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Health Care Vote Delayed Until After July 4th Recess


Lawrence O'Donnell ✔ @Lawrence
How many votes did McConnell really have for his Obamacare repeal? Answer @TheLastWord 10pm. (Hint: single digit)

They only had 5 yeses.

Find this really hard to believe.

They almost certainly would have gotten more during vote, but as it stood, of the people there, if a vote were held literally that day, they had 5 definite Yes and 9 definite No, everyone else not definite either way

They could only have 2 No and still be able to pass. Even at the point where it was only at 4-5 No (as in, yesterday), it was already DOA.


Did we not learn from the house bill? This is only a temporary setback. They will come back in a month and pass something.

I suppose a win is a win though.
A senator who supports the bill left the meeting at the White House with a sense that the president did not have a grasp of some basic elements of the Senate plan — and seemed especially confused when a moderate Republican complained that opponents of the bill would cast it as a massive tax break for the wealthy, according to an aide who received a detailed readout of the exchange.

Mr. Trump said he planned to tackle tax reform later, ignoring the repeal’s tax implications, the staff member added.

Looking good everybody, looking good.

NY Times said:
When asked by reporters clustered on the blacktop outside the West Wing if Mr. Trump had command of the details of the negotiations, Mr. McConnell ignored the question and smiled blandly.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Trump really does not comprehend ANYTHING put in front of him.

This is both a blessing and a curse. He cannot properly support Republican agendas, because he doesn't understand them at all. But he can also be taken advantage of because he doesn't understand.

It would be nice if Trump supporters who seem to only exist when there's a thread about CNN would explain to us how this is okay with them. But then again, they signed up to defend the indefensible. Republican policy is perfectly defensible and a lot of smart people do so all the time, but Trump is so unfit for the job there is no defense for him.


The Autumn Wind
It would be nice if Trump supporters who seem to only exist when there's a thread about CNN would explain to us how this is okay with them. But then again, they signed up to defend the indefensible. Republican policy is perfectly defensible and a lot of smart people do so all the time, but Trump is so unfit for the job there is no defense for him.
I often wonder how many of them know how disingenuous they're being and how many of them are just gullible morons.


Did we not learn from the house bill? This is only a temporary setback. They will come back in a month and pass something.

I suppose a win is a win though.

The only reason that shitty-ass bill passed the House was because the GOP knew it was going to immediately be discarded by the Senate - who would then draft their own bill. The GOP in the House basically had nothing to lose by voting "yes" on it. The Senate, however, were basically asked to carry the baggage and deal with the fallout if this thing actually made it through.

The problem is that the Republican party has too many warring factions who all want different things when it comes to healthcare reform.
You know, it's really wild to think that if roughly 300 people just stopped showing up to work, the lives of 320+ million people would start to improve.
Delegate delegate delegate.

Well, sooner or later every leader will face circumstances that test their leadership, or lack of.

Delegation without clear leadership won't work. That's just putting the government on cruise control and hoping you go hundreds of miles without the road being anything but perfectly straight.
Not American and I don't know the details of this bill but why are Republicans so hell bent on replacing obamacare even if more people will lose healthcare? I mean at the most basic level, that's bad and anti-citizen right? Is it really just for the government to save money?


Did we not learn from the house bill? This is only a temporary setback. They will come back in a month and pass something.

I suppose a win is a win though.

This is actually getting pretty near the end of the road for them. I can't find the article, but one of the senators was talking about how they essentially were going to move on to taxes simply because that would be something they could realistically pass.
This is actually getting pretty near the end of the road for them. I can't find the article, but one of the senators was talking about how they essentially were going to move on to taxes simply because that would be something they could realistically pass.

Tax reform is actually very difficult.


Not American and I don't know the details of this bill but why are Republicans so hell bent on replacing obamacare even if more people will lose healthcare? I mean at the most basic level, that's bad and anti-citizen right? Is it really just for the government to save money?

1. A black Democrat created it.
2. Tax cuts for rich people have to come from somewhere.
Not American and I don't know the details of this bill but why are Republicans so hell bent on replacing obamacare even if more people will lose healthcare? I mean at the most basic level, that's bad and anti-citizen right? Is it really just for the government to save money?
I would guess Wealthcare is meant to repay all the Republican donors who put them into office.
I just don't see how this is viable long term. How do you run a country when your entire thought process revolves around winning the daily news cycle?

It's sweet of you to think that Trump has any interest in running a country.

That's why he's such an unwitting asset to Bannon and all those "burn down the establishment" people - they get what they want not because of his clever tactics, but his sheer apathy in actually governing.

Which is part of why I wonder if Trump will just resign eventually, because everything is a hassle and fewer people are willing to stand behind him. I'm sure he'd rather spend time spinning the "underdog who got abused by the evil Washington establishment" narrative for his base and soaking in the attention.


Kills Photobucket
Not American and I don't know the details of this bill but why are Republicans so hell bent on replacing obamacare even if more people will lose healthcare? I mean at the most basic level, that's bad and anti-citizen right? Is it really just for the government to save money?

Republicans have lied and demonized the ACA for the last seven years. It has been their only platform, and they've gotten all their dumbass supporters on board with thinking the ACA was the work of satan himself.

They can't turn face now and admit they were full of shit, that the ACA did a lot more good than bad, and that the ACA needs fixing, not repeal.

And they REALLY want tax breaks for the rich.



Wait didn't 12 or 13 Senators write it? And they were against it?

Well yeah, not sure how that worked but Cruz and Lee were part of the 13 and came out against it (because it's not evil enough)

I'd assume Portman, who was also one of the 13 would be against it, hard to see Cotton not supporting it, Toomey also, that 5 number doesn't make a lot of sense
Not American and I don't know the details of this bill but why are Republicans so hell bent on replacing obamacare even if more people will lose healthcare? I mean at the most basic level, that's bad and anti-citizen right? Is it really just for the government to save money?

1) We're $18 trillion in debt. 2) Trump's plan INCREASES medical spending on the poor by about 34% over current levels over the next decade


The reason we're talking about a drastic cut is because medical costs are skyrocketing as are the populations of people who need those programs (Obama's plan would have nearly doubled Medicaid spending) so even that massive growth means millions will be pushed out of coverage.

But either way, the trend is that government spending for these social welfare programs has exploded - it's the blue part of the first graph here:


It's not defense that's eating up the budget - it's this. "Entitlement" spending is what we call spending for programs for the elderly, disabled, unemployed, impoverished etc. and entitlements have been growing as a share of the federal budget at a terrifying rate. The Republicans say that we're choosing between cruelty or more cruelty - that the current system of spending will eventually collapse the system like in Greece.

I don't happen to agree with their exact plan (they are using their cuts to fund tax cuts for the rich) but they have plenty of economists on their side saying this trajectory isn't sustainable. Costs HAVE to come down at some point - you can't just keep printing money. When are we going to make those choices?

They're saying we either make those cuts now, or else the system will collapse and then millions truly will die.


In the end it was a group of old white men who wanted to kill Grandma, and not the guy who came to clean up their mess when they destroyed the world economy by starting two major wars in the middle East.
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