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IGN’s Top 100 RPGs


Most people haven't played 100 RPGs in their whole life, then proceed to complain that their personal favorite games don't make the top 10. Somebody should comb through this thread and tally all of the games that people whine should be in the top 10. I think we'll discover that the "top 10" should in fact contain about 30 different games, according to GAF.

Well, but GAF's actual list is pretty solid.


The only thing IGN shows is that it's a terrible idea to make a Top 100 list with just very few people. It wil necessarily lead to a situation where no one of the actual voters played certain games that they've voted in the Top 100. "This game has a great legacy, so I guess we have to include it somehwere..."

Beth Cyra

This list has officially pissed me off. It almost frightens me to see what they consider the "good games" now. >.<

Are you just ignoring the fact it's a top 100 and that all of them are meant to be good/great/amazing?

It's not like anything out of Top 30 is meant to be looked at as anything less then great.


Well, but GAF's actual list is pretty solid.


The only thing IGN shows is that it's a terrible idea to make a Top 100 list with just very few people. It wil necessarily lead to a situation where no one of the actual voters played certain games that they've voted in the Top 100. "This game has a great legacy, so I guess we have to include it somehwere..."

Wow, this is pretty...not solid imo. Normally I don't really post on top lists threads because of the usual rage but this is supposed to be solid in comparison to what we seen of IGN's so far?
This list has officially pissed me off. It almost frightens me to see what they consider the "good games" now. >.<

Expect a lot of:

1. current gen games
2. WRPGs

These kinda lists are pointless, its just your own personal opinion. What gives ign's top 10 more credibility than yours?
This list is getting dangerously close to not including the franchise with one of if not the best battle systems ever. Star Ocean. Second Story still has a chance. Though Till the End of Time could have easily landed in the 90's.
Well, but GAF's actual list is pretty solid.


The only thing IGN shows is that it's a terrible idea to make a Top 100 list with just very few people. It wil necessarily lead to a situation where no one of the actual voters played certain games that they've voted in the Top 100. "This game has a great legacy, so I guess we have to include it somehwere..."

This was my argument a few pages back. Without at LEAST aa dozen or so extremely hardcore rpg fans it's impossible to even make a top 50. Average gamers you'd need twice that minimum.
I think one of the problems most of these lists have is consistency and/or an intransparent ranking system. Why not try to develop a (mathematical) model for this and then explain why the games got the values they got ?

The most basic approach would be to try and come up with something like rank=f(several values), which one could then try to massively change and expand.

Agree with this. Why not let users vote?


Holy shit at 57 - Mass Effect 2 placement.It doesn't even deserve to be that high.Well i'm enjoying laughing at this trainwreck list.
Agree with this. Why not let users vote?

Because then you get 5 Call of Duty games in the top 10.

The quality of a RPG game should be a very personal thing. You can't often define why you might connect with a cast of characters or a world or not. If you do, it can be magic, if you don't, well the game might not make the list at all.


This top 100 is pretty terrible, unless the people making the list has knowledge of all the games and played them all.Yeah you'll still have the backlash in this thread because ranking is subjective but that happens with every list ranking thing.They've already admitted to just placing a game randomly.For me.. i could never make a ranking anything higher than 10, my mind starts grouping everything "good" after that together and i'll just be placing shit randomly.

Best thing about this list is the ability for RPG fans to look up some RPGs they never played and give them a shot, regardless of IGN's ranking placement.
Well, but GAF's actual list is pretty solid.


The only thing IGN shows is that it's a terrible idea to make a Top 100 list with just very few people. It wil necessarily lead to a situation where no one of the actual voters played certain games that they've voted in the Top 100. "This game has a great legacy, so I guess we have to include it somehwere..."

I feel compelled to point something out again. Saying "hey GAF, look at the averaged opinions of GAF, doesn't this agree with what you, GAF, thinks about this?" is tautological. Of course GAF would more closely agree with a list that was made by GAF members voting in it.

I'm also not convinced that the average GAFer has played even close to the complete list of games featured on either Top 100. Games with cult followings will be overrepresented, as will highly popular games, and recent games. GAF's own personal quirks will of course result in bizarro world picks like Xenoblade being #3 OF ALL TIME. On a personal level, the GAF list outrages me just as much as the IGN list has (more actually, but that's probably just because the IGN list isn't completed yet). How could a buggy, unpolished, poorly designed piece of shit like Alpha Protocol be better than Mass Effect 2, or Pokemon Silver, or Fallout 2? Why is KOTOR higher than Deus Ex? Why is Planescape: Torment only one place higher than Vampire Bloodlines, despite Bloodlines being barely playable in its released state? Shit, if Vampire gets a top 15 spot, why isn't KOTOR II featured?


Well, but GAF's actual list is pretty solid.

skyrim and P4 top 5? Pretty solid? Holy fuck.



Mass Effect 2 is an RPG now? Even Mass Effect 1 (an actual RPG) placing higher wouldn't redeem this, though I would be pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to see the reaction to Skyrim placing in the top 20. If it's top 10 I'm getting popcorn.

Quick poll, anyone think Majora's Mask counts?
I've had some digs at IGN, but really I'm sure people would be just as critical of my own list. So to be fair, I decided to put together my own top 50. It isn't an easy process at all (especially defining what a 'RPG' is). If nothing else, it shows my age...

1 Ultima 6
2 Ultima 7
3 Baldurs Gate 2
4 Final Fantasy 6
5 Chrono Trigger
6 Phantasy Star 4
7 Persona 3
8 Ultima 4
9 System Shock 2
10 Final Fantasy 8

If anybody is interested in the full list, hit up
For the full 50 and my reasons why.


60 - EVE Online
59 - Phantasy Star IV
58 - Freedom Force
57 - Mass Effect 2
56 - Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
55 - Monster Hunter Tri
54 - Neverwinter Nights 2
53 - Ultima VII
52 - Odin Sphere
51 - Wild Arms
50 - Golden Sun
49 - Dragon Quest V
48 - Tales of Destiny
47 - Xenogears
46 - Pool of Radiance
45 - Disgaea
44 - Suikoden II
43 - Valkyria Chronicles
42 - Lunar: Silver Star Story
41 - Xenoblade Chronicles
EVE Online is not really appropriate for this list.

My love for Phantasy Star knows no bounds.

I have never played Tactics Ogre but with all the love it usually gets I would have expected it to place higher.

Mass Effect 2 at 57? I don't know....it was a pretty good game but I am not sure it deserves this place on an RPG list. And with a classic like Phantasy Star at 96 it all becomes a bit silly......


EVE Online is not really appropriate for this list.

My love for Phantasy Star knows no bounds.

I have never played Tactics Ogre but with all the love it usually gets I would have expected it to place higher.

Mass Effect 2 at 57? I don't know....it was a pretty good game but I am not sure it deserves this place on an RPG list. And with a classic like Phantasy Star at 96 it all becomes a bit silly......

Well, EVE Online do have skill points and exp points maybe? It's more RPG then COD at least.


skyrim and P4 top 5? Pretty solid? Holy fuck.


As the person who runs the GAF list, I'd like to point out that it is supposed to be an essential rpg list. It's called NeoGAF's Essential RPGs, not NeoGAF's Top 100 RPGs of all time in Hierarchical Order. I think a lot of people just vote for their favourites, but I encourage people to vote for games that they think others should play if they enjoy the genre. I also encourage people to vote for games they feel need more recognition.

The rank isn't really important. It just serves as a guideline to show which games were most recommended. If you are not squabbling about game X being at rank Y, than I think the NeoGaf list is pretty solid. If you are taking issue over the inclusion of 5-10 games on a list of 100 fantastic games, than you might as well just make your own top 100, because that is what you are clearly looking for.

Regarding new games. New games have an advantage because they are fresh on people's minds, but like the IMDB Top 250, they tend to fall down the list over time. Also, as a list that is partially there to turn people on to great games they haven't played yet, I'd argue that it is more important to include newer titles than influential games from 25-30 years ago. Ultima IV may have been revolutionary for its time, but the game looks like this now:


How many people are going to go back and play a C64/Apple 2 era rpg that is close to 30 years old?


WTF Persona 4 and Crono Cross that far into the list?

This doesn't work since they are mixing J and W rpgs. Also The Witcher 2 should be the top western rpg...



71 - The Bard's Tale

You know what? That is a fucking travesty right there.

I really do wonder if games like this is included because they feel they have to for historical reasons.

But let me tell you right now that The Bard's Tale is the epitome of the classical WRPG.

Insanely hard and challenging. A true beast.

Belongs in the Top 20.

When I think classical WRPG I think The Bard's Tale before I think Baldur's Gate 2.

What Phantasy Star is to JRPGs The Bard's Tale is to WRPGs.


I've had some digs at IGN, but really I'm sure people would be just as critical of my own list. So to be fair, I decided to put together my own top 50. It isn't an easy process at all (especially defining what a 'RPG' is). If nothing else, it shows my age...

If anybody is interested in the full list, hit up
For the full 50 and my reasons why.

The First Grandia (#18), was released on the Saturn (Japan Only) and the PS1 (worldwide). Only Grandia 2 was on the Dreamcast. You don't have Grandia 2 on your list, so either you meant to list that game, or you have the wrong system listed for Grandia 1.

Skyrim over Planescape and BG2 is inexcusable in any situation.

If you are referring to the NeoGAF list, voting started for the 2012 edition when Skyrim was like a month old, and most users hadn't discovered the issues with the PS3 version or even reached the later parts of the game. I fully expect that game to take a big tumble when I do a 2013 edition (if permitted). Same thing happened with Mass Effect 2 in the original list. Voting took place like 3 weeks after ME2 released, and the game was the 13th most voted title. In the 2012 edition of the list it was at #41.
The First Grandia (#18), was released on the Saturn (Japan Only) and the PS1 (worldwide). Only Grandia 2 was on the Dreamcast. You don't have Grandia 2 on your list, so either you meant to list that game, or you have the wrong system listed for Grandia 1.

Quite right should be psx
Why would you think that? I find that Vesperia for example is better than Symphonia in every category.

I found the levels a lot duller in Vesperia, I prefer the more puzzle-based levels of Symphonia, which also had significantly bigger towns.

Also, I still don't get why Mass Effect 2 wouldn&#8217;t be considered an RPG.

- Your character is given excessive freedom in conversations.
- There are towns or in this case cities.
- There are stats.
- Weapons and armor can be upgraded on a constant basis.
- There is magic, in this case biotics.
- Numerous jobs to choose from or in this case classes.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I found the levels a lot duller in Vesperia, I prefer the more puzzle-based levels of Symphonia, which also had significantly bigger towns.

Also, I still don't get why Mass Effect 2 wouldn&#8217;t be considered an RPG.

- Your character is given excessive freedom in conversations.
- There are towns or in this case cities.
- There are stats.
- Weapons and armor can be upgraded on a constant base.
- There is magic, in this case biotics.
- Numerous jobs to choose from or in this case classes.

Because it's not a RPG if mobs don't drop loot or give XP everytime they die of course. Getting a static XP number at the end of each mission doesn't count.

At least, that seems to be the reasons.


Because it's not a RPG if mobs don't drop loot or give XP everytime they die of course. Getting a static XP number at the end of each mission doesn't count.

At least, that seems to be the reasons.

Nobody seems to bring that up as a reason why Tactics Ogre is not an rpg. At least on the PSP version, you get all your exp after clearing a map. Characters also get a set amount of exp, based on their class.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
You know what? That is a fucking travesty right there.

I really do wonder if games like this is included because they feel they have to for historical reasons.

But let me tell you right now that The Bard's Tale is the epitome of the classical WRPG.

Insanely hard and challenging. A true beast.

Belongs in the Top 20.

When I think classical WRPG I think The Bard's Tale before I think Baldur's Gate 2.

What Phantasy Star is to JRPGs The Bard's Tale is to WRPGs.

Lol, I bet the The Bard's Tale that they're referencing is actually the 2004 shitfest.


Lol, I bet the The Bard's Tale that they're referencing is actually the 2004 shitfest.

That would be my guess because otherwise, they would reference it as "The Bard's Tale Trilogy", since it was such acohesive and complete story when played through all three games.

I think the Amiga version was all three games on the same disk.


If I buy and destroy every copy of The Bard's Tale 2004 do I get the right to edit its existence out of every book, magazine and website?
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