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GomTV Starcraft II (GSL) Tournament - Season 3 - Thread of white people in Korea

A diamond toss just beat me and after the game he started giving me advice. So nice.

<3 SC2 community.

(although he did BM a bit during the game)

edit: woah wrong sc2 thread.


Im having big problems with the vods. They keep skipping ahead slightly and at times its like they are playing on fastforward, very strange. Has anyone else had this problem? I never had this in s2.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before, i havnt read the thread yet to avoid spoilers.


I want a tag give me a tag
Deadman said:
Im having big problems with the vods. They keep skipping ahead slightly and at times its like they are playing on fastforward, very strange. Has anyone else had this problem? I never had this in s2.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before, i havnt read the thread yet to avoid spoilers.

Yeah same issue here, seems there was a problem in the encouding, happens for the first few games the last half are ok though, doesn't get TOO bad I think it's at its worst in the Sen games


is now taking requests
HolyCheck said:
Oh man LittleKid!! Is this the guy that had his interview and was all "who ever plays me gets a free 2-0 win "

:lol :lol :lol omg his interview. how can you not like him.

he's like a kid in a candy store lol

Yeah i made my prediction based on that interview, i feel cheated! I still rooted for him though :p


Everything is moe to me
can you download the matches if you pay?
i have inconsistent internet access at the moment, turns out the roommates werent actually paying the bills. -.-


HolyCheck said:
Yeah same issue here, seems there was a problem in the encouding, happens for the first few games the last half are ok though, doesn't get TOO bad I think it's at its worst in the Sen games

Ah, lame. At least it wasnt just me though. Thanks.


vicissitudes said:
Points in GAF bets so far:

Everyone got the last match wrong, a lot of people had jookToJung, and one person had Jys? :lol
wait, what GAF bets?

Or are you talking about liquibet?


Just watched the first 2 matches, good stuff so far. So happy to see Sen advance! Loved the 3 way translation even though I can understand what Sen said, they did a good job.
I won't be able to watch tomorrow so just going to put my bets in now.

Can't say that I have a clue about most of the match ups though.

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


Ended up sleeping after sen's games last night... catching up now. My bet was fucked but it was cool to see LittleKid win :lol

Tonight I'll probably end up watching the first group of matches and then watch the rest the next after I sleep in VODs


I want a tag give me a tag
Haunted said:
son of a...

completely missed that :eek:

wait for vicissitudes to start the betting or can I chime in now? Don't know if I'll be awake when the games begin.

Just jump on now, I'm sure we're all happy to give anyone who jumps on now a score of 3 seeing as it was the lowest!

as for me today:

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime

FYI's NSPGenius is NexGenius.


my bets:

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


my bets as well. be at work for the first half of the games :|

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu not sure on this one, another random pick.
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


HolyCheck said:
FYI's NSPGenius is NexGenius.
Yeah, I had that game pegged the other way until I read that bit on the TL brackets.

Did he switch teams or what?

All these name changes are killing me, I can't keep up! :lol


Haunted said:
Yeah, I had that game pegged the other way until I read that bit on the TL brackets.

Did he switch teams or what?

All these name changes are killing me, I can't keep up! :lol
nsp is a clan, he is still on zenex from my understanding


I'll jump in this too.

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO (unsure about this but what the hell, go haypro!)

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


is now taking requests
Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


HolyCheck said:
in his interview nestea said he'd left zenex !
why would they interview nestea about genius?

from qualifier interview with him:
Q. There's a rumour you switched teams.
A. I only changed the clan to NsP, the team is still ZeNEX. The reason I didn't attend the clan special was because my home was too far away.
Chris Remo said:
I am so fucking pleased that the GSL is going again! Now I know how it feels for fans of real sports during the off-season. Except we only have to wait a week or two.

Right there with you. It feels weird being this psyched for something. :D


I want a tag give me a tag
Mairu said:
why would they interview nestea about genius?

from qualifier interview with him:

they were asking him about his loss to nexgenius at the recent challenge match thing, and he butted in saying he is no longer nexgenius



DreamHack will invite Canadian Protoss-player HuK to replace IdrA and korean S-player oGs Inca to replace russian BRAT_OK in the main tournament. His team mate TOP will also join inCa on his trip to Sweden and will participate in the tournament, but needs to play the BYOC-qualifications first in order to qualify for the 32-player main tournament.

That's pretty cool, too bad about Idra


Everything is moe to me
well, idra was always going to prioritize gsl, so its not that surprising. :(

glad we'll see more of huk though, his gsl games were insane.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Who is GgoBooGie? Is he the Random guy?

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


poor BratOK. he couldnt go to the IEM thingy either.. trouble getting a passport for some reason
Brat_OK is a terrorist confirmed.

Great that we're getting to see some more Korean participants in international tournaments. This whole foreigner going to tournaments in other countries thing doesn't only apply to Westerners -> Korea, also the other way around! :D Get some cross-pollination going, as incontrol would say. >_> It's a good thing.


Haha, i love LittleBoy.

Q. The camera captured you laughing after you won.
A. It's an embarrassing story, but I was trying to pull out the plugs from the computer and I banged my head on the window while laughing. I don't think I have a brain (laughs). Still, I was so happy that I won and couldn't control myself (laughs).
Rache vsGgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


Deadman said:
Im having big problems with the vods. They keep skipping ahead slightly and at times its like they are playing on fastforward, very strange. Has anyone else had this problem? I never had this in s2.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before, i havnt read the thread yet to avoid spoilers.
Yeah, I had the same problems with some of the VODs when I watched them this afternoon. Really bad stuttering at times, to the point of just skipping sections on occasion.
haha wow - I submitted my bracket predictions to martyandborg.com. Got the first 5 right so far :lol Shouldve bet on here, didn't know that was going down.

Anyways - my predictions for the next 9 (todays matches) -

Rache vsGgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO
Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Here are my picks for today. Not too different from everyone elses.

Rache vsGgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


I want a tag give me a tag
Zzoram said:
Post about the VOD problems in the Gom forums an try later. They should fix it.

please contain it to one of the already 5 threads... I'm sick of white knighting the gom forums ;_;
Okay, time for my predictions:

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


relies on auto-aim
[B](T)Rache[/B] vs (P)BoogieBoy:           Steppes of War, Xel'Naga Caverns, Jungle Basin
[B](Z)DreamizEr [/B]vs (T)Rain:          Shakuras Plateau, Jungle Basin, Xel'Naga Caverns
(T)Libero vs ([B]P)Genius[/B]:          Metalopolis, Xel'Naga Caverns, Shakuras Plateau
[B](T)RainBOw[/B] vs (Z)NewDawn:          Metalopolis, Shakuras Plateau, Steppes of War
(T)BitByBit vs [B](Z)HayprO[/B]:          Blistering Sands, Scrap Station, Xel'Naga Caverns
(Z)Tosyad vs [B](Z)FruitDealer[/B]:          Scrap Station, Jungle Basin, Metalopolis
(T)sCfOu vs [B](T)Bless[/B]:                   Metalopolis, Lost Temple, Scrap Station
[B](P)anyproPrime[/B] vs (T)TheBestfOu:          Lost Temple, Steppes of War, Metalopolis
(Z)NEXNaya vs [B](P)HongUnPrime[/B]:          Delta Quadrant, Metalopolis, Jungle Basin


Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime


My picks, fairly standard:

Rache vs GgoBooGie
DreamizEr vs Rain
LiberoPrime vs NSPGenius
RainBOw vs NewDawn
BitByBit vs LiquidHayprO

Tosyad vs Fruitdealer
sCfOu vs FOXLyn
AnyproPrime vs TheBestfOu
NEXNaYa vs HongUnPrime
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