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I have some questions...and uh.. --a take on Halo 2 Live--

More importantly, I need some help.

First, I don't play many online games, LET ALONE FPS. I've played a little of Quake, Doom, Killzone, and Darkwatch. Really, that's it. In my life less than 20 hours worth of FPS playing.

So I only use Live to play some DOA online, or SF Anniv., KOF--that's about it.

So a friend of mine has to leave for the army and gives me his Halo 2. So yeah, cool.

I go online, and first off. I'm confused at how to get a game going. In most online games (that I've played--which again is limited) you join a server, choose the details of the game (players count, weapon types, map, type of game, friendly fire on/off etc.) and then you host it. Give a minute or two and the game fills up and everyone agrees to start.

But with Halo 2, it was like Quick Match and Optimatch. Obviously optimatch sets what type of game you want. Team Slayer, Head to Head etc. Then you go to Quickmatch and it seemingly throws you in a pool of "similarly skilled" (I got a lot of beef with that) players.

Yet, you have no choosing on what map you want, or what weapon types there are, or which team you can be on (red or blue) Is that how it's supposed to be? I know once you have a Halo 2 friend list (in which it always says "unable to join") you can send invites and start your own party, but beyond that...?

In anycase, I've been playing for about two days online, and I usually get around 10 kills, 5 deaths, and 7 or so assists on team slayer. This is my second day of playing (about 4 hours total). Is that decent? Or should I just call it quits now.

Next, is dual wielding good...or no? Is the magnum powerful?

That's all the questions really, although it is very annoying to get thrown into a game and two of the players on your team are suiciders and kill themselves the whole time. And then we have the elitist hardcore prick of a 10 yr. old who keeps yelling "TRIPLE" "TRIPLE" and I don't even know what the fuck he's talking about.

And uh "simiarly skilled players"--my ass.


Musashi Wins!

You need to host a custom game if you want to mess with all the options. Otherwise, if you choose optimatch it's going to throw you into a team that may or may not be made up of people who are friends, etc. Yea, the ranking thing definitely isn't perfect, but it's as good as anything I've ever encountered. Better than most. To be honest I usually play with a couple friends who are better than me. I'm ranked low as I hardly ever play, but their rank assures we are stuck in a room full of people much better than myself. I don't take it too seriously so it's still fun.

I'd suggest finding a friend or two that you can expect invites from or offer the same. Your experience might still be chaotic, but at least it's a bit more fun going through the gauntlet with someone you know.

Dual wielding is sometimes good, sometimes bad and it has a lot to do with how badly you need or use grenades. Experiment a lot.

It sounds as though you are doing quite well and I know you are partial to pretty hard games so I'm sure you'll get the strategy of the different maps down pretty fast.


Yet, you have no choosing on what map you want, or what weapon types there are, or which team you can be on (red or blue) Is that how it's supposed to be? I know once you have a Halo 2 friend list (in which it always says "unable to join") you can send invites and start your own party, but beyond that...?

Yeah, just to elaborate a little...

Halo 2 is broken up into Matchmaking and Custom games. Custom games are between anybody connected via friends list, and people can join midgame. The host player chooses all options.

Matchmaking assures that you never, ever play with an opponent that is a friend of yours, unless the match is unranked. Others are found automatically, and map/gametype is determined by a Bungie-set playlist.

By creating a party and setting the gametype to matchmaking, you can assure that you'll be on the same team as your friends in the party.
You should really get some people here to play with you instead.

Halo 2 on Live with strangers usually equals cheaters, fuckwads, racists, children, or a combination or all four.
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