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Hideo Kojima interview (IGN)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
evil solrac v3.0 said:
he probably wont show much though.

kojima has never, NEVER, not shown enough. Every time he shows something he makes you a whole new man. Heck, he managed to hype people about MGS4 showing just... a MGS3-engine-based sitcom-like teaser!

Have faith and keep some extra pants at hand during TGS.
For me, next gen truely starts when the next gen Metal Gear Solid game is shown.

I still remember seeing the MGS2 trailer for the first time, it's was just unbelievable, I downloaded that 110 mb video trailer on a 56k modem. I watched it like a million times for an entire year.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
HomerSimpson-Man said:
For me, next gen truely starts when the next gen Metal Gear Solid game is shown.

I still remember seeing the MGS2 trailer for the first time, it's was just unbelievable, I downloaded that 110 mb video trailer on a 56k modem. I watched it like a million times for an entire year.

Same here :lol

Kojima has us by the balls.


Anyway I wonder how much what he'll show us at the TGS will be representative of the final game as all the material will inevitably come from a beta kit and I really don't see Kojima releasing pre-rendered stuff.
I rember the preliminary version of MGS2 in 2000 looked nowhere as good as the 2001 build they showed with the famous E3 2001 trailer.
Elios83 said:
Anyway I wonder how much what he'll show us at the TGS will be representative of the final game as all the material will inevitably come from a beta kit and I really don't see Kojima releasing pre-rendered stuff.
I rember the preliminary version of MGS2 in 2000 looked nowhere as good as the 2001 build they showed with the famous E3 2001 trailer.

No doubt it will probably improve, the E3 2000 trailer ran at a lower resolution than the final game and for MGS3, the final game had that soft grow lighting effects that weren't even in the original trailers.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
For me, next gen truely starts when the next gen Metal Gear Solid game is shown.

I still remember seeing the MGS2 trailer for the first time, it's was just unbelievable, I downloaded that 110 mb video trailer on a 56k modem. I watched it like a million times for an entire year.

Yup. Same here. MGS2 trailer was the defining moment that next generation was truly here. I remember watching that trailer a ton of times, too! :D

Shame about the bait and switch with the final game. But redemption was made with MGS3.


Mrbob said:
Yup. Same here. MGS2 trailer was the defining moment that next generation was truly here. I remember watching that trailer a ton of times, too! :D

Shame about the bait and switch with the final game. But redemption was made with MGS3.

I bought the DVD and must've watched it at least 20 time, including long after I had bought and beaten the actual game.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
No doubt it will probably improve, the E3 2000 trailer ran at a lower resolution than the final game and for MGS3, the final game had that soft grow lighting effects that weren't even in the original trailers.

Yup but not only that,also the textures were flat and the lighing/shadowing effects a bit bland,only geometry was nearly the same.In those days they were still figuring how to use the vertex units in the EE and the streaming for textures.
Much of the strength of the PS3 hardware comes from the interaction between the 7 SPEs and the RSX,but this is really difficult to exploit in the beta kit as there still isn't the high bandwidth FLEXIO interface.


MGS4 @ TGS!!!

PS3 fans=

MS Xbox 360 reps=
I wonder if they'll let the subtitle loose at TGS, or if it even has one yet...

Oh well, I just want to see what the game looks like.


Miburou said:
I bought the DVD and must've watched it at least 20 time, including long after I had bought and beaten the actual game.

:lol I bought the DVD as well...and looking back, I feel a bit silly having bought a DVD just for a trailer (well OK, the ZOE trailer rocked as well), but right there, right then...it felt like the absolutely right thing to do! The trailer was mindblowing, out of this world. I literally went :O the first time I saw it. I really hope MGS4 amazes me as much. :)


I think people will be more excited about MGS4 than they were Killzone @ E3. I think MGS4 will look better than the video of KZ.



mckmas8808 said:
I think people will be more excited about MGS4 than they were Killzone @ E3. I think MGS4 will look better than the video of KZ.


I've that feeling (hope) too.


GAF's Bob Woodward
mckmas8808 said:
I think people will be more excited about MGS4 than they were Killzone @ E3. I think MGS4 will look better than the video of KZ.


Hmm, we'll see. I've my doubts.

I think it'll make me as happy as KZ did (when i initially thought it was realtime etc.), but for different reasons.

It'll be interesting to see what it looks like. Some of Kojima's comments have been a little cryptic. He's said a lot that he wants everything to move "naturally". I think he even said he'd be happy with reduced quality graphics if it meant a more natural interactive world, or something like that.


mckmas8808 said:
I think people will be more excited about MGS4 than they were Killzone @ E3. I think MGS4 will look better than the video of KZ.


That sure'd be great, I can already imagine the chaos that would ensue at gaf, at t-xbox :lol
Divus Masterei said:
That sure'd be great, I can already imagine the chaos that would ensue at gaf, at t-xbox :lol

Hell, I remember the commotion when MGS2 was reveiled for the first time....

"That's not realtime!! That's prerendered! That game is not going to look like that in gameplay....etc..."
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Hell, I remember the commotion when MGS2 was reveiled for the first time....

"That's not realtime!! That's prerendered! That game is not going to look like that in gameplay....etc..."

There were 2 really standout points at that E3 that MGS2 caused. One was that most agreed that the lineup for the DC was better than the PS2, but it still didn't get much attention because people were too busy talking about MGS2 that E3. The other was all the complaining going on about giving GoTS to a game that wasn't playable which caused many sites and mags to create a Trailer (or Unplayable) of the Show award.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SolidSnakex said:
There were 2 really standout points at that E3 that MGS2 caused. One was that most agreed that the lineup for the DC was better than the PS2, but it still didn't get much attention because people were too busy talking about MGS2 that E3. The other was all the complaining going on about giving GoTS to a game that wasn't playable which caused many sites and mags to create a Trailer (or Unplayable) of the Show award.

oh teh memories. I recall I was at LA to attend E3 with a collegue of mine. He had the invitation to the pre-E3 Konami press conference. I didn't, so I just stayed at the hotel waiting for him to come back and report. Well, when he walked into the room I was like "WTF went wrong? are you ok?". He was smiling like an idiot with eyes that told me he had seen the meaning of life. Then he started describing what he saw. The rain. The firefight in the warehouse. The fruit splitting. The bottoles shattering. The guards searching patterns. I was really thinking he was fucking kiddin' me. Than I saw the trailer at konami booth... and I was floored.


Seriously. If the E3 video was any indication of what MGS4 will be like, then it definately is a battlefield. I mean, changing environments, too.
CosmicGroinPull said:
I expect graphics on par with these two at the very least.



Edit: hey, first time I noticed Limited Edition on RE5 guy's gun

for some reason, I don't like how detailed the beard and the eyebrows are in some next gen games
CosmicGroinPull said:
RE5 guy's beard is made up of individual polygons, IIRC. :)

THAT is scary, but even more disturbing was the sweat on the tekken demo, I hope it's there when we see some real time fottage. I don't want to see sweat running down Jin's face when I'm playing


Medal gear solid after 3 iterations, declining sales and better graphics is going to own the 360. If it performs anything like mgs 3 did in america I think you ps3 fan boys are in for a real treat.


..pakbeka.. said:
THAT is scary, but even more disturbing was the sweat on the tekken demo, I hope it's there when we see some real time fottage. I don't want to see sweat running down Jin's face when I'm playing

Dont even think about buying NBA Live 06 for the Xbux Three $ixty then..


Caddle said:
Medal gear solid after 3 iterations, declining sales and better graphics is going to own the 360. If it performs anything like mgs 3 did in america I think you ps3 fan boys are in for a real treat.

Caddle said:
Medal gear solid after 3 iterations, declining sales and better graphics is going to own the 360. If it performs anything like mgs 3 did in america I think you ps3 fan boys are in for a real treat.

I'm confused. Is this a positive comment or a negative one?


CosmicGroinPull said:
I expect graphics on par with these two at the very least.



Edit: hey, first time I noticed Limited Edition on RE5 guy's gun

Welcome to the HD era!
CosmicGroinPull said:
I expect graphics on par with these two at the very least.



Edit: hey, first time I noticed Limited Edition on RE5 guy's gun

Resident Evil 5 detail is crazy, it's pratically CG, I mean take a look at this CG shot from Resident Evil Zero.


Then RE5:


It's crazier when you realized that RE5 is being rendered at HD resolutions at that.
Mmmmmm yummy.

Is that the same character?

I'm quite out of touch with the Resident Evil universe, and, being a Playstation©2 gamer, I'm still waiting for the SUPERIOR VERSION© of Resident Evil 4.
TTP said:
The rain. The firefight in the warehouse. The fruit splitting. The bottoles shattering. The guards searching patterns. I was really thinking he was fucking kiddin' me. Than I saw the trailer at konami booth... and I was floored.

And it still looks amazing even today


When thinking of MGS4's graphics, its important to keep this in mind

PSM2: How will Snake look on PS3?

HK: We’re not trying to make Snake look like a real person. We want to concentrate on the movement and animations, making him feel more natural, like an actual life-form.
I have no doubt that they well make a realistically animated and lively design, looking at the RE5 pic it gives a level of detail that's more realistic but retain the yet CG like style at the same time. With the regards to character detail in terms of modeling and animation I place my bet with Capcom and Team Kojima easily, RE4 and MGS3 are just so top tier.
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