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Health Care Vote Delayed Until After July 4th Recess

What's the line from Hamilton again?

Oh yeah.

I wonder how many votes they are short.

Really hope whoever is holding out stays strong. I am sure Trump and the rest are going to bring heat on them.

Must have been a lot to pull the vote this early. As of this morning, they were optimistic for a vote tomorrow. Then they held an all hands on deck GOP lunch, and after that, the entire thing fell apart.
oh this is like when the house bill died a horrible death

oh wait, it passed after
In the house they at least had the excuse of "oh, the bill is bad but the senate will fix it". They can't fall back on that now; it's harder to pass a dogshit bill when it's going to become law. It's like how republicans had no problem voting to repeal obamacare a dozen times when Obama was still president but now they're struggling to get anything done.


Collins is basically saying she's gonna be a no unless a whole new bill is offered up on CNN.

I wonder how many votes they are short.

Really hope whoever is holding out stays strong. I am sure Trump and the rest are going to bring heat on them.

More than we know about, they didn't even have the votes to bring it to the floor for debate.


Gold Member
Its not over yet, peeps cant be complacent.

Not complacent but it was pretty clear this bill was never going to pass, not even in the Senate. Not long after it came out there were at least 5 GOP Senators already wavering on it and they could only afford to lose 2. Then came the hand-wringing from the House GOP, especially the Freedom Caucus, complaining that it wasn't conservative enough.

Trump and Company wanted a rapid vote on the bill because they know the longer it sits in the press and gets scrutinized, the less likely they can whip votes. It's that gridlock within their own party that will keep them from passing anything meaningful despite having a majority in both chambers of Congress.

I just laugh every time I hear any one of these idiots blame Democrats for supposedly being "obstructionists" when their party can't even agree on how to best achieve their basic party tenets (or, increasingly, what those tenets even are).
Collins is basically saying she's gonna be a no unless a whole new bill is offered up on CNN.

Well this delay is off to a good start!

There really isn't time for a total redo of the bill, unless they want to take it past the August recess, which is usually considered a "reset" for congress.
oh this is like when the house bill died a horrible death

oh wait, it passed after
They passed a bill that they knew would be DOA in the Senate to give Trump the photo op he demanded.

There was a time where I believed the repeal was inevitable because of how beholden the Republicans are to the rich but I think that things have reached the point now where their position is untenable. They spent the last eight years decrying and sabotaging the ACA, it's obvious to even their most diehard supporters that they never had a plan B aside from turning the clock back to 2008 healthcare and now they run everything so regardless of what happens they'll be to blame. It's exactly what they deserve.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I sorta feel that McConnel is worse than Hitler. Letting 22 million people left for dead seems worse than Hitler.

He lacks empathy or sympathy and his moral compass is pointed solely at special interests and the larger GOP agenda(cutting taxes and limiting government involvement in all walks of life). It's just a fundamental difference in the manipulation and planning of a massive sum of money(granted with bullshit ideological tests to shelter reality from those easily manipulated).

It's dangerous, cynical, craven, and insane that any constituent at ground level supports it. But he isn't literally systematically murdering civilians and entire secular populations for irrationally poor reasoning. Hitler was more direct in his approach to solutions, this is merely the Republican government telling its citizens "you're on your own, we aren't paying for shit! Good Luck!"


So, here's the problem right now. They could probably get Cruz. But, the thing is, they're absolutely never gonna get Rand Paul(You can mostly count on him to be obstructionist to everything). It sounds like they're not gonna get Collins no matter what. It sounds like they're not gonna get Heller no matter what.

And then they don't have enough votes. That's not to mention anyone else.


Susan Collins from Maine is shitting on Trump right now on CNN. rofl
That's only because she likely has an idea that her no won't affect the party line. She's very much like McCain in regards to publicly being a centrist but firmly a Republican when it actually matters.


Hilarious. Now let's see if Repubs hide from townhall events over the holiday break.

I sorta feel that McConnel is worse than Hitler. Letting 22 million people left for dead seems worse than Hitler.

Thank you. I was waiting for a Hitler/Nazi comparison.

There was a time where I believed the repeal was inevitable because of how beholden the Republicans are to the rich but I think that things have reached the point now where their position is untenable. They spent the last eight years decrying and sabotaging the ACA, it's obvious to even their most diehard supporters that they never had a plan B aside from turning the clock back to 2008 healthcare and now they run everything so regardless of what happens they'll be to blame. It's exactly what they deserve.

While I'm still on the "Obamacare Will Be Repealed" train, I'm getting closer to jumping off. I think it would take the repeal effort going into 2018 form me to fully jump off, and then it would be to see how the 2018 midterms turn out.


In the house they at least had the excuse of "oh, the bill is bad but the senate will fix it". They can't fall back on that now; it's harder to pass a dogshit bill when it's going to become law.
This is a different bill.

If it passes the Senate, it will go to the House for a vote.
Great news. I bet people are happy-


Just because McConnell failed (for now) doesn't mean people should go easy on him. It's the thought that counts, and McConnell's thought was "I'm going to take away health care from 22 million so I can score a cheap political win."

Unless you're confused by the turtle comparison, in which case I give you this:
Great news. I bet people are happy-


Why "uh"? McConnell and many in the GOP has spent taxpayer dollars toward writing a piece of legislation the American people couldn't be privy to till the last minute, basically dodging traditional, ethical and moral democratic process. All of this for the sake of hands off killing hundreds of thousands and robbing healthcare from millions of citizens. And the GOP has managed to fail in their efforts to destroy American lives twice rather than work toward a semblance of humanity with progressive policy. People are happy but also have the entire right to be openly furious and hostile as fuck at McConnell, Ryan, Trump, Conway and literally every person who supported or attempted to orchestrate a nationwide culling of the weakest members of our society using resources that could have been put towards helping those same citizens. The GOP has openly tried to kill Americans and hid it behind "reasonable" policy. Any violence in those posts is insignificant in comparison to the violence the GOP was tangibly dealt & were willing to deal.


Good. These pieces of shit need to know they can’t just pass whatever they want just because they own congress. They need to realize that they work for us! And they need to know this terrible bill won’t stand with us.
The thing is, it would have been WAY more than 22 million additional folks who lost insurance. That six month penalty shit would have been a NIGHTMARE. I would think half the population would be uninsured at any given period of time with that shit.
Hopefully this keeps getting pushed closer and closer to the midterms when they won't have the balls to do it.

Great news. I bet people are happy-


People I know personally will be absolutely fucked without the ACA. I don't wish harm on the turtle but I understand people's extreme reactions.


Hopefully this keeps getting pushed closer and closer to the midterms when they won't have the balls to do it.

People I know personally will be absolutely fucked without the ACA. I don't wish harm on the turtle but I understand people's extreme reactions.

I’ll be personally fucked without the ACA.


I'm not saying people shouldn't be mad. Count me into that category as well. I'm saying posting that we hope someone goes home and commits suicide with a gun is not a productive thing to do.

That doesn't get shit done or help anyone.

I'm as happy as anyone else that this thing got delayed, and hopefully it eventually dies completely.

Don't think that because I'm not condoning fucking suicide I don't understand the seriousness of the situation.

I've been following it daily like most of you.
I’ll be personally fucked without the ACA.

Same. Sickle cell. Preexisting condition. The crafters of this bill and subsequent democratic subterfuge in no uncertain terms were (rather still are) actively trying to ruin my life at best and kill me at worst.


So I'm paralyzed from the chest down (spinal cord injury/quadriplegic) and living in Michigan. I have insurance with meridian and was wondering would the cuts to Medicaid affect me as well?
I'm really not savvy with all this insurance talk. Another thing why are republicans pushing through with this plan? They realize they're blowing their chances of reelection.
So I'm paralyzed from the chest down (spinal cord injury/quadriplegic) and living in Michigan. I have insurance with meridian and was wondering would the cuts to Medicaid affect me as well?
I'm really not savvy with all this insurance talk. Another thing why are republicans pushing through with this plan? They realize they're blowing their chances of reelection.
Depends on stuff you might not want to reveal, like household composition, household income, age, etc.
I'm not saying people shouldn't be mad. Count me into that category as well. I'm saying posting that we hope someone goes home and commits suicide with a gun is not a productive thing to do.

That doesn't get shit done or help anyone.

I'm as happy as anyone else that this thing got delayed, and hopefully it eventually dies completely.

Don't think that because I'm not condoning fucking suicide I don't understand the seriousness of the situation.

I've been following it daily like most of you.

Your post implies that the original person wants to get something done or be productive with his statement.

That's how someone feels about the situation. So be it. Too often do I see posts complaining about other people's true feelings towards horrendous, evil people that threaten lives of millions of people. And these complaints always imply that the original poster wants to be productive or want to do something. No, they wanted to post their true feelings and they did.
He lacks empathy or sympathy and his moral compass is pointed solely at special interests and the larger GOP agenda(cutting taxes and limiting government involvement in all walks of life). It's just a fundamental difference in the manipulation and planning of a massive sum of money(granted with bullshit ideological tests to shelter reality from those easily manipulated).

It's dangerous, cynical, craven, and insane that any constituent at ground level supports it. But he isn't literally systematically murdering civilians and entire secular populations for irrationally poor reasoning. Hitler was more direct in his approach to solutions, this is merely the Republican government telling its citizens "you're on your own, we aren't paying for shit! Good Luck!"

So what you're saying is he's more in line with Stalin's engineered famine approach.


I'm not saying people shouldn't be mad. Count me into that category as well. I'm saying posting that we hope someone goes home and commits suicide with a gun is not a productive thing to do.

That doesn't get shit done or help anyone.

Are we sure about this?
Same. Sickle cell. Preexisting condition. The crafters of this bill and subsequent democratic subterfuge in no uncertain terms were (rather still are) actively trying to ruin my life at best and kill me at worst.
Me too. I don't get insurance from my employer and I have sickle cell trait plus clotting disorders. My medication I'm on now is $300 a month without insurance. $10 on my current plan. I could drop to the medicine that's $5 a month without insurance, but then I'd have be spending a minimum of $150 a week in blood tests.

Without those medications I'll die within a few years likely from a pulmonary embolism. If I get into the hospital in time and they save me then I go thousands of dollars in debt from the emergency room.

I have zero respect for republicans politicians, republican voters, and "progressives" who adamantly work against progressive ideals through lack of compromise. They're all a threat to my life right now.


Your post implies that the original person wants to get something done or be productive with his statement.

That's how someone feels about the situation. So be it. Too often do I see posts complaining about other people's true feelings towards horrendous, evil people that threaten lives of millions of people. And these complaints always imply that the original poster wants to be productive or want to do something. No, they wanted to post their true feelings and they did.
I view it as counterproductive, regardless of the original intent. There's a difference between feeling and acting on those feelings in a super negative way. And looking back, that poster already admitted that they shouldn't have gone that far. Agree to disagree then.

Are we sure about this?

Yes we are
Kinda surprised this thread doesn't have more juice to it

This is exactly what happened last time with the House when they tried to push something through of substance, but I'm not sure they can pull the same trick they did to get Trump a photo op. Senate has more on the line


Kinda surprised this thread doesn't have more juice to it

This is exactly what happened last time with the House when they tried to push something through of substance, but I'm not sure they can pull the same trick they did to get Trump a photo op. Senate has more on the line

Not to mention Trump stabbed the House in the back for that last photo op.
I view it as counterproductive, regardless of the original intent. There's a difference between feeling and acting on those feelings in a super negative way. And looking back, that poster already admitted that they shouldn't have gone that far. Agree to disagree then.

Counterproductive to what? Making statements like those does not stop someone from calling their representative to voice their outrage and concern.


My mom, cousin and 4 dear friends are right there with you. Doing what little I can to stop this shit.

I have severe depression. Almost killed myself. Got on Zoloft and having no issues now. Have to stay on those meds. Changed my life. Also have a primary care doctor now. Can’t go back.
To making progress

For example, lots of people are posting in this thread to call senators. That's productive

And I'll quote myself, "Making statements like those does not stop someone from calling their representative to voice their outrage and concern."

For something to be counterproductive it would be replacing an action with a less desirable one.
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