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Hideo Kojima interview (IGN)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Jeff-DSA said:
No highlights? I'm actually going to have to READ and entire IGN article?

:grumble grumble:

fuck i post screenshots reviews and shit on this forum, i dont need to summarize every article too
Mama Smurf said:
Hey SSX, when you turn up, who's that in your avatar? Jenny someone.

It's Mia Kirshner, Jenny's just a character she plays.

IGN: Speaking of Metal Gear Solid 4, although we haven't seen a lot about it yet, how has the response been?

Hideo Kojima: Well, actually, we showed the trailer to the Konami employees before E3 and it was not very popular, so I was really kind of upset. After E3 and after we showed the US and the world audience, it made me happy because they had high anticipation from that teaser. Also, we revealed the concepts, and the response was good from all over the world.

At Tokyo Game Show, we actually plan to show not only a teaser, but something from PS3.

And that's all I need to know.


Razoric said:
MGS4 PS3 preview at TGS.
:O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O




Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Thanks, don't know why I didn't recognise her, spent a long time...doing something while thinking of her after 24 last year.


Anyway, I can't wait for that teaser or trailer or whatever.


Wow, is PS2 online really that shitty in japan?

I thought it was pretty mediocre in the us, but at least every other game releease features some form of online functionality.
Solid said:
whyw did konami not like the e3 trailer? its the best fucking teaser trailer ever (well almost) :D

EGM: Good job on the MGS4 trailer—it’s really quite funny....

Hideo Kojima: That makes me happy to hear, because the Japanese guys didn’t get it at all, including the members of my own staff. We had a preview event for Konami in Roppongi where we work, and no one said anything to me after it was shown.

The teaser was still awesome.


I still don't get why it's even posted on the Cube channel. Is it because Kojima vaguely hints he may be interested in developing for "other" platforms?


Game. Set. Match for the PS3 - 360 is already doomed in Japan. I'm just hoping to get more solid details on release timeframes and software for the PS3. I hear it will be there in a big way.

evil ways

Mallrat83 said:
I still don't get why it's even posted on the Cube channel. Is it because Kojima vaguely hints he may be interested in developing for "other" platforms?

IGN does that a lot. I remember seeing Halo 2 updates and previews linked on the PS2 and GCN pages.


I kinda expect the same MGS4 teaser, and a new ZOE or something. He says, "something from the PS3" not really directed to MGS4 IMO. ZOE3...the end of the world approaches. PEACE.
Pimpwerx said:
I kinda expect the same MGS4 teaser, and a new ZOE or something. He says, "something from the PS3" not really directed to MGS4 IMO. ZOE3...the end of the world approaches. PEACE.

Nothing wrong with that. A ZOE PS3 would kick ass.


Pimpwerx said:
I kinda expect the same MGS4 teaser, and a new ZOE or something. He says, "something from the PS3" not really directed to MGS4 IMO. ZOE3...the end of the world approaches. PEACE.

Umm no actually he says that they won't have just a teaser (referring to the MGS4 E3 one) but something from PS3.
So even if I'd love to have Zoe3,he's clearly talking about MGS4.
Anyway I can't wait!


Wax Free Vanilla said:
To me it seems he's implying they'll also have a realtime demo to show on stage to go with the teaser. :)

Most likely a trailer like the ones that were first shown for MGS2 and MGS3. I doubt we'll see anything playable regarding MGS4.
I can't imagine he'd want to give too much away before the games big unveiling at E3. I still think it'll just be a teaser running on the MGS4 engine.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
At Tokyo Game Show, we actually plan to show not only a teaser, but something from PS3.
im already pissing myself in anticipation for this, I cant fucking wait :D :D :D :D :D


I seriously doubt they are going to show a real MGS4 trailer. I think Kojima is just toying with us. :p


Brilliant interview, brilliant news! I'm soo eager to see a new and original product by Hideo Kojima, even morese than MGS 4.

Also, quite importantly, why isn't Scott Dolph translating? :(


GAF's Bob Woodward
Guy LeDouche said:
Kutaragi said playable demos, iirc.

No, he said there might.

Anyway, this is excellent news! A trailer I guess :)

edit - actually, he says they'll be showing "a little bit more", so my guess is teaser off PS3 hardware. He says "not only a teaser, but something on PS3", but that could still mean a teaser, just not in the E3-style..
Also, for Subsistence, I was criticized about the camera in the past in the US, so we changed the camera to a 3D camera. There is also still the normal camera and you can change it in real-time. Same with the online mode.

This might be the first game I buy in the same language twice.
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