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Game of Thrones is bad. Like, really bad. Here's why. (Spoilers)

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I just finished season 1 last night...should I stop now? how quickly does the show decline? Is the scary stuff beyond the wall just a carrot that gets dangled with no further revelation? Will there be more dragons? Will there be more boobs?
Seriously? You're going to stop watching because a few people don't like it?


Didn't this happen in the books as well? I've only watched the show so I don't know the details, but what are the differences between TRW in the book and in the show?

In the book he hears that his brothers got murdered and Winterfell burnt to the ground. In a moment of weakness he has sex with Jeyne Westerling.
To protect Jeyne's honour, he then marries her.

She was also not at the Red Wedding and not pregnant as far as we know.

Edit: Beaten like Stannis by 20 good men.


I just finished season 1 last night...should I stop now? how quickly does the show decline? Is the scary stuff beyond the wall just a carrot that gets dangled with no further revelation? Will there be more dragons? Will there be more boobs?

well, to awnser your questions 1- kinda. 2- yes. 3. yes. The show is not terrible, it just becomes dumb at times and really predictable alter on, Anyways, It has great production values so it creates a nice spectacle so keep watching, specially since you can go episode after episode.


I just finished season 1 last night...should I stop now? how quickly does the show decline? Is the scary stuff beyond the wall just a carrot that gets dangled with no further revelation? Will there be more dragons? Will there be more boobs?
Imo the show has consistently gotten better every season, with the exception of season 5 having a dip in quality.

S6 > S4 > S3 > S2 > S5 > S1

It's all good though. Some appreciate the smaller scope and slower pacing of S1, and the fact that it has very few fantasy elements. The show starts to open up in S2 though, and S3 is when it really starts to get going. That's where it felt like it started to become the global phenomenom it is today.
Didn't this happen in the books as well? I've only watched the show so I don't know the details, but what are the differences between TRW in the book and in the show?

Robb, following a battle and injury, has sex with minor lady who tending to him as a nurse. He refuses to just take her virginity and not marry her (which would've socially disgraced her), and thus marries her.


There arent really any alternatives in that genre for television.
There is, just not in English. And with less gore and more romance I suppose. If you're looking for scheming and politics with fabulous costumes and sets, Chinese dramas got those in spades lol


You forgot the most important one, it's fucking SLOW. It drags on and on, such a dreadful bore.
I'm just going to quote the video below like 5 times because it does a MUCH better job at explaining what OP is trying to say which is that the show gets the "spirit" of the books wrong. If your curious as to why people who have read the books are especially turned off by the show then please watch.

I forgot about this, OP you should've just linked this:

TUN: Blame of Thrones




You sound fun OP.


Watch out everybody OP has a hot take


Just stop right there.

Nope. OP is wrong and has a bad opinion.

Your opinion is really bad.

I like how the OP writes out and fleshes out his controversial opinion, it's not really that controversial, and instead of people actually discussing the points in the opening post, they post some glib gif response or a simple no as if they're somehow clever instead of just shitposting. This is a bad thread and it has nothing to do with the OP.
She frames Margaery for fornication and high treason because she's paranoid and jealous. In the show, Cersei does none of these things. She's a poor misunderstood woman who's just trying to protect her children but is being kept down because of her gender.
Well anyway I just want to discuss this point. I generally don't like the show but feel show Cersei is overall better than book Cersei, primarily because show Cersei isn't so over the top insane. Her paranoia has been dialed down to more realistic levels and while her motivations aren't as clear cut as in the books, her actions aren't as extreme either.
I've just come to accept the immense stupidity in the show and can enjoy it. It's not the quality show I expected from HBO, but it's entertaining trash.

That's how I have come to see it.

Blows my mind when I see it referred to as a masterpiece though, especially over things like The Wire, Deadwood and The Sopranos. It's actually insulting.


First you complain that Tyrion isn't enough of a rapist, then you complain that the show used rape too much

You complain about Cersei's character? When in the show she ain't shit all around?

Your complaints are weird


Every character has a jetpack and Westeros exists in a warp that distorts time.

Now this is absolutely true. You really can't argue against this. The show was much better at depicting travel times early on, when it was more in line with the books.

OP posted clickbait thread.

Such a thread deserves the responses it is getting.

He wrote out and fleshed out his opinions so no. Just because you don't like the contents doesn't make it clickbait.

JC Lately

> Claims not to be a book purist.

> All complaints center around how the show is different from the books.


I mean, I thought the show was shit from episode one, so I get your point, but you aren't going to convince anyone when your argument boils down to 'but the books tho'


I haven't watched the show much. I've really only read the books but... like, what is GAF being so outright dismissive about? All of his criticisms seem pretty valid. Maybe the conclusion is wrong (maybe it is much worse than the books but still not bad), but outright dismissing everything he said with simple 'no's is pretty dick, GAF.


> Claims not to be a book purist.

> All complaints center around how the show is different from the books.


I mean, I thought the show was shit from episode one, so I get your point, but you aren't going to convince anyone when your argument boils down to 'but the books tho'

Did you miss the part about how problematic the show is? No one seems to have rebutted the sexism, racism or homophobia yet.


The BEST thing about Game of Thrones is Tyrion necessitating Dany be removed from the book plotline.

Dany in ADWD was the worst writing GRRM has done to date and completely ruined the book for me.


Ah, Game of Thrones. The cultural phenomenon that's impossible to escape, even when you wish people would talk about something - anything - else. I've read all the A Song of Ice and Fire books, and I love them a lot. I used to love Game of Thrones too. Season 1 was the Shit, man. Then things gradually started to slide downhill, first into mediocrity and some head-scratching adaptational choices, then into Actual Terribleness (seasons 5 and 6 were a wild ride). I'm going to lay out some arguments as to why I think Game of Thrones is really kind of awful, not just as an adaptation but as a piece of media in its own right. Oh, and no, I'm not a book purist. I understand that things have to be changed for the sake of adaptation. I just wish those changes weren't stupid.

1. Characterisation

Remember in the books, when Tyrion almost raped Sansa (who is twelve) on their wedding night before changing his mind? Or when he raped that sex slave in Volantis? How he repeatedly thinks about how much he wants to rape Cersei? Or when he threatens to rape and murder Tommen just to get at Cersei? Well, show Tyrion would never do that.
He doesn't consumate the marriage because it it would be rape. In the book Tyrion is much younger than Peter Dinklage. The scene could never play out the same way. Tyrion jokes about raping Cersei ONCE. I doubt he would actually do it. Same with Tommen.
He is Such A Good Guy. Tyrion is GRRM's favourite character. He's also quite clearly D&D's favourite character. The difference being that in the latter case, every other character on the show has to warp to accommodate him. Daenerys literally gets kicked out of her ADWD plotline so Tyrion can take over and show off how Awesome he is and how much better he is at ruling. Sansa kneels at her wedding, destroying one of her strongest acts of resistance in the books all for the sake of Tyrion not looking bad. He's such a good guy, why WOULDN'T Sansa kneel for him? God, what a bitch. And, lest we forget, Tyrion is the Abe Lincoln of his time. He's also the most famous dwarf in the world, and he is The Gift.

Kill me.

He is severely whitewashed though. Its disappointing.

Then there's Cersei. In A Game of Thrones, when Ned tells her he knows about the incest, Cersei offers him sex in exchange for his silence, and when he refuses, she slaps him. She is the one who has Robert's bastards killed, not Joffrey. She is the one who orders Mandon Moore to kill Tyrion during the battle of the Blackwater, not Joffrey. She has Falyse Stokeworth (poor Falyse) given to Qyburn for his "experiments" when Falyse is no longer politically convenient for her. She abuses Tommen verbally and emotionally. She didn't have a baby with Robert, because when he did get her pregnant she had an abortion, and after that only ever gave him blow jobs because she liked the idea of eating thousands of his children. She frames Margaery for fornication and high treason because she's paranoid and jealous. In the show, Cersei does none of these things. She's a poor misunderstood woman who's just trying to protect her children but is being kept down because of her gender. It makes her sudden shift into Maleficent (that dress, seriously, I can't) at the end of season 6 all the more jarring. It feels like she's the villain only because the show says she is. Olenna Tyrell calls her the vilest person she has ever met. This coming from the woman who murdered Cersei's son. surejan.gif.
She offers Ned sex in the show too. It seems they completely removed her sexuality after Season 1. How many people even remember she fucked Lancel? It seems out of character now. It sucks indeed.


That's how I have come to see it.

Blows my mind when I see it referred to as a masterpiece though, especially over things like The Wire, Deadwood and The Sopranos. It's actually insulting.

Yeah, this is kinda how I feel. It's a good show, a fun one with some great moments, but it doesn't really hang with the best of the best the way (some) people say it does.


The most important reason why this show is so popular is that GRRM wrote a great story with great characters. All the changes for the show, some mistakes some necessary changes, could not ruin that so far, which is why I still think the seasons have reflected the quality of their repective books pretty well. I agree with some of your points but some are really dumb, like Tyrion planning to rape Sansa.

I consider myself a fan of ASOIAF and at the end of the day what really matters to me is that season 6 surpised us all after the subpar season 5, which gives me hope for both TWOW and season 7.
I think of it as popcorn television. The sets design, acting, costumes - all round production value are like nothing else on television.

The writing is awful. Just don't think too much about it.

The characters drove the plot in the books, they feel organic and everything they do is natural. In the show the plot line is to get frim big moment to big moment.

The handling of characters such as Sept Meribald, Stannis, Loras, everything Dorne, Yasha, Euron, The hound (I could go on) has been amatuer.

Yes things need to be adapted for the screen. But look at The lord of the rings as an adaption which successfully carries the themes of the book into the screen.

A lot of Haha no comments ITT as expected, which is a shame. OP took time to write out an argument but comes across as aggressive. Someone put a YouTube video in this thread which goes into greater detail.


Now the way the show has mangled Cersei and Jamie is really unfortunate, I will agree with the OP about that. However I think the show versions of Cersei is just as intriguing. They've completely botched Jamie though.


I agree that the TV show is nothing but glorified fan fiction at this point. The books on the other hand are still excellent.
Imo the show has consistently gotten better every season, with the exception of season 5 having a dip in quality.

S6 > S4 > S3 > S2 > S5 > S1

It's all good though. Some appreciate the smaller scope and slower pacing of S1, and the fact that it has very few fantasy elements. The show starts to open up in S2 though, and S3 is when it really starts to get going. That's where it felt like it started to become the global phenomenom it is today.

well, to awnser your questions 1- kinda. 2- yes. 3. yes. The show is not terrible, it just becomes dumb at times and really predictable alter on, Anyways, It has great production values so it creates a nice spectacle so keep watching, specially since you can go episode after episode.

The decline doesn't really become apparent until S4 and then S5 is mostly trash but the series starts to come around again in S6.

Ahhh good then. onwards I go.

Seriously? You're going to stop watching because a few people don't like it?

I've been burned by shows that should have ended in 1-2 seasons before, never again.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Totally agree, OP. I really don't think the show is very good at all, save a few episodes.
I know this isn't the best way to judge, but I watched that British 5-season recap (if you know what I'm referring to), hoping that it would make me want to watch it.

It all seemed so lifeless, and so... slow? Even with all the events crammed together... nothing really seemed to happen?

A few people went here... some moved there gradually, with some dragons... some stern conversations were had... and... I dunno... apart from the sheer scope, epic nature, and chilling production design, what am I truly missing?
Again, it's not that the show is different from the books. It's just that the show's creators, every time they try and go off on their own, throw off the characterization that they had been drawing from GRRM's writing. When they do these weird character differences that make little sense with how THE SHOW ITSELF up until that point has portrayed the character, it's stupid.

If the show is just going to go off by itself, then it should do that. Except in season six, the show does that, to its benefit compared to season 5, but the show writers also basically have the characters do the "here's what Jon/Arya/Dany/etc. would do if I was them". It becomes fanfiction like really quickly. If it wasn't season SIX from the show, after having done a pretty good job with building up many of its characters and giving them a motivation and visible paths that the character might follow, this wouldn't be as much of a problem.

Even if you treat it as a new show entirely, without thinking of previous characterizations for the different characters (Jon *cough cough cough*), then yes, it is disappointing, but then the show shouldn't have anywhere near the prestige it has. It's a decent show at that point, but only if you come in with a lowered expectation and idea for what the show is supposed to be.

Idk, in the books, every character added develops, isn't portrayed in some black&white manner, adds something new to how the world develops and how the puzzle pieces all fit together. In the show, it feels like they add characters just to either add characters or catalyze certain plot developments sometimes.

I've just come to accept the immense stupidity in the show and can enjoy it. It's not the quality show I expected from HBO, but it's entertaining trash.

Basically this. It's entertaining more than anything else, but give up on the show being some greater spectacle, and stop treating it like it should be considered as one.
First you complain that Tyrion isn't enough of a rapist, then you complain that the show used rape too much

You complain about Cersei's character? When in the show she ain't shit all around?

Your complaints are weird

Rape in the show was used in a strange way. It seems to be used for shock value to keep people talking about the show for a week.

In the books rape is fucking terrifying and revulting. A moment from the clash of kings involving the mountain had me put down the book for a month when I first read it. It's also used to show a darkness to Tyrion's character absent in the books, it comes to the fore more after Tyrion kills tywin.


Did you miss the part about how problematic the show is? No one seems to have rebutted the sexism, racism or homophobia yet.
Are you really surprised by the responses when the OP is so inflammatory and hyperbolic? That's not how you start a reasonable discussion.


Did you miss the part about how problematic the show is? No one seems to have rebutted the sexism, racism or homophobia yet.
I hate that they turned Loras into such a idiotic weakling. Stripping Cersei of her sexuality feels weird, like it couldn't be reconciled with her being 'powerful'. I feel like thats why they made Yara gay too. Like she couldn't be a badass warrior that also enjoys being submissive in bed. That would have been different and interesting.


I like how the OP writes out and fleshes out his controversial opinion, it's not really that controversial, and instead of people actually discussing the points in the opening post, they post some glib gif response or a simple no as if they're somehow clever instead of just shitposting. This is a bad thread and it has nothing to do with the OP.

I came to read critique about the Game of Thrones TV show, what I got was book vs TV comparison. Something that is entirely pointless. There are no mentions of acting, cinematography, the sets and costume design, make up, music etc. in the OP. You know things that matter in a TV show.


OP is not really wrong. If you compare the TV show to the books it take a complete nosedive in quality, especially after the first season.

It's still fun television. I wouldn't call it bad, or really bad.


I came to read critique about the Game of Thrones TV show, what I got was book vs TV comparison. Something that is entirely pointless. There are no mentions of acting, cinematography, the sets and costume design, make up, music etc. in the OP. You know things that matter in a TV show.

Actually the OP has a pretty large section dedicated to the poor writing on the show that has nothing to do with the books. (well, it compares to the books but only to show how it could be improved.) That's one of the criticisms I completely agree with. The writing in the show is very haphazard with no regard for what's come before or any thematic ties.


I hate that they turned Loras into such a idiotic weakling. Stripping Cersei of her sexuality feels weird, like it couldn't be reconciled with her being 'powerful'. I feel like thats why they made Yara gay too. Like she couldn't be a badass warrior that also enjoys being submissive in bed. That would have been different and interesting.

My guess with Cersei was this direction for the character was pushed by Lena Headey. Interviews around the time of her Walk of Shame seemed to imply that anyway.

And this is something that people often forget when critiquing the show. TV is a collaborative medium. The writers aren't the be-all, end-all when it comes to story and character decisions on the show.
I came to read critique about the Game of Thrones TV show, what I got was book vs TV comparison. Something that is entirely pointless. There are no mentions of acting, cinematography, the sets and costume design, make up, music etc. in the OP. You know things that matter in a TV show.

Read through the thread. There's a lot of well explained criticisms of the writing of the show. Most people consider the bolded to be important in a TV show. But at the end of the day the writing matters a lot more, no?

JC Lately

Did you miss the part about how problematic the show is? No one seems to have rebutted the sexism, racism or homophobia yet.

What's to rebut? A main female character gets bent over and raped,on camera, in tears, in the first 30 minutes of the show. This was when I noped the fuck out. Always amazes me when people bring up the "problematic" aspects of the show, 5-6 seasons deep like that shit wasn't there day one. No one seemed to give a shit till it happened to Sansa.


I came to read critique about the Game of Thrones TV show, what I got was book vs TV comparison. Something that is entirely pointless. There are no mentions of acting, cinematography, the sets and costume design, make up, music etc. in the OP. You know things that matter in a TV show.

Plot and writing

Even people who still like the show admit the writing is pretty awful. And it really is. Nothing makes sense. Ellaria decides to avenge Oberyn by... murdering his entire family. And no one seems to have any problems with a bastard woman taking over Dorne? Arya is a hot fucking mess. She kills the Waif, who hates her for no apparent reason, and this makes her no one? Stannis getting annihilated by Ser Twenty of House Goodmen, then deciding to burn his daughter because they've been without food for like a day, even though he's the man who survived the siege of Storm's End by eating book leather and rats for A YEAR? Robb deciding to say fuck it to his marriage vows and marrying Talisa because YOLO (as opposed to doing it for honour, which creates a parallel with Ned, hmm, it's almost like this is a THEME or something) which leads directly to the deaths of him, his wife, his unborn child and his mother. Nice one, Robb. I could go on.

Westeros Jetpack Joyride

Every character has a jetpack and Westeros exists in a warp that distorts time. This is the only explanation I can think of for the timeline. Yara goes from the Iron Islands to the Dreadfort in less than a season, even though this would require sailing around the entire continent, but Gilly's baby is still a baby and Myrcella has been in Dorne for years! Littlefinger is a most industrious teleporter, zipping from the Eyrie to Moat Cailin to Mole's Town in a matter of days, apparently. Sansa and Jon's walking tour of the North takes months, presumably, but Cersei's trial is "in a few days". And Jaime got all the way from Dorne to King's Landing, but Doran has only just received news of Myrcella's death? This attempt at a coherent timeline makes for fun reading.

All the -isms. All of them.

Game of Thrones is sexist. And racist. And homophobic. And ableist. Rape is used for shock value, and the patriarchy exists except when it doesn't (that fucking dinner scene at Horn Hill, urghghghghgh). No, Dany, Arya, Sansa, Brienne and Ellaria brutally and remorselessly murdering people is not "empowering". Violence isn't empowering. Violence is just violent.

Those are all criticisms directly pointed at the television show by itself. Westeros having warp points isn't a remotely new criticism and it's a serious problem with the show. There's little sense of how large Westeros is as a country and how big the world actually is because when you having characters pop up in different parts of the country even inside the same episode, it makes the world feel like a smaller place.

The show runners have very little faith in their audience being intelligent, and instead ramp up everything to pornographic levels to seem "adult" and "mature".

Terrible show tbh. Nice sets and costume design though.


The writing is really sloppy but it's still fun to watch for the big set pieaces.

Maybe Season 5 and 6, but it's still 10x better than TWD, for example.

Honestly, I love the show, especially Season 1-3. The dialogue is fantastic, the show has great characters, it's a great production, the plot is interesting, etc.


What's to rebut? A main female character gets bent over and raped,on camera, in tears, in the first 30 minutes of the show. This was when I noped the fuck out. Always amazes me when people bring up the "problematic" aspects of the show, 5-6 seasons deep like that shit wasn't there day one. No one seemed to give a shit till it happened to Sansa.

Oh, I agree. But people in this thread are defending the writing and so on but dancing around this topic. I guess because it's pretty unavoidably problematic.


My guess with Cersei was it this direction for the character was pushed by Lena Headey. Interviews around the time of her Walk of Shame seemed to imply that anyway.

And this is something that people often forget when critiquing the show. TV is a collaborative medium and one with a lot more restraints than just writing a novel.
But she DOES offer Ned sex and we have a scene of her and Lancel pretty early too. Its clear that they didn't know what they would be doing five seasons later.
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