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is Gaf really an enthusiast gaming forum?

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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
There are more than enough MS fanboys here for me to know that aint true.
I just gotta point out that I dont actually believe it.

But i do believe a good amount of poster are outta touch with reality and really dislike change.
Thus the heavy aversion to Gamepass, PS games on PC, pretty much anything that counts as a drastic change is generally disliked on GAF.
PS fanboys vs xbox Fanboys are like 20 to 1 so what you said checks out.


Gold Member
Of course it is - people seem to operate under this fallacy that unless you play obscure, or little heard about games then you can't be a 'game enthusiast', just like guitarists who only do covers aren't 'guitar players'. Its just another way to try and distance yourself away from the fact that you play a form of entertainment that a large subset of society think is for kids. Pure insecurity that has risen as we have had this rise of the cinematic game.


Gold Member
If we’re talking wishful thinking, it would be nice to have more of the OT style threads and less of the 3 or 4 IbizaPocholo clones that have popped up, and worse still the threads about rumours that barely warranted the Reddit posts they were stolen from let alone a thread here.

But there is the relative drought of games because the pandemic, so there’s that.

Shout out to everyone who will get this thread locked by ruining it with Era whining, you’re doing a great job.


Yes but it's HEAVILY biased towards Playstation and anti xbox and pc gaming.

People still use the comfy couch, hours installing drivers, viruses, and thousands of dollars spent to match a console arguments when talking about pc gaming like it's 1999.

Reset era has more traffic but you can get banned for the most stupid reasons. I for one got banned for saying ion fury was a great game.

Those commies can't separate the art from the artist. If one of their heroes MaoZedong or Joseph Stalin coded Superman 64 it would be held as the greatest game ever.

Here at least I can say that MK9 has better character and customers desing than 11 and not get banned.
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Linux User
It used to be an enthusiast gaming forum when it was filled with interesting LTTP threads and people actually talked about games.
Nowadays it's more of an armchair graphics engineer forum.
For every post discussing about the actual content of a game, there are 10 more about fps, resolution and so on.

You can go into the archives and see that even niche games like Ar nosurge and Steins Gate got discussion.
But maybe its not neogaf and traffic for forums in general have gone down.
Everyone wants a cozy, welcoming LTTP or OT for their favorite videogame.

No one wants to make it, though, and very few people even bother to use the search function to at least dig up an old OT or LTTP to share their thoughts.

Instead, we get threads (this one is just the most recent in a long line) asking why GAF isn't what you want it to be. The answer should be self-evident but... yeah.



You guys actually play video games??

Seriously tho, it simply is, otherwise people wouldn't come here, because who other than dedicated gamers would go online to talk about video games? The general crowd doesn't care that much, they play the games, enjoy them, and move on, maybe talk about them with their friends from time to time and that's all, but people like us, who go online on a daily basis to read rumors, leaks, info, reviews, make discussions and so on, we are in fact the very definition of enthusiasts, and this is the place for us to hang out.
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The nicest person on this forum
The biggest issue here is GAF is very much obsess about high tech graphics and most conversations here are about graphics and most AA games get pushed aside.

Liking good visuals one thing but most arguments and system wars here mostly about graphics.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
GAF is absolutely an enthusiast site. Era is a hate site that masquerades as a gaming site. The people crying about not enough threads they tickle their fancy over here should nut up and make those threads instead of crying that they don’t exist. It isn’t hard and you can’t complain that the threads “wouldn’t get enough traction” is you don’t attempt to foster discussion.

As an aside: the irony that the folks crying the most about console wars in this thread are some of the largest, most notable console warriors on the site.
GAF is enthusiast forum but it's also recovering from some disasters.

Forum congregation is more like developing a culture. Will take time and a nudge in right direction to take it where it should be.


Depends on your definition of “enthusiast” ... (and for some here.. their console/platform of choice significantly impact that definition...)


Gaf has become a hardcore casual site. We mainly talk about the biggest AAA or exclusives and that is pretty much it. Weird putting hardcore and casual together but you don't really have folks making threads about fortnite , madden, call of duty, lol, indies, and minecraft. pc gaming here is nearly a joke. Like their are tons of pc games getting released every month but no one mentions them. The most pc talk we get is playstation exclusive is coming to pc or emulation which are pretty much still console enthusiast stuff. Still weird how obsessive pc gamers get over the dozen games that don't legally come to their platform every year. Don't get me wrong I don't talk about pc gaming as well but that is because I don't really care or follow pc games. Personally for me I would just like more lttp but in the vein of supposed a new release with all of the info about the game presented in the ot.
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I'm not sure. I doubt people here could even agree what it is that makes someone a casual or hardcore gamer. I've had someone on this board tell me that people who play 6+ hours of Dota or CSGO a day for years on end (including actual pros who play for a living) are casual gamers because they only play one game.


I'm glad the politics section here is separated from off topic, cause the "politics" is cancer.

As for gaming forum, it's much better to participate here, but the number of participants is way too low compared to Era, even considering the crazy ban rate.

If only Gaf can somehow increase/attract more members...


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
The biggest issue here is GAF is very much obsess about high tech graphics and most conversations here are about graphics and most AA games get pushed aside.

Liking good visuals one thing but most arguments and system wars here mostly about graphics.
Agree, and I think it would be very cool to have a gaming section and a tech section.
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Both are enthusiast forums.

Era will just force you to walk on eggshells and ban you if you don't accept the opinions of young, stupid, naive weeaboos who think they have everything in life figured out.


I don't know if we are, really. We have threads where it's pretty obvious some posters are completely clueless about the hobby outside their tiny sphere of the newest FIFA or COD or Mario game. "Gaming" enthusiast implies a broader level of interest/involvement. We're still way ahead of the general public though.


Yes it is, but it's hard sometimes to discuss in here about, you know, games

I love how lowback moderation is around here, giving space for all sorts of opinions.

But there are some grown ass men with childish behavior that take advantage of this situation

Why should I bother to put effort making a thread analysing a game, or try to start an interesting discussion if the majority of the replies will be low effort, or people trying to be funny to earn some likes for attention?

It's funny: in that other forum, I rarely wanted to say something due to crazy moderators. But here, moderation is so relaxed that I find most discussions meaningless, with user going way off topic and etc.

And for a forum that complains so much about the other side talking about politics all the time, we sure do the same a lot. But by a different point of view.

Two sides of the same fucking coin, really
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Sure it is because 99.9% of gamers (people that play games on any device) don’t visit forums, they just play here and there and move on.

Recently, I’ve noticed this extreme obsession with technical aspects of games: resolutions, frame rates, variable shading, ray-tracing etc. It’s getting so tiresome to open up Gaf every day and see 50% of topics endlessly discussing these trivial things. And then Digital Foundry drops a bomb that everything looks better on CRT anyway 😂

I have to give big recommendation to Politics section. It just seems to keep track of all the important political things and trends happening in US, those kind of things mainstream media buries somewhere deep but are actually really big and significant in real life.


I don't know that I would describe anything about GAF as "enthusiastic." This place is definitely a gaming forum of a sort. I think we mostly like to complain, though.

Kidding aside (yeah, I was just kidding above), this is the place to come to if games bring your life happiness.
Everyone wants a cozy, welcoming LTTP or OT for their favorite videogame.

No one wants to make it, though, and very few people even bother to use the search function to at least dig up an old OT or LTTP to share their thoughts.

Instead, we get threads (this one is just the most recent in a long line) asking why GAF isn't what you want it to be. The answer should be self-evident but... yeah.
You already know all of what I'm going to say: one of the reasons is because participation rate is usually extremely low unless it involves drama.

There is only so much one can do before it looks like just one person is discussing the topic. If no one replies? Too bad, I don't want to have 10 comments in a row belonging to me, I'm not that nutty.

The other problem is a lot of the active members can't resist replying to troll posts, I've had to actively suppress that itch myself.

Someone says something dumb? A bunch of easy replies roll in, reactions are given out, dopamine fix obtained. Now off to find the next dumb statement to reply to.

And I said "active members", I'm quite certain there are a decent number of lurkers who don't post or reply much, either because they aren't compelled to, or because a lot of the dumb drama discourages them from participating to begin with. Or maybe they're just too busy enjoying their games :)

Old threads are contextual, in some cases I post there when it fits, I've seen one or two that I didn't post in get closed for necrobumping or it just gets pushed out of sight by the typical drama threads. Heck, if you post in an old thread and it gets noticed, oftentimes the first three replies will be variations or gifs of "Damn, that necro" (aka low effort replies).

As for this thread? It's just the result of the Off-Topic Resetera thread being closed and someone wanting to stir up easy drama.

I will say the recent update that would suggest related threads at the bottom is a great addition; it's how I came across your Vice Danmaku thread.

These are my 2 cents and I'm still using the great bit of wisdom you imparted back then: "Don't take it too seriously, it's just a forum". Cheers man.
The biggest issue here is GAF is very much obsess about high tech graphics and most conversations here are about graphics and most AA games get pushed aside.

Liking good visuals one thing but most arguments and system wars here mostly about graphics.
And it’s not even really about graphics since nobody would be able to tell the minor differences between the new consoles unless you pointed them out. It’s just a dick measuring contest at this point.
You already know all of what I'm going to say: one of the reasons is because participation rate is usually extremely low unless it involves drama.

There is only so much one can do before it looks like just one person is discussing the topic. If no one replies? Too bad, I don't want to have 10 comments in a row belonging to me, I'm not that nutty.

The other problem is a lot of the active members can't resist replying to troll posts, I've had to actively suppress that itch myself.

Someone says something dumb? A bunch of easy replies roll in, reactions are given out, dopamine fix obtained. Now off to find the next dumb statement to reply to.

And I said "active members", I'm quite certain there are a decent number of lurkers who don't post or reply much, either because they aren't compelled to, or because a lot of the dumb drama discourages them from participating to begin with. Or maybe they're just too busy enjoying their games :)

Old threads are contextual, in some cases I post there when it fits, I've seen one or two that I didn't post in get closed for necrobumping or it just gets pushed out of sight by the typical drama threads. Heck, if you post in an old thread and it gets noticed, oftentimes the first three replies will be variations or gifs of "Damn, that necro" (aka low effort replies).

As for this thread? It's just the result of the Off-Topic Resetera thread being closed and someone wanting to stir up easy drama.

I will say the recent update that would suggest related threads at the bottom is a great addition; it's how I came across your Vice Danmaku thread.

These are my 2 cents and I'm still using the great bit of wisdom you imparted back then: "Don't take it too seriously, it's just a forum". Cheers man.
My ongoing experiment is to see if written long-form conversation can exist on the modern internet, like it existed when i was a kid/teenager. Findings so far:

- blogs are the best place for someone who wishes to speak their own long-form opinions, but there's no quality filter and often you're shouting into the void. In the past, blogs would hyperlink to one another and form community circles to get around this issue, which has not been solved and (arguably) has only worsened

- social media like Facebook / Twitter / etc are not sufficient for meaningful longform conversation, partially because of the short length / attention span but also because the lack of anonymity means you will get fewer longform conversations when personal egos are visibly on the line.

- superforums like Reddit have some longform, but it is squelched by the upvoting, which means that groupthink will always slowly take over. Years ago, i was on reddit regularly like many IT employees and I hoped it could truly be the post-forum reality, but it is not.

- fully anonymous forums/boards like 4chan do not require you to put any skin in the game or ego on the line. A post made yesterday has no bearing on one made today, so you can easily skate between standpoints for the fun of it (trolling) instead of standing firmly behind your true beliefs.

- Discord is one long scrolling conversation, nearly impossible to go back to old conversations or look up info. Long-form is contrary to the nature and design of chatrooms.

- somewhat related: the ability to do podcasts means that someone can speak their mind without necessarily being able to write well, and if the opinion is entertaining enough, they'll gain attention.

That leaves forums, like GAF, as one of the few remaining avenues for written long form conversation. It's true, people derail threads with stupid bait and people fall for it, pulling the thread even further off course. Also a lot of people don't have something meaningful to say but want to feel smart, so they meander from thread to thread playing the part.

Even so, we have many examples here on GAF of users volunteering paragraphs to a thread, not because they got a ton of attention for it (usually just a few likes from the regulars in the thread) but because they're genuinely interested in the topic. Bitmap Frogs Bitmap Frogs mentioned it earlier, but this is one of the key strengths of the Community section and something I see there on a regular basis, but it's far less common in OT and Gaming because threads slide off the main page rather quickly.

Don't take this as a dismissal of your concerns, but instead as complete agreement.
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Gold Member
I could open some topics for some good indie games if you are okay with reading a shitty writed OT from a non-native english talker...

fart town usa

Gold Member
Considering I constantly fawn over the Wii U and Resident Evil 96, I would consider myself a gaming enthusiast. I read about new games more than I play them. Reset Era is just straight garbage. The worst elements of Gaf left and it's a better forum because of it. Those people were just gate keepers who loved stroking their ego. Good riddance.


Sadly I feel like Era actually has a little more focus on low profile and indie games, while it’s all about AAA titles here.

I don't visit Era often (once every few months?) but I remember that when I do, I see plenty of news I wouldn't see on GAF.

Recently I noticed r/pcgaming posts a lot of shit that I'm interested in.

Wouldn't mind finding some more subreddits that post news/patches/etc.

I visit GAF because I like posting here and feel like I can speak my mind.

We need less lazy people here to really make a difference hah. Myself included.
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I'd say spending some of your free time talking about videogames on a videogame forum makes you an "enthusiast".

Also... most of the people in this thread complaining about a lack of discussion of other topics and games don't seem to be going out of their way to start these discussions.
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