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Halo Infinite dev responds to negative reactions.

Walter Matthau

Gold Member
They should delay, but probably can’t unless there are other unannounced high profile launch titles. Those of you looking forward to this will need to hope that patches eventually make it a better looking title.

Fair or unfair this team is going to get a lot of heat if XSX sales underwhelm Microsoft.


"...so go back and look at it in 4K/60."

This is what really gets me mad, do they think nobody watched the 4K60 video? And how does that 4K video fix any of the problems that have to do with dated tech, low quality textures or textures not loading and pop-in? Really poor excuse and not owning up to this poor showing won't do well for them with the gamers.
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No amount of Raytracing will make this look next gen at launch. Its got both feet firmly planted in last gen, and if people can't accept that they will just be (more) disappointed.
This is a last gen game - think of it as backwards compatible. Think of it like Red Read Redemption when you went back and played it in 4K on your 1X for the first time.
You got to play an X360 game in high resolution and it looked so much better than you remembered and got you excited for next gen RDR.

Halo Infinite is mostly the same. Last gen game, developed over 5 years by a team who didn't have next gen hardware til a few months ago. This is a XB1 game in high res at 60fps.
Built from the ground up to play on your tablet powered XB1 designed in 2012. Lower your expectations; improved lighting will be nice, but there's no way they can overhaul all the graphics models and environments with like 90 days to go.

Blame Microsoft for spinning Halo as something it never was. Blame the fake trailer from e3. Blame 343 too, but when they were told to build a Halo game that must first and formost be designed to run on the XB1, that's their baseline. "Held back" is not some fake thing. Lots of things are scalable, but some things are only scalable to a degree. EG can play WOW on this old laptop I have from 2012, but i can't play Destiny 2 on it. I only have 1 GB of vram on the video card. Destiny requires 2GB minimum. Apply that concept to new Halo. If the new sequel still has to "run" on that 10 year old system which is limited to 1GB vram (or whatever) you will get a game designed to operate within those constraints - they have no choice. Your fancy new xbox will play it faster and look sharper, but the game it self (its potential) is held back by the old tech. A dev's imagination and talent is not the only limiting factor; in this case the tech is.
It took them 5 years to get to a week ago. You truly believe that a month will change things.

That's adorable. I admire it, in a way.

Why would Microsoft do another Crackdown 3 debacle? They surely have to delay this game until it's 100% polished and ready to get a 90 on Metacritic. Also don't call me Shirley.
No amount of Raytracing will make this look next gen at launch. Its got both feet firmly planted in last gen, and if people can't accept that they will just be (more) disappointed.
This is a last gen game - think of it as backwards compatible. Think of it like Red Read Redemption when you went back and played it in 4K on your 1X for the first time.
You got to play an X360 game in high resolution and it looked so much better than you remembered and got you excited for next gen RDR.

Halo Infinite is mostly the same. Last gen game, developed over 5 years by a team who didn't have next gen hardware til a few months ago. This is a XB1 game in high res at 60fps.
Built from the ground up to play on your tablet powered XB1 designed in 2012. Lower your expectations; improved lighting will be nice, but there's no way they can overhaul all the graphics models and environments with like 90 days to go.

Blame Microsoft for spinning Halo as something it never was. Blame the fake trailer from e3. Blame 343 too, but when they were told to build a Halo game that must first and formost be designed to run on the XB1, that's their baseline. "Held back" is not some fake thing. Lots of things are scalable, but some things are only scalable to a degree. EG can play WOW on this old laptop I have from 2012, but i can't play Destiny 2 on it. I only have 1 GB of vram on the video card. Destiny requires 2GB minimum. Apply that concept to new Halo. If the new sequel still has to "run" on that 10 year old system which is limited to 1GB vram (or whatever) you will get a game designed to operate within those constraints - they have no choice. Your fancy new xbox will play it faster and look sharper, but the game it self (its potential) is held back by the old tech. A dev's imagination and talent is not the only limiting factor; in this case the tech is.

Agreed, they never should have marketed Halo: Infinite as the first of next-gen, instead do like Sony with TLOU2 & Ghosts, 'the last shots of current gen'. Sony's first true next-gen game probably won't arrive until summer 2021.


Why are people asking for delays? All the xbox fans are saying this game looks fine it was never about the graphics. This is what they want. Its a community driven game afterall right? Let them have it

:messenger_weary: :messenger_ok:
The gameplay looks fun so there's that.
If Microsoft’s flagship game gets a 7 from ign and gamespoe it’s over for them. It’s gonna get a lower Metacritic anyway just because certain websites won’t review certain games well etc.

I would just delay it
I doubt it'll get bad reviews, halo 5 was shit and has a 84 on metacritic. That's with no forge, the barebones multiplayer it launched with, and the worst campaign in the series, that game got a 84...
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Herr Edgy

The weird part is this:

No matter if Halo Infinite is a technical failure or not, surely the devs know that expectations for visuals were a let down.
So, if they tell us that the world is so big, the combat so dynamic etc., why not showcase that instead?

I guess they wanted to show the opening. But it's very anti climatic on its own. I don't care much about graphics, but if they don't show off with graphics, they need to show off with something else to impress people. And they didn't.

Either the marketing department had the wrong priorities, or the game just doesn't get much better than what was shown.


Ryan Macafrey slams Halo, says MS will either delay the game or prioritise Raytracing for launch to fix the flat gfx referring to Digital Foundry analysis.

What do you think, will it be delayed? Will it launch on time with RT? Will RT fix the games problems?

RT will not fix the problems.
Having no noteworthy games vs the PS5 at launch could get real ugly.

We need a miracle... Hire Bungie!
I think people just dont want Xbox to be anything but graphics, and Microsoft has already OK'd their big series being a little more Fortnite to gain users. People are pissed Rachet looks better because no one wants another Ratchet, they want Halo.

I'll take whatever 343 industries has got by the deadline, decide if it's good and maybe stick around with a community of people that have their heads on a bit straighter than the rest.

Now here is where I get crazy. So creative director throwing in the towel last year...perhaps because there is some debate over creative direction for this thing. The initial reveal was supposed to look like a photorealistic world, and later you find out it's Halo. It now looks like Halo, and you later find out you are in for some Halo.

This is supposed to look like a manufactured world (hexagons). Do you think the footage would call to mind "good Halo" if the ships appeared to fly in a naturalistic way that shows propolsion. The ships in the good Halos moved this way. The trees look like something from a model train set...in an artificial world where the geology looks like it came out of a 3d printer.

I imagine there were fights to get back to a normal ass looking Master Chief, and that sort of argument spread out over 5 years gets you to some weird choices. It is potentially all in service of getting this world to look the right kind of foreign that Halo had. Not everyone is going to agree with how...odd...that makes the final product feel. My first read was that it looks like I remember Halo looking, which hasn't been the case since Halo 2. I mean, when Halo went to Earth, I kinda wondered why Earth looked like a damn Halo.

I also think there is no excuse for pop in and other fidelity issues if the design was thought out to this extent. So it did ruin it for me. Better lighting wont take away from these deliberate choices, so bring it on.


I think people just dont want Xbox to be anything but graphics, and Microsoft has already OK'd their big series being a little more Fortnite to gain users.

I'm not saying you're wrong at all. But the people who expected graphics have all the right in the world to be displeased. MS has trumpeted 12 TF for a very long time now, and the people who got excited by the 12 TF prospects have been hammered over the head with claims about scalability in the six billion discussions regarding the expected Series S. In short, the entire gaming community has basically been lead to drink from a dried up river bank.


The pandemic is acknowledged and has impacted the development. Surely reason to delay? No one is going to blame 343 for a delaying because of the pandemic

*thinks for a moment, then realises this is NeoGaf*

Never mind.

How long has Halo Infinite beeing in development?
5 years?

2016: no pandemic
2017: no pandemic
2018: no pandemic
2019: no pandemic
2020: Covid pandemic for 6 months

So 6 months have an bigger impact on the development than 4 years ?

*thinks for a moment, then realises this is NeoGaf*

Never mind.


How long has Halo Infinite beeing in development?
5 years?

2016: no pandemic
2017: no pandemic
2018: no pandemic
2019: no pandemic
2020: Covid pandemic for 6 months

So 6 months have an bigger impact on the development than 4 years ?

*thinks for a moment, then realises this is NeoGaf*

Never mind.
Wasnt the first 2/3 years spent producing a new engine?


Gold Member
You're right, it's pretty unlikely.

It does feel though as though it needs a least 6 months in development, possibly even a year.
this is the reason why i always hope for games to take all the time in the world before release.
horizon is my gotg, and call me crazy but i'm ok with waiting the end of the next gen to play the sequel if this means a far better game, when they announced 2021 as a release date i died a little inside...i hope for a delay.

it's not a coincidence if stuff like gta5 and rdr2 stay in the oven for 8-9 years.
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There's no reason outside of pride why this game needs to be a launch game. Delaying it to spring 2021 in a AAA form will atone for 343s sins. Dropping it before its ready like some Office suite software will turn Halo into Sonic--yet another great franchise that was critically mismanaged.


The weird part is this:

No matter if Halo Infinite is a technical failure or not, surely the devs know that expectations for visuals were a let down.
So, if they tell us that the world is so big, the combat so dynamic etc., why not showcase that instead?

I guess they wanted to show the opening. But it's very anti climatic on its own.
I don't care much about graphics, but if they don't show off with graphics, they need to show off with something else to impress people. And they didn't.

Either the marketing department had the wrong priorities, or the game just doesn't get much better than what was shown.

This was my optimistic feeling at first but they've said that the part they showed is half-way through the game... so WELL into the game and the best thing they could show didn't even have as good environmental design as the first proper mission in Halo: CE (First mission on the Halo, after Pillar of Autumn intro). Go and have a look at a video for that mission if you haven't recently, the landscape and the design of the areas is miles better than what we saw with Halo: Infinite. Even the AI is much better imo, the H:I demo was like a shooting gallery...

If it has amazing large scale battles with loads (10+) of vehicles at once or loads of complex physics/AI then I could see why it has to look like that, I guess we'll see soon though, because even if they can't "fix" the graphics they surely will show something more dynamic/exciting/large scale next time. You'd hope anyway.


I hate that this is true.

I actually loved Anthem before finishing it and figure out I'm left with dry content afterwards. That game had so much potential, amazing mechanics and animations, wonderful combat. It reminds me of The Division when you are pumped then when you finish it it doesn't feel that great and wears off pretty quickly.
Did this game receive
any other criticism besides not looking next-gen enough? Because if so, this whole controversy feels pretty stupid.
Outdated animations, lots of pop-in, very poor effects overall... those are valid criticisms, dude. I mean that's kind of the point of a next-gen showcase though, especially when you've been hyping the POWER of your machine. It's anything but stupid.

I mean it's not like they can grade the gameplay of a visual demo. 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member

Dan Chosich Halo Infinite's narrative experience director replied to one fan saying "I've been in your shoes. I know what it's like to have expectations built + feel let down. I want you to know your voice matters + is heard. You're not falling on deaf ears. I always want to live up to the legacy that Bungie pioneered. I personally care a lot about honoring that."

Aaron Greenberg spoke to inside gaming last week and said "Listen, we're in the middle of a global pandemic. It's July; we're far from Holiday, you're seeing a work-in-progress game," adding, "It's very hard to show the full power and graphic fidelity of what Xbox Series X can deliver for you over a stream, so go back and look at it in 4K/60. It is a work in progress. We see build check-ins every week, and they make progress week after week, so between now and Holiday, it's going to get better and better."

Do you guys expect a lot to change?
I'm hoping so, but I'm done holding my breath. It is what it is. They got something to prove at this point. Just waiting on results.
It hurts my head how many people here want Gamepass to have a catch, or to even outright fail.

"Sixty dollars is the price of a game and that's the price you should pay." Suggesting a way of making it cheap and more accessible is ridiculous and making it any more expensive results in mass hysteria.
I'll say it outright. I want Game Pass and PS Now to fail and I would gladly take a price hike over the inherent endgame services like that will bring.
they already confirmed that they will be releasing ray-tracing via a patch. This is one of those games that's going to improve dramatically over time. I imagine ultra HD textures will be released via patch also. Better textures and Ray tracing will make this game look next gen
It's kind of sad that gamers are more interested in bashing the graphics then being excited about having a new Halo game to play on launch. The gameplay looked great imo, super smooth and precise.


Gold Member
You don't have to have game industry experience to know that 4 months cannot turn a product around 100%... There could be SOME improvements, sure, even visual ones. But nothing that's going to blow anyone's socks off.


I'm they should be keeping their mouths shut about infinite, this damage control just adds to the fire


RT will not fix the problems.
Having no noteworthy games vs the PS5 at launch could get real ugly.

We need a miracle... Hire Bungie!
Bungie was in the exact same spot on halo 2 and 3. You forget how they scrapped the canned demo from E3 and later had nothing to show for it?
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