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In an early poll, Obama destroying Alan Keyes...

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Wow, even I never imagined a 41-point lead at this point.


Obama: 65%

Other/undecided: 12%

Keyes: 24%

Source: Chicago Tribune poll of 700 Illinois likely voters conducted Aug. 13-16. Margin of error is 4 percentage points. Total exceeds 100 due to rounding.

Even voters who described themselves as fairly conservative preferred Obama to Keyes by a margin of 49 percent to 40 percent.

The poll suggests that Keyes' candidacy could hurt other Republicans in local and legislative races. Nearly three in ten voters said they were less likely to back GOP candidates because of the way party leaders went about settling on Keyes as their candidate, though 59 percent said it would make no difference.

This shows that simply running a black candidate out there does not guarantee support.

Ninety-six percent of black voters said they backed the election of Obama and 90 percent said they held a favorable opinion of the Democrat. By contrast, only 3 percent of black voters said they viewed Keyes favorably, while 65 percent did not view him favorably.

Despite the controversy that led Ryan to drop off the ballot, black voters still had a far higher opinion of him than Keyes, with 25 percent saying they viewed the former GOP candidate favorably.

With this and the huge exclusive debunking the Rove swift-boaters on the front page, the former pinnacle of midwest newspaper conservatism may be turning a bit...


First tragedy, then farce.
I had a feeling it would be about this big of a lead.. I also have a feeling its going to grow.


Ofcourse Obama is going to have a massive lead. Keyes sounds like a supervillan when he speaks.


I'm pretty shocked at how big the lead is. It seems like everything Keyes has done has been pretty good. I'm suprised people care so much about the fact that Keyes is an out of state candidate.


NLB2 said:
I'm suprised people care so much about the fact that Keyes is an out of state candidate.
Yeah, that's the main reason he's losing. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's a far-right nut who's hopelessly out of touch with Illinois voters.


The truth is, Keyes has run for various offices - and lost every time, probably because of his far-right views. The only real suprise here is that he managed to get 24% support, despite his views and his hypocrisy in entering the race.


This isn't too surprising since the republicans brought a guy from another state to challenge Obama because they couldn't find any other black guy. Freaking pathetic...


FoneBone said:
Yeah, that's[Keyes is out of state] the main reason he's losing. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's a far-right nut who's hopelessly out of touch with Illinois voters.
Cloudy said:
This isn't too surprising since the republicans brought a guy from another state to challenge Obama because they couldn't find any other black guy. Freaking pathetic...


Barrack Obama will whip Alan Keyes like a retarded mule on election day. And then Keyes will have to make a speech conceeding that he was a ringer, he is a failure and all-around Loser Forsaken By God. I am looking forward to that, if nothing else, on election day.


Small balls, big fun!
I am deeply troubled by this. As a citizen of the state of Maryland, I should not have to share my right to vote against Alan Keyes in senate races.
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