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Game Informer: Crackdown 3 Was Underrated In 2019

I've never played any of the Crackdown games but hearing 3 is a prettier version of the first has me baffled. Crowbcat's comparison video shows the first game outshining the third on much older tech.

That's what I don't get either.

Like I'd understand somewhat if this was a budget title, for sure, but I just can't understand some of the apologists for the game and what they're basing this on. ESPECIALLY with all the promises and blustering by MS and it being full price.
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Good lord this threads burning up with some serious hot takes. My fav.

No, they are just retards.

I mean the magazine is created and owned by lamestop afterall.

Then we get the nice assortment of Sony fans who seem to resent positive xbox anything saying they're payed shills. Followed by people who've never played it but YouTube said it's bad so they're sticking with it.

For what it is the game is fun. No doubt Microsoft set this game up to be crucified by attaching it to unroven technology and taking three years to get it out. That said, I applaud them for doing the right thing and going back and tweaking out the single player campaign which I had a blast playing. Then again I love these type of games.

Multiplayer was garbage for me. So I have no intention of Defending that.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Good lord this threads burning up with some serious hot takes. My fav.

Then we get the nice assortment of Sony fans who seem to resent positive xbox anything saying they're payed shills. Followed by people who've never played it but YouTube said it's bad so they're sticking with it.

For what it is the game is fun. No doubt Microsoft set this game up to be crucified by attaching it to unroven technology and taking three years to get it out. That said, I applaud them for doing the right thing and going back and tweaking out the single player campaign which I had a blast playing. Then again I love these type of games.

Multiplayer was garbage for me. So I have no intention of Defending that.

Yup pretty much.

Never tried the MP, but I love the campaign.


always chasing the next thrill
Agreed game looked sick as heck in hdr.
And i had way more fun with it than many other games.

(Like ps4 spooderman)

Not every game needs to be GOTY
Games can be flawed and still good.
Oh and not being 100+ hours helps.

MP sucked balls only played once.
Then again. Herpderp 2019 need MP
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I wouldn’t know, I didn’t play it nor will I.

If MS’ plan is to buttress first party with subscriptions, you’re going to see many more receptions like Crackdown 3 got. They seem keen on all titles adopting GaaS in some form or another and building on them over time.
Crackdown 3 is second party.
Nah it really wasn't. It was pretty much Crackdown 1 again only we're 12 years from when that game came out. It deserved the scores it got.


Crackdown 3 was fun, that's all that matters.

Helped that I played it on PC at native 4K60 with an NVMe SSD which gave quick loading and that I played the game after they added a bunch of post launch content.
I was watching ManaByte ManaByte 's Twitch Stream today and honestly enjoyed the way he played Crackdown 3!

I thought to myself "Maybe if I watch someone play a game properly, I'll have a more positive opinion for it."


I was watching ManaByte ManaByte 's Twitch Stream today and honestly enjoyed the way he played Crackdown 3!

I thought to myself "Maybe if I watch someone play a game properly, I'll have a more positive opinion for it."

That's the thing about Crackdown, you get to decide how to play it. Which is why when I watch Mr. Sterling play the game it doesn't look fun because he really doesn't want to have it. Because that's his schtick. I'm not saying the games for everybody. But it was pretty obvious he was being disingenuous about how the game played and the controls.
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That's the thing about Crackdown, you get to decide how to play it. Which is why when I watch Mr. Sterling play the game it doesn't look fun because he really doesn't want to have it. Because that's his schtick. I'm not saying the games for everybody. But it was pretty obvious he was being disingenuous about how the game played and the controls.
Yeah, I definitely agree.

Makes me think and realize why reviewers didn't like this game and even Death Stranding. They just don't know how to play those two games properly, I guess.

Crackdown 3 looks legitimately fun to play, I'll definitely give it a shot with the XCloud Beta coming out next year in my country :)
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I enjoyed the game the entire time I was playing it. As you build up your abilities and the game starts really moving quickly it becomes a lot of fun. I also had way more fun with Recore and Rage 2 than reviews suggested I would.
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Crackdown 3 is a big letdown. They showcased all these awesome destruction physics demo before and the game has nothing compare to those demos. Hopefully they will achieve that with crackdown 4.


Crackdown 3 is a big letdown. They showcased all these awesome destruction physics demo before and the game has nothing compare to those demos. Hopefully they will achieve that with crackdown 4.

No I hope not. The whole point of Crackdown is the platforming mixed with action. Imagine how much fun Mario games would be if you could just blow everything up and walk across the level(after the first few times =P)

But yeah I can definitely see how Microsoft set you up for disappointment. I just think that goes against the core mechanic of the game
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Game fucking sucked. Much was promised, less was delivered. Only reason anyone liked it by my estimation was because it was essentially free with GamePass.

Free + nostalgia + people really wanting a good exclusive for their Xbox = some poor souls claiming the game was “old school fun”


I played Crackdown 1 just before Crackdown 3, and I can hands down say I had much more fun with C3. It's a better game. Better action, better level design, and so many small tweaks to make you enjoy it non stop. No dead time.

It got ripped. Mostly for being too similar to 1, and for not being enough of a leap for people who can't see beyond what they expect shit to be.

Take C3 for what it is, a super fun and simple action fest, and you'll leave smiling.
My sentiments exactly. Not GotY by any stretch, but a fun romp.

The air dash was so wonderful to use. Traveling around hunting orbs with a leveled up agent felt great. Rockstar style missions in Crackdown would suck. 3 had advancements, but not what people wanted. Not sure what they were looking for. A fully destructible city never made sense from a gameplay perspective, let alone a technological one. I never counted on it being there after the project went dark for a while. I think it’s something that sounds cool on paper but isn’t actually fun in practice. Maybe that’s why I’m not disappointed.

I too came fresh off Crackdown 1 as they gave the game away leading up to 3s release. C3 is better in possible every way. The crowbcat video is misleading as hell. People saying “it’s just an HD Crackdown 1” don’t know what the they're talking about.


its a fun game to play, it isn't perfect by no means but it is fun when you are levelled up and free roaming causing chaos. I get it won't be to everybody taste but its a decent game


"Watch out! Incoming gilling matcheens!"

"Dake out dose Derranova doxic bipelines!"

My brother and I still make fun of the horrible voice overs almost a year later.


Nah, I don't mind playing games about dumb fun in an open world, but there are still way better fpp and tpp games to choose from than Crackdown.


Gold Member
Sooner or later i'm gonna try this game, i'm waiting for that 99% discount on some store.

Gamepass is $1 if you've never had a sub before. Then cancel your membership if you don't want to keep it.

Job done.


Microsoft should have shut up about the game and unveiled it as a standard game 1 year before release, then release it.

They probably learned the lesson.

I did not play it, but it looked like a fun game. However, it feels a bit pointless after Sunset Overdrive. They should have funded something else.
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It's one of the few Xbox games I'd like to play, I compare it to MediEvil remake: a solid 7/7.5 game which delivers "simple" entertainment
I played Crackdown 1 just before Crackdown 3, and I can hands down say I had much more fun with C3. It's a better game. Better action, better level design, and so many small tweaks to make you enjoy it non stop. No dead time.

It got ripped. Mostly for being too similar to 1, and for not being enough of a leap for people who can't see beyond what they expect shit to be.

Take C3 for what it is, a super fun and simple action fest, and you'll leave smiling.

Bolded by me because I had to point out this is total and utter bullshit.

Nothing people expected out of Crackdown were out of some weird hype self-delusion.

Crackdown 3 was hyped by Microsoft themselves as the showcase of Xbox One's "Cloud Computing" power, from graphics to physics and destruction.

I mean, have we forgotten this shit?

In a demo, Jones showed Ars an overlay of just how much power the game was taking from servers in the cloud, saying that the team has in the past been able to draw as much as 13 times the power of a single Xbox One to power the Crackdown 3 simulation. The idea is that the player should be able to destroy literally anything, with every pice of glass, concrete and metal behaving just as it would in an absurd reality, crashing through other buildings, twisting down to the street and even leaving all of its debris around the for the entirety of a game.

And then there was this video:

And you know what we eventually got? This:

For the people who said crowbcat's video was misleading? I lol in your general direction.

Crackdown 3 was a disaster in the making and its only saving grace as a released product is that it went largely unnoticed.



Really agree with this. It's basically Crackdown 1 in HD, and it's probably one of the most FUN games I played this generation. But since they didn't turn Crackdown into a slow walking/talking cinematic game; people ignore it.
Many people tried Crackdown 3 and some were not interested, others when they played, it was not fulfilling to them. It was never a big franchise and the amount of hype placed on it to be as big as other AAA games, surely it could never sustain.....Like anything else, some will have fun and enjoy the game......I'm pretty sure someone out there loves Life of Black Tiger....The truth is, Crackdown was not scored down for the issues of black tiger, it was definitely a playable game, just did not hit the promises it was pitched on and it became very repetitive quickly.....

Remember, many people tried Crackdown 3 because of gamepass...…..I still have it installed.....Underrated? perhaps not, it's basically the third game in a series, that has progressively gotten less critical adoration....I think the first one was a novel idea and cool at the time, even then it was a bit repetitive and didn't have the production values of the games that dominated that gen...….I think G.I knows this, the first Crackdown would never have been played as much had it not been for Halo....


Unconfirmed Member
Bolded by me because I had to point out this is total and utter bullshit.

Nothing people expected out of Crackdown were out of some weird hype self-delusion.

Crackdown 3 was hyped by Microsoft themselves as the showcase of Xbox One's "Cloud Computing" power, from graphics to physics and destruction.

I mean, have we forgotten this shit?

And then there was this video:

And you know what we eventually got? This:

For the people who said crowbcat's video was misleading? I lol in your general direction.

Crackdown 3 was a disaster in the making and its only saving grace as a released product is that it went largely unnoticed.

Irrelevant. Game is still super fun, and my point it still stands. People dislike it for what it isn't, not for what it is. Same procedure as with Fable and the dumb acorn.

Should MS have toned down their idiotic hype schpiel? Yep, of course. Still irrelevant to whether or not the game is fun though. Which it is.


It was a horrible game. If it wasn't for game pass, I never would have touched it. It's boring and repetitive as hell.
Is this worth playing if you can download it from, say, an unnamed subscription service? I don't think I'd ever buy it outright but it is available to me.

EDIT Blade apparently doesn't think so.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Press X to doubt...
By the way I really like 2nd Crakdown game.
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That's everyone's excuse.

Doesn't matter, it's not a first party game developed by a first party studio, and Microsoft calling it such is disingenuous.
Firstly, the 2nd party distinction is dumb. If you don’t own the studio, it’s a 3rd party creation.

But especially when you own the property, you could always cancel the project or simply refuse to release it, so allowing it into the market is an implicit approval of its quality by the publisher. The only time it makes sense to dub something “2nd party” is if it’s a joint venture in creating a new property for the financier (ex: Bloodborne). Otherwise it’s purely a publishing arrangement (i.e. purchased exclusivity), ala Cuphead or Sunset Overdrive.


It's fun as hell. My only problem with the game is that it's really dark sometimes, kinda like Resident Evil 2. I had to turn up the brightness to see in some areas.
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