interesting library!)

Might be worth putting batteries back in my old hardware to join in on the fun! I'm mostly writing off memories here :-D

Yeah, the plan was to move on to GBC, eventually, and even GBA. Maybe doing three games on one system, then moving on to the next and eventually circling back around to the OG (since there's plenty left that didn't win the poll on the first run, plus all the other titles left to be discovered) could be a good rotation. I'm certainly open to get some input on this.

Ghost Babel I got for my collection and personal enjoyment, first and foremost. I'm still unsure whether to feature it in a poll. On the one hand, it's part of a huge franchise, on the other hand I don't think many people played it. I'll have to ruminate further on that.


Yeah, the plan was to move on to GBC, eventually, and even GBA. Maybe doing three games on one system, then moving on to the next and eventually circling back around to the OG (since there's plenty left that didn't win the poll on the first run, plus all the other titles left to be discovered) could be a good rotation. I'm certainly open to get some input on this.

Ghost Babel I got for my collection and personal enjoyment, first and foremost. I'm still unsure whether to feature it in a poll. On the one hand, it's part of a huge franchise, on the other hand I don't think many people played it. I'll have to ruminate further on that.

Yeah, I reread the OP more carefully, sorry. Sent you a PM about suggestions and the like!

As for Ghost Babel, I'd say if this gets more people interested in trying it out, then it's definitely worth having it in the poll. I feel it's one of the better games on the system, and one of the better entries in the franchise, since it can't rely on cinematography to convey its emotional meanings. There's some pretty powerful stuff through text/still images in there, along with some nice LD and mechanics! Might just need to post a walkthrough for the crate puzzle in level 6 or something :-D
(Fun story: GBC is the only system I ever broke, the screen only had the top right segment working. Still managed to complete a whole playthrough of Ghost Babel on the maximal difficulty setting only using the radar... goes to show how precise and well-oiled the mechanics are to allow for that kind of thing!)


My timing sucks as I just got to level 3 in Kid Dracula.
Picked up a Zelda GBA SP yesterday (my first GBA), Batman will arrive any day now and I've ordered 007. Now I'm ready.
Yeah, the plan was to move on to GBC, eventually, and even GBA. Maybe doing three games on one system, then moving on to the next and eventually circling back around to the OG (since there's plenty left that didn't win the poll on the first run, plus all the other titles left to be discovered) could be a good rotation. I'm certainly open to get some input on this.

Ghost Babel I got for my collection and personal enjoyment, first and foremost. I'm still unsure whether to feature it in a poll. On the one hand, it's part of a huge franchise, on the other hand I don't think many people played it. I'll have to ruminate further on that.

Ham Hams Unite should be the first GBC game.


since i'm relegated to using a tablet for a few more days (laptop's in repair and boy do i miss a real keyboard) and since i'll be gone during the weekend + some of next week, Batman will run till August 3

also, the game after that will be James Bond 007 as it won the poll, so you can gear up for that gem if you wish to participate!
Batman GB is brilliant because it plays to the system's strengths - small, uncomplicated graphics to improve clarity and minimise blurring.


Alright, time for Batman impressions!

Starting the game

As a fan of Sunsoft, the Game Boy and licenced games, I have, of course, played this little gem of a platformer before. However, I'm pretty sure I haven't beaten it so that's what we're gonna do this time!

The game starts off with a spinning Bat logo and a kicking tune. I was all ready to sit here and listen to it for awhile but sadly it doesn't loop properly. Oh well! Start pushed.

Level 1-1 - Gotham City

Ah yes, I haven't forgotten about this track. What an awesome way to kick things off. Also, I have now been made aware of the fact that Batman holding a gun is pretty weird or something. Comics!

First things first: Figuring out my arsenal of weapons and moves. The jump has a bit of floatiness to it, just the faintest hint, and it feels really good. I can shoot while standing straight and while ducking, that's gonna be key. I remember different weapon types will come up as pickups later so I look forward to those.

The first destructible block already contains a power-up for my gun. Also, it makes the player weary of the slightly darker blocks in the future. They seem comparable to the lanterns in Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden, in the sense that they're a grab bag in terms of usefulness, so while you can skip them if you feel like it, chances are they might contain significant aids for your journey.

Already getting careless against the first enemy with a gun. Breaking my rule of always proceeding with caution, obviously a piece of advice that has become mostly obsolete in modern games.

The game teaches you quickly that even the white blocks are destructible, as you have to shoot one to free the block next to it. Oh, by the way, have I mentioned that I really love the little Batman sprite? Quite adorable.

Moving onwards, I get my first Bat option which whirs around me and, presumably, soaking up shots. Some accurate jumps also nail me the wave gun which I'm already iffy on. Wave guns usually are a double-edged sword in 2d side-scrollers. We'll see how it'll treat me.

Only now do I learn that I can't backtrack, as I move past a box to get to it from the other side and being prevented from doing so. Fair enough! At the next stop, I figure out that my Bat option kills enemies after it touches a bad guy with me standing on a platform above him.

While I move on to the exit, I notice the upper path which would have led me to a grey box. I'll just go ahead and assume that it contained a 1-up. Also, taking the upper path - always advisable but rarely feasible!

Level 1-2 - Chemical Factory

The music grows a bit more sinister as we make our way to the heart of our first boss encounter. The shooting baddies start taking two hits. I also find out that I can crawl as I make my way under a staircase to grab two power-ups on the other side. Always the most simple and effective solution to teach the player that stuff.

Moving on, I pick up another P-item for my gun which gets rid of that darn wave shot. Instead, I shoot big bullets now. Way bett-- welp, just lot it again to an S-item. Fantastic. And I fall to my doom after going for a heart power-up. Good going, dream.

Anyway, I nail the rest of the level and continue to be delighted by the fact that you shoot the door open at the end.

Level 1-3 - Chemical Factory

The enemy frequence is clearly increasing. Not only that, but the little robots are more difficult to hit and the patterns can be erratic. Outjumping them is a very valid option, though.

I pick up the Batarang item (which I immediately like) and a 1-up before falling into a pit. Not too bad considering my health was whittled down after those robot encounters. I also learn that 1-ups don't respawn which is too bad! At least you keep your weapon when you die which is pretty atypical of a game in this genre.

I manage to avoid a 1-up that is clearly placed to lure you into a pit but I accidentally pick up a weapon power-down. No, not the S-item but the opposite of the item that increases your fire rate. Pretty mean.

Batman vs. Jack

The first boss fight is expectedly easy but I end up cutting it way closer than necessary. I think my baterangs are doing less damage than the regular shots which makes me grow less fond of them. Anyway, I don't know who this Jack guy was but he falls in some sort of liquid so maybe he'll turn into an even badder bad guy later (Two-Face?).

After a creepy Joker cutscene (those hands!), it's time to go after the main guy himself? Maybe? I suppose we can always roam around a bit in the streets of

Level 2-1 - Gotham City

I find it kind of cool that you return to this environment as it does make sense after leaving the factory. I barely manage to avoid two boulders dropping on my head in the beginning. Seriously a single-pixel affair, wow. Is the city falling apart? At least I have two options following me around now, that's always a relief.

The falling debris really keeps you on your toes in this level.

Level 2-2 - Flugalheim Museum

Oh, is this structured after the Burton movie? I seem to remember a museum in that, it's been quite a few years since I've seen the film, though. Anyway, way to not use an 'ü', Gotham, jeez.

The music turns appropriately museum-like for this section. With enemies now being able to aim their shots at me, I decide to book it throughout most of the level, only stopping to check out some boxes which end up bumping my life count up to five and leaving me with the measly version of my gun. All the more reason to keep moving!

Level 2-3 - Flugalheim Museum

Oh dear, barely visible cracks in the floor! My gun luck continues to leave me as I manage to collect another 1-up while still having trouble shooting anything. Gotta make every encounter close and personal instead.

I make it through with a decent gun (the one with range) and all my lives intact. The final jumping bit reminds of the endings to Super Mario Land levels, just from the arrangement of the platforms. After a nice side-view of the Batmobile, it's time to..

Level 3-1 - Batwing Stage

..take to the skies! Yup, I remember this stage all too well.

Here, the main task becomes to avoid bullets less so than shooting down planes. Although you can still aim to do that, of course, and the boss obviously requires shooting, so the option to just hold down the button is very much appreciated. The pattern of the boss is easy enough while still managing to feel rewarding after you emerge victorious by way of making the bullet patterns seem pretty intimidating. So that's neat!

Level 3-2 - Batwing Stage

And the fun don't stop! With the flying can taken care of, it's time to face off against.. giant ducks? Wait, did I see that ri-- oh, and there's the boss already. I take a death here since I'm low on health but the pattern seems clear even here. Getting into a good up-down-rhythm is key, for sure.

And, go figure, that wasn't even the boss of this level. Seeing the next enemy, a chopper, set up his deadly net of bullets reminds me where I stopped playing last time. This time, I dispose of the boss for the price of two or three lives. Gonna have to look up how speedrunners take care of that part, knowing speedruns they probably take that thing down before it even fires off a shot.

Looking at Batman in the next cutscene, that seems like a Clooney chin. Yeah, definitely a Clooney chin.

Stage 4-1 - Gotham Cathedral

This stage has some really cool visual design that is very evocative of the edifice it's supposed to represent. Really fantastic track to go along with it, too. Love that hint of organ in there.

The stage itself is rather tame but you do get the sense that it is building up to something.

Stage 4-2 - Gotham Cathedral

That something being an auto-scroller stage, hoo boy. This stage really puts your quick reflexes to the test, especially in a section which, on top of requiring a lot of jumping, pits you against turrets that need to be shot down. Nothing insurmountabe, though, not by any means!

Stage 4-B - Batman vs. Joker

Welp, here we are. This fight is certainly reminiscent of NES Batman (but also of the first boss fight from this game). Basically a 1v1 duel with you jumping around maniacally, hoping to avoid Joker's bullets and, uh, body, while getting as many batarang hits in there as possible.

As far as I can tell, there's no clear pattern here, so you just gotta be a bit lucky and, well, on point with your game and you should be victorious sooner or later.

"Joker, the evil leader, is defeated after the final battle with Batman." Yeah, right! "He leaves behind him a weird laughter that echo's throughout Gotham City." Just like my weird laughter after that grammatical error! Well, at least the final credits shot is pretty sweet.

Closing thoughts

Since I do like the game, I'm gonna get my nitpicks off my chest first. The third stage - I'm very much in agreement with Leaf and his impressions above - was well-intentioned, but ultimately falls a bit flat, both feeling misplaced and being an outlier in terms of challenge. More bosses and boss variety would have been a better way to go, for sure.

Other than that, I can't help but to like this game for a lot of reasons. For being an early Game Boy game, it pretty much nails most of the points expected from a Batman platformer. It's tailored to the platform's strengths and, as a whole, pretty impressive for a game from the early GB era.

It obviously helps a lot when you have the minds of Sunsoft behind the game mechanics (and the soundtrack) which are simple but offer a lot of replay value on their own, as the player tries to find the optimal route, granting him the right weapons, power-ups and the maximum amount of options (in case you're only reading this part, I refer to the little drones flying around you as 'options', Gradius-style).

Ultimately, it's a likeable and worthwhile platformer that (should have) taught a lot of early GB games of a similar ilk how to do things on this new and popular piece of gaming hardware.


Your thoughts line up mostly with mine Daydream though you are slightly more positive on the Batwing stages than I was.

I forgot to write up some final thoughts on the game so I went back to it after completing it earlier last month just to recap on some stuff. I feel like the first two worlds were a lot more enjoyable as there was a nice challenge but it wasn't too difficult. The auto scroller being the final level before the Joker soured me on World 4 despite the fact that it has the best music. It was a good length as well, the Batwing stages didn't overstay their welcome and even if I didn't enjoy them that much, the bosses were neat.

It's a cool game and I enjoyed my time with it but I don't see myself ever going back to it.
This is one of the only Batman games I have never played and I don't know why. Also, we should be doing clubs like this for snes/genesis games.




Title: James Bond 007 [EU/US]
Release Date: [EU] January 29, 1998; [US] February 9, 1998
Platform: Game Boy
Developer: Saffire
Publisher: Nintendo

Now here's a developer name you don't hear often: Saffire. A relatively active Utah-based developer and port house, Saffire put out quite a few games till the end of 2000 when they underwent a name change until they finally went under in 2004. While I can't say I'm particularly familiar with their library - Nester's Funky Bowling for VB and the N64 version of Rainbow Six appear to be stand-outs in their portfolio - it becomes quickly apparent that they've dabbled in a lot of licenced games which means there's a definite hidden gem potential here!

And so we come to James Bond 007, our third Game Boy Club game! More Zelda-like than anything else, this title promises to be an interesting ride. Following the global adventures of England's #1 secret agent, you are tasked with locating your colleague, 008, who is missing in action, with all the Bond tropes that go hand-in-hand with that. Since I'll be on vacation, the game will run till September 13!

I couldn't find a manual for this one, if you come across one, do let me know! In the meantime, have a typescript of it! And don't forget to vote for the next game under 'Voting'! Next up will be our first GBC game.

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