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Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Teaser!

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Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
that's a great teaser. absolutely can't wait to see the final product -- i'll have to re-read all the books in the meantime.


wtf? Mos Def as Ford Prefect? I guess he could do a competent job, but well....see Will Smith and I, Robot. :p


Gold Member
They first showed the trailer at Comic Con before Brad Bird showed off The Incredibles and everyone went nuts.



Hollywood Square
Belfast said:
wtf? Mos Def as Ford Prefect? I guess he could do a competent job, but well....see Will Smith and I, Robot. :p

I think Mos Def is a lot more reserved than Will Smith. And more likeable.


Oh, I'll go with that. No doubt he's more likeable and probably a better actor overall. Ford's character just seems to come off as, well, extremly white. Its an interesting choice, though.

Edit: this is not to say he can't play the part, i'm just going for character accuracy here. He may end up doing Ford very well.


Fuck. My PC is broken and I`m stuck on a 56k connection and I don`t have the patience to download it.

But tomorrow I`m getting my new PC, so I will watch it then.

HGTTG is pure awesomeness. Some of my favorite books EVER.


Gold Member
Claus said:
I wonder how many people with bring a towel with them when the movie is released.

They were handing out Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy towels at Comic Con, but I didn't manage to get one.


Hollywood Square
Screaming_Gremlin said:
I can't wait for this movie. I really hope they don't screw it up.

Has John Malkovich and/or Sam Rockwell been in anything that completely sucked?


Don't hurt me, but could someone explain the books. How many? What about? Aimed at children or adults? Why are they so popular?
I *will* be in line first day. Fucking loved the book series.

Socrages: I'd say the book is aimed at adults. There's a lot of intelligent humor that I don't think many kids (and when I say kids I mean under 15-ish) would understand. Extremely smart and witty and all out funny.


Hollywood Square
Socreges said:
Don't hurt me, but could someone explain the books. How many? What about? Aimed at children or adults? Why are they so popular?

There are five books and they're so crazy that one must read them. Explaining them is like trying to explain The Matrix!


*hurts you*

Books? I forget, is it 5 or 6? Anyway I think one of them was sort of a side-story. Its been awhile since I've read them, myself.

What are they about? 42.

They're aimed at anybody who wants to read them, though they're probably a tad too confusing for the kiddies.

Why are they so popular? Because they're entertaining sci-fi and completely absurd. Very funny, too.


Hollywood Square
I believe there are five total books. But really, the books are so absurd and funny that's a terrible waste to even try to explain them.


Socreges said:
How many?
Six books though I've heard that only the first two are really good (those are the only two I've read, so don't take my word for it).
What about?
Here's a minor spoiler explanation of the beginning of the story.
Authur Dent, a ordinary if somewhat twitchy fellow, finds out that his best friend Ford Prefect is actually an alien hitchiking his way across the galaxy just minutes before the Earth is destroyed by a galactic wrecking crew. Ford saves them both by hitching a ride using only his trusty towel and a copy of the Hitchikers Guide the the Galaxy.
From there things get really, really, weird and fun.
Aimed at children or adults?
Both but more for adults, I'd say. The humor is "British" but not overly so. It revolves mostly the around complex and goofy characters and situations.
Why are they so popular?
It's wildly original, imaginative and pretty damn funny. The universe that Adams writes about is absolutely ridiculous and yet it's not hard to believe in.


That teaser was underwhelming to say the least. Maybe that's the point though, with it being a teaser? :p


Hollywood Square
The thing I wonder is who will the fans take out their anger on when they realize the movie is very different from the book!

Because it's reported that Douglas Adams' screenplay, written by the very man himself, is pretty different from the book.


Eh, some things will be changed. I've seen the TV mini-series. The changes can't be any worse than what you see there. That said, the books aren't very long, so they shouldn't have trouble fitting most of the events in. The only problem arises in properly translating them to the big screen....a lot of text is just sort of going off on random tangents and explanations. Can they afford to do that in a feature film?


If it's written by Douglas Adams do we really have a right to complain... if he wants to butcher his book, how can we say it will be worse if we've never seen/read it. The man is brilliant, this movie is going to be a cult favorite to be sure.


Very true. In fact, John Macovich's character was created by Adams specifically for the movie. He intends it to be a unique version. I think it will be a mix of several books together too. There was a set report posted online where someone got to tour the Heart of Gold sets and they said they saw the actual Nutrimatic machine with a cup of tea sitting on it. That "scene" doesn't happen until the second book.


Hang out with Steve.
Mashing and ckholer, from your posts referring to Douglas Adams in the present tense, I wonder if you know that he passed away a couple years ago?


not a medical professional
SteveMeister said:
Mashing and ckholer, from your posts referring to Douglas Adams in the present tense, I wonder if you know that he passed away a couple years ago?

I think they know this, but did you know that Adams and Jay Roach started on the first drafts of the scripts? And then when Adams died, Roach went to the current writer and he was able to use the original drafts that adams had written, and get all the source materials from his estate used while writing the books?

Read the self-interview, it gives an awesome beacon of hope for this movie.


SteveMeister said:
Mashing and ckholer, from your posts referring to Douglas Adams in the present tense, I wonder if you know that he passed away a couple years ago?

Umm, oh yeah I forgot about that. That sucks.


well, the books themselves come from the radio show...i got the hugeass hardcover volume and adams explains everything in a prologue. only "true" account of hitchhikers would be the original radio show...the books were an afterthough, and then there was the TV show and so on.


Belfast said:
wtf? Mos Def as Ford Prefect? I guess he could do a competent job, but well....see Will Smith and I, Robot. :p

Still haven't seen Smith in Robot, but I enjoy most of his roles. As for Mos Def, he's a more legit actor overall. Did a good role in a HBO film a couple of months back as one of the pioneers of heart surgery.
Willco said:
The thing I wonder is who will the fans take out their anger on when they realize the movie is very different from the book!

Because it's reported that Douglas Adams' screenplay, written by the very man himself, is pretty different from the book.
I've read the books, own the TV series on DVD, own the complete radio series on CD, and they are all inconsistent with each other. If the movie is inconsistent, then that would be perfectly consistent.


force push the doodoo rock
Lucky Forward said:
I've read the books, own the TV series on DVD, own the complete radio series on CD, and they are all inconsistent with each other. If the movie is inconsistent, then that would be perfectly consistent.

which would be very funny in a douglas adams kind of way.
It's been a while since I saw the TV series, but I recall something like 90% of its dialogue (and Guide monologues) being taken virtually verbatim from the books. They just left out a lot and changed the order of scenes around (to something more like the radio show).
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