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Has there been a game that has surpassed New vegas?

Has any game surpassed New Vegas.

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I brought cyberpunk 2077 because I been searching for a game in the vein of New Vegas, but it does not quite scratch the itch. Maybe with phantom liberty it can, but it won't have New Vegas writing chops. Is there any game out there that has surpassed new vegas in what it does, or at the very least, compare?

March Climber

Gold Member
Do you mean first person RPG shooter with open ended quests and dialogue systems that intersect over the course of the game?

Because if it’s all of the above, then no. If it’s just the latter, then Witcher 3 or maybe Baldur’s Gate 3 could be what you’re looking for.

Scotty W

I played NV for about 10 hours before I realized, it was simply NOT FUN.

Edit: I watched a friend play Fallout 3 for a few hours and was very taken by the personality. After hearing do many good things about NV I bought it and have it a more than fair chance.
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Gold Member
Personally in terms of what it brings narratively combined with everything else? I don’t think so which is making me confused.

I can list so many things that can be improved upon New Vegas but nobody else tries to develop a game with NV formula and improve upon it. They went a different direction instead. I think the direction gaming went towards is a more casualized version of what could have been. Like everything has RPG elements now but it’s very shallow.
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March Climber

Gold Member
I can't understand why this game is held in such high regard.
You’ll understand on playthrough 2. Fallout 3, aside from a few big choices, is still Fallout 3 narratively, on playthrough 2.

Fallout NV could feel like a completely different game however. People you speak with, have access to, certain events, certain faction lines, all change like a big butterfly effect the more you play the game differently than the first playthrough.


Do you mean first person RPG shooter with open ended quests and dialogue systems that intersect over the course of the game?

Yes I mean this.

Because if it’s all of the above, then no. If it’s just the latter, then Witcher 3 or maybe Baldur’s Gate 3 could be what you’re looking for.

Played Witcher 3. Gameplay mid. Looking forward too Baldur gate 3 reviews tomorrow.
NV did something that I’m shocked no one else has really copied since:

All stats have dialogue options!

Why is this so hard for developers to understand? If I do a sword build in Cyberpunk, it does NOTHING other than make my sword damage go up by like 2% or some worthless crap like that.

If I have points in “heavy weapons” in New Vegas, I can talk to people ABOUT being good with heavy weapons and actually have that DIALOGUE affect quests!

That’s the immersion people want in other RPGs (at least I know I do). Just respect our builds. That’s it.

Cyberpunk was fun in a lot of ways, but my playthrough is 99% exactly the same as your playthrough and everyone else’s. For all the hype, Cyberpunk has about as much “role playing” as Assassins Creed.


I can't understand why this game is held in such high regard.

I remember the anticipation waiting for it after FO3 and it was lackluster, especially the end game. I never played it again.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the superior game in every way. Stop the shenanigans.

Cyberpunk gameplay is better, but it not nearly as philosophical, nor is it quest structure as open ended or as reactive. Does not have side companions either. Cyberpunk has an incredible amount of heart though, like just got a photo of a baby from a pregnant women and her husband whom I helped awhile back.

Also, low int actually made you a brainlet. Like, so much shit mattered.
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March Climber

Gold Member
NV did something that I’m shocked no one else has really copied since:

All stats have dialogue options!

Why is this so hard for developers to understand?

If I have points in “heavy weapons” in New Vegas, I can talk to people ABOUT being good with heavy weapons and actually have that DIALOGUE affect quests!

That’s the immersion people want in other RPGs (at least I know I do). Just respect our builds. That’s it.
Because you have people in this very thread who don’t understand it, or took the game at face value. There are still people here who look at it like Fallout 3.5 when that could be further from the truth.

It’s a sandbox in the way that no one expects a sandbox to be. A dialogue sandbox.
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March Climber

Gold Member
New Vegas was fine and the best Fallout game. But, it's not some sort of GOAT candidate this thread implies.
I agree. It’s a game that was on the cusp of something great. It’s an unrefined 1.0 version of a pinnacle genre-type that should theoretically exist today, but doesn’t due to being somewhat misunderstood at release to this very day.

It’s like if Valve had made Portal 1 and never had a chance to make Portal 2. Or if Nintendo never released Tears of the Kingdom after BotW. We never got to see a full evolution like a New Vegas 2.

Edit: and Kojima/Silent Hills(after P.T.) was going to do what New Vegas did, but for the horror genre. I’m still upset about that.
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I agree. It’s a game that was on the cusp of something great. It’s an unrefined 1.0 version of a pinnacle genre-type that should theoretically exist today, but doesn’t due to being somewhat misunderstood at release to this very day.

It’s like if Valve had made Portal 1 and never had a chance to make Portal 2. Or if Nintendo never released Tears of the Kingdom after BotW. We never got to see a full evolution like a New Vegas 2.

Edit: and Kojima/Silent Hills(after P.T.) was going to do what New Vegas did, but for the horror genre. I’m still upset about that.
Nah NV IS Great. It's one of the best rpgs ever. up there with morrorwind, VTMBL, witcher 3.

March Climber

Gold Member
Nah NV IS Great. It's one of the best rpgs ever. up there with morrorwind, VTMBL, witcher 3.
Yes, but what separates it from Great, to Greatest of All Time, would be that theoretical New Vegas 2. In my mind that sequel would be on the top all time list of Metacritic next to games like Zelda, Half Life 2, GTA, Mario, etc.
Still never played it.
Angry Family GIF by South Park


I agree. It’s a game that was on the cusp of something great. It’s an unrefined 1.0 version of a pinnacle genre-type that should theoretically exist today, but doesn’t due to being somewhat misunderstood at release to this very day.

It’s like if Valve had made Portal 1 and never had a chance to make Portal 2. Or if Nintendo never released Tears of the Kingdom after BotW. We never got to see a full evolution like a New Vegas 2.

Edit: and Kojima/Silent Hills(after P.T.) was going to do what New Vegas did, but for the horror genre. I’m still upset about that.
Dude it wasn't misunderstood at launch, it was a buggy broken mess at launch (game still freezes like crazy in old world blues) I knew it was a great game but rushed to an ending and sold it in like 10 hours because it froze every 20 minutes and liked 6 quests bugged out and Boone got stuck in a rock, so I just killed everybody I couldn't ignore and ended the game with yes man vowing to return to the obviously great game when the dlc started dropping and stuff was fixed. and I did

March Climber

Gold Member
Dude it wasn't misunderstood at launch, it was a buggy broken mess at launch (game still freezes like crazy in old world blues) I knew it was a great game but rushed to an ending and sold it in like 10 hours because it froze every 20 minutes and liked 6 quests bugged out and Boone got stuck in a rock, so I just killed everybody I couldn't ignore and ended the game with yes man vowing to return to the obviously great game when the dlc started dropping and stuff was fixed. and I did
I’m saying the game’s sandbox dialogue concept was misunderstood at launch, not the state of the game itself. Yes, the game wasn’t optimized well at launch, but the aspect you’re complaining about isn’t related to the aspect I’m pointing out.

Sorry you had to go through that, but at least you got some money back 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
But NV was and still is Obsidian's Magnum Opus for sure. Don't have a lot of confidence in Avowed but I am ready to be taken to school in that regard (and I hope it's good). I am also willing to give The Outer Worlds 2 a chance if they tone down the on-the-nose anti-corporate/anti-capitalist writing. Make it more subtle, less in-your-face and I'm game.


I brought cyberpunk 2077 because I been searching for a game in the vein of New Vegas, but it does not quite scratch the itch. Maybe with phantom liberty it can, but it won't have New Vegas writing chops. Is there any game out there that has surpassed new vegas in what it does, or at the very least, compare?
The best thing with New Vegas wasn't even the writing but how many outcomes and resolutions quests had.

Cyberpunk's first quest had a lot of different approaches in a way similar to New Vegas... and that was by far the best quest in the game in that freeform sense.


But NV was and still is Obsidian's Magnum Opus for sure. Don't have a lot of confidence in Avowed but I am ready to be taken to school in that regard (and I hope it's good). I am also willing to give The Outer Worlds 2 a chance if they tone down the on-the-nose anti-corporate/anti-capitalist writing. Make it more subtle, less in-your-face and I'm game.

It is their best game, and a pretty good one at that. But nothing they did after that comes close. And games like PoE and TOW get some of their recognition more from being made by Obisidan than on their own merits. OK games, but nothing special. No offense, but Obsidian is somewhat overrated and their later games are doing nothing that devs like inExile, Owlcat Games, and others haven't done or are doing too (and sometimes better than Obsidian and with comparable budgets).

Obsidian has been basically working on autopilot, without any effort to push the envelope. The Pathfinder games from Owlcat Games are more ambitious than anything Obsidian did since NV. And now that they are an "AAA" studio (in their own words and MS's), they're starting to sweat and come up with excuses on why their future games should not be compared to BG3 (and I don't mean graphics and cinematics). Expect Avowed to be a good game, but don't expect anything that will blow your socks off. It will probably be little more than The Outer Worlds: Fantasy Edition.

But I'll be glad to be wrong if Avowed proves that Obsidian still has any life left in them to contribute to pushing the RPG genre forward.
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Gold Member
Loads. Although I’m not sure if any other WRPG has, I don’t play much in that genre.


The Masquerade: Bloodlines probably. Funnily both of them are fantastic games but are also both buggy janky galore.


Gold Member
It is their best game, and a pretty good one at that. But nothing they did after that comes close. And games like PoE and TOW get some of their recognition more from being made by Obisidan than on their own merits. OK games, but nothing special. No offense, but Obsidian is somewhat overrated and their later games are doing nothing that devs like inExile, Owlcat Games, and others haven't done or are doing too (and sometimes better than Obsidian and with comparable budgets).

Obsidian has been basically working on autopilot, without any effort to push the envelope. The Pathfinder games from Owlcat Games are more ambitious than anything Obsidian did since NV. And now that they are an "AAA" studio (in their own words and MS's), they're starting to sweat and come up with excuses on why their future games should not be compared to BG3 (and I don't mean graphics and cinematics). Expect Avowed to be a good game, but don't expect anything that will blow your socks off. It will probably be little more than The Outer Worlds: Fantasy Edition.

But I'll be glad to be wrong if Avowed proves that Obsidian still has any life left in them to contribute to pushing the RPG genre forward.
I agree. Obsidian is kinda overrated and only New Vegas did blow me away. Kotor 2 was also pretty good as well. The rest of their games were ambitious but constrained by their budget. Except for maybe PoE2, that game was just misguided, don't know what happened there during development. So I wonder what they could do with Microsoft money, which is why I think Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 are the real tests here.
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Not for branching overlapping quests and dialogue, the companions quests and interactivity, and the way the world reacts to your choices and actions, New Vegas has been surpassed in graphics, game mechanics etc, that's why i use mods, great game though, i hope it gets remade or remastered and there's a sequel


I enjoyed new Vegas but it was also hot shit for a long time 🤣

In regards to writing I'd say we've had better, but it's such a broad swath of elements to take into account that it really comes to personal preference. I can see why you would find it perfect, personally the outerwilds and rdr2 are written better for me but for different reasons.

But to my original point, the actual game part of the new Vegas game was really crap at launch and that's putting aside controls amd gunplay
I can name at least 100 games that surpass it. THe praise this game gets only because it has choices, is ridiculous. Fallout 3 and 4 > NV in everything but plot and since the plot isnt the only aspect of Fallout games or that important, then fuck NV. Atmosphere was dog shit, it was buggy as hell, even far worse than Beth standards, I liked no companion and the villains were fucking rofl. HAIL CAESAR! It's a turd when you compare its atmosphere with the third and 4th.

Also Obisdian are overrated devs. Most of their games were mid. KOTOR 2 was eh, POE was okay, POE2 was dog shit, that space game I keep forgetting the name, forgettable. I havent played the hney I shrunk the kids coop game they made, that may seem fun with friends.
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Gold Member
When constraining yourself to the peak of Bethesda Fallout games, where the best one wasn't made by Bethesda, then look no further than Black Isle Studios and countless games made before and after Obsidian's blood pact with the Devil.
Fucking touch grass bro.


Given that I care so little about New Vegas that I still have not played it, I would say "yes", like literally hundreds, probably thousands of games. Which is also what I think about GTA (any), or Elder Scrolls.


Gold Member
I much preferred Fallout 3. New Vegas was sort of light-hearted and silly (Roman Centurion enemies?) and I somehow managed to talk my way into favour with every faction due to having a high speech stat. I got tired of it towards the last few hours and just started killing everyone to hasten the ending.

Fallout 3 had the better post-apocalyptic setting. Also some excellent DLC expansions.


If you mainly like the writing on the game, then why not check out games made by the lead writers on the game.

Josh Sawyer: Pillars of Eternity, Pentiment
Chris Avellone: Tyranny, Prey
John Gonzalez: Horizon: Zero Dawn
What do you like about New Vegas?

It's a lot of things to a lot of people. If only writing is you care about, CD Project Red might be able to equal it some day.

If you crave role playing, try Starfield. It will likely have different brand of role playing, but equally good if it clicks with you.
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