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GI.biz: What new console features are important to gamers?


Suffers from extreme PDS
"Better graphics" are widely agreed to be important in the European markets, with 68% of all surveyed gamers considering it important. Among console gamers only, this figure moves up to 78%.

The only other feature to get anywhere close to that level of consensus from participants was "shorter load times when playing digital games." 63% of all surveyed gamers considered that an important factor, and 71% of console gamers.

As for gamers' lowest priority features, "virtual reality compatibility" and "handheld mode available" were most commonly deemed less important. VR was important to 37% of all surveyed gamers, with handheld mode slightly higher at 38%. When looking specifically at the console gamer crowd, VR was important to 43%, while handheld mode ticked up to 45%.

Not too surprising to see VR being the lowest priority for users, which makes you wonder if Sony going so aggressively into it is the best strategy or we'll see another Kinect in the making. Better graphics being #1 is a no brainer.

Load times for me are personally #1 and SSD's cannot come soon enough.
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The numbers for handheld mode and VR is quite high, even though they weren't at the top. Impressive!

Happy to see "shorter load times" get mentioned, too. QoL features add so much to a console but since they don't appear in a sizzle reel or a graphical comparison it doesn't get mentioned as much.
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John Day

If i could play my digital ps4/xbox games on them, that would be a goddamn plus in my book. Backlog is huge.


I don't think asking gamers what they want is the way to go.
All it gets reduced to is better, faster, stronger.

Or as Henry Ford didn't say:
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

I want to be blindsided by something amazing devs come up with.
Just using the new horsepower to push more pixels is boring.
8K is boring, 120 fps is boring.

If we had asked people what they wanted during the 2000's era, they wouldn't have said Fortnite or Minecraft
And here we are ...


I want to enter in VR games so that is a cool fature I want to have this new-gen but it is not mandatory.

Except that I want games taking fully potential of the next-gen features.


Looks like the survey had multiple answer selection, hence the mixed, not-so-accurate results, like people had to choose more things than they care for, like the mentioned 8K support. Would be way more interesting if people could pick just one answer.


Gold Member
Not too surprising to see VR being the lowest priority for users, which makes you wonder if Sony going so aggressively into it is the best strategy or we'll see another Kinect in the making.

I was surprised to see it that high. 43% considered it important, yet the adoption rate is only like 2%. So that's a lot of people who are interested, yet haven't bought in yet.

"Shorter load times when playing digital games." It's odd that they specified "digital" games in the question. I wonder if that can be misread to mean shorter download times for digital games?

Better framerates didn't get a mention? Odd. You hear a lot about that around here.
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Gold Member
How can one spin 43% as a negative for VR? Ah I see, Sony, even though juggernauts like Valve and the like are going all in.

That is MUCH higher than I am sure 95% of this board thought it would be.

Edit: to add, I still have yet to adopt, but I plan to when the PS5 hits. I am sure there are many like me as well, especially if Sony / Valve are able to bring HL: Alyx to the PS5.
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Graphics is whatever to me, I just want some cool and different gameplay ideas, and to have access to all of my old games, either disc or download. I love playing some old fighters.
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