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GomTV Starcraft II (GSL) Tournament - Season 3 - Thread of white people in Korea


Fell asleep in the middle of Clide v Leenock last night.


I keep trying to watch the 720p VODs and it keeps laggin. I'm looking at netlimiter and it's not even downloading at a fast rate :/


(T)Cliiiiiiide vs LeenockfOu(Z)

Absolutely phenomenal watch. It sucks that one of them had to exit this early. That will easily be the best series of the opening round.


Corran Horn said:
Damn cant believe I feel asleep during Clide/Leenock game 1. Sooooo goooood.
I did the same :lol

Watching game 3 now, this is ridiculous

I wish these two didn't play each other in ro64, this is so much more than a ro64-caliber match :(


Man, I want to catch up but the gomtv servers go way too slow. It's impossible to watch the 720p VODs. I have NetLimiter open and they're only downloading at about 30kB/sec. I can't even leave the videos open for long enough for them to buffer for me to watch. This is frustrating :(

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Mairu said:
Man, I want to catch up but the gomtv servers go way too slow. It's impossible to watch the 720p VODs. I have NetLimiter open and they're only downloading at about 30kB/sec. I can't even leave the videos open for long enough for them to buffer for me to watch. This is frustrating :(
Hmm. I had trouble with one video then reopened it then its been all fine since.


Corran Horn said:
Hmm. I had trouble with one video then reopened it then its been all fine since.
They're all loading for me, they're all just loading extremely slow. Even when I tried to watch the Leenock interview I had to pause it for a few minutes, and that's a SQ video that is only 2 minutes long :(

Gomtv servers are slow as fuck for the VODs, I hope they fix it
Mairu said:
They're all loading for me, they're all just loading extremely slow. Even when I tried to watch the Leenock interview I had to pause it for a few minutes, and that's a SQ video that is only 2 minutes long :(

Gomtv servers are slow as fuck for the VODs, I hope they fix it
I was having huge problems earlier today, but I've been watching matches for the last hour without any issues.


is now taking requests
Might as well get my predictions in for the last ro64 sets:

(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

I'll be on the Jinro bandwagon tomorrow. Too bad it's way too early in the morning for me :X


(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

annyeong?! :lol


Mairu said:
Man, I want to catch up but the gomtv servers go way too slow. It's impossible to watch the 720p VODs. I have NetLimiter open and they're only downloading at about 30kB/sec. I can't even leave the videos open for long enough for them to buffer for me to watch. This is frustrating :(
Yeah, I've been having trouble with the VODs all day. The weird thing is that it seems to just be certain videos, not the servers. Some load fine for me and then specific matches just refuse to load at all.


Probably going to miss the Idra match tomorrow. :/

(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON


holy fuck boxer is last match tonight it's going to be tough to stay up for all of this :(

(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya ANNYEONG
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

Considering how terrible my betting has gone next season I'll probably just bet on whoever rather than who I want or who I think will win :lol


I want a tag give me a tag
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON


HolyCheck said:
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON
Oh shit betting against BoxeR in ro64



Q8D3vil said:
how dare he :mad:
Well, it could happen! Nada got knocked out in the qualifiers. Rainbow went out in ro64. Kyrix went out in ro64. Boxer is pretty strong in TvT, but it's possible for another upset considering how this season has gone


I heard there's a crazy game that happened yesterday or recently? which was it that people are going crazy over? I must see it!


So I just started catching up via vods and... they... they have Hevisaurus there as an intro song?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

The music is for kids under 10

I mean good that they get to listen to heavy metal from a young age but dammit GomTV, you couldn't have picked any other finnish band :lol
Just slapped this together:


Probably my favorite single moment of the tournament so far. Saw it live, had no idea it was coming, and didn't notice the Huk hoodie until then.


T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
YakiSOBA said:
I heard there's a crazy game that happened yesterday or recently? which was it that people are going crazy over? I must see it!
2 interesting sets. Clide/leenock was good long games. Guineapig/imjunwi had a cool new protoss opener.
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

We have had some upsets this GSL, but i dont know if SlayerS will lose in a TvT match up. If it was a TvZ i would be a little more nervous.
Once again, my predictions areeee:

(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

Rooting for the foreigners!... and AnnYeong!:lol

Alot of good matches tonight, glad the IdrA one is in the first half because I'll actually be able to watch it.
jersoc said:
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

annyeong?! :lol
Lucille Bluth: Annyong?
Annyong: Annyong.

(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

Finished the Clide vs Leenock series.. game 3 was incredible. I knew beforehand who would win but it was still awesome. I need to get me some Clide replays, that guy knows how to play Terran. Damn.


(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON

Straight from the gut, full of truthiness.


relies on auto-aim
Ugh I feel like shit.

Just caught up on the games.

I don't see a recommendations list. You bums. Random picks gooo

(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa

vs (P)Banbanssu
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON


relies on auto-aim
(T)aLivefOu vs (Z)oGsZenio:           Lost Temple, Jungle Basin, Metalopolis
(T)PoltPrime vs (Z)NsP.Joon:           Delta Quadrant, Scrap Station, Xel'Naga Caverns
(T)Jinro vs (Z)NEXDrug:               Delta Quadrant, Metalopolis, Jungle Basin
(Z)Moon vs (T)ButterflyEffect:         Shakuras Plateau, Xel'Naga Caverns, Delta Quadrant
(Z)IdrA vs (P)NEXChoa:                Shakuras Plateau, Steppes of War, Jungle Basin
(T)IMMVP vs (P)Banbanssu:            Scrap Station, Metalopolis, Delta Quadrant
(Z)AnnYeong vs (P)Choya:             Jungle Basin, Metalopolis, Shakuras Plateau
(T)Destination vs (Z)CheckPrime:     Scrap Station, Steppes of War, Lost Temple
(T)SlayerSBoxeR vs (T)NEXON:         Steppes of War, Shakuras Plateau, Delta Quadrant

When to watch:
19:00 KST(GMT+9) - 8 PM / 2 AM (PST).
The Ro64 will go on a 8pm/2am rotation like Season 2.
Ro32 and on will likely all be at (13:00)/19:00KST (GMT+9) - 2 AM (PST). Finals might be an hour earlier or later.

(Must have GOM installed): http://www.gomtv.net/2010gslopens3/live/
PLEASE INSTALL AND STREAM VIA GOM PLAYER. If you cannot after a few tries, then watch via stream.


Brackets - Results - Recommended Games
GOM Winner interviews: http://www.gomtv.net/2010gslopens3/gomcam/

Ro64 Day 3: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=171385
Ro64 - Day 3A - Set 1
(Games 1+2)
Ro64 - Day 3A - Set 2
(Games 1 + 2)
Ro64 - Day 3A - Set 3
(Games CANCEL)
Ro64 - Day 3A - Set 4
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 3A - Set 5
(Games 1 + 2)

Ro64 - Day 3B - Set 1
(Games 1,2,333)
Ro64 - Day 3B - Set 2
(Games 2 + _)
Ro64 - Day 3B - Set 3
(Games 2 HuK)
Ro64 - Day 3B - Set 4
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 Day 4:
Ro64 - Day 4A - Set 1
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4A - Set 2
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4A - Set 3
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4A - Set 4
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4A - Set 5
(Games _ + _)

Ro64 - Day 4B - Set 1
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4B - Set 2
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4B - Set 3
(Games _ + _)
Ro64 - Day 4B - Set 4
(Games _ + _)


Took nearly all day to watch the VODs from last night due to lagging, and now the stream appears to be dead. I didnt have this many problems with season 2.
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