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Is destiny 2 worth getting into as a single player game?


i play almost exclusively solo. have since d2 first came out in 2017, and have over 4000 hours in. Some things in end game you'll have to find LFG support for, but the end game community is super friendly to solo players. id say 95%+ of content is completely solo friendly. you may need to watch a few recap vids to catch up with the story so far, but the game is pretty good about being a good entry point if you come in around a new expansion. things get drip fed a bit easier, but you may still be a bit lost as to the grander narrative without youtube.


King of Gaslighting
Nope. I mean you can, but DESTINY has never been SP focused. I heard they FINALLY put in raid LFG, but at the end of the day you'll have to jolly co-op to get your money's worth.


OP, I wouldn't listen to the haters. Destiny has a lot of them who know nothing about the game.

I will say this: it's a VERY fun game If you have time to get into it and also friends who're interested in playing it.

But just know that the story is not well told at this point (sunset campaign) and some of the characters can be annoying as fuck. Gameplay wise it is one of the funnest games I've ever played. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't experienced any of the raids or dungeons Destiny uniquely offers. There's nothing like those on the market right now.


No, the first game maybe, but definitely not the second game. 90% of the game is honestly 'fine' to play solo, because you can always rely on matchmaking but tbh most players are braindead and don't even know how to play, champions been in the game like 3 years now, and people still don't seem to know how to break shields or stun them. But the meat of the game is the end game content, that doesn't have matchmaking. And the game is NOT friendly to new players at all, it lacks meaningful direction for new players, and is an awful experience. I guess that's why most players don't know how to play the game? Because bungie doesn't have a good system to guide players through content and teach them basic mechanics. They all seem to end up lost and unsure of how to play the game or even know what to go and do.


Yes you should. Its free to atleast try, so do just that imo. Most content you can play on your own, alot has matchmaking and is not really hard if you read the descriptions.

Amazingly fun game, probably in the top 10 of all time.
I bought Destiny 1 & 2 because the artwork and atmosphere appealed to me like nothing else (still does, frankly). Unfortunately, I have given up on this turd. Destiny 2 was a massive disappointment upon release and it hasn’t got much better. The characters have the charisma of a spunk-filled sock, the “story” is risible, most of the expansions barely expand anything, Bungie is milking the community for all its gullible worth and pointless grinding is the primary form of gameplay. Bungie had it’s 30th anniversary in 2021 and in “celebration” they wanted people to pay them money for a nostalgia weapon/armour pack. You couldn’t make it up. Thing is, the stellar gunplay is still there, the incredible environments and skyboxes, the raids can be super fun and a real adventure. Everything else is just tiresome.


Moderated wildly
I completed destiny 2 campaign but didn't do anything else. Tempted to get into it to give the new stuff a go.


Straight up no, the gameplay now is considerably better than how it launched but there is no original campaign anymore, theres no way to experience any prior seasonal stories either which combined make up a substantial amount of story. But the biggest nail in the coffin is the best content is exclusively multiplayer.
Honestly the game requires a significant commitment to keep up with, maybe one day when Destiny 3 is on the horizon they’ll release a optional 500gb ‘definitive’ version that includes absolutely everything, balance be damned but I doubt it lol.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I bought Destiny 1 & 2 because the artwork and atmosphere appealed to me like nothing else (still does, frankly). Unfortunately, I have given up on this turd. Destiny 2 was a massive disappointment upon release and it hasn’t got much better. The characters have the charisma of a spunk-filled sock, the “story” is risible, most of the expansions barely expand anything, Bungie is milking the community for all its gullible worth and pointless grinding is the primary form of gameplay. Bungie had it’s 30th anniversary in 2021 and in “celebration” they wanted people to pay them money for a nostalgia weapon/armour pack. You couldn’t make it up. Thing is, the stellar gunplay is still there, the incredible environments and skyboxes, the raids can be super fun and a real adventure. Everything else is just tiresome.

Sad thing is, I really enjoyed Destiny 2 at launch. Thought it was everything that was missing from the original release. A quality story, not hidden via cards. Strong dungeon design, a quality raid, good story and music with some fun/exciting missions. It had its issues, such as the MTX greed, but they were minor in the grand scheme of things. The first expansion came out and it was also really damn good!

Then they said "Hey, fuck you! We are going to take away the shit you purchased so we can sell it back to you at a later date. Later, nerds!"

And mindless cretins cheered it on and lapped up while bungie butt fucked them and continues to do so to this day.
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As someone with 2k hours in the game, no. The story is so convoluted and fragmented that a lot of things simply won't make sense. Also you can't just simply play the campaign, you're gonna have to do a lot of bs as you progress along.

I actually tapped out before Lightfall and glad I did cause it looks like its downhill from here.


Junior Member
What was the reasoning behind deleting the original campaigns? Was it ever explained?
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As an avid Destiny player who enjoys the game.....

It's a good laugh with friends but the game is a complete mess.
The latest DLC isn't exactly something i could recommended either.

Having said that. The base game is free so give it a whirl.
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Sad thing is, I really enjoyed Destiny 2 at launch. Thought it was everything that was missing from the original release. A quality story, not hidden via cards. Strong dungeon design, a quality raid, good story and music with some fun/exciting missions. It had its issues, such as the MTX greed, but they were minor in the grand scheme of things. The first expansion came out and it was also really damn good!

Then they said "Hey, fuck you! We are going to take away the shit you purchased so we can sell it back to you at a later date. Later, nerds!"

And mindless cretins cheered it on and lapped up while bungie butt fucked them and continues to do so to this day.
TBF I don't recall anybody cheering it.
I remember lots of "wtf are you actually doing bungie!?"

I get why they did it.
But I don't think you will find many who agree on how they did it.

Haavent seen that meme a million times. You're so funny my guy.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
TBF I don't recall anybody cheering it.
I remember lots of "wtf are you actually doing bungie!?"

I get why they did it.
But I don't think you will find many who agree on how they did it.

There were quite a few cheering it and we have fanboys in here mocking people who bring it up.


What was the reasoning behind deleting the original campaigns? Was it ever explained?
It was absurdly bloated and the game was borderline unmanageable.

They sunset campaigns, weapons and destinations.

Destiny is an odd game. It’s like it’s fighting against itself most of the time.


What's the reasoning behind deleting old campaigns? New gameplay changes no longer compatible with old level design or something?
Their excuse is game filesize got too big

Either that or because they left Activision and decided to rewrite the story because they have full creative freedom over Destiny now

There's a theory going around the game's community that those first 3 campaigns were removed because they were made under Activision's control and aren't relevant to the current "Light and Dark" saga, and that the current game is what Bungie would have made if they weren't pressed by Activision to make an entirely new Destiny game every few years

Kinda odd because the game still references events from those 3 campaigns and even the first game every now and then, and if you're a new player who never had the chance to play those campaigns or the first game you'll probably have no idea what it is trying to tell you whenever that happens
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The campaigns that are left are basically Destiny 3 which will conclude next expansion. If you get them all cheap on sale it's definitely worth it for single player.


Never played any of the destiny games and was wondering if they are worth getting into? Had a quick glance and there seems to be a shit load of pricey expansions i know its some weird fps mmo kinda game but none of my friends want to play the game so was wondering if its decent to solo or better playing with randoms? Also are the expansions worth getting if i end up liking the game? Because ive seen alot of conflicting things about the game from fans and such
Make new friends. TONS of Destiny clans and gaming groups to join. I used to be a hardcore Destiny and Destiny 2 player (keep thinking about jumping back in) and I played about 40% solo and around 60% with others. All the story mode stuff can be done solo.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The ones who shill for Bungie full time and defend everything they do are really bad, but the people who talk out of their ass and haven't played enough of the game to know what they're talking about while blindly hating on it are the worst.

No, the former is far worse. The latter you can find plenty of reasons to criticize and shit on the game without ever playing it. Mindless fanboys on the other hand? Jokes.
I don't really get what your post has to do with what he said?

Wow is soon 20 years old and besides some limited time event then you can do like 99 percent of any content released throughout the years.

The same with warframe. Literally all content is free and you can play 99 percent of all released content.

Shitting on every online games because they are a few turds is like saying all single player games are shit because there's a bunch of mediocre single player games.

Fuck, I got the bait didn't I?

Haven't played WoW since Litch King but I thought they nuked the original map and quests when Cataclysm came out. No?


Gold Member
Considering they remove the content I don’t see much value in it as a singleplayer experience. I’d skip it.
It's a free to play game. I also think they're giving the last expansion away on PS+ right now. Just download and play it. The gunplay and moment to moment experiences are great. If you like the feeling of barely beating a boss and getting showered in loot it's the game for you.

I personally play it from time to time until I don't. I've spent on the expansion packs over the years and some seasonal content and never felt like I wasted my money.

There's almost no risk to checking it out.
What will I get if I play without paying? Will try the game on my Xbox.


Gold Member
What will I get if I play without paying? Will try the game on my Xbox.
I think you now just get the new light quests, some dares of eternity gameshow like activities, and playlists for PvE, PvP, and gambit which is PvPvE. Basically an unlimited taste of the game which is probably enough to get started.

There's a collection you can find that I think gives you everything up to beyond light. That will give you two expansions but you'll probably have to get a key from somewhere. Then you can buy the other expansions if you feel it is worth it.


Gold Member
Nope. You can’t even see the game’s really cool stuff without a group of decent players to assist you.

Bungie fucking sucks.
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Man.....No. Bungie dont respect players time. I been playing since D1 and honestly wish I never invested so much time and money into it. the last time I played destiny was a few weeks ago when I wanted to farm umbral engrams to craft specifi weapons....after three seasonal activities ...it didnt give me shit...not even enough umbral energy to do shit...... Sat their and thought.... "this is the way it alwasy is with this game....ive had enough...im not going to go on bungies forum and have a rant...I will quietly wind down and minimise my playtime to the story stuff...to hell with the crucible, trails of osiris...playing the same damn strikes over and over, year in year out...for guns and gear you didnt even want, because it rarely gives you what you are going after until you have wasted a silly amount of time doing the same things over and over.....

Its a beautifully crafted world and intresting story..the gunplay feels great. the abilities are cool..... but the game?.....the underlying game?.thats not a fun game under there at all....starts of fun.....but sooner or later after you have spent enough time and money you will wish you had not.

taking a long break from destiny after I finish with lightfall. I would simply rather play a game that treats my time as valuable as I do. Maybe I simply love that sense of gratification and reward ina game, and destiny does not offer that up enough, as a single player experience. and forget about the dungeons or raids on your own.

choose another game. There is definetly better out there.


Gold Member
I have no idea where I'm up to. The last expansion I bought was Osiris. Downloaded Destiny 2 Free from Xbox.

Booted up and logged in, everything was boosted to 1600 and I played through a campaign level where I rescued Osiris. Whereabouts am I and what do I own lol
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What's the reasoning behind deleting old campaigns? New gameplay changes no longer compatible with old level design or something?
The 'campaigns' are kind of these PvE multiplayer affairs. I suspect they didn't want to stretch their playerbase too thin.
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Lex Tenebris

Neo Member
short answer: no, skip it and save your precious time for something else
long answer: yes, if you are ok to miss a lot of old contents, but you can still be on par with the story with the help of some good recap you can watch or read online. also there is so much to do now, it will take a LOOOOOT of time until you get bored, but is also time consuming to get to endgame contents. obviously the better experience is with friends, but i almost always play solo, i play with my clan just for the high difficulty activities (gm nightfall, raid)


Gold Member
Starting now as a solo player would give you access to hundreds of hours of content from story, strikes, gambit, pvp, seasonal activities & general world map activities; almost everything has mm now.

The only things you would miss out on would be high-end Endgame activites like raids & Grandmaster nightfalls.

Don't listen to this guy, he's in too deep and does not understand the new game experience as it is now with all the starting shit deleted, because he's never had to go through it. You can tell.

This depends on if you have MMO experience, but imagine if you got the end of an MMO in its first version and then left for 5 years, then come back 3 expansions later where entire areas and systems have been changed, with 50 icons for new quests pop up with huge info dumps and systems tutorials popping up as soon as you log in over and over to try and teach you new stuff you can no longer access. How unfun being told how to do something by text box rather than in gameplay is because the portion of the game that used to do that is now gone and you have hours of it to slog though.

THAT is the current destiny 2 new player experience. Also... your asking if a shared instance multiplayer game is good for single player? I mean the answer is obviously no... its designed specifically to drive you towards multiplayer so that you can see the shiny store items so that you also buy the shiny store items, that's the only reason the game exists.

But don't take my word for it, its free you can literally download it right now at no cost and make yourself miserable, so give it a shot.
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If he's starting today, why would he care? The reductive nature of Destiny comments is always amusing to read.

The fact of the matter is that the story content now is 100x better than anything released in the first 3 years.

So yes, Shut0wen Shut0wen .

Starting now as a solo player would give you access to hundreds of hours of content from story, strikes, gambit, pvp, seasonal activities & general world map activities; almost everything has mm now.

The only things you would miss out on would be high-end Endgame activites like raids & Grandmaster nightfalls.
lol people defending a game that literally deletes itself


No. The story now doesn't make any sense because they removed so much of it because they moved on. It is probably like starting with the third novel or film in series with a plot spanning six books/films.


Basically the whole original Destiny 2 story is gone and will never come back.
That whole plot with Garry Ghaul and the Red War is removed from the story, as are the Planets Mercury, Mars, Io and Titan.
The original Leviathan Raid with it's 2 Raid Wings is also in the so called "Destiny Content Vault", most likely never to return.
Also, with the release of every new Expansion, all previous Seasonal Content is shelved too...

So you didn't only miss a campaign, you missed 4 locations and 3 Years of Season content never to come back.

Doesn't this completely alienate new players?

Or maybe the audience Destiny is aimed at shouldn't really care much about anything other than the gameplay and the loot.


Doesn't this completely alienate new players?

Or maybe the audience Destiny is aimed at shouldn't really care much about anything other than the gameplay and the loot.

You would need to ask the new players if they will stick with the game and if so, why exactly, because I cannot tell you why.
I dropped out of the game with the release of WQ because I just couldn't justify paying the Game + Season Pass + Dungeon Pass even in the bundle anymore and to a point, yes, I was annoyed with all the removed content.
It was above what I was willing to spend on that game based on the fun I got out of it, but that is only my opinion and everyone has his own reason to play or skip this game.


Hell no. It would be like trying to jump into the Halo series but starting with part 5 because 1-4 and spin-offs were deleted from live service by the developer and the only way to catch up on the lore would be to watch a 4 hour long plot summary on youtube.

And Destiny has a very bloated lore so you will have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on if you jump in right now. Hell, I've played all the way through this series and I only missed out on the Forsaken expansion (which is not in the game anymore) and I still have trouble understanding it all beyond the surface level plot.

Honestly, it feels like Bungie has nothing but contempt for new players, and especially solo/story players, and they just prefer to milk the whales who habitually spend cash on mtx in this game.
Frustrating, but fun game. But no, it's not a good 'single player' campaign type experience. The challenging (and thus interesting) gameplay takes quite a while to actually build up to. If you're looking to drop 1,000 hours and get grinding... sure. Otherwise, the smarter play is not to play. And yeah you gotta buy a bunch of bullshit, and spend essentially $100/yr to keep up...


If he's starting today, why would he care? The reductive nature of Destiny comments is always amusing to read.

The fact of the matter is that the story content now is 100x better than anything released in the first 3 years.

So yes, Shut0wen Shut0wen .

Starting now as a solo player would give you access to hundreds of hours of content from story, strikes, gambit, pvp, seasonal activities & general world map activities; almost everything has mm now.

The only things you would miss out on would be high-end Endgame activites like raids & Grandmaster nightfalls.
I don't know man. As a solo player I can imagine he would at least like to know what the game is about or how the various mechanics work. And the current new player experience is horrible in that regard. I've had three friends start with Beyond Light and all of their answers were the same: ''What the hell is going on?''

They deleted the Red War campaign, which was an actual decent introduction to new players as well as a continuation of D1 story and replaced it with a bunch of incoherent fetch quests on a boring ice-ball of a location that are simply there for new players to get to know the new mechanics at an accelerated pace (and doesn't do a good job of doing so). It skips over literal years worth of characters, locations, story and just puts you at the end of it all with no context.

They deleted the Forsaken campaign + Reef, arguebly some of the better story missions and story development we've seen in the game.

You also still can't revisit older (10$) seasons unless you buy the deluxe version of that whole expansion. So if there's anything out there that he likes, tone or story-wise, he can't play it without dropping a substantial amount of cash.

That's not to say he won't enjoy it or miss what he doesn't know is gone. But new players are going to be left absolutely confused and overwhelmed by the missing story implications, paywalls and everchanging base mechanics of the game. I play more than a dozen hours every week and have been doing so since Lightfall and I still have not had the time to figure out the new mod system that is absolutely crucial to doing high level stuff. (all of which is going to be viable for a Solo player as well with the new fireteam tool.)


Finally someone who has the same opinion as I do.

I thought the first game was pretty sweet. I'm also in the minority because I liked Peter Dinklage as the Ghost.

But once Destiny 2 came out it looked pretty shitty. But by the time they apparently "fixed" it I hear that they deleted some cool planets from the first game. So I'll never play it.
I have exactly the same opinion as well (Dinklage Ghost was much better)


I enjoyed "Shadowkeep" for what it was, jumped ship when they started deleting the campaigns I paid for. The latest "Lightfall" campaign is being fucking ravaged on Steam reviews. I'm not sure what campaigns are included in the Free tier; maybe download and see? I certainly got a lot of play out of it, but as I said, losing content I paid for was the end for me. If you're just jumping in now, you'll avoid that problem entirely.
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I have exactly the same opinion as well (Dinklage Ghost was much better)
I love Nolan North but he added too much personality to the voice. The entire point of the ghost was that it was a monotone robot that was fluent in sarcasm, similar to TARS in Interstellar.

The jokes landed much better with Dinklage's voice. I actually found him funny.

When the added Nolan North it just felt like it was trying to be funny.


I booted it up out of curiosity, a while back.

But they've removed pretty much everything I owned and I'm not buying some expansions.

If you're hardcore into the game like many that have been playing it non stop, then maybe it's a non issue.

But to someone like me that wanted to check out some dlc I owned and have never played the dlc before as I dropped off the base game before the dlc came out.

It completely put me off.

I can't imagine it's a fun experience for a brand new player either.

I could be wrong though.
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think you need to buy witch queen and light fall to be up to date. you should have forsaken, shadowkeep, and beyond light for free now.
Nah, those aren't free. Beyond Light was included on PS+ for last month so if you added to your library then you got it as part of your sub but you still need to pay for those and you can probably find them on sale now.
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