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Im really skeptical of buzzwords like Direct x 12, vulkan, variable rate shading, rdna...

Are this techniques really new or are they just used by console manufacturers as console bait, i mean more than half the games out there still use dx11 and developers still persist in using it and still get good performance with it

And about vrs is this really groundbreaking or was it used proprietary with different developers and custom Api's cause i dont find vrs or any tech they mentioned to be that much amusing other than some bold words they use to promote xboxsex and next gen consoles.

They said the same thing about dx12 showed alot of demos this gen but nothing amusing about it up until now and i feel microsoft is cheatibg again about all this mambo jambo and also being secretive on exact performance numbers, ram and teraflops on the new xbox all they do is push arpund buzzwords like "rdna2.0 pound for pound better than gcn" no load times" 8* and 2* performance of the last consoles! To me this is just proper standard crap! N i find it hard to believe their claims.


Vulkan/DX12 are a huge bitch to work with, and 99% of devs are steering clear of that shit for good reasons.

DX11 and OpenGL 4.6+ are just as capable and don't require to reinvent the wheel from scratch. There's no reasons to make switch except for the most hardcore graphic programmers (and even then the gain you might get (if any...) is very small and not worth the dev time).


Variable refresh rate has been around for awhile now on pc and certainly isn't a buzword. It's awesome. A problem that has plagued games froever has been do I deal with screen tearing, but increased input lag, or screen tearing and reduced input lag? With variable refresh rate you get the best of both.

A misconception about it is that its only good for games the run between 60 and 30 fps. It's great for higher framerates too. For instance, you can run at a game at 90 fps 100 % of the time, but your monitor is 120 hz. You would have to cap it at 60 fps with vsync if you wanted to use vsync to remove tearing.
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Variable refresh rate has been around for awhile now on pc and certainly isn't a buzword. It's awesome. A problem that has plagued games froever has been do I deal with screen tearing, but increased input lag, or screen tearing and reduced input lag? With variable refresh rate you get the best of both.

A misconception about it is that its only good for games the run between 60 and 30 fps. It's great for higher framerates too. For instance, you can run at a game at 90 fps 100 % of the time, but your monitor is 120 hz. You would have to cap it at 60 fps with vsync if you wanted to use vsync for remove tearing.
Variable rate shading?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yeah question is was this something new and amusing or a needless buzzword?

You could have used, a bit more manually, hardware accelerated multi resolution render targets and then render portions of the screen at different resolutions (depending on how many you could handle per render pass and their minimum size it could be used more or less the same way as VRS can, with some limitations).

VRS preserves the detail of the polygon edges and thus can give the appearance of the image being a bit sharper than it is (make the impact of VRS less severe), but it self defeating when you have areas of very high polygonal density (again not too common as those objects you would be using VRS to reduce the cost of are likely not foreground ones that are using their highest LOD model...).

Apparently with VRS you can also increase the resolution and super sample only small parts of the scene which can be very cool :).


Literally all of those things is worth understading and are useful. I'm not sure about DX12, but all the others are real and worth it.


It's not going to be a magic bullet, but the consoles really need these efficiencies to punch above their weight, it's a bit like Checkerboard with PS4 pro, the benefit of consoles is these can potentially be standardized quite quickly.


Are this techniques really new or are they just used by console manufacturers as console bait, i mean more than half the games out there still use dx11 and developers still persist in using it and still get good performance with it

Console bait? Direct X is only applicable to xbox and pc, irrelevant to the PS4 (and PS5). Also developers on xbox are not using dx11. As for everything else, this isn't blast processing on the genesis. They are technologies that will be used by some or all (depending on which tech) to improve on performance and/or graphic fidelity in games. It isn't something terribly exciting for the average consumer, but for developers it is (well, for the ones that want to use that stuff).
Console bait? Direct X is only applicable to xbox and pc, irrelevant to the PS4 (and PS5). Also developers on xbox are not using dx11. As for everything else, this isn't blast processing on the genesis. They are technologies that will be used by some or all (depending on which tech) to improve on performance and/or graphic fidelity in games. It isn't something terribly exciting for the average consumer, but for developers it is (well, for the ones that want to use that stuff).
Who says they arent using direct x 11 on xbox?
You know, even soap can be shit of you rub it in your eye. But rub it on your balls in the right way and magic happens.

True story.

In other words, these things are not made for “teh lulz”, they have a reason. But if you use them wrong.........
Its not that they dont exist question is are they really that new or that amusing? Or is it that they just like to throw such buzzwords around when they have nothing to talk about the real stuff!

For instance when current gen consoles where revealed and ps4 looked to be more powerful microsoft started throwing up death throws about dx12 secret sauce, esram and cloud computing to which none of them saved the xbox one against the ps4 it was simply hot air!
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Yeah question is was this something new and amusing or a needless buzzword?
Seems like you don't even know what you're talking about, who ever called apis like vulkan and directx12 "amusing" for you to ask if they really are such? It's technology, whether you know how it works or not, it's there, it's how shit works and developers develop, request and adopt them because they suit their needs, not because they amuse people. Of course they release technical specs of this or that hardware, that the enthusiast press reports it doesn't mean it's there to amuse or be buzz words. Just ignore it if you don't know what it is, it doesn't affect you just as not knowing what makes your car run doesn't affect you as long as you know how to operate it and what gas to ask for. But no you have to make a thread to tell people you don't know what it is and don't care and on top question its existence, lol?
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They.. no they didnt talk about dx12, microsoft did. Not Sony

Sounds like you dont have much of a knowledge (not an insult), these things kind of need one to have deep interest in tech to know which is just marketing talk and which isnt
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Seems like you don't even know what you're talking about, who ever called apis like vulkan and directx12 "amusing" of all things? It's technology, whether you know how it works or not, it's there, and developers adopt them because they suit their needs, not because they amuse people who don't know what they are. Of course they release technical specs of this or that hardware, that the enthusiast press reports it doesn't mean it's there to amuse or be buzz words. Just ignore it if you don't know what it is, it doesn't affect you. But no you have to make a thread to tell people you don't know what it is and don't care, lol?
I know what a fucking api is, my qyestion is if those apis really bring that much of a difference or not? Simple
I know what a fucking api is, my qyestion is if those apis really bring that much of a difference or not? Simple

Yeah they can. You can read an overview of what DX12 brings here:

All of it's true (that's from a developer overview). But developing a DX12 version of a game takes time and resources that may be better spent elsewhere, and if you're going to have a DX11 path anyway you won't even be able to take full advantage of DX12.

On Xbox, with its limited single threaded CPU performance, DX12 is probably very useful. It's probably one of the reasons games like Forza Horizon and Gears 5 run so well. Those games require DX12 - they aren't simply DX12 wrappers for a DX11 games (or very limited hybrid implementations), where Nvidia optimised DX11 drivers may be faster.

For instance when current gen consoles where revealed and ps4 looked to be more powerful microsoft started throwing up death throws about dx12 secret sauce, esram and cloud computing to which none of them saved the xbox one against the ps4 it was simply hot air!

None of it's hot air, it was just presented by marketing people in a way that didn't represent what the actual technologies were or offered.
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I am a virgin
Are this techniques really new or are they just used by console manufacturers as console bait, i mean more than half the games out there still use dx11 and developers still persist in using it and still get good performance with it

And about vrs is this really groundbreaking or was it used proprietary with different developers and custom Api's cause i dont find vrs or any tech they mentioned to be that much amusing other than some bold words they use to promote xboxsex and next gen consoles.

They said the same thing about dx12 showed alot of demos this gen but nothing amusing about it up until now and i feel microsoft is cheatibg again about all this mambo jambo and also being secretive on exact performance numbers, ram and teraflops on the new xbox all they do is push arpund buzzwords like "rdna2.0 pound for pound better than gcn" no load times" 8* and 2* performance of the last consoles! To me this is just proper standard crap! N i find it hard to believe their claims.
Those aren't really buzzwords as they are technology; granted they may just be branded names for whatever general tech they're applying, but uh, those are technologies not really buzzwords...

I'd say you can consider a lot of that buzzwords in the sense that the general populace has no idea what they do/mean, and just sound like fancy techno-jargon to sell products

I mean, how can you have a game running on DX11?! DX12 is 1 better! Fucking Microsoft I swear


You know, even soap can be shit of you rub it in your eye. But rub it on your balls in the right way and magic happens.

True story.

In other words, these things are not made for “teh lulz”, they have a reason. But if you use them wrong.........
Well stop rubbing your eyes after rubbing one out in the shower.

All those things you posted are not new and have been around for a good while. RDNA ? Not sure what Recombinant DNA is.
Yeah they can. You can read an overview of what DX12 brings here:

All of it's true (that's from a developer overview). But developing a DX12 version of a game takes time and resources that may be better spent elsewhere, and if you're going to have a DX11 path anyway you won't even be able to take full advantage of DX12.

On Xbox, with its limited single threaded CPU performance, DX12 is probably very useful. It's probably one of the reasons games like Forza Horizon and Gears 5 run so well. Those games require DX12 - they aren't simply DX12 wrappers for a DX11 games (or very limited hybrid implementations), where Nvidia optimised DX11 drivers may be faster.

None of it's hot air, it was just presented by marketing people in a way that didn't represent what the actual technologies were or offered.
im not saying dx12 doesnt bring some new techniques or whatsoever the question again is dx12 really a new thing and if its that much fifferent why do studios keep using dx11 and sony didnt even talk much about its apis and games still run the same if not better on ps4, seems like dx12 isnt offering anything new under the sun, fhis is the same as unreal 4 being out there but still alot of devs use proprietary unreal 3 like in batman arkham knight which looks phenomenal like any top game out there or mortal kombat x, i say they are buzzwords because they keep throwing them around to hide from the real questions avout their products!


im not saying dx12 doesnt bring some new techniques or whatsoever the question again is dx12 really a new thing and if its that much fifferent why do studios keep using dx11 and sony didnt even talk much about its apis and games still run the same if not better on ps4, seems like dx12 isnt offering anything new under the sun, fhis is the same as unreal 4 being out there but still alot of devs use proprietary unreal 3 like in batman arkham knight which looks phenomenal like any top game out there or mortal kombat x, i say they are buzzwords because they keep throwing them around to hide from the real questions avout their products!

No one sane was expecting dx12 to close the gap between the xbox one and the ps4 (the standard models), not MS or developers. Especially considering sony had their own low level apis and more powerful hardware. And what real questions are they "hiding" from? Also, you can't compare this to game engines like unreal. Rocksteady HEAVILY modified UE3, as did NeatherRealm to suit their needs. You can't do that with graphic APIs.
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There is no buzzword in the OP.

Vulka = Low level graphic API
DX12 = Low level DirectX API (graphic, sound, input, etc)
Variable Rate Shading = A graphic render teach introduced by nVidia with Turing GPU Architecture where it use full shader power to detailed parts of the scene and less shader power for non-detailed parts of the scene.
RDNA = Most recent AMD GPU Architecture focused in gaming
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im not saying dx12 doesnt bring some new techniques or whatsoever the question again is dx12 really a new thing and if its that much fifferent why do studios keep using dx11 and sony didnt even talk much about its apis and games still run the same if not better on ps4, seems like dx12 isnt offering anything new under the sun, fhis is the same as unreal 4 being out there but still alot of devs use proprietary unreal 3 like in batman arkham knight which looks phenomenal like any top game out there or mortal kombat x, i say they are buzzwords because they keep throwing them around to hide from the real questions avout their products!

DX12, and Vulcan, offered a new and lower level approach to graphics APIs on the PC. It's definitely an interesting topic for the PC, and being usable across both PC and Xbox helped spread its adoption. It certainly can bring big advantages in terms of CPU and GPU utilisation.

DX11 has the advantage of working natively with Windows 7, which is still huge, while DX12 does not (a limited availability DX11 wrapper for DX12 is now available but its end performance can suffer). DX11 is also easier to use, has a huge legacy behind it, and has the advantage of "free" optimisation work from graphics card vendors - particularly Nvidia.

If you have the resources and the talent DX12 is going to get you more, particularly from the CPU (MS implemented some kind of integration for DX12 in the X1X GPU command processor, presumably to further lower CPU overhead). If your time and money are better spent elsewhere then continuing with DX11 may be your best bet.

I don't know about Sony's APIs, but they're supposed to have both high and low level graphics APIs too. I don't know how comparable they are, but I would expect they are at least somewhat.

PS4 has the advantage over the X1/S of having a faster GPU, and no major bandwidth wall after the 32MB of (admittedly very fast) esram. I strongly suspect that most X1 performance problems will be attributable to the GPU's performance and the troublesome split memory arrangement.
DX12, and Vulcan, offered a new and lower level approach to graphics APIs on the PC. It's definitely an interesting topic for the PC, and being usable across both PC and Xbox helped spread its adoption. It certainly can bring big advantages in terms of CPU and GPU utilisation.

DX11 has the advantage of working natively with Windows 7, which is still huge, while DX12 does not (a limited availability DX11 wrapper for DX12 is now available but its end performance can suffer). DX11 is also easier to use, has a huge legacy behind it, and has the advantage of "free" optimisation work from graphics card vendors - particularly Nvidia.

If you have the resources and the talent DX12 is going to get you more, particularly from the CPU (MS implemented some kind of integration for DX12 in the X1X GPU command processor, presumably to further lower CPU overhead). If your time and money are better spent elsewhere then continuing with DX11 may be your best bet.

I don't know about Sony's APIs, but they're supposed to have both high and low level graphics APIs too. I don't know how comparable they are, but I would expect they are at least somewhat.

PS4 has the advantage over the X1/S of having a faster GPU, and no major bandwidth wall after the 32MB of (admittedly very fast) esram. I strongly suspect that most X1 performance problems will be attributable to the GPU's performance and the troublesome split memory arrangement.
Consoles have always been lowlevel ever since they existed saying xbox one is capable of dx 12 and dx 12 is low level is simply a buzz word! Maybe to pc its new but not to consoles!
DX12 has certainly been a big disappointment on PC. I'm not sure there is a single game where it makes a meaningful difference. And I'm not sure why almost no developers can handle it.

If you're judging DX12 by how it runs DX11 games, it's always going to have one hand tied behind it's back. You have to completely ditch DX11 to have a chance of showing the full benefit available from DX12.

Consoles have always been lowlevel ever since they existed saying xbox one is capable of dx 12 and dx 12 is low level is simply a buzz word! Maybe to pc its new but not to consoles!

So much wrong with this sentence. PC's used to need code written to various bits of sound and graphics hardware, and there have been consoles with relative high levels of hardware abstraction (N64, GC, PS1 early on).

DX12 is lower level than DX11, and it's lower level than the X1 API that came before it. DX12 isn't a buzzword, it's the name of an API.

You seem to be looking for reassurance that you don't need to understand these things, and when you don't get it, just reject clarifications based on the claim that there's nothing to understand.

What was the point in this thread? It wasn't to learn anything. It wasn't to try and discuss how technology with a real purpose can be co-opted into marketing. It seems to be just to re-assert your ungrounded opinion again and again in the face of people who've taken time to explains things to you.
If you're judging DX12 by how it runs DX11 games, it's always going to have one hand tied behind it's back. You have to completely ditch DX11 to have a chance of showing the full benefit available from DX12.

So much wrong with this sentence. PC's used to need code written to various bits of sound and graphics hardware, and there have been consoles with relative high levels of hardware abstraction (N64, GC, PS1 early on).

DX12 is lower level than DX11, and it's lower level than the X1 API that came before it. DX12 isn't a buzzword, it's the name of an API.

You seem to be looking for reassurance that you don't need to understand these things, and when you don't get it, just reject clarifications based on the claim that there's nothing to understand.

What was the point in this thread? It wasn't to learn anything. It wasn't to try and discuss how technology with a real purpose can be co-opted into marketing. It seems to be just to re-assert your ungrounded opinion again and again in the face of people who've taken time to explains things to you.
If direct x 12 was so low level and so useful theyd be using it on pc but seems they prefer using dx11 more, my question wasnt whether dx12 is an api or not! Every ody knows it is an api question was whether its relevant and of auch importance that microsoft throwed it around when unveiling the xbox one or did they use it as an escape of how badly engineered the xbone was? And now as a new gen is approaching ms still dont talk about real numers as in teraflops ram capacity bandwidth and so forth theyve started the buzzword talk about vrs, load times and latency....

And the reason i said consoles have always been low level is because i had a ps2 and no computer with similar specs could beat it performance wise and same goes for the xbox 360 that i had and same goes to the ps4 that i own now, they make consoles to be as low level as they can its always the case otherwise it wouldnt be a game console!
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I think what OP is missing is that all technologies goes through maturity levels.
As they get adopted people stop talking about it entirely.

The buzz word of today are sometimes the day to day of tomorrow.
All the new consoles and things like that have still to be adopted by the developer and in and out of themselves don't improve anything.

It is up to the Engine developers like Epic or Unity do support it, or if on a proprietary engine up to the engine team.
Even when it is supported, the pipeline are different enough that you need to adapt the entire way you make games.

It usually happens during the switch of the consoles generation as an excuse for the Devs over the Producers to finally introduce the new stuff.
The PC ecosystem is usually where all that stuff get tested before making its way to console.

So you are kind of right to ignore all the industry term as they mean nothing onto themselves.
As other have said in this Thread, it is all up to the Devs anyways to actually get something out of it.

The only stats that really make difference are raw horsepower and other hardware related field.
As you can't make them out of thin air when the console ship ^^


If direct x 12 was so low level and so useful theyd be using it on pc but seems they prefer using dx11 more, my question wasnt whether dx12 is an api or not! Every ody knows it is an api question was whether its relevant and of auch importance that microsoft throwed it around when unveiling the xbox one or did they use it as an escape of how badly engineered the xbone was? And now as a new gen is approaching ms still dont talk about real numers as in teraflops ram capacity bandwidth and so forth theyve started the buzzword talk about vrs, load times and latency....

The short answer is that a lot of developers are still using DX11 because they are highly familiar with it and feel it provides enough performance for what they have in mind.

The thing about low level APIs like Vulkan or DX12 (or Apple's Metal) is that they don't automatically provide better performance - they just give the developer a great deal more control, and it's up to the developer to decide how to use it. Using these APIs in a naive way will likely result in worse performance rather than better because you just end up replacing highly optimized driver code with your own ... likely less highly optimized ... code.

As a result, you are much more likely to be able to extract the potential performance gain from these APIs using a graphics engine that was designed from the ground up to use them rather than trying to apply it to an existing engine.

As for why MS made a point of mentioning DX12, it's simply that the lack of a low-level API like that was increasingly being seen as a weakness in Direct X, and MS have obvious commercial interest in discouraging people from switching their support to a platform agnostic API like Vulkan.


Are this techniques really new or are they just used by console manufacturers as console bait, i mean more than half the games out there still use dx11 and developers still persist in using it and still get good performance with it

And about vrs is this really groundbreaking or was it used proprietary with different developers and custom Api's cause i dont find vrs or any tech they mentioned to be that much amusing other than some bold words they use to promote xboxsex and next gen consoles.

They said the same thing about dx12 showed alot of demos this gen but nothing amusing about it up until now and i feel microsoft is cheatibg again about all this mambo jambo and also being secretive on exact performance numbers, ram and teraflops on the new xbox all they do is push arpund buzzwords like "rdna2.0 pound for pound better than gcn" no load times" 8* and 2* performance of the last consoles! To me this is just proper standard crap! N i find it hard to believe their claims.

Discuss this in the Graphics Thread. This is a perfect case for that thread. I'll answer it there.
The short answer is that a lot of developers are still using DX11 because they are highly familiar with it and feel it provides enough performance for what they have in mind.

The thing about low level APIs like Vulkan or DX12 (or Apple's Metal) is that they don't automatically provide better performance - they just give the developer a great deal more control, and it's up to the developer to decide how to use it. Using these APIs in a naive way will likely result in worse performance rather than better because you just end up replacing highly optimized driver code with your own ... likely less highly optimized ... code.

As a result, you are much more likely to be able to extract the potential performance gain from these APIs using a graphics engine that was designed from the ground up to use them rather than trying to apply it to an existing engine.

As for why MS made a point of mentioning DX12, it's simply that the lack of a low-level API like that was increasingly being seen as a weakness in Direct X, and MS have obvious commercial interest in discouraging people from switching their support to a platform agnostic API like Vulkan.
so since developers dont utilise them as much then they are buzzwords and especially when they dont bring any or little change vs the competition! Because as a consumer ill buy a dx12 product only if it had improvement over vulkan, dx 11 or a playstations counterpart if not then fuck it!


They are not buzzwords, they are naming conventions for graphical features...….DX12 and Vulkan and graphics api's, VRS is a special rendering technique that offloads GPU cycles not immediately visible to the user and focuses on areas most visible, basically smart rendering. RDNA is simply the name of AMD's GPU architecture which is advanced from Graphics Core Next......These are not buzzwords......

Buzzwords are; Game Changer, Most powerful console, Power of the cloud, True 4k, Uncompressed Pixels.....etc etc...
I think what OP is missing is that all technologies goes through maturity levels.
As they get adopted people stop talking about it entirely.

The buzz word of today are sometimes the day to day of tomorrow.
All the new consoles and things like that have still to be adopted by the developer and in and out of themselves don't improve anything.

It is up to the Engine developers like Epic or Unity do support it, or if on a proprietary engine up to the engine team.
Even when it is supported, the pipeline are different enough that you need to adapt the entire way you make games.

It usually happens during the switch of the consoles generation as an excuse for the Devs over the Producers to finally introduce the new stuff.
The PC ecosystem is usually where all that stuff get tested before making its way to console.

So you are kind of right to ignore all the industry term as they mean nothing onto themselves.
As other have said in this Thread, it is all up to the Devs anyways to actually get something out of it.

The only stats that really make difference are raw horsepower and other hardware related field.
As you can't make them out of thin air when the console ship ^^
As a consumer its not my business to know how hard it is to utilise the tech my concern is if it works and if its better than the competition and if companies dont use it or if they use it and shows no difference then fuck them, thats what i mean! Saying a console does blast processing n games look shite is bogus!
They are not buzzwords, they are naming conventions for graphical features...….DX12 and Vulkan and graphics api's, VRS is a special rendering technique that offloads GPU cycles not immediately visible to the user and focuses on areas most visible, basically smart rendering. RDNA is simply the name of AMD's GPU architecture which is advanced from Graphics Core Next......These are not buzzwords......

Buzzwords are; Game Changer, Most powerful console, Power of the cloud, True 4k, Uncompressed Pixels.....etc etc...
Talking about apis and techniques that already exist with the competition is misdirection and buzzwords! Do u really think vrs isnt available on ps5 or dx 12 is more low level than the ps5 api's, they simply brought the dx12 discussion after they found out the xbox one was less powerful than the ps4 and they still lost np dx12 could save them and this time around ms just added more buzzwords!
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