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IGN’s Top 100 RPGs


Really Really Exciting Member!
Nobody seems to bring that up as a reason why Tactics Ogre is not an rpg. At least on the PSP version, you get all your exp after clearing a map. Characters also get a set amount of exp, based on their class.

Well... i guess the other reason would be .... GUNS! with combat more similar to other 3rd person shooters compared to ME1.

Even if you got XP, Lvls, special powers, character's story customization through dialogues, multiple class choices, talents to improve your strengths, armor upgrades and other things...
I'd even argue that ME3 is more RPG since you got weapons weight, stats, mods and upgrades that weren't present in ME2 along with better customization and more choices for your talents and XP/Lvls gained in the middle of missions this time, even if ME3 did become more linear in the end.


Well... i guess the other reason would be .... GUNS! with combat more similar to other 3rd person shooters compared to ME1.

Even if you got XP, Lvls, special powers, character's story customization through dialogues, multiple class choices, talents to improve your strengths, armor upgrades and other things...
I'd even argue that ME3 is more RPG since you got weapons weight, stats, mods and upgrades that weren't present in ME2 along with better customization and more choices for your talents and XP/Lvls gained in the middle of missions this time, even if ME3 did become more linear in the end.

Yep. Unless you are one of those people who argue that jrpgs aren't rpgs, I think it is pretty clear that all 3 Mass Effect games qualify. Linear narrative and shooter gameplay don't negate all those other things you mentioned.


LOL Xenoblade and Xenogears nowhere close to the top 10.


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Lol, I bet the The Bard's Tale that they're referencing is actually the 2004 shitfest.
I'd like to give them a little more credit than that...

IGN said:
Originally released on the Apple IIe in 1985 and mainly known to computer gamers, The Bard's Tale was one of the most popular RPGs of its time, seeing a release on 10 other platforms over the next six years, including an appearance on one console: the NES. At the start of the game, players created a party of six adventurers compiled from the following classes: Magician, Conjurer, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Monk, Warrior and the titular Bard. The Bard was one of the most powerful characters in the game as he was adept in both combat and could play powerful songs that would grant the entire party bonuses to magic defense, speed, damage, healing, and even help solve many of the puzzles in the game. Players were also encouraged to keep their Bards well-lubricated with ale and mead to make sure they were always ready to belt out a hearty tune. When the going gets tough, the Bard goes drinking. While dungeons and many other locales in the city of Skara Brae were laid out on a grid system allowing players to explore their surroundings, combat was a turn-based affair decided by behind-the-scenes "dice rolls" after the player had made a decision on what action to take.Borrowing heavily from the lore set forth by ancient mythology, Tolkien and Dungeons & Dragons, The Bard's Tale contained every aspect the average fantasy RPG fan is familiar with: evil wizards, dungeon crawling, monstrous creatures, puzzle solving, heated combat and spell casting - and it set the standard for Western RPGs for years to come.

Yep. Not bad.


I'm guessing Final Fantasy VI, VII and Chrono Trigger will be in the top 20 along with Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment and Deus Ex if they consider it to be an rpg. I'm wondering what else they will include to provoke mass hysteria and rage? :p Morrowind? Skyrim? Dragonquest VIII wouldn't surprise me either as wouldn't KOTOR.


I play EVE Online and I have no idea what it's doing on that list. Maybe they couldn't come up with 100 RPGs?

So much random stuff. The world ends with you > Witcher 2?


I'm guessing Final Fantasy VI, VII and Chrono Trigger will be in the top 20 along with Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment and Deus Ex if they consider it to be an rpg. I'm wondering what else they will include to provoke mass hysteria and rage? :p Morrowind? Skyrim? Dragonquest VIII wouldn't surprise me either as wouldn't KOTOR.

I don't think many people would have an issue with Morrowind or Dragon Quest 8 being in the top 20. KOTOR is loved by a lot of gamers as well, even if a minority feel that KOTOR2 is superior.
Are you just ignoring the fact it's a top 100 and that all of them are meant to be good/great/amazing?

It's not like anything out of Top 30 is meant to be looked at as anything less then great.

Ha. Pretty much. I am not irritated by the list, but I am irritated by the "why is my game at X# when POS game I don't like is ahead of it?!" posts.

In some ways I just think people want to say their taste is better than IGNs. Even if it was the best list in the world it wouldn't mean shit because lol IGN.


Ha. Pretty much. I am not irritated by the list, but I am irritated by the "why is my game at X# when POS game I don't like is ahead of it?!" posts.

In some ways I just think people want to say their taste is better than IGNs. Even if it was the best list in the world it wouldn't mean shit because lol IGN.

It's going to happen no matter what when you mix jrpg and wrpg together since a good portion of fans only enjoy one type at the detriment of the other...


You were so close. Bolded is the reason Xenoblade is so damn good. Not because it's innovative, but because it's currently the ultimate refinement of JRPG mechanics.

That's a wildly hyperbolic statement, Xenoblade is a very well refined expression of a particularl subset of JRPG mechancis, but ultimately feels like a single player MMO. It in no way reflects the turn based mechanics common to a large subset of JRPG's (and arguably the subset most familiar to a western audience)
52 - Odin Sphere
You have got to be kidding me, IGN seriously rate Odin Sphere higher than Persona 3, Persona 4 and many other well-loved RPGs?

Odin Sphere is a heap of crap, I'm suffering through it right now just because of the artwork. The gameplay is about as shallow as a puddle and the "plot" is a confusing and repetitive mess that is thrown together to justify visiting the exact same 8 levels again and again.


I honestly wouldn't complain if the next FF didn't have a plot.

Final Fantasy I had a plot. Collect the 4 elemental crystals to save the princess and defeat Chaos! It just didn't have any story beyond that simple set up. RPGs don't necessarily need stories. Some of my favourite sub-genres are roguelikes and dungeon crawlers that are pretty minimal on the story front. However, Final Fantasy I is still extremely basic from a gameplay standpoint. I'd put it in the bottom three mainline titles. It's not bad, but almost all of its sequels are more enjoyable. If they wanted to include one of the NES games, they should have picked Final Fantasy III.


You have got to be kidding me, IGN seriously rate Odin Sphere higher than Persona 3, Persona 4 and many other well-loved RPGs?

Odin Sphere is a heap of crap, I'm suffering through it right now just because of the artwork. The gameplay is about as shallow as a puddle and the "plot" is a confusing and repetitive mess that is thrown together to justify visiting the exact same 8 levels again and again.
Ya but the graphics man, the graphics... they're so... colorful... and good and shit.


Really, the original Final Fantasy? A game with no plot whatsoever?

My thoughts exactly. It's like putting the original Dragon Quest in there. Both are terrible, TERRIBLE, games that shouldn't be on any Top whatever list. Its just a bunch of people pandering to nostalgia and the installments that started the series. Can't take 'em seriously.

There are not 43 RPGs better than Suikoden II. Fact.

There are not 89 RPGs let alone games that are better than Persona 4. A complete travesty.


Again, the fact that Vagrant Story, Demon's Souls, FF IX are that low is absolutely atrocious. Oh and Ultima VII.

Dear lord.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
50's are out:

50. Golden Sun
49. Dragon Quest V
48. Tales of Destiny
47. Xenogears
46. Pool of Radiance
45. Disgaea
44. Suikoden II
43. Valkyria Chronicles
42. Lunar: Silver Star Story
41. Xenoblade Chronicles

Xenogears, DQ5 and Suikoden II should be top 10 material.

It's horrible.
Five JRPGs and Skyrim leading ahead of Baldur's Gate 2 is almost a crime.
And that's not even considering other jewels like Bloodlines, Torment and Fallout 2 that are even lower in rank.
Also, not a single Ultima game in the top 50.

I don't expect IGN to do worse than this.

I thought the top 5 was pretty decent with the exception of Skyrim. Then again I don't really like that many western RPGs all that much (I'll play em if nothing else is going on though). Hence why I think western/Japanese RPGs should be divided for these kinds of lists. Maybe Skyrim is considered good in that field, but I know I didn't have as much fun with it as I did with say, Chrono Trigger. If I was gonna put a western RPG anywhere near the top 10 it would be one of the Ultimas, or Planescape: Torment.

My dream would be for some slightly-leftfield pick for #1. Like Valkyrie Profile or Star Ocean 2. But that won't happen. Barring that I wouldn't mind FF7 be #1 for the butthurt :p

I think I speak for everyone when I say that as long as Magic Candle 3 is #1, all will be forgiven. It hasn't been in the bottom 60, so odds are good and getting better!

I highly doubt your average IGN editor even knows wtf Magic Candle is.

Still no Phantasy Star II and IV. I like this.

PS2 would be #1 if I was writing the list!


I might be confusing games here, but wasn't Pool of Radiance a buggy mess that wasn't even that interesting even after it was somewhat fixed? And higher than Ultima 7?


I might be confusing games here, but wasn't Pool of Radiance a buggy mess that wasn't even that interesting even after it was somewhat fixed? And higher than Ultima 7?

There was a 1988 Pool of Radiance. Without reading the entry, I assume they are talking about that game, and not the 2001 game that you are probably referring to.


I'm confused by the number of people who are disgusted and appalled by this list. Yet they continue to come back to this thread and post in it.

Are you guys just looking for reasons to be outraged? There's a Waldorf and Statler thing going on here. What do you think of it so far? Rubbish!


You gotta be kiddin me IGN to insert Odin Sphere (where the heck is this a RPG?!) and Freedom Force on this list. And ABOVE games like FF VIII, BoF III.


I'm curious to see how Xenoblade's reception holds up in the next few years. I think the game is good, but it really got held up as the second coming of jrpgs around the time of the Operation Rainfall stuff.


You gotta be kiddin me IGN to insert Odin Sphere (where the heck is this a RPG?!) and Freedom Force on this list. And ABOVE games like FF VIII, BoF III.

I know it's their opinion, and getting angry over a dumb list is dumb, but I'm also wondering what the standards fo the games they chose for the list are. We've got east, west, tactics, action, RPGs along with some games that don't really fit the description, aside from the fact that there are stats being decided in the background.

Stats being calculated in the background and progressively getting stronger is a very broad definition that would include most games. In San Andreas you could alter the stats of CJ and get better at certain activities as you progressed and learned new skills. I don't think anyone assumes it's a RPG.

Whatever metric they're using just baffles me as more choices are revealed. Regardless, whever metric they're using, saying Odin Sphere is a higher quality title than Shadow Hearts: Covenant is retarded.
I'm curious to see how Xenoblade's reception holds up in the next few years. I think the game is good, but it really got held up as the second coming of jrpgs around the time of the Operation Rainfall stuff.
I see it the other way round, it will do a Chrono Trigger and its reputation will increase as time goes on. I don't think it was over-hyped by Nintendo fans, I spend more time on HD stuff and still think XB is generally as great as it's made out to be.


IGN posted 21-30:

30) Jade Empire
29) Dragon Quest I
28) Fallout 2
27) Dragon Quest VIII
26) Ultima IV
25) Deus Ex
24) Baldur's Gate
23) Phantasy Star Online
22) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
21) Super Mario RPG

EDIT: Going to be a lot of Bioware in that top 20. Baldur's Gate 2. KOTOR. At least one more Mass Effect. Probably Dragon Age Origins. Possibly Neverwinter Nights.

EDIT 2: Going to be a lot of Final Fantasy in that top 20 as well. I can't imagine that VI, VII, and Tactics will miss the list. Just slightly more likely that they would skip XII and IV.
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