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I finally get the value of Cloud Gaming and it's amazing


Not cloud gaming but I have been playing remote play alot lately and there is no latency it's hard to tell if there is lag. Obviously remote play is limited to around the house if you want less latency but for my use case it has been great. Alot of time I lay down in bed and play instead of the lounge, especially in cold winters


Can’t Git Gud
Question what are they actually buying when it comes to gamepass? It's no different then renting games which nobody has a problem with.
Good question. It is rental like service. If people like it this way, it’s fine. I just hope ownership won’t die


Once again people are not understanding the OP's points. And quite why there are some thinking that cloud gaming is replacing local hardware are again just plain stupid.

My experience so far with cloud gaming has been great.

I have been able to complete the following PS games without the need of having Sony hardware except for a DS4 controller;

Uncharted 2
The Last of Us

I'm very close to completing The Last of Us 2 and about half way through Uncharted 3. When I have finished those I plan to play through the GoW series.

With xCloud I've experienced XSeries versions of games on my OXBO! Forza Horizon 5 with next gen loading and it runs so well and visually its absolutely fine on my aging 1080p TV. Playing Two Point Hospital on my phone with a touch screen interface has been a lot of fun too.

It all comes down to personal experience so it does frustrate me when I see comments that seem to generalise cloud gaming as a latency laden mess. It's disingenuous to say that. As I have said my experience with it is great. Its a real shame it doesn't work for some of you, I really wished it did but we all know in the world of technology things are improving all the time.

Clouding gaming has been great for me because I don't have a PlayStation console, I have an old OXBO and my PC is considered ancient and right now the cost of upgrading it is very off putting. And for that reason I'm seriously thinking of subscribing to GFN 3080 tier.
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Those are good points, OP, but consider mine.

I've tried cloud gaming. To me, it's crap.
I played five minutes of Path of Exile over GFN, and I turned it off because it was unbearable. And keeping in mind that I'm a low-spec gamer, for something to be "unbearable" to me really takes some doing - this isn't a case of some noticeable input lag or slight stream artifacting at 4K, this is "stream breaking and stuttering at 720p, sometimes disconnecting entirely, and don't even mention the sound" kind of situation.

Point of fact is, cloud gaming as a whole is a privileged country thing. It's not some fantastical solution that rids you of hardware requirements to play your games - it just replaces one set of hardware requirements with another, no less expensive and no less pointless for those who don't have access to them. I don't even have a 5GHz wifi router for my landline. I'm not sure my tablet supports 5GHz, either. Most of the time I go out of the house, my internet connection is 3G cellular. I don't have the money to upgrade to use cloud gaming. So for me, cloud gaming is nothing - I would much rather have cheap, powerful dedicated hardware. If it's portable like the Steam Deck, all the better.
Sounds like you need either better internet or less people downloading at the same time. Oh, you were using wifi?


Gold Member
I do think MS is smart about how they've positioned this, as an additional value you get with Gamepass Ultimate, rather than some standalone thing where the implication is it would replace your other methods. A la Stadia. And how great is it to be able to pick up these games on whatever device - PC, phone, laptop, console - and pick up right where you left off on whatever device you played it last? It's fantastic


I still don’t know how to “cloud game”. I have GP ultimate and have no idea how it works
Pick any game on GP (that isn’t locally installed), right next to the install button there is a cloud button that allows you to stream the game instead.

Edit: actually not all games can be streamed but a lot of them. I think all MS exclusives for instance. Give it a shot with Halo Infinite just to try it out.
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I still don’t know how to “cloud game”. I have GP ultimate and have no idea how it works
On a Xbox Console go to your Gamepass App and select a game. There you'll have a option to either 'Play' (cloud) or 'Install' (local).

If I remember correctly on the PC App there's four buttons near the top of the screen. One labeled 'Cloud'. You'll been a Xbox controller connected.


I still don’t know how to “cloud game”. I have GP ultimate and have no idea how it works
Need to be in a supported region first of all. Sign in to Xbox.com/play and go wild with a controller. Or on Xbox pick a game with the cloud icon on game pass and play instead of install. Or on the Xbox app on PC click cloud gaming and pick a game.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Considering you are one of the most aggressive console warriors for Xbox, I call bullshit. Just another poor attempt to stroke your favorite plastic box maker.

As for cloud gaming, as long as it only remains an option? Its fine. Its nothing great or ground breaking. Only works in very specific situations and locations. The internet infrastructure is still piss poor for most of the US, let alone many EU and Asian countries.
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Gold Member
Been trying for years to "get it" since "Onlive", but it still feels like playing a damn video. Even had Stadia Pro for a couple of months to see if I could turn the ship around, but no.. Lag, video artifacts, lower resolution, lower fps.. I just can't stand the feeling.

I do appreciate the option though. Also like it to remote operate my XSX from my PC.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Been trying for years to "get it" since "Onlive", but it still feels like playing a damn video. Even had Stadia Pro for a couple of months to see if I could turn the ship around, but no.. Lag, video artifacts, lower resolution, lower fps.. I just can't stand the feeling.

I do appreciate the option though. Also like it to remote operate my XSX from my PC.

That is the thing. It only works under *very* specific circumstances. Anything out of that and its nearly unplayable. This is the general experience for the *vast* majority of people. Hence why people who claim that it works perfectly and is the "future of gaming", I question their sanity and look at their history as 99% of the time, they are a console warrior or shill for a particular company.

This time is no different.


You can’t be hardcore if you tolerate the noticeable input lag and inconsistent image quality, while playing a fucking FPS.

I’ve given a fair shake to all these cloud services, including Xcloud, and they are impressive at first but the problems just start sticking out more and more.

Good solution for games that don’t require precision gameplay.

If you are an addict and need to play games on your lunch break or can’t handle a few days without gaming, I suggest playing some of the good games out there available for mobile.
Yeah why play Halo Infinite with 95% of the experience intact when you play Candy Crush and some other fun mobile games.


To be honest being able to play all my games anywhere on any device with 100% continuity between devices is the most next gen thing to me so far this gen.
Not to rain on your parade but that’s a feature that came with Xbox Anywhere which came last generation. But yeah I love not having to juggle multiple save files.


Attack the argument, not the poster.
Imagine thinking input delay and image loss is the future of gaming. Jesus. "but...but....i dont...feel/see...it", well cuz you're a dumbass.

This is the most ignorant thing I have read all day, no offence but its not the first on this thread. And this goes with all the FUD boys throwing shit at Cloud platforms clearly showing their delinquency on technology being served.

Everyone here acts like they can feel x amount of ms in their input lag as if they are Shroud themselves or most are playing on 1080p TV's still talking about image loss as if their games are perfectly optimized on Consoles while PCs on 3080s still struggle to push 4K this gen without the help of rendering and resolution techniques like DLSS.

You want to talk shit? Play the AG10 and Threadripper GFN Tier on Shield TV at 4K/60 FPS on a Gigabit Ethernet connection on an OLED. Go ahead, its literally 1 to 1 with my 4K Display connected through HDMI to my CX in the other room with my PC. I challenge you naysayers.


Well no shit, if it's fully realized then obviously it's amazing.

It's the same as 3D video. Of course that shit is amazing, if done properly.

People look at movies like Avatar where you have to wear glasses and it's gotta be viewed at the right angle and call 3D shit. Rubbish. If 3D were indistinguishable with real life you would not call it shit.

Same applies to cloud gaming. When realized property, then it's revolutionary. But how many years until it's realized properly? I'm on blazing fast cable and it's still laggy. I see the potential but...not yet.
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Iced Arcade

Considering you are one of the most aggressive console warriors for Xbox, I call bullshit. Just another poor attempt to stroke your favorite plastic box maker.

As for cloud gaming, as long as it only remains an option? Its fine. Its nothing great or ground breaking. Only works in very specific situations and locations. The internet infrastructure is still piss poor for most of the US, let alone many EU and Asian countries.

That is the thing. It only works under *very* specific circumstances. Anything out of that and its nearly unplayable. This is the general experience for the *vast* majority of people. Hence why people who claim that it works perfectly and is the "future of gaming", I question their sanity and look at their history as 99% of the time, they are a console warrior or shill for a particular company.

This time is no different.
Who hurt you? How are you manipulating a thread about cloud gaming being good into console wars?

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Next up for the cloud gaming conversation: 200+ ping, sub 720 resolution, and data caps where you burn through your limits in a week's time.

Teh future!

Many countries in the world don't have data caps.

You should blame your country, not cloud gaming... 🤣
This is the most ignorant thing I have read all day, no offence but its not the first on this thread. And this goes with all the FUD boys throwing shit at Cloud platforms clearly showing their delinquency on technology being served.

Everyone here acts like they can feel x amount of ms in their input lag as if they are Shroud themselves or most are playing on 1080p TV's still talking about image loss as if their games are perfectly optimized on Consoles while PCs on 3080s still struggle to push 4K this gen without the help of rendering and resolution techniques like DLSS.

You want to talk shit? Play the AG10 and Threadripper GFN Tier on Shield TV at 4K/60 FPS on a Gigabit Ethernet connection on an OLED. Go ahead, its literally 1 to 1 with my 4K Display connected through HDMI to my CX in the other room with my PC. I challenge you naysayers.

No cloud will ever be 1 to 1 with hardware. Shut the fuck up with that bs. YOu ppl would defend turd eating if it came to that. Cloud has benefits but saying its exactly as if you're playing on a dedicated hardware is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. And this is coming from someone who was subbed to Geforce Now and I aint no dialup net peasant. I have a gigabit internet speed. I just couldnt stand the input differences among others.
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As a "hardcore" gamer if you think about cloud gaming as something to replace console gaming you're looking at it all wrong, you need to think about it as an extra option for you to keep your gaming habits wherever you.
Cloud Gaming is not a replacement of local hardware.
This is where you are all wrong.

It's an option NOW. And it will continue to be an option for some time.

But publishers want cloud services to become the only way to play eventually. It's their dream. It would give them full control over our libraries and what we can buy/play or not. Let alone it would completely defeat piracy once for all.

Having local files gives you control. Even when there's DRM, you are still in control as you can still use mods, cracks, etc. You can play old games publishers wouldn't want to support anymore and ignore new releases. You can even play offline one way or another.

If they could, publishers would eliminate local files right now. They just can't yet. But they will, it's inevitable.
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Long time cloud gaming hater here. Never saw why I would bother with cloud gaming when playing locally is "superior". Also like the feeling of knowing that the game is running off the console and not streaming.

Never tried any cloud service until this year with Gamepass. I travel a lot for work and of course can't take my Series X with me. Being able to play my library of games straight away on the fly anywhere I am on my laptop is amazing.

For instance i'm currently half way through Halo Infinite, I'm out of town for the next 3 weeks and all I had to do was launch the game on my laptop to pick up exactly where I was. No need to download, configure or whatever anything. To be honest being able to play all my games anywhere on any device with 100% continuity between devices is the most next gen thing to me so far this gen.

As a "hardcore" gamer if you think about cloud gaming as something to replace console gaming you're looking at it all wrong, you need to think about it as an extra option for you to keep your gaming habits wherever you.

I'm sorry but I have zero interest in playing my AAA games on a tiny laptop or mobile phone screen and being dependent on the quality of an internet connection. And yeah I tried PS Now and Stadia.

If I ever get in a position that I have to be out of town for such an extensive period, I will probably bring my Switch (or buy the OLED model).

My high-end gaming will only be done on my 65 inch OLED.


I'd love it to work well but MS must not have any servers near N.Ireland because its just always a laggy glitch fest when I use it, even with wired ethernet.
Microsoft has an azure data centre somewhere in Ireland though.

I ping it at 22ms from my house in France.


Cloud is more of a convenience thing to play on the go or away from your normal place/hardware than a hardware replacement at this time.


Cloud is more of a convenience thing to play on the go or away from your normal place/hardware than a hardware replacement at this time.
Unfortunately, the mainstream pubic is willing to sacrifice everything else in sake of convenience. This is how digital stores dominated physical releases. And of course publishers didn't do it for our convenience, that was just a bonus thing they could use to market and push it down our throats, they don't give a shit about our benefits anyway. They did it because it's easier to push DRM schemes and have more control over the public's gaming habits on their digital platforms.

At this time, the infrastructure is too young and cloud services can't fully replace local hardware/files yet. But since this would give publishers 100% control, they will slowly push it and eventually cloud services will replace local hardware/files completely. And the public will cheer because hey, it's convenient and who cares about ownership and preservation?
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Game streaming.......

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Yeah why play Halo Infinite with 95% of the experience intact when you play Candy Crush and some other fun mobile games.

If an ham and cheese sandwich is only 5% dog shit, is it a dog shit sandwich or an ham and cheese sandwich?

You can play games like Pathless, Sayonara, Inside, etc on your phone. Not to mention classics like Final Fantasy. You can also just turn it into an emu of PS1 and other consoles.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

Yeah, I better not post what I really think.

I understand this might be a sensitive subject for you. I get it. A future of streaming and subscriptions isn't for everyone and it'll take time to get the gaming enthusiasts on board, but regardless of our opinions this is the future of gaming.

The Metaverse and increased interest in NFT features for games means that a subscription and streaming model will be the way forward.

I take it that you don't want to post what you really think because it might be insulting in some way? However, I'm happy to hear your opinion and discuss/debate in a friendly and constructive manner.


Gold Member
Options are great and all so no shade on how you enjoy your games. Rock on.

But if I still need a controller and a computer to play the games I think I'll just play games locally on the computer. Latency issues drive me up the wall no matter how "small" they are.
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Used to mess around with my vita remote playing the Ps4. Was ok but definitely nothing to make me a fan.

Have yet to try xcloud or whatever its called tho.


Gold Member
Used to mess around with my vita remote playing the Ps4. Was ok but definitely nothing to make me a fan.

Have yet to try xcloud or whatever its called tho.
It's not bad. I enjoy using it once in a while. Definitely neat how you can open a browser and start back up where you left off. Can definitely see it's potential. Glad people are getting good experiences using it.

It's not perfect though and mileage will vary depending on where you are located. For me though on wired fibre internet, it works shockingly well.


It's not bad. I enjoy using it once in a while. Definitely neat how you can open a browser and start back up where you left off. Can definitely see it's potential. Glad people are getting good experiences using it.

It's not perfect though and mileage will vary depending on where you are located. For me though on wired fibre internet, it works shockingly well.

I like the idea of it. But I think we're definitely a long ways off from it being as good as physically playing on console.

I used to mess around on Don't Starve for example but wouldn't dare try some online game lol


It will happen eventually. Probably sooner than later.
Obviously it depends on uptake over the coming years, but imo i think we will get one more full console gen after current, then one or both of Sony and Microsoft will go full streaming.
Remember under that situation we will be talking 14-15 years from now. I cant see consoles existing 20 years from now, unless we are talking about little retro consoles or something.

If people really hate cloud gaming then you should go PC. PC's will always be around as they do so much more than just gaming, and obviously the likes of Nvidia, Intel, and AMD wont be pushing for a streaming future on PC when their whole business revolves around PC hardware.
And there is also the fact that most games are actually made on PC's in the first place.

PC is the future IMO if you dont want a streaming future.
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