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Has there been a game that has surpassed New vegas?

Has any game surpassed New Vegas.

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I agree. Obsidian is kinda overrated and only New Vegas did blow me away. Kotor 2 was also pretty good as well. The rest of their games were ambitious but constrained by their budget. Except for maybe PoE2, that game was just misguided, don't know what happened there during development. So I wonder what they could do with Microsoft money, which is why I think Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 are the real tests here.

I also think that the real litmus test for Obsidian will be Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, since there will be no more excuses about budget constraints etc. They will either deliver on those high expectations or they won't. I think the games will be OK, but for all the hype and adoration that Obisidan gets, OK ain't good enough. We'll see.


What do you like about New Vegas?

It's a lot of things to a lot of people. If only writing is you care about, CD Project Red might be able to equal it some day.

If you crave role playing, try Starfield. It will likely have different brand of role playing, but equally good if it clicks with you.

I think CDPR has passed it a long time ago (but not thanks to CP2077, which I find insufferable).
New Vegas is one of those overrated games that people just say is amazing because they saw a YouTube essay saying it is. Every time I try to play it I get 5 hours in and it’s just boring as fuck. At least Fallout 3 lets you go anywhere at the beginning so if you’re bored you can go find something else to do. NV railroads you at the start and does nothing interesting at the beginning.


Gold Member
I can't understand why this game is held in such high regard.

I remember the anticipation waiting for it after FO3 and it was lackluster, especially the end game. I never played it again.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the superior game in every way. Stop the shenanigans.
Man, in terms of quest design and dialogue options, New Vegas is something else compared to Cyberpunk. And I've been playing Cyberpunk for 3 years and am waiting Phanton Liberty with bated breath.


Deus ex mankind divided. Better in terms of gameplay and as good at choices. Not openworld but semi with more density.

I love the atmosphere of DE:MD, and the soundtrack is some of the best. I'd take a new DE any day of the week over CP2077. But man, I found the overall gameplay of DE:MD to be boring as all hell. "Go here. Now go there. Now go here. Ups, still have to go there. Now go here again." Jesus fucking christ, just move on with that shit already. And although I loved the cover system and take-downs (great use of third person in an otherwise first person game; CDPR could learn a thing or two from it), the mission structure got a bit boring after a while. But the atmosphere and tone is top notch.
Man, in terms of quest design and dialogue options, New Vegas is something else compared to Cyberpunk. And I've been playing Cyberpunk for 3 years and am waiting for Phantom Liberty with bated breath.

NV was filled with dialog and the quest design went to some interesting places, but I didn't play the game looking to have a 10-minute chat in every side quest. It became a chore and then a bore.

Cyberpunk's focus on action with the same type of narrative delivery would've just fallen flat. Of course, it never lived up to its hype of offering players a plethora of choices but the game puts a lot on the table and aside from the main course, it's your choice what to eat.


New Vegas is trash mechanically and the only way to make it playable is with 100 mods, there, I said it.
A surprising amount of hate in here for New Vegas.. I love it. Amazing game. Replayed it last year (on PS3 no less) and had an awesome time. 👍


I like people barging in saying "tons" and "loads" and then leaving without elaborating further.

I even requested to mention them, but that just too high effort I guess. Vampies the masquerades has been mentioned alot though, so I am pretty interested.


Gold Member
The open desert and bland building design really turned me off. I had 3, NV, and 4 at launch. I wanted to like NV, but I thought 3/4 were better games. NV felt so bland? I’ve tried giving it another shot, but I remember the point in which I turned it off. I was being chased by this gang. It felt corny.

I always thought people liked NV because it wasn’t mainline Bethesda studios. For what it’s worth, those Bethesda moments make the game stand out.


Ehhh, the game is ok but it had a lot of flaws. Bugs aside, it was pretty good for its time. Its biggest flaw is that nothing came out of it. The fact we do not have a sequel is a shame.
I can't understand why this game is held in such high regard.

I remember the anticipation waiting for it after FO3 and it was lackluster, especially the end game. I never played it again.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the superior game in every way. Stop the shenanigans.
LMAO is this a joke? I've only played NV for like an hour about 2 years ago and beat Cyberpunk and it's not even fucking close.

Cyberpunk literally has zero RPG elements outside of a skill tree and some character decisions in dialogue. It's about as much of an RPG as Red Dead 2.


Gold Member
Cyberpunk 2077 is the superior game in every way. Stop the shenanigans.
No Way Thinking GIF


Gold Member
NV was filled with dialog and the quest design went to some interesting places, but I didn't play the game looking to have a 10-minute chat in every side quest. It became a chore and then a bore.

Cyberpunk's focus on action with the same type of narrative delivery would've just fallen flat. Of course, it never lived up to its hype of offering players a plethora of choices but the game puts a lot on the table and aside from the main course, it's your choice what to eat.
I would say that part of that plethora of choices would involve an entirely social playthrough.

Sure, not everyone is looking for a 10 minute chat in every side quest, but having the option to do it would go a long way to towards making the corpo & fixer classes more fleshed out and interesting.
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LMAO is this a joke? I've only played NV for like an hour about 2 years ago and beat Cyberpunk and it's not even fucking close.

Cyberpunk literally has zero RPG elements outside of a skill tree and some character decisions in dialogue. It's about as much of an RPG as Red Dead 2.

If you've only played NV for "like an hour" how can you even reliably weigh in on this?

Furthermore, I said Cyberpunk is the superior game, not RPG.
Not even the best fallout imo, I prefer both 3 and 4. I definitely enjoyed NV but outside of the actual Vegas part the rest of the world was completely uninteresting


I was revisiting both Fallout 3 and NV with Tales of Two Wasteland.

One of the coolest mods experiences in a very long time.
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Gold Member
I played through new Vegas years ago and should do so again. It was my first “real” Bethesda game experience. I tried fallout 3 a bit before but never really played it more than getting to megaton.

For new Vegas, I got to Mr. House, gave him the key (or whatever it was)… game ended. This was a bit of a disappointment for me as people said there is so much after this. Clearly, I did something wrong. I think this was on the vanilla version of the game but I recently got the complete one from epic so maybe give it another go.

Frankly, I liked 3 more. But, I’m willing to replay both lol. TaKe one for the team!


If you're looking for a 1st person action game/RPG specifically (as other cRPGs do a lot of things NV does, writing and reactivity wise)

...then play og Deus Ex with the GMDXvRSD mod



Depends on what aspect.
Fallout New Vegas is king when you think about how it took an isometric crpg and transformed it into a 3D open world experience, that transition was perfect and i can't forget that Fallout 3 helped in that, i find it obnoxious how a lot of New Vegas fans make Fallout 3 seem like unplayable piece of shit, i think most of them didnt even play it and saw some Youtuber video.
New Vegas is among my all time favorites, its a contender for best role playing game of all time, easily.

I think the only open world RPG that can rival it, in terms of rpg mechanics is probably Morrowind.

Other RPGs like VTMB are worth to check out but they are not open world, so keep that in mind.
Witcher 3?

I am playing it right now. It's fine. Somewhat entertaining. Not sure it's sure shot better.
Its not even close to New Vegas as far as RPG mechanics and deep rpg and gameplay systems go, but writing wise Witcher 3 with its expansions is definitely better.


New Vegas has really high highs and really low lows. The lows include the game not really having a functional save feature. You can kind of save the game, but not without working around heavy glitches.

The other thing that irks me is that it feels like there’s not enough content to get XP from to actually hit the level cap, and if you get halfway to the level cap (lv.25?) you can already 1-2-shot pretty much anything, even Lanius. Honest Hearts has almost no questline whatsoever.


Lots of games are better than new Vegas. But in that genre of Bethesda stuff I don’t know. I prefer Skyrim more than new Vegas. But mass effect is a better story rog but not really the same genre.
Its not even close to New Vegas as far as RPG mechanics and deep rpg and gameplay systems go, but writing wise Witcher 3 with its expansions is definitely better.

Not being an rpg drags writing in Witcher 3 down.

New Vegas paints the role playing situation, all the characters and their motivations/flaws etc with just the dialogue. While being entertaining as well.

Witcher 3 benefits a lot from character entries in journal. I wouldn't know Kiera Mitz was a special character without journal entry.

Overall I found writing to be equally entertaining in both games, but New Vegas accomplish a lot more IMO.
People who weren't around for the release of New Vegas will know how much of a mess it was. Only now through the aid of patches and fixes do we have a playable game.
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