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George Kamitani responds to Kotaku

Honestly I think the sorceress design goes a little too far. Her exaggerated breasts, the way the costume frames them, and the jiggle, are enough that I would be pretty embarrassed if my wife walked in while I was playing that. I also think there is too much focus on her sexuality and not enough on her ability (in general, but primarily in the promotional material I've seen).

As I did with an earlier poster, I personally like this opinion. I disagree with him, but he clearly states how the design is not to his taste and doesn't coat it with condescension, society harming implications or speak for someone other than himself.

:lol No, no, not at all. I am definitely curious. As I've stated beforehand: It's okay to like things and it's okay to recognize things for what they are. So I was genuinely wondering why the criticism grew under people's skin?

The reason is in the same sentence you quoted and now above.


Okay, even so... do you think that overtly sexy/sexual is sexist?
That's what was said by Jason (and others who agree with him), that's why there's a problem.

A character can definitely be sexy and can have great focus on her sexuality and STILL not by misogynistic in any way.

Yeah, I agree with you completely. I don't think the work is sexist, just immature. There's nothing objectively wrong with it, I just don't like it on a personal level (primarily because I would be embarrassed if anyone else saw me looking at it).

And this is why I am annoyed by the article. It's just a waste of time about a non-issue.


I think the game is a fine example of that wether the artist intended to exaggerate the style for all the characters or not. Why is it always 100% assumed and accepted that women have to look sexy, dressed as little as possible and have giant boobs?

did you really post this literally lines after posting about strawmen?
no-one has said this, nor does the game bear it out.

let me make it as simple as possible for you
ALL women have to be sexy and large breasted to be acceptable = harmful
NO women should be sexy and large breasted to be acceptable = equally as bad

not a single person here nor the creator have argued for the first statement. You might have had some kind of argument if every single female character in the game was designed the same way, they are not. That is why this game is a terrible example.
:lol No, no, not at all. I am definitely curious. As I've stated beforehand: It's okay to like things and it's okay to recognize things for what they are. So I was genuinely wondering why the criticism grew under people's skin?

Well then, thankfully your curiosity allowed you to ignore all the posts answering your question and instead cherry pick this one that didn't.


Because you're essentially being labelled as potentially sexist for not agreeing with an opinion/perception of an issue/argument, which has large negative societal connotations on your character?

To be fair, John Walker and the RPS crew do exactly the same thing and nobody seems to care when they do it. I disagree with J.S. on this issue but I've seen other journalists do the same thing and then get praise for it.


It's a shame, there's so much room for genuine thoughts about this and and significantly worse elements in the media but this specific instance just reeks of the worst kind of faux outrage. From the original article to the ongoing posts, there was never any actual discussion, just sensationalist nonsense, random namecalling and then wanton deflection from a fellow who spends half his posts making links to his articles and telling us how wonderful they are. It's also a shame to see Kotaku, who really has been making a decent turn around in some areas get drug back into their old stomping grounds with this.

I'm not going to get in too deep here, but I will say one thing in that I don't think it's a problem if it's a male bringing these points up, even if some females do not agree. I also don't think we should avoid bringing them up when relevant just because there's worse things out there (and there sure as shit is, this is honestly very mild by comparison). I've no issue saying I'm not a fan of the sexually exaggerated art and my wife pre-ordered the game!

With that said, the problem here isn't the topic but the person behind it, who seems quite incapable of making this kind of editorial. Of course there's plenty on the other side making fools of themselves but they're not the ones working in the media and wasting this person's time with such an ignorant tirade. I do not know if it's "clickbait" or whatever but what it is was a complete waste of time that just served to rile people up and act as a set back for reasonable discourse.


Junior Member
Don't know, I tend to avoid those kind of threads.

I get where your coming from. It's just that my personality doesn't see things the same way. Damn my personality!

It's funny you said the word diverse, when this drama is all about restricting an artist's expression.

I just feel like there should always be all kinds of games, that way there will always be a game out there to suit a person's taste. Artists do their best work when they aren't restricted.

Some artists have what you may consider bad taste, that's just a fact of life, and something you must accept unless your prepared to have other people restrict your favorite games because they hate something you like.

Of course freedom of expressions leads to women being depicted in all kinds of ways, in positive and negative ways as with everything else in this world.

I feel that if you want to keep getting a nice variety of games to suit your taste, you gonna have to learn to take the negatives with the positives, otherwise your just going to restrict an artist's expression, and the result will be a fearful artist creating generic games.

Haters focusing on boobie pixels will only make the boobie pixels famous, these boobie pixels will then thank you and jiggle their boobs all the way to the bank.

It's an ironic and useless tactic, how many more people do you think are buying this game now because of all the drama about boobs?

What the haters should do is totally ignore titty pixels, instead make more games with good female role models! People should focus 100% on supporting any game that has good female role models and depicts women in a way that they deem respectful, or if they are an artist they should focus a lot on making the female character be depicted in that way.

Of course this will lead to lack of variety of women characters, because there will be a lack of women who dress in a provocative way, or women that people may deem a bad role model, which would rule out all evil characters lol. But luckily there will always be developers out there who know how to have a good balance of different female characters.

I really think it's best the way it is now, developers can make all kinds of women, good, bad, provocative, evil, and people can buy or ignore whatever game they want.

OK I went on for WAY too long, I'm outta here haha.

This is an interesting reply, I see where you're coming from and I agree with you, but I happen to have different perspectives where I think the balance is currently way off. There is hardly any diversity with the demographic the female characters are intended for. I think most female characters are made with males in mind, as eye candy and as a supporting role. I absolutely have no problem dealing with it and accepting it, but I do when it's shoved down my throat to the point where it has become tiring. I have no problem with movies and music having worse than what video games have, because they are more diverse. I can at least feel like I'm given more choice and things to enjoy that are catered to people with similar taste to mine, not just scraps when it's a miracle there is a video game character that is not made for male gaze.


Yeah, I agree with you completely. I don't think the work is sexist, just immature. There's nothing objectively wrong with it, I just don't like it on a personal level (primarily because I would be embarrassed if anyone else saw me looking at it).

And this is why I am annoyed by the article. It's just a waste of time about a non-issue.

Yep, and its completely fine not to like the design. I wish that's all that was said about it instead of trying to turn this into something larger.
I wouldn't even care if the sentiment was just people not liking the design because they think it is juvenile. That's a fine opinion to have. Not one I agree with, but I don't have to of course. But there's no harm in that!

Glad we do see eye to eye on this one.


The reason is in the same sentence you quoted and now above.

Sorry, I just don't see the causal connection between being personally offended and claim that there are harmful consequences of a specific design. Like I said - it's okay to like things.

But metrotab suggested one motivation, so I guess that's an answer :)

Well then, thankfully your curiosity allowed you to ignore all the posts answering your question and instead cherry pick this one that didn't.

I was in a conversation with spandexmonkey specifically and thus asked a question in relation to her/his post. And your tone doesn't seem very friendly.
I was in a conversation with spandexmonkey specifically and thus asked a question in relation to her/his post. And your tone doesn't seem very friendly.

You asked a very general question that applied to everyone responding in this thread and thus other people answered that question for you. You say you were curious about the answer and then just ignored all the replies which gave you an answer.
To be fair, John Walker and the RPS crew do exactly the same thing and nobody seems to care when they do it.

Because they are fighting THE MAN every time they remind us that Simcity still exists and we should feel bad because we are no doing a Class Action Lawsuit. Is the same crowd that now says that Jim Sterling is the King of the Internet (and has the nice gesture to congratulate Leigh Alexander when she decided to call all nerds sexist assholes in her FAQ).


Junior Member
did you really post this literally lines after posting about strawmen?
no-one has said this, nor does the game bear it out.

let me make it as simple as possible for you
ALL women have to be sexy and large breasted to be acceptable = harmful
NO women should be sexy and large breasted to be acceptable = equally as bad

not a single person here nor the creator have argued for the first statement. You might have had some kind of argument if every single female character in the game was designed the same way, they are not. That is why this game is a terrible example.

It sounds like you haven't read this thread, or the previous threads for that matter.


The game looks fine. People are just hyper-sensitive these days. Artists shouldn't be censored.

If it bugs you that much don't buy it. No need to police the internet and convince people to agree with you.

Should never have apologized.


You asked a very general question that applied to everyone responding in this thread and thus other people answered that question for you. You say you were curious about the answer and then just ignored all the replies which gave you an answer.

He/she asked if I was being facetious, I replied. That doesn't mean I didn't read or mull over the previous responses. Stop making false conclusions.


Every time I see people say things like this, I lose brain cells.

sub·jec·tive [suhb-jek-tiv] adjective
existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought ( opposed to objective ).
pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

hmm? Pretty sure opinions and feelings on art fall into line with that. You are more than welcome to correct me though.


Junior Member
This man here looks like he is made of straw.

Please, just shut the hell up if you're going to act all ignorant when people say something. The reply that he/she gave is weird, as if he hasn't read all the replies that came from this thread or other threads. A lot of guys hate any sort of negativity when it comes to this, it has been proven time and time again. People from the opposing side have expressed numerous times that they are not looking to prohibit anything sexy, a lot of them even enjoy it. Just that they think it's gone too far and way exaggerated.

I'm not a man btw.


Look, I'm not saying that I think Kamitani is some sort of nasty sexist who drew this art for the sake of harming women. But I think these things add up, and I think the art is harmful when scrutinized within a culture where women are regularly excluded and mistreated, where video game publishers don't think games with female protagonists can sell, and where people don't even bat an eye at games like Dead or Alive.

They are not making a game to make a political statement, they are here to fill a demand in the market.

Even if we reach true perfect equality between man and woman in the future, products with boobs will still sells as long as penis still exist. I don't see how game art got to do with sexism in the game industry.

Unless you want to make similar arguments that politicians been making on how violent video game is making people go crazy.


This is an interesting reply, I see where you're coming from and I agree with you, but I happen to have different perspectives where I think the balance is currently way off. There is hardly any diversity with the demographic the female characters are intended for. I think most female characters are made with males in mind, as eye candy and as a supporting role. I absolutely have no problem dealing with it and accepting it, but I do when it's shoved down my throat to the point where it has become tiring. I have no problem with movies and music having worse than what video games have, because they are more diverse. I can at least feel like I'm given more choice and things to enjoy that are catered to people with similar taste to mine, not just scraps when it's a miracle there is a video game character that is not made for male gaze.

That's a completely reasonable position, and I'm totally behind it. More diversity in games is good, and the day when there's something to suit every taste can't get here fast enough. As I said before, though, the problem arises when people start throwing around words like "harmful" and insinuating that the things they don't like should be purged and replaced with things they do. Killing off everything a particular group dislikes or finds objectionable doesn't generally tend to result in greater diversity.


GAF parliamentarian
Leigh Alexander linked an article that once again makes me think we're on the same page. I'm not entirely sure.


But when we design Serious Female Characters, that’s exactly what we already do: we shave the tits off. We try to tame those tits. All right, lads! You’ll notice that Miss Croft is no longer fantasy cheesecake. She is a serious lady, tangled up in a serious story. Also, she’s a B-cup.

People act like it’s a radical feminist act to complain about “distracting” breasts, I think?

Yeah, I grew up with Barbie dolls, and I’m from the 1980s generation that grew up hating Barbie, but my attitude has changed since then. I think it’s nearly time to put the idea of “realistic proportions” to bed.
Big boobs on a fictitious character are not what is alienating. What is alienating, however, is how people choose to interpret big boobs.
Yeah, I’ve seen the animated gif. Those tits are practically winning a game of Charades. Oh, they’re communicating. It’s like boobie morse code. A writer at Kotaku was absolutely right to be weirded out by them, and I believe he was weirded out for all the right reasons.

But in their rush to either defend or malign that writer, people have been typing some really wild things about boobs. Boobs. Boobs.
Don't completely agree with the last quote, because I'm sure everyone understands that I believe Kamitani is simply following his exaggerated style by now. I think my post history for the last 2 weeks has been consumed by this whole thing.
Please, just shut the hell up if you're going to act all ignorant when people say something. The reply that he/she gave is weird, as if he hasn't read all the replies that came from this thread or other threads. A lot of guys hate any sort negativity when it comes to this, it has been proven time and time again. People from the opposing side have expressed numerous times that they are not looking to prohibit anything sexy, a lot of them even enjoy it. Just that they think it's gone too far and way exaggerated.

I'm not a man btw.

His suggestion of a straw man was not in reference to your sex.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Apologizing to men who think they are the voice of women everywhere.
I posted a picture of the witch on a FB group I belong to that has more women than men. I linked the Kotaku article too. Not one of them thought it was offensive, a couple actually liked it although a few thought the artwork itself was bad.

Think only one woman on Twitter from what I've seen, a journalist or writer, thought it was offensive.


Please, just shut the hell up if you're going to act all ignorant when people say something. The reply that he/she gave is weird, as if he hasn't read all the replies that came from this thread or other threads. A lot of guys hate any sort of negativity when it comes to this, it has been proven time and time again. People from the opposing side have expressed numerous times that they are not looking to prohibit anything sexy, a lot of them even enjoy it. Just that they think it's gone too far and way exaggerated.

I'm not a man btw.

The man is your statement, not you.
I was calling it a strawman... and I stand by that.


Also I gotta say...
The shocking amount of actual ignorance on display with this statement is simply mind-boggling. It's embarrassing, really.

You're talking about a medium in photography that was a rich old boys club for at least the first fifty years of it's conception. The medium wouldn't even be available to the middle class for decades. And for example, in photojournalism, a female, Margaret Bourke-White, wouldn't break into the field until after around 30 years of male domination.

You're talking about a medium that was also the most popular form of pornography for about 150 years, with all the free speech, sexual, homosexual and race politics that goes along with that.

Exclusion? You're talking about a medium where photographers have been threatened with death for their art, and many have indeed been killed.

You're talking about a medium which has produced artists like Mapplethorpe and Serrano for goodness sake.

And the industry still has problems with stereotypes. Men are usually thought of as more generally technically proficient photographers, while women are thought to be more sensitive to capturing emotion. It's bullshit on both ends, but it exists.

But the solution to sexism and exclusion isn't the exclusion of artistic expression.



This is an interesting reply, I see where you're coming from and I agree with you, but I happen to have different perspectives where I think the balance is currently way off. There is hardly any diversity with the demographic the female characters are intended for. I think most female characters are made with males in mind, as eye candy and as a supporting role. I absolutely have no problem dealing with it and accepting it, but I do when it's shoved down my throat to the point where it has become tiring. I have no problem with movies and music having worse than what video games have, because they are more diverse. I can at least feel like I'm given more choice and things to enjoy that are catered to people with similar taste to mine, not just scraps when it's a miracle there is a video game character that is not made for male gaze.

Yeah I understand that too! We really need more balance, which is true, I think that's what we should be focusing on rather than targeting random artists.

I think Riona from your avatar is a good example of a decent female character with a good balance.

Also I remember people making fun of Catherine because they thought it was a pervy game (probably due to dodgy advertising, sex sells and all) But IMO I think Catherine is a great example of a provocative woman done right, yes she's not depicted as a female role model, but she was like that for the purpose of the story, the main character got seduced and had moral dilemmas due to it, everything was designed with the story in mind, rather than hey look random boobs!

As for future games, Beyond: Two souls looks like a step in the right direction. Ellen Page may be the symbol of hope on this subject matter.

Variety is the spice of life.


People called Romanes they go the house?
To be fair, John Walker and the RPS crew do exactly the same thing and nobody seems to care when they do it. I disagree with J.S. on this issue but I've seen other journalists do the same thing and then get praise for it.

Personally, I don't recall Walker bringing up a specific issue such as a sole physical representation (i.e. having large breasts) such as Jason did here and attempt to link it to the larger, more pervasive issue of sexism in the industry. I do remember his recent sexism article being on the larger 'trend' of pointing out sexism in the industry itself.

(Admittedly I don't actually follows any specific website aside from GAF, so I'm probably not in the loop as much as I should be regarding this particular facet)

If it's happened, it's also worthy of perpetuating further discussion on the application of sexism and the accompanying media scrutiny.

It sounds like you haven't read this thread, or the previous threads for that matter.

Anecdotally, I haven't read all of the previous threads, but I don't remember seeing anyone arguing for 100% large breasted sexy females...

People from the opposing side have expressed numerous times that they are not looking to prohibit anything sexy, a lot of them even enjoy it. Just that they think it's gone too far and way exaggerated.

Unless I'm misreading the argument in your post, you're arguing that there is a problem inherent with large breasted sexy women in games.

There is no problem with representation of sexy women in any medium as long as there is diversity for people to choose from, as you yourself have said regarding movies, books, etc. Any negativity surrounding the removal of the large breasted sexy woman (hopefully at least) comes from being equally sexist in removing them as an option (presuming they're written well and with purpose, etc.)

More inclusion is good. Removal is bad. Going back to this...

I think the game is a fine example of that wether the artist intended to exaggerate the style for all the characters or not. Why is it always 100% assumed and accepted that women have to look sexy, dressed as little as possible and have giant boobs?

The article has specifically said that all of the characters are exaggerated on purpose. Neither the amazon or Elf share the gigantic breast exaggeration. The elf is also relatively covered and 'normalesque' in stature.


It sounds like you haven't read this thread, or the previous threads for that matter.

sound like you're the one who hasnt read them. when confronted with the laudable diversity of the amazon and elf people literally said those dont matter as long as the other one exists


Junior Member
sound like you're the one who hasnt read them. when confronted with the laudable diversity of the amazon and elf people literally said those dont matter as long as the other one exists

Trust me, I have read every single thread (on neogaf since I joined in 2007) that involves this subject because it's a personal subject to me, even if I don't reply all the time.

Anyways, it's time to get prepared and sign off. It was nice discussing some of you!


GAF parliamentarian
She has to deal with a lot of bullshit on Twitter so I think she views everything as 'us vs. them'. Her linking that article and arguing against body policing (on her website) initially made me think she had a different perspective than Jason, but she was very much on his side on Twitter. So yeah, it's us vs. them. Which is too bad, because she could write up a different perspective.
As someone who has made his living entirely in the arts for almost fifteen years, (If I don't make my work, I quite literally don't eat.) I'm baffled by people like you who have such unevolved and disrespectful attitudes towards art and artists.

I work in photography. I thank God that in my industry critics and journalists covering my medium don't act like you and your lot. If we did, perhaps the chilling effect would have meant no one would see important work by the likes of Arbus ("Oh, she exploits poor people and freaks!"), Saudek ("oh, look at how he sexualizes women!!!",) and Helnwein ("OMG!!! Nazi imagery!!!"). If people like you lot were placed in a position to have a significant voice in photography, Robert Mapplethorpe would have been stuck taking "those pretty pictures of flowers," and Steven Meisel would have been told by his rep to stick to taking "pretty" pictures of models, without any of that troubling "social commentary stuff."

No, in my medium, critics and journalists by and large would stand up for the artist, and want the art to speak for itself, and want to promote art to the widest audience possible, even if it is work that may be controversial or even downright disturbing. See, art that is not stifled is healthy art. Let the art speak for itself, and let the people (and the market) ultimately decide. Criticism is done, but it is done with a conscience for how such criticism should never stifle free expression.

As video games become more sophisticated in terms of visuals, perhaps you aren't cut out for being in this position as a commentator on a medium inching ever closer to fine art. Perhaps you should move into writing about politics, if you thing a large-breasted figure is so dangerous that it needs to be labeled "a harmful work of art." I think the art and artists who want to do interesting, personal work and not just cookie-cutter, committee-approved shit would thank you for exiting the field you are so clearly not committed to the future of. For this medium to grow artistically, it will require advocates of artists, not judgemental folks offended so easily, and so eager to throw labels on artists.

This is kind of offtopic, but to respond to your post tangentially, most journalists have a personal interest in combating censorship, because it threatens their work as well. In other media, journalists feel they serve citizens, or the first amendment. In gaming media, their masters are more vague, from personal muses, to fan fervor, to tabloid sensationalism, to corporate lackeys spoon feeding them infotainment. It is still an enthusiast's endeavor at it's heart and far too close to the industry it covers for its own good. At least in sports journalism, the old guys get experience and then later become talking heads. In video gaming, it seems like it goes the other way sometimes, and I imagine it must be pretty rough to be someone working your way up. I forsee a long road before gaming criticism becomes as predominantly mature and professional as criticism in other media.

Just a comment, not really aimed at anyone, before someone assumes I'm either defending or criticizing Schreier here.


People called Romanes they go the house?

If there's a misunderstanding, Leigh didn't write the article. Jenna Frank did.

I think I can follow/agree with her overall sentiment, even if it's more of a rambling style blog post than an argument one way or the other.

A quote.

Please, be into whatever you’re into. That is so totally fine. Be into big-breasted Ivy from Soul Calibur (I am!). Be into spunky athletic ladies like Faith Connors (I am!). Be into bearded dwarves (I am!). The body is a body is a body.
He/she asked if I was being facetious, I replied. That doesn't mean I didn't read or mull over the previous responses. Stop making false conclusions.

You just chose not to respond to them and instead reply only to the worthless one liner. If you were genuinely curious and wanted to discuss the question you asked you would have replied to the people who were actually answering your question.


Sorry about that. I haven't slept today and have a flight to take soon, I somehow looked over that word in relation to the other word.

I hate trying to sleep on the plane...:( Good luck with that. ;)

Well I'm off to sleep, past 3AM here, time to let this keyboard rest.


I've honestly no idea but I don't read Kotaku. I just like the dwarf pic (does that mean I'm gay? I'm so confused right now, I just like dwarfs)


Hell no it doesn't this is Kamitani's art it's still bad ass. I thought it was hilarious and not because it was meant as a gay joke toward Jason. I just seriously liked it, Dwarfs are awesome.


GAF parliamentarian
If there's a misunderstanding, Leigh didn't write the article. Jenna Frank did.

Please, be into whatever you’re into. That is so totally fine. Be into big-breasted Ivy from Soul Calibur (I am!). Be into spunky athletic ladies like Faith Connors (I am!). Be into bearded dwarves (I am!). The body is a body is a body.

Me, from three days ago, when I initially thought I was done with this:

I feel like I've gone over this argument so often that I just want to say "it's a human body, get the fuck over it".

Here are some other paintings that caused a stir to puritan sensibilities over history:


Maybe we'll quit repeating ourselves someday.

As I've told you before, Jason (and you've obviously ignored it time and time again), there are other, much better ways to improve gaming and women: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=514885.
People demonized La Maja for pubic hair. Olympia because the woman was sexually confident (possibly a prostitute) instead of a meek nude. Much in the same way here, because of breasts. I'm sure it can make people uncomfortable, and if it were a cynical cash in attempt by brass and thinly veiled misogyny, I'd condemn it. Time has shown that exaggeration is simply his art style.


So is politics, video game design, and a plethora of other subjects.
I was referring to in relation to video games. Politics would most likely be the most subjective topic period in a world sense.

But art is very very subjective. Moreso than any other area in gaming.
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