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GomTV Starcraft II (GSL) Tournament - Season 3 - Thread of white people in Korea


Protoss feels so rare in the GSL that it's like a mythical treat to see anything other than TvT, TvZ, or ZvZ.



CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
MC showing how it is done.

Pretty straight forward games.

Nice little Huk shout out there as well.


Wallach said:
How in the hell did that terran even get into the Ro64? Clide v Leenock is the only saving grace of this set so far.
By playing better in qualifiers? Two matches in a highly stressful environment may not tell the full story.





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ugh scrolling down fast hit reply.. i did see a fat person and hte words bang.. so i assume july won.

the vods arent up yet ;_; I hate getting home now because it's always just before / when theyre about to go up and i have to wait longer


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ok I can't watch the games, hearing the clide result.. It was the only game I was really looking forward too.. and I can't watch it knowing he loses lol.

anyone play really amazingly that I should keep an eye out for in the Ro32?
HolyCheck said:
ok I can't watch the games, hearing the clide result.. It was the only game I was really looking forward too.. and I can't watch it knowing he loses lol.

anyone play really amazingly that I should keep an eye out for in the Ro32?
Ret. A thousand times Ret. Watching his VODs now, the first game was amazing already. July was also great to watch.


Ret's macro was really good, but he did some silly stuff too like chasing the phoenixes with his whole army and throwing some units away. Of course it doesn't matter much when you are at 200/200 constantly, which is what happens when toss applies no pressure at all for most of the game. The protoss was pretty bad, which is to be expected since he is just a 2k player with 53%ish winrate.


syllogism said:
Ret's macro was really good, but he did some silly stuff too like chasing the phoenixes with his whole army and throwing some units away. Of course it doesn't matter much when you are at 200/200 constantly, which is what happens when toss applies no pressure at all for most of the game. The protoss was pretty bad, which is to be expected since he is just a 2k player with 53%ish winrate.

I think that those were due to jitters and nerves. His play was pretty much flawless on Jungle Basin.
HolyCheck said:
ok I can't watch the games, hearing the clide result.. It was the only game I was really looking forward too.. and I can't watch it knowing he loses lol.

anyone play really amazingly that I should keep an eye out for in the Ro32?
You really are missing out.

It might have been the best series in the GSL so far (game 3 was incredible simple as that)


I want a tag give me a tag
TheThunder said:
You really are missing out.

It might have been the best series in the GSL so far (game 3 was incredible simple as that)

So I'm hearing :( I just have trouble watching my team lose at anything (clide is my team!)

and yeah I meant from the 2nd half :D Saw the ret games, they were f'n awesomeo


GDJustin said:
I haven't seen any of RO64 yet. What did I miss? One whitey made it through, one went home, and a pro brotoss? Anything else?

Ret's games were good macro games. JSL had great medivac micro and GuineaPig did a cool new Protoss strategy.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Noooo random guy nooooo!!

Gonna check out GuineaPig's matches when I get home. It sounds like he did some really cool play.
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